


  • Solandra
    Calories - under by 600 or so, still not feeling great
    Water - over
    Exercise - none

    Proud of - did our taxes last night, and things are going very well. I didn't remember to weigh this morning, rushed out the door and remembered when I was at work that I hadn't done so.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Awestfall -- congratulations on seeing the scale move in the right direction! I know the feeling -- I was a grinning fool standing on the scale this morning. :laugh:

    About your daughter -- can you invite her boyfriend over for dinner? I know it will be a horrible awkward scenario, but it may illuminate the situation for everyone involved.

    I broke up with a pretty great guy to date an older POS when I was her age. After that POS, I dated an even bigger (and older) POS. And then I just pretty much stopped dating and fell in love with one of my best guy friends for 5-6 years. I'm glad I never pursued him because as much as I still love him, he's a pretty big POS too, just in a different way. :laugh: Then I fell in love with my bf a year before we started dating. He's both a fantastic guy and a pos at the same time. :tongue: Maybe I'm not the person to talk to about this. :laugh:
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    tiger12gal: -.8 = .39%
    bluenote: -3 = .68%
    jlb123: -1.8 = .83%
    Coloradogirl -2 = .76%
    Cris20056 -5.6 = 2.35%
    Jess41684 .8=.35%
    Meokk -1.8 = 0.87%
    hajohnson24 -.20 = .10%
    snowflakes -2.2 = .98%
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Even after my bad eating habits last night and no exercise yesterday I lost .4 pounds.I was so excited to see that scale move in the opposite direction that I didn't carethat it was only .4.I am going to use my Wii today and I am so excited to get a good workout from it.Wish me luck and I can't wait to start losing big like the rest of you have been.I know I will get there!!So last week I weighed in at 235.8 and this morning 235.4.
    Ok I need to vent a bit and I need some advice.My 15 year old daughter is dating a horrible guy.He curses at her, he never takes her anywhere and to me he is just a BIG LOSER!!! She has broke up with him several times just to crawl right back to him.Just to give you gals some background she is not my real daughter (in my heart she is) but she is really my step-daughter and her real mother has had a handful of bad relationships after her marriage failed with Samantha's Dad which is now my husband.Still with me right?Well to sum her real mother up she is scum and she searches for scum when it comes to men.Well to me I feel like Sammi has picked up on this and thats what she goes for now.She has had a few great guys one that I absolutely love because he was raised right by his parents that he should take care of the girl because he is the man.In fact his mother told me that her son never allows for a girl to pay for there own dinner,movie whatever he pays.I think it should be this way but I am old fashion I guess!! Well Sam dumped him because she said she felt weird him wanting to pay for stuff for her.Well this loser she is with now doesn't pay for anything in fact the last time they went to the movies was with my sister -in-law and she had to pay for my daughters movie ticket because her boyfriend wouldn't.Everytime she has broken up with this guy he calls her a F****** B**** and tells her she is not worth it but yet he says he wants to mary her and he can't live without her.I think this is creepy and I have told her that too.Of course when I was her age I thought I was in love many times but never with someone like this.She tells him all the time she loves him but I don't see how she does.I am trying to understand and see that maybe its just a stage she is going through but I can't stand this guy.Her attitude changes everytime she takes him back.She goes from fun and loving girl I know she is to smart mouth and attitude all over the place.She says I can't blame her attitude on her boyfriend but thats when her attitude changes.I have tried a dozen of times to ask her why she would want to be with a jerk and she just doesn't get it.We are very close too but when she has him in her life I don't want to be around her which is sad because I have been in her life for the past 8 years now.I am stressing over it because I don't want to see her in a destructive relationship but how can I stop it.She will see him at school even if I don't allow her to go anywhere with him (and I don't unless its supervised with someone I approve).But he usually never asks her to do anything because he is a loser.I have tried to like him but I can't based on the things she has told me he has done to her.So long story short last night she gets mad at me because I tell her I am never going to like him because of the way he treats her.Well her reply was "You haven't even met him in person"I said" I don't want to based on what you have told me he has done to you and why would I like someone who mistreats my daughter"Her reply "Well I could careless whether you like him or not" Which to me translated MOM YOUR OPINION DOESN"T MATTER!! And then she tried to change what she said after she had already said it.It was too late then she hurt my feelings!!!What do I do?I am so stressed over this situation and I can't tell her not to see him because she will anyways.

    WOW! I'm not a mother so I'm not one to give advise on this subject. All I can say was when I was that age and my parents didn't like my boyfriends. Them telling me they didn't lik them and trying to keep us apart only made me want to do it even more just to spite my parents. I was in that rebellious stage and watned to do anything to irritate my parents. I luckily grew out of it. However, since that is how her mother is and that is what she sees she may be following along side that. If she sees you and your husband she will understand what a "real" relationship looks like. That's just my 2 cents on the subject. Good luck!
  • danielleca
    danielleca Posts: 36 Member
    tiger12gal: -.8 = .39%
    bluenote: -3 = .68%
    jlb123: -1.8 = .83%
    Coloradogirl -2 = .76%
    Cris20056 -5.6 = 2.35%
    Jess41684 .8=.35%
    Meokk -1.8 = 0.87%
    hajohnson24 -.20 = .10%
    snowflakes -2.2 = .98%
    danielleca-4.2= 1.68%
  • danielleca
    danielleca Posts: 36 Member
    woo hoo! I'm down 4.2 this week! I'm really working hard on eating super clean, so I'm excited to see such great results!

    For yesterday:
    Calories: 1529- on target!
    Water- 7 glasses
    Exercise- Intervals on the treadmill for 30 minutes
    Proud of: Finished Month 1 of Insanity! Lost a total of 10lbs and super scared about Month 2!
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Ugh you guys, I gained a pound since last week. Fail. Though I'm pretty sure its just water, my body fat analyser said I've lost 0.6% of my fat, but we'll see once the water goes away.

    I've noticed since I weigh every day that my weight fluxuates in a really distinct pattern...I'll crash down to an extremely low weight then bounce up again high, then come down and hover for a few days, then I'll have another crash, and the process starts all over again. Has anyone else noticed a similar pattern in their weight loss? If I see the number 246.6 on my scale again I think I'm going to go nuts! (I've weighed that for like, 5 days in a row)
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I wanted to stress the importance of keeping track of your measurements. As you all have heard time and time again, I've been struggling with a plateau for about 3 weeks now. Well, 2 weeks ago I took my measurements. I took them again last night & wrote them down without logging them. I just logged them and realized in the 2 weeks I lost (essentially) ZERO pounds, I lost an entire inch off my chest (bra band measurement), an entire inch off my waist, both at my smallest point and at my belly button, and half an inch off each thigh!

    And none off of my hips. My stupid butt! By staying the same, it's really starting to grow relative to my waist measurement! Who has a 34" waist and 47" hips? Oh yeah, I do. Ridiculous! Pretty soon, people aren't going to be able to think about anything but Sir Mix-a-lot when I walk by. :tongue:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Even after my bad eating habits last night and no exercise yesterday I lost .4 pounds.I was so excited to see that scale move in the opposite direction that I didn't carethat it was only .4.I am going to use my Wii today and I am so excited to get a good workout from it.Wish me luck and I can't wait to start losing big like the rest of you have been.I know I will get there!!So last week I weighed in at 235.8 and this morning 235.4.
    Ok I need to vent a bit and I need some advice.My 15 year old daughter is dating a horrible guy.He curses at her, he never takes her anywhere and to me he is just a BIG LOSER!!! She has broke up with him several times just to crawl right back to him.Just to give you gals some background she is not my real daughter (in my heart she is) but she is really my step-daughter and her real mother has had a handful of bad relationships after her marriage failed with Samantha's Dad which is now my husband.Still with me right?Well to sum her real mother up she is scum and she searches for scum when it comes to men.Well to me I feel like Sammi has picked up on this and thats what she goes for now.She has had a few great guys one that I absolutely love because he was raised right by his parents that he should take care of the girl because he is the man.In fact his mother told me that her son never allows for a girl to pay for there own dinner,movie whatever he pays.I think it should be this way but I am old fashion I guess!! Well Sam dumped him because she said she felt weird him wanting to pay for stuff for her.Well this loser she is with now doesn't pay for anything in fact the last time they went to the movies was with my sister -in-law and she had to pay for my daughters movie ticket because her boyfriend wouldn't.Everytime she has broken up with this guy he calls her a F****** B**** and tells her she is not worth it but yet he says he wants to mary her and he can't live without her.I think this is creepy and I have told her that too.Of course when I was her age I thought I was in love many times but never with someone like this.She tells him all the time she loves him but I don't see how she does.I am trying to understand and see that maybe its just a stage she is going through but I can't stand this guy.Her attitude changes everytime she takes him back.She goes from fun and loving girl I know she is to smart mouth and attitude all over the place.She says I can't blame her attitude on her boyfriend but thats when her attitude changes.I have tried a dozen of times to ask her why she would want to be with a jerk and she just doesn't get it.We are very close too but when she has him in her life I don't want to be around her which is sad because I have been in her life for the past 8 years now.I am stressing over it because I don't want to see her in a destructive relationship but how can I stop it.She will see him at school even if I don't allow her to go anywhere with him (and I don't unless its supervised with someone I approve).But he usually never asks her to do anything because he is a loser.I have tried to like him but I can't based on the things she has told me he has done to her.So long story short last night she gets mad at me because I tell her I am never going to like him because of the way he treats her.Well her reply was "You haven't even met him in person"I said" I don't want to based on what you have told me he has done to you and why would I like someone who mistreats my daughter"Her reply "Well I could careless whether you like him or not" Which to me translated MOM YOUR OPINION DOESN"T MATTER!! And then she tried to change what she said after she had already said it.It was too late then she hurt my feelings!!!What do I do?I am so stressed over this situation and I can't tell her not to see him because she will anyways.

    My daughter is only 3, so I might be totally shooting in the dark with this..my biggest concern for my kid is that I don't ever want her to stop talking to me about her life. I could never talk to my mom about anything and when I was in a really bad relationship it was that much worse because I didn't have my mom there for support. Even if I wouldn't take her advice, it would have been nice to be able to confide in her without having her freak out. It sounds like you've done a good job with that so far. And unfortunately I don't think that us girls learn by hearing what others have to say about their experiences. As another said above, we date POS's for a while until we pull our heads out and realize we don't deserve that treatment. It seems like something we have to learn on our own.
    Still that doesn't mean that you don't have every single right to expect her to be a good kid and not have major attitude with you over the situation when you are just trying to protect her.

    Good job on the weight loss! YEAY

    I didn't lose anything again. I've been going at this for 7 weeks now without a loss. I dropped about 8 lbs in beginning but part of that was normal fluctuation and the other part was water weight I think. I seriously need help here! What am I doing wrong?? LOL
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I was so busy today that I did not weigh myself. But yesterday the scale said no weight loss so I am going with that today.:ohwell:

    tiger12gal: -.8 = .39%
    bluenote: -3 = .68%
    jlb123: -1.8 = .83%
    Coloradogirl -2 = .76%
    Cris20056 -5.6 = 2.35%
    Jess41684 .8=.35%
    Meokk -1.8 = 0.87%
    hajohnson24 -.20 = .10%
    snowflakes -2.2 = .98%
    danielleca-4.2= 1.68%

    Ann, that is a hard one. I would first of all not make him "Romeo and her Juliet" I think maybe you should start encouraging her to bring him around. If they want to see each other outside of school it is at your house so that you can supervise the visit. Also maybe getting to know the boy would make him think twice about treating your daughter poorly. I personallly would want to force her to break up with him, but I know you CAN"T do that, because of the whole forbidden love makes it more desirable. The more he is around you all and the more you allow him to come by and see her the less interesting he will become o her. Your daughters safety is most important so I would not let them go out but for sure have the little jerk over and treat him kindly.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Your daughters safety is most important so I would not let them go out but for sure have the little jerk over and treat him kindly.

    Agreed. And I'm speaking about this less from a mother's perspective & more from the daughter's perspective. I know 15 was 10 years ago for me, but I still remember (ha, for the most part) what lying, rebellious, sneaky little twits my friends and I were at that age.
    You're not going to be able to keep her from doing what she wants to do by forbidding her to do it. I still did a whooooole lot of stuff my mom would probably have a stroke about if she found out (even today). And everyone always thought I was one of the square good kids (but that's mainly just because I was such a master of deception :laugh:).

    I have to remind a friend of mine who has a 14 year old son all the time. We'll be out having dinner or drinks and I'll ask her about her son & then she'll say something to let me know he's home alone and I freak out! "YOU BETTER CALL HIM RIGHT NOW!" :laugh: "No, forget about calling! Just go home right now! RIGHT NOW!"
    I'm just saying... I know the things I got into at that age, and like I said, I was pretty much a goody goody.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Awestfall: I have to agree that the more you push your daughter away from the POS (I love this term), the more she'll want to be with him. Kill him with kindness. If you and your daughter have a good relationship, then feel free to kindly tell her that you wish she'd find someone she was truly happy with; afterall, who breaks up with a guy they're happy with? But, then tell her that you support her and that she can talk to you about anything. Keep the lines of communication open and never speak poorly about the guy or call him names; this is how my mom handled things and I loved it. We had and still have a fantastic relationship and I thin it's because she let me make my own decisions with just a little bit of her input. Have you ever seen the movie Raising Helen? I love when Helen's sister bursts into the hotel room to break the two kids up and tells them that they aren't bad people, they just have bad behavior. It sums it up.

    Jlb: I can't agree with you more about taking measurements. I have mine taken weekly at the Weight Loss Challenge I'm in and it's amazing that I lose inches when I don't lose weight and vice versa. I NEVER lose both at the same time which baffles me to no end, but it is what it is.

    MariSama: I lose weight in what I like to call the "step effect." I'll lose only to plateau for a week, then lose a little more then plateau another week. I think for some of us, our bodies really need the time to adjust to letting go of the extra weight. I can't stress enough tracking sodium if you're having fluctuations such as yours. You'll get there, just give it time and be patient with your (sometimes stubborn) body!
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    I know. I'll take my measurements tonight, hajohnson and jlb. I'm not upset about gaining! :laugh: I know its coming off, I was just curious about my weight pattern and wanted to compare it with other people.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    So you ladies measure each thigh then? And not the whole (wide in my circumstances) circumference? That makes more sense. I will do that.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    tiger12gal: -.8 = .39%
    bluenote: -3 = .68%
    jlb123: -1.8 = .83%
    Coloradogirl -2 = .76%
    Cris20056 -5.6 = 2.35%
    Jess41684 .8=.35%
    Meokk -1.8 = 0.87%
    hajohnson24 -.20 = .10%
    snowflakes -2.2 = .98%
    danielleca-4.2= 1.68%
    mstahl.............0 = 0%
    laceylala ........0 = 0%

    I gained .2 pounds which doesn't mean too much to me because I know I'm going to get through this! I haven't been to well behaved since I made my Valentines Day goal last Saturday. I shall re-commit to limiting my intake because I'm eating all of my exercise calories, most of hajhnson24's and probably some of yours :wink:

    Awestfal - I had a friend in a lethal relationship and I learned more than I wanted to about dealing with "love" and abusive controlling men. I read a book "Anchor in the Storm" (or something like that) and it helped me learn how to talk to my friend in a way that let me stay in her life, and kept the dialog going - when the time was right, she was able to come to me to get out.
    NOT THAT YOUR DAUGHTER IS IN TROUBLE but just to give background. I found out that basically I had to NOT say 99% of what I thought, I had to listen to her and reflect back to her what she was saying. When she told me horrible things he did or said to her (and which is worse really?) I would just so "I'm soo sorry!" and not "how could he" or "why do you put up with that" or any of the other thoughts. I asked her "How are you feeling?" and "Do you want to go for a walk?" and just kept being there, listening, and if she asked me what she should do I would say things like "It kills me to see you in pain, and it sometimes sounds like as much as you love him - maybe you guys have really bad chemistry?" Kinda like "He's not that bad of a guy but you guys might not make a great couple" - that's as harsh as I got and let me tell you it almost KILLED ME to not scream "GET THE EFFFF OUT!!!!"

    Now my 17 year old granddaughter (step actually - my step daughter is a year older than me - YIKES) has been texting me her challenges and I just have to keep myself calm and remember that I thought I was grown up at 17 so if I treat her like a kid she'll stop talking to me. Meghan is beautiful and brilliant and totally underestimates her own value but I know that she'll probably make some horrible mistakes that will kill me, and she'll probably make even more great choices - I just have to be there when she needs me along her journey. Try to talk to her about what she is feeling, how she feels when she's with him, how she feels when she knows a boy likes her, how it feels to know someone needs her - help her sort it out so she can see for herself what being with him really means to her.

    Now back to ALL ABOUT ME! A co-worker had a birthday today and another co-worker had his going away party today. I brought in pastries for breakfast and I didn't have any! but after a nice lunch I went to the party and I had TWO pieces of cake and I kept stealing icing from the platter! I was like a Yellowstone black bear on crack! I couldn't get enough food! I was soooo out of control! what was THAT all about? normally I don't have a sweet tooth!

    Now its girls night out - I have no calories left over and uhg! 'I just ate an apple, I'll eat another one on my way to the restaurant and then I'll get a BIG water to drink... hopefully that will slow me down!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Two different people at work today have used the term "wasting away" in reference to me. :bigsmile:

    I did notice in the bathroom mirror that these pants (which I wasn't even able to get into for the first time after having them for years until after being on MFP for 3 months!) are on their last couple weeks. They're ridiculously huge. And this shirt is too (I was excited because I found it behind the clothes washer last night (don't even ask how it got back there - I have no idea). I hadn't seen it in several months. I guess that tells you how great my cleaning skills are. :laugh:). I think I kind of look like a little girl dressed in mommy's clothes. :laugh:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Wow, it sounds like we're having a lot of success this week! Congrats to everyone who posted - gain or loss!!! We are all winners if we stick with it!

    You know, I think I might force myself to take my measurements tonight...
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    checking in 2/19/10:
    calories- under by just a tad (83)
    water- yes..more than enough you'll see why below
    excercise- c25k w2d3...I will probably repeat week 2 not sure yet, I didnt feel that great about today's run
    sodium- 1787
    proud- that I am still here and that I had such a great week

    We ordered pizza for dinner. I havent had pizza since I started this journey and frankly Im scared. Pizza always make me retain water so I am drowning myself in water!

    If I am the biggest loser I really cant think of a challenge...any one have a good one that they want to share?


  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    checking in 2/19/10:
    calories- under by just a tad (83)
    water- yes..more than enough you'll see why below
    excercise- c25k w2d3...I will probably repeat week 2 not sure yet, I didnt feel that great about today's run
    sodium- 1787
    proud- that I am still here and that I had such a great week

    We ordered pizza for dinner. I havent had pizza since I started this journey and frankly Im scared. Pizza always make me retain water so I am drowning myself in water!

    If I am the biggest loser I really cant think of a challenge...any one have a good one that they want to share?



    cmon cris you are our biggest loser, you can think of something for us...........:flowerforyou:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    cris, I had pizza too. Too much, of course. :grumble: And wow, my lips are still so salty! :noway: I never used to notice the salt before I started limiting it here on MFP.

    Can't wait to hear your challenge, ms. cris! :flowerforyou:

    jlb, your waist is tiny! Good for you! You look great in your new profile pic! :flowerforyou: