What do you do when you see terrible form at the gym?



  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Makes me glad there is a personal trainer on the floor in the weight area all the time in my gym. They're a great group headed up by a former pro bodybuilder. I'm not knowledgeable enough about human anatomy and physiology to make a judgment call as to whether a stance is truly bad form or just different because of body build. This is something best left to the pros.

    There are differences in form. Two guys could be doing squats and they look completely different doing them, and both could have proper form. My last personal trainer concentrated on physiology and dealt with the hard cases (cancer patients, heart patients, obese, war vets, etc.). He told me that no two people lift exactly the same, and when he sees truly bad form, it's usually in someone who has been lifting for a while and thinks they're doing it right or young guys trying to one-up each other.

    I like to brush up with personal trainers on form every couple months. It's always nice to have the refresher. Think of it as "continuing gym education."
  • skinnybitchbarbie27
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    Honestly, I wish someone would come up to me if they saw me doing something wrong. Unless they start demanding I only do things their way, I'd be willing to listen to most advice. But.... the few times I've seen people doing something wrong, everyone would ignore them, unless they were endangering themselves or someone else.

    I don't think I would address someone because of lack of experience (honestly, I'm just starting free weights - I mostly just use the weight machines) and I feel that being a woman, most of the guys there would just scoff or brush off anything I would say. LOL - I just have gotten to the point of being there often enough that they have stopped staring at me (argh.... why, doing something wrong or just shock, or maybe disgust... or who knows)
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    So I think the basic consensus is that women appreciate the help, and men feel butt hurt ;) Well, isn't that a surprise!

    Runs off to do a search on the number of threads with women b****ing and moaning about creepy guys approaching them in the gym.

    I seriously don't know who these women are who get hit on soooo much that it's annoying. I mean, I see some of the complaints, and some of the profile picks that go with them... and I'm like, "really?"

    I would be super flattered if anyone hit on me at the gym, but that's never happened.

    To answer the OP
    It's hard to say. I know for me I'm working on my form, I see my trainer, she corrects it, and then I work on it until I see her next. My form isn't perfect but I am working on it, so if someone random came up to me to correct it I would probably be a bit annoyed just because I'm already so conscious of it.

    BUT mine isn't "flamingo" bad.

    I'm sure lots of people would be receptive to the help though.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    i don't know, i just figure most people don't want to be bothered.

    in a related note... when did rocking back and forth and bouncing up and down become part of standard curl form? lol
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    i dont feel qualified to say anything so i usually say nothing. but i wouldn't mind at all if someone wanted to give me advice.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Everyone at my gym seems to keep to themselves and do their own thing, myself included. But I would be very receptive and appreciative of any experienced lifter who observed me using dangerous form and brought it to my attention in a friendly and concerned manner.

    Sometimes I wonder if my deadlift form is exactly right, because I can't really look sideways into a mirror to see if I'm rounding my back or keeping it as straight as I think I am. If I'm doing it all wrong, I would hope someone would tell me so I don't end up with a back injury.
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    So I think the basic consensus is that women appreciate the help, and men feel butt hurt ;) Well, isn't that a surprise!

    Runs off to do a search on the number of threads with women b****ing and moaning about creepy guys approaching them in the gym.

    I seriously don't know who these women are who get hit on soooo much that it's annoying. I mean, I see some of the complaints, and some of the profile picks that go with them... and I'm like, "really?"

    I would be super flattered if anyone hit on me at the gym, but that's never happened.

    To answer the OP
    It's hard to say. I know for me I'm working on my form, I see my trainer, she corrects it, and then I work on it until I see her next. My form isn't perfect but I am working on it, so if someone random came up to me to correct it I would probably be a bit annoyed just because I'm already so conscious of it.

    BUT mine isn't "flamingo" bad.

    I'm sure lots of people would be receptive to the help though.

    Ugh is SUPER annoying. Guys are ALWAYS commenting on my working out. Yes, they are genuinely compliments like "WOW, you are lifting more than me doing those triceps." "I've never seen a women do unassisted dips before." or when doing pull ups, "That's really impressive." But it is DOWN RIGHT annoying as F**k! It makes me feel like everyone is watching me while I work out. I've even gotten compliments after coming out of a group exercise class BY PEOPLE NOT IN THE ROOM! Like dammmn....stop watching me and making me feel self conscious! I have to say being talked to at the gym is highly annoying. I had a guy YESTERDAY walk by with a grin on his face and say, "Going at it hard today, eh?" Ewww....keep walking. Please. I just awkward chuckled back at him and walked away.

    I could seriously go on and on....I get a comment about every single thing I do at the gym. And on the other hand, it also makes me mad because it is like "What? You've never seen a woman work out?" like no women work out....and no women are capable of being good at it? I seriously think it is their ego getting to them. They can't help but to say something.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    I agree with reporting the incident to the owner/manager if you're not comfortable approaching the individual yourself. Maybe suggest the individual consult with the trainer or manager for pointers on the particular exercise. My conscience tells me to at least try to protect those around me.
  • KeriAnn06
    KeriAnn06 Posts: 49 Member
    So I think the basic consensus is that women appreciate the help, and men feel butt hurt ;) Well, isn't that a surprise!

    Runs off to do a search on the number of threads with women b****ing and moaning about creepy guys approaching them in the gym.

    I seriously don't know who these women are who get hit on soooo much that it's annoying. I mean, I see some of the complaints, and some of the profile picks that go with them... and I'm like, "really?"

    Yet another silly post... Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... What's beautiful to one is not necessarily to another. Mind your manners... :s
  • smilesalot1969
    there are a few at my gym like this, mostly young guys and i wouldn't dare say a word. I dont think they'd like a girl critiqueing them somehow. However i would quietly mention it to the gym instructor and see if he thought it was serious enough to need HIM to comment
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    You have to be able to do it correctly. That's all I'm going to say. And if they don't take it there's nothing more you can do about it.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member

    Ugh is SUPER annoying. Guys are ALWAYS commenting on my working out. Yes, they are genuinely compliments like "WOW, you are lifting more than me doing those triceps." "I've never seen a women do unassisted dips before." or when doing pull ups, "That's really impressive." But it is DOWN RIGHT annoying as F**k! It makes me feel like everyone is watching me while I work out. I've even gotten compliments after coming out of a group exercise class BY PEOPLE NOT IN THE ROOM! Like dammmn....stop watching me and making me feel self conscious! I have to say being talked to at the gym is highly annoying. I had a guy YESTERDAY walk by with a grin on his face and say, "Going at it hard today, eh?" Ewww....keep walking. Please. I just awkward chuckled back at him and walked away.

    I could seriously go on and on....I get a comment about every single thing I do at the gym. And on the other hand, it also makes me mad because it is like "What? You've never seen a woman work out?" like no women work out....and no women are capable of being good at it? I seriously think it is their ego getting to them. They can't help but to say something.

    Do you like me? Circle one: [Y] [N] [awkward chuckle and walk away]
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member

    Ugh is SUPER annoying. Guys are ALWAYS commenting on my working out. Yes, they are genuinely compliments like "WOW, you are lifting more than me doing those triceps." "I've never seen a women do unassisted dips before." or when doing pull ups, "That's really impressive." But it is DOWN RIGHT annoying as F**k! It makes me feel like everyone is watching me while I work out. I've even gotten compliments after coming out of a group exercise class BY PEOPLE NOT IN THE ROOM! Like dammmn....stop watching me and making me feel self conscious! I have to say being talked to at the gym is highly annoying. I had a guy YESTERDAY walk by with a grin on his face and say, "Going at it hard today, eh?" Ewww....keep walking. Please. I just awkward chuckled back at him and walked away.

    I could seriously go on and on....I get a comment about every single thing I do at the gym. And on the other hand, it also makes me mad because it is like "What? You've never seen a woman work out?" like no women work out....and no women are capable of being good at it? I seriously think it is their ego getting to them. They can't help but to say something.

    Do you like me? Circle one: [Y] [N] [awkward chuckle and walk away]

    I'm picking awkward chuckle and walk away! haha

    Oh and did I mention guys will form in huddles and watch/chit chat. I CAN SEE YOU. THERE ARE MIRRORS EVERYWHERE. Dumbasssses :noway:

    Bottom line: everyone should keep to themselves unless they know the person somehow or if they are concerned, tell a trainer. Talking at the gym. Ew. Plus, it wastes my time!
  • rachaelfisher1
    I feel like picking up a weight plate and throwing it at their head.
    But generally, I say nothing. After all, I'm female. What would I know?
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member

    Oh and did I mention guys will form in huddles and watch/chit chat. I CAN SEE YOU. THERE ARE MIRRORS EVERYWHERE. Dumbasssses :noway:

    Bottom line: everyone should keep to themselves unless they know the person somehow or if they are concerned, tell a trainer. Talking at the gym. Ew. Plus, it wastes my time!

    Take them outside and curb stomp them

    That will effectively say "I don't prefer to chat while I'm working out but thanks for the compliment"
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Two days ago a young guy, no older than 19 or so came over to correct my form on an pseudo overhead lat extension - nice guy and friendly and he was with some friends while I was with my 15 year-old daughter (who looks older). The thing is, I wasn't doing a full extension but some weighted stretching to position my shoulder, as it impinges a bit. He explained, I explained and we got chatting. Although the kid was totally wrong to give me advice, I appreciated that he approached me.

    My daughter gives me *kitten* that I'm getting hit on more than she is. This is a good thing.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Would you guys save a chicken from drowning

    hell no their feet/beaks look like theyd really mess up my skin
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    I usually try to avoid even noticing, but I couldn't help but notice this guy the other day doing terrible, terrible squats. He was showing off and thinking he was the *kitten* with a lot of weight. Yeah, it's easy to squat that much when you're half-assing it! lol I just focused back on me and my *kitten*-near-to-ground squats. I wouldn't ever say anything to anyone unless I knew them.
  • deniseblossoms
    deniseblossoms Posts: 373 Member
    I raise an eyebrow, shake my head at the bad form and go back to what I'm doing. In my experience, most people aren't receptive to being corrected when they think they know what they're doing. Plus I'm not about to interrupt my workout to make theirs better. Right, wrong or indifferent, it's how I feel.