Keep Your Curves



  • lovechicagobears
    lovechicagobears Posts: 289 Member
    I really don't get what you are saying. A curvy girl is curvy no matter what her body fat percentage is.

    Exactly. Unfortunately, people confuse "rolls" with "curves" nowadays, so "curvy" has taken on a new meaning. When I think "curvy", I picture an hourglass or pear shape, and that can mean someone who weighs 150 pounds or someone like me who weighs 310. That's why I said it has everything to do with body shape, not body fat.

    I feel bad about all the lean/muscle-bashing going on in this thread. It's not cool to insult other body shapes or imply they're less of a woman. People can't help which skeleton and muscle structure they were born with. I didn't choose to have a big butt; I just do.
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    I hate rib cages on people, it's gross.

    Nope. Not insulting or nasty at all. Just talking about what YOU like on YOUR OWN body.

    OK then.

    You're one of those people that just has to find something, somewhere to be pissy about? Stop wasting so much of your time being a bull headed person. So what if I (wish I could make the I stand out because it's just for me) think they are gross because as I stated somewhere else, it usually means someone is malnurished and that they lost too much for their body. Does that mean I'm going to look at this person and be like "oh gross, dont' talk to me" Nope. If that person is happy with it, then I don't care. I don't like them. Simple as that. I'm not insulting anyone, I'm not singling someone out, I just do not like them. Now find a better hobby then to tear apart someones opinion and make it out as an attack just for the sake of being happy that you attempted to piss someone off that was voicing their opinions and likes and preferences.
  • Eyesblu
    I love my curves small waist, curvy hips ,and thick thighs..rather shapely just looking to improve my health is all. unique no one person is the same.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I hate rib cages on people, it's gross.

    Nope. Not insulting or nasty at all. Just talking about what YOU like on YOUR OWN body.

    OK then.

    You're one of those people that just has to find something, somewhere to be pissy about? Stop wasting so much of your time being a bull headed person. So what if I (wish I could make the I stand out because it's just for me) think they are gross because as I stated somewhere else, it usually means someone is malnurished and that they lost too much for their body. Does that mean I'm going to look at this person and be like "oh gross, dont' talk to me" Nope. If that person is happy with it, then I don't care. I don't like them. Simple as that. I'm not insulting anyone, I'm not singling someone out, I just do not like them. Now find a better hobby then to tear apart someones opinion and make it out as an attack just for the sake of being happy that you attempted to piss someone off that was voicing their opinions and likes and preferences.

    So, you're willing to discredit someone entirely based on body type, but when it's brought to your attention that a certain body type is YOUR preference, not anyone else's, that's being pissy? Really?
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    I love my curves small waist, curvy hips ,and thick thighs..rather shapely just looking to improve my health is all. unique no one person is the same.

    Same here! But I wouldn't mind a little less on my thighs LOL
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I hate rib cages on people, it's gross.

    Nope. Not insulting or nasty at all. Just talking about what YOU like on YOUR OWN body.

    OK then.

    You're one of those people that just has to find something, somewhere to be pissy about? Stop wasting so much of your time being a bull headed person. So what if I (wish I could make the I stand out because it's just for me) think they are gross because as I stated somewhere else, it usually means someone is malnurished and that they lost too much for their body. Does that mean I'm going to look at this person and be like "oh gross, dont' talk to me" Nope. If that person is happy with it, then I don't care. I don't like them. Simple as that. I'm not insulting anyone, I'm not singling someone out, I just do not like them. Now find a better hobby then to tear apart someones opinion and make it out as an attack just for the sake of being happy that you attempted to piss someone off that was voicing their opinions and likes and preferences.

    So, you're willing to discredit someone entirely based on body type, but when it's brought to your attention that a certain body type is YOUR preference, not anyone else's, that's being pissy? Really?

    Clearly, we cannot hold people accountable for what they actually say anymore.
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    I hate rib cages on people, it's gross.

    Nope. Not insulting or nasty at all. Just talking about what YOU like on YOUR OWN body.

    OK then.

    You're one of those people that just has to find something, somewhere to be pissy about? Stop wasting so much of your time being a bull headed person. So what if I (wish I could make the I stand out because it's just for me) think they are gross because as I stated somewhere else, it usually means someone is malnurished and that they lost too much for their body. Does that mean I'm going to look at this person and be like "oh gross, dont' talk to me" Nope. If that person is happy with it, then I don't care. I don't like them. Simple as that. I'm not insulting anyone, I'm not singling someone out, I just do not like them. Now find a better hobby then to tear apart someones opinion and make it out as an attack just for the sake of being happy that you attempted to piss someone off that was voicing their opinions and likes and preferences.

    So, you're willing to discredit someone entirely based on body type, but when it's brought to your attention that a certain body type is YOUR preference, not anyone else's, that's being pissy? Really?

    Why would I discredit anyone based off body type? If you're a good person you're a good person. I don't care. Anyone is entitled to look at someone and think what they want, and people do it anyways. But just because I don't think someone is sexy as hell doesn't mean that they're not a good person or someone that I could have coffee with and have meaningful conversations. Just means I do not prefer it. It's not my preference. EVERYONE has a preference. I'm just not too stuck up my own bum to say I don't and have no issue saying what mine is. And likewise... I don't mind what other peoples prefences are because everyone is entitled to one. You highlighted something that was split anyways. I don't like them - I don't like bones, I don't like the look. Not the individual. You can't base someone off their looks alone when there's much more under that.
  • nfrewin
    nfrewin Posts: 73 Member
    Omg this post has made my day!! Love how this has turned into a free for all for everyone to start picking on each others opinions - maybe'motivation and support' was not the best forum for this to be posted under

    Where's the love ladies :heart:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I think people who like anime are stupid and weird.

    But, hey, don't be insulted. It's only my opinion. :flowerforyou:
  • justkeepswimng
    I want to see this thread with all men talking. Now that would be really funny. Ladies, isn't it more about how you carry yourself than your shape? Curvy girls need to stop bashing skinny girls and skinny girls need to stop bashing curvy girls. What does this say about women? Just love the skin you're in and work to be the best you can be, whatever shape that is.
  • sarafay80
    sarafay80 Posts: 41 Member
    I don't really have any curves. Just some belly fat. I'd rather not keep that, actually.

    But thank you, I do understand what you meant. I just hate the use of the word 'curves'. Curves to me are a shape, not a body fat percentage.

    I feel this. I have never had curves, just body fat... BUT since I have been working out with a trainer once a week and he has shown me many new exercise routines, I have actually gained a curve in my waist! EXCITING! We can gain curves too!
  • IrishHarpy1
    IrishHarpy1 Posts: 399 Member
    Unless I'm mistaken, don't ALL people have curves in some way or another? Haven't seen too many two-dimensional or completely angular people walking around...

    In all seriousness, I get what the OP is saying -- I really do. But speaking as someone who went from looking like an ad for Michelin tires to a much slimmer figure, I get slightly upset whenever I see posts like this. Of COURSE everyone is entitled to an opinion, and of COURSE people have different preferences, but women bashing other women because they happen to be thinner is one of the most discouraging things some of us can see.

    I didn't set out here on MFP to get "skinny" -- I did it to get HEALTHY, something I've achieved through hard work and discipline. In the process, however, I discovered that hiding under the over 100 extra pounds I've lost in the past three years was someone with a much more "boyish" figure than I had previously thought (Yoovie, you and I should get together and hold a pity party for our boobs!).

    Does this make me any less of a woman? Hellz, no!!! But kindly don't imply it by making comments like "Rib cages are gross!" or "Bones are for the dog, meat is for the man!" I'm sure some of you (myself included, btw) would get your knickers in a twist if someone came out on these forums saying "Curvy is just another word for FAT!" or "Obese people make me wanna vomit!"


    Now... everyone hold hands and sing Kumbaya, for G-d's sake! :flowerforyou:
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    Ugh... whatever... I am sooo sorry to those I offended by a simple quote that has been around on the internet for a long time. Sorry that you guys take such offense and I'm sorry if it really, and honestly did hurt anyones feelings who may struggle trying to keep weight on and were born with a tomboy figure.

    Sorry opinions are taken as "you directly are not sexy."

    Please note, I honestly don't care. I have my preferences, and I think curves are sexy. I feel sorry for woman who have curves and feel they MUST lose weight to fit in with the media's standards or beautiful. I feel bad that everyone feels that they have to meet someone elses standards of sexy because people throw such a fit over what's better and what's not. I am sorry that for some reason me saying I prefer blank over blank and think one thing is sexy and another is not some how makes it out that I discredit someone because they are not my preference. Sorry that somehow I was mistaken as shallow.

    Either way, I don't care. I will say what I want because I'm not being offensive, I'm not saying ANYONE is not worth anything. If you are happy being skinny, good for you. If you're happy with your curves, good for you. Don't change what YOU like about YOU because someone else said "it's not sexy."

    And for the freaking record I don't care what ANYONE looks like. I like personality. Just because you don't have the physical preference I like doesn't mean jack. You can still be the most amazing, kind hearted, person regardless of how you look on the outside... just like you can be the most amazing looking person and be a total jerk on the inside.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I'm not insulting anyone, I'm not singling someone out
    Actually, you've done a pretty good job of insulting women who have more muscles than you personally like, women who are thinner than you personally like, and women who do not naturally have a curvy shape. There's nothing wrong with having an opinion, or stating that opinion amongst other, differing opinions. You are insulting people though, whether you realise it or not.
  • Eyesblu
    I love my curves small waist, curvy hips ,and thick thighs..rather shapely just looking to improve my health is all. unique no one person is the same.

    Same here! But I wouldn't mind a little less on my thighs LOL

    add some of my thighs to my
  • Madholm
    Madholm Posts: 167
    Isn't there only supposed to be like 2 curves on a woman's silouete?

    If you have one curve or eight curves your doing it wrong.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I want to see this thread with all men talking. Now that would be really funny. Ladies, isn't it more about how you carry yourself than your shape? Curvy girls need to stop bashing skinny girls and skinny girls need to stop bashing curvy girls. What does this say about women? Just love the skin you're in and work to be the best you can be, whatever shape that is.
    Who, on this thread, is bashing anyone for being curvy?
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Ugh... whatever... I am sooo sorry to those I offended by a simple quote that has been around on the internet for a long time. Sorry that you guys take such offense and I'm sorry if it really, and honestly did hurt anyones feelings who may struggle trying to keep weight on and were born with a tomboy figure.

    Sorry opinions are taken as "you directly are not sexy."

    Please note, I honestly don't care.

    Either way, I don't care.

    A+ at sincere apologies too.

    I'll play along though. Im sorry I dont like that ONE phrase that's been on the internet forever and I try to nip it in the bud everytime I see it. Im sorry that you mistook my hatred of a phrase as hatred of your opinion. I didnt hate your opinion, I didnt even QUOTE your opinion.

    but please note, even though Im apologizing, I honestly dont actually care about your opinion. All I care about is stopping that phrase.
  • Jpinpoint
    Jpinpoint Posts: 219 Member
    I have curves because that's how my body was built.

    I don't think sexy is in curves or not. Sexy is in the eye of the beholder. Sexy is the person who is exuding it. It's not big boobs, it's not a small butt, it's not...eso si que es.
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    Ugh... whatever... I am sooo sorry to those I offended by a simple quote that has been around on the internet for a long time. Sorry that you guys take such offense and I'm sorry if it really, and honestly did hurt anyones feelings who may struggle trying to keep weight on and were born with a tomboy figure.

    Sorry opinions are taken as "you directly are not sexy."

    Please note, I honestly don't care.

    Either way, I don't care.

    A+ at sincere apologies too.

    I'll play along though. Im sorry I dont like that ONE phrase that's been on the internet forever and I try to nip it in the bud everytime I see it. Im sorry that you mistook my hatred of a phrase as hatred of your opinion. I didnt hate your opinion, I didnt even QUOTE your opinion.

    but please note, even though Im apologizing, I honestly dont actually care about your opinion. All I care about is stopping that phrase.

    Fair enough.