girls dont like skinny guys



  • emilynw10
    Yeah, my husband is pretty skinny (not ridiculously so, but he doesn't have much muscle). I obviously DO prefer muscle, but I'm super attracted to my husband too. As long as a guy is bigger than me and can lift a reasonable amount of weight (like move furniture and whatnot), it doesn't matter too much.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    Join a gym do resistance training (lifting weights) find out your base metabolic rate (BMR) and eat around 200 calories over your BMR.

    Basal* Metabolic Rate
    My bad typing on iPhone autocorrect.

    Either way, this won't allow you to bulk. You need to eat over your TDEE or total daily energy expended. TDEE is the calories you burn from your BMR , daily routine and exercise. So my BMR is about 2080, i have a desk job (sedentary) and average 500 calories for a workout. I have done a slow bulk in the past so I eat 250 calories greater that my TDEE. So my caloric needs would be:

    =2080*1.2+500+250 = 3246

    Then you want to make sure you get 1-1.5g of protein per lb of lean body mass, .35 g of fat per lb of lean body mass and the rest can be carbs.

    If you don't know a workout routine, strong lift 5x5 is a good program to start with.

    OP- do you know your body fat and what is your height? I am thinking you will need 2700+ calories.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    i like skinny guys...and fit guys...and chubby guys....i guess i just like guys lol.:blushing:

    Ditto-- I've dated really skinny guys, lean and muscular guys, and bigger guys. My husband was overweight when we started dating. I don't know if I just don't have a "type" or what, but I've had chemistry with guys of all different body types.
  • jsdouglas26
    I actually had a girl ask me out a few months ago which doesn't happen with me but , after our date, which I thought went well she wouldn't go out again because she said she prefers a larger guy that she didn't feel comfortable being bigger than me. Why did she ask me out then? Lol
  • ashleyrose90
    ashleyrose90 Posts: 71 Member
    I don't think it's all true that girls don't go for skinny guys. I've always had a preference for skinny men. My guy now is very very skinny and I like it! :-)

    Agreed ;)
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    i like skinny guys...and fit guys...and chubby guys....i guess i just like guys lol.:blushing:

    Same here. Skinny guys usually don't like me.
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    I don't mind skinny as long as they're tall =]

    Also if they don't mind booty, coz i got plenty LOL

    But if you wanna build some muscle, you're gonna need to eat and lift heavy, son!!
  • jsdouglas26
    I don't mind skinny as long as they're tall =]

    Also if they don't mind booty, coz i got plenty LOL

    But if you wanna build some muscle, you're gonna need to eat and lift heavy, son!!
  • BackTatJIM
    BackTatJIM Posts: 1,140 Member
    Join a gym do resistance training (lifting weights) find out your base metabolic rate (BMR) and eat around 200 calories over your BMR.

    Your BMR is what you burn doing nothing in 24 hours.If you work, move, and do anything besides lay in bed all day you need to find your your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) and eat more calories then you burn in the entire day. I would agree with 200-300 a day over what you burn but you could also eat 500 more a day if you really wanted to. 200 calories over your Tdee would be more of a lean bulk takes longer but less fat gains, if you go crazy with the calories and bulk up fast expect some fat gain along with the muscle. As long as you get extra calories and lift weights you will grow. I would also recommend 1g of protein per lb of lean body mass and .33 grams of fat per lean body mass.( healthy fats would be best)

    ** you can Google tdee calculators online to get a a estimate, say you need to eat 2700 calories a day to gain a half pound a week, I would try it and see if you gain after 2-3 weeks, if not then add more calories and try again, eventually you will know how much your body burns in a day and how much food you should be eating.
  • spramn
    spramn Posts: 67 Member
    Hi I'm new here today. My goal is to add muscle to my frame. Currently I'm at 130 lbs Hoping to get to around 150 or so. I don't look that thin in my profile pic, think I may have zoomed in too much, but anyway I have trouble getting dates because most girls say I'm way to skinny that I need some muscle so that's why I'm here. I joined a gym last week , would it be more beneficial to get a personal trainer. Do most girls go for bigger guys?

    From my male perspective and experience there is no one body type that every woman will like. Women have such a great depth of character built into their nature, consciously or not, in my experience are attracted to all different body types. Some women love skinny guys, some love muscles, some love something a bit more cuddly.

    I’ve dated a woman that said the veins in my arms were disgusting, and i've had the total opposite.

    But hey, I’ve been on this earth for 29 years, women – still can confuse the hell out of me =) Do what you want for your reasons, the rest will come. If your happy, and confident with yourself, you will get the women of your dreams. All the best in your search and the gym, if you want any mass building help feel free to add me =)
  • painauxraisin
    painauxraisin Posts: 299 Member
    I like skinny men ! As long as we're on the same wavelength, it doesn't matter what they look like!
  • heidimaggott78
    I prefer my guy to have muscles and strength, and not to be skinny. He must make me feel like he could protect me if need be. Lol yes, a bit old fashioned. My man fits the bill perfectly. He has a bit of abdominal weight (from beer I suppose) but I'm not complaining. He doesn't lift in the gym,he does manual labour.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    If you want to build then build. It takes time and work but its pretty straight forward: lift at least 3 days a week following a specific bulking program and eat more calories than your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE). Try starting out with a total body lifting program that focuses on compound movements: squats, deads, bench press, clean and press. Throw in some pull ups, push ups and bent over rows. Just stick with it.

    As for the girls, its not your body, its your confidence level and attitude. I've seen all sorts of men with some very attractive women, but you know the group that ALWAYS has an attractive woman by his side regardless of how he looks? Good salesmen. The point is you have to learn the confidence and attitude that will attract the girl you want. And if you're saying to yourself "I'm too skinny" or "I'm too fat" or "I'm not rich enough" then you are your own worst enemy. Oh, and be nice.

    Good luck!
  • ZozoMonster
    ZozoMonster Posts: 270 Member
    I'm not a fan of skinny guys because I'm not skinny, and I'd feel fatter if I was with a skinny guy lol stupid I know...
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    funny because some girls I talk to (and every girl/woman has her preference), tell me im getting to muscular and need to stop lifting weights. I say *kitten* YOU!! I don't lift weights for you. Funny enough the girls that say these are the ones with smaller frames and are psychologically immature. Our ancestors fought for dominance in tribes so they would get first pick of the women. It is instinct for women to prefer strong and fit men. Although Justin Bieber f*cked it up for a lot of guys.

    Do you steal all your ideas from Hodge twins videos or just the really, really stupid ones?
  • chl03kn0wl3s
    I prefer muscular men:wink:
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Do you want to get BIG, bigger, STRONG, stronger or fatter?

    Let me repeat that;

    Do you want to get BIG, bigger, STRONG, stronger or fatter?
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    One of my ex boyfriends was 6 foot 2ish and about 11 stone (super skinny), I weighed more than that at 5 3! Another ex was very toned (lots of running and cycling) and my current SO is carrying a few extra beer related pounds *shrug* You are attracted to who you are attracted to - and clearly I am attracted to all kinds..............
  • keithmustloseweight
    Hi I'm new here today. My goal is to add muscle to my frame. Currently I'm at 130 lbs Hoping to get to around 150 or so. I don't look that thin in my profile pic, think I may have zoomed in too much, but anyway I have trouble getting dates because most girls say I'm way to skinny that I need some muscle so that's why I'm here. I joined a gym last week , would it be more beneficial to get a personal trainer. Do most girls go for bigger guys?

    Just remember, numerous species of predatory marine gastropods like mussels, *****es love bones

  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    I don't think it's all true that girls don't go for skinny guys. I've always had a preference for skinny men. My guy now is very very skinny and I like it! :-)

    ^^^^agree :). My son is a "skinny guy" and to this day has never had problems getting girls to love him :)))