girls dont like skinny guys



  • jsdouglas26
    Have you heard of Crossfit? It is a pretty expensive gym but they have coaches that work with you one on one. I have a few male friends that were pretty skinny and got a great physique after training for a year or two with Crossfit.

    You can go to the gym and do it yourself but it sounds like you are just beginning training for the first time, it might be worth it for you to have some kind of help with your training so you start off with great habits, also you will see the most gains in the early stages of working out so might as well make the most you can of them.

    Also, if you are a hard gainer you are going to really have to pay attention to diet and how to get your body to build muscle, eating clean and increasing your caloric surplus is also something to keep in mind.

    The good thing about being skinny is if you work hard whatever muscle you get will show quickly, you don't have to get rid of a layer of fat first.

    Good luck:-)
    thanks, I've heard of it and sounds like a great workout
  • _KATzMeow
    _KATzMeow Posts: 336 Member
    I do!!! I like the skinny musician type guys. Soooo hot!

    I didnt read all the comments so if this was already said , too bad, I said it again.
  • 91keira
    I'm sure this guy has never thought about it
    >Mick Jagar
    Nor did this guy:


    Robert Plant was skinny as a rail - had a sunken chest and arms like matchsticks, but I doubt he ever had trouble attracting women.

    OP - nothing wrong with buffing up, but do it for YOU, not because you think it will attract women. I've known plenty of guys with bodies like Adonis, but as soon as they opened their mouth women ran the other way because they were total douches. An improved physique may help YOU as far as having more confidence, but it's not the be-all-end-all of attracting women.

    people go for different things, fact. be who u wannabe
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    the right girl will like you for the person you are. Don't do this for anyone else but yourself.
  • mrs_schultz2012
    mrs_schultz2012 Posts: 395 Member
    i like bigger guys...muscles and not real new hubby has nice muscles and a beer belly haha :drinker:
  • calisunrise
    you don't look skinny to me. more like skinny fat actually
  • jsdouglas26
    you don't look skinny to me. more like skinny fat actually
    lop what's skinny fat. I agree, I think they zoomed on me too much
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Hmmmmm I am attracted to many "types"...if you want a celebrity I like that is skinny - Matthew Grey Gubler ticks all the boxes, SMEXY one hundred depends on the personality as well of course...I also quite fancied a 28 year old yoga dude at my old place of work, he too was really smexy and really the clever guys! Love the geeks too...never really had a really muscley beau to be honest, but dated a meat head once and he sucked in the sack...hey I am being honest, a little weary tonight...excuse my brashness...generalisations do not work, so all women will not like the same type, if they even prefer one.
  • creamyjalapeno
    creamyjalapeno Posts: 10 Member
    My husband is 5'8" and varies between the low 130s and 140. He's naturally muscular though. I like the way he looks. He reminds me of a skinny rocker dude. I'm bigger than him but shorter. More than anything you have to be confident.
  • Jpinpoint
    Jpinpoint Posts: 219 Member
    Hi I'm new here today. My goal is to add muscle to my frame. Currently I'm at 130 lbs Hoping to get to around 150 or so. I don't look that thin in my profile pic, think I may have zoomed in too much, but anyway I have trouble getting dates because most girls say I'm way to skinny that I need some muscle so that's why I'm here. I joined a gym last week , would it be more beneficial to get a personal trainer. Do most girls go for bigger guys?

    People have preferences. GIRLS go for what they are attracted to, physically. It's likely a WOMAN would give you the time of day and find more than your outer appearance attractive.


    Why would you change your outside to make someone else happy? You won't be attractive to women if you have self esteem issues.

    I hope you find your self esteem, no one can give it to you.
  • RekindledRose
    RekindledRose Posts: 523 Member
    Must be different around where I'm from because just about all girls I know have told me or my friend that they
    Wouldn't date me because I'm too skinny. Maybe in the wrong part of the country

    Well, if they're telling you it's your body type that's keeping them from dating you, then they're either not worth dating or they're trying to nicely turn you down without hurting your feelings.

    It's important to get healthy because it's what you want to do, not in hopes that girls will decide to date you.

    Besides, if you're hoping to eventually marry someone then this is the best thing I've heard from someone else: "If they don't care about you when you're at your worst then they don't deserve you at your best."

    Good luck.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Find a girl who will date you for your personality.

    And yes, lift some weights.
  • jsdouglas26
    Find a girl who will date you for your personality.

    And yes, lift some weights.
    lol thanks
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    "Just about all girls I know have told me or my friend that they
    Wouldn't date me because I'm too skinny."

    That's very strange. If you don't look like Christian Bale in the Machinist, I don't believe a skinny frame would hold you back from girls. Do you ask out women who are on the heavier or curvier side? They may be insecure about having a thin boyfriend, or weighing more than you.
  • Cherie7575
    I’ve dated a woman that said the veins in my arms were disgusting, and i've had the total opposite.

    But hey, I’ve been on this earth for 29 years, women – still can confuse the hell out of me =) Do what you want for your reasons, the rest will come. If your happy, and confident with yourself, you will get the women of your dreams. All the best in your search and the gym, if you want any mass building help feel free to add me =)

    So uhh, Ive always sorta found those arm veins sexy for some reason... :P
  • MrsWonderland
    MrsWonderland Posts: 107 Member
    The most attractive people are the ones that accept themselves as they are, but strive to improves themselves, physically, mentally and emotionnaly, on a daily basis. If you are not happy with your body, this is what you're projecting to the ladies. Concentrate on the positive aspects of yourself, and work on the ones you like less. And the idea of a good personal trainer is right on! Remember...different strokes for different folks...tall, short, skinny, can't generalize on what people like.

  • glacier24
    I don't go for skinny guys cause I'm afraid I might accidentally crush him or something like that....
  • kenhelms17720
    Edit- Didn't see this thread had already corrected the guy on the Basal rate.

    Your best bet like others have said though is to get a trainer atleast for a couple of months. This is mainly so that the trainer can spot and critique your form while weight training. He will also be able to do a body fat count, etc.
  • Cheval13
    Cheval13 Posts: 392 Member
    I want a guy that can run with me, and not have rolls of fat on him, but if they are lean with muscle, that's most attractive to me. Everyone is different though...
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Actually my 'type' till I met my husband was skinny guys. I love em. My son is a skinny guy & gets heaps of girls. Women who say you are 2 skinny are just insecure *****es.