

  • VictoriaFitness2010
    I love cookies and cookies love me! =) Maybe you should try a small mini cookie next time. You know, those bite sized cookies. Something homemade, made from natural ingredients.

    For me, fried food. But I had to limit fried foods due to acid reflux.
  • Cryssy27
    Cryssy27 Posts: 42 Member
    The only thing that makes me feel disgusted is hidden gluten in my food. I have Celiacs so if that stuff gets in my food it will ruin my week. I used to feel crappy eating a couple chips or fatty foods. But I know I have to have a healthier relationship with my food. And so far it is working slowly. And I am pretty happy.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    The only thing that makes me feel disgusted is hidden gluten in my food. I have Celiacs so if that stuff gets in my food it will ruin my week. I used to feel crappy eating a couple chips or fatty foods. But I know I have to have a healthier relationship with my food. And so far it is working slowly. And I am pretty happy.

    I'm starting to wonder if I have this, too. My sister has two of the genes associated with gluten intolerance and Celiac Disease (not paired though, so there is doubt about whether she actually has it).

    Regardless, I am currently overflowing with energy and last month when I was eating gluten everything I was dragging myself around like an old woman. The weather cooling off again might be helping me too, though.
  • kickingforfitness
    too bad people don´t get just one small serving
  • jacie87
    jacie87 Posts: 46 Member
    For those discussing how to stop at one serving when you open a big bag, here are some helpful ideas:

    1. Don't eat from the bag. Get out a plate, napkin, etc. and only take out the serving size you want to eat. Close up the bag and put it away out of sight before you even begin eating the serving you've set out.
    2. Pre-portion the bag when you open it. If you have the room in storage/fridge space, get sandwich bags and measure out reasonable portion sizes. Then, when you reach to eat a "whole bag" of something, it will only be the amount you want! (and you get the finish the bag, too!)
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    too bad people don´t get just one small serving

    Honestly some people don't know how, that might sound crazy but I've been there, I get this. Sometimes just a taste of something can lead you to disaster. While I don't watch what I eat, just how much I eat, there are things that trigger over eating on my end and some times I won't realize it till it's to late.
  • sammyjayne119
    A greggs sausage roll, cheap and accessible :( ... giving em up!
  • waldenfam2
    waldenfam2 Posts: 203 Member
    I think it really helps that I have taken the slow approach to all this, and I eat pretty much whatever sounds good while still trying to meet my nutrition and calorie goals, more or less. There are times when I think, "I would rather have spent those calories on something else," but I wouldn't say I feel disgusted or disgusting.

    This...I've been losing weight for over a year and a half. The only time I feel bad is if I know what I ate will make my sugar spike really, really bad. I'm type 2, almost completely off meds, so my diet is very important. I eat junk, plenty of it recently, lol, but now that I've lost a lot of weight and workout my sugar cooperates very well. Except for those oops times where I don't even want to know how many carbs I just consumed and head to the bottle of water to fix it. :)
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    A big bowl of pasta with garlic bread :sick:
  • shierrarobin
    Donuts. If I eat any amount of donuts I feel awful because I know the calorie count in donuts are ridiculously high.
  • zena92
    zena92 Posts: 128 Member
    any sort of brownie!
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Feeling disgusted over a small indulgence seems to me to be a symptom of an unhealthy relationship with food.
    Eat under your numbers and feel good about yourself.

    You are not a chocolate chip cookie. (Which is doubly good, because you would not be safe around here if you were.)
  • waldenfam2
    waldenfam2 Posts: 203 Member
    too bad people don´t get just one small serving

    Honestly some people don't know how, that might sound crazy but I've been there, I get this. Sometimes just a taste of something can lead you to disaster. While I don't watch what I eat, just how much I eat, there are things that trigger over eating on my end and some times I won't realize it till it's to late.

    I have this too. There are some foods that if I take the first bite it just disappears. I'm still learning to identify them too :(
  • ZozoMonster
    ZozoMonster Posts: 270 Member
    Krispy Kreme donuts... SO not worth it!
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Krispy Kreme donuts... SO worth it!

    Fixed it for you.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Krispy Kreme donuts... SO not worth it!

    Krispy Kremes are so very worth it! Thanksgiving is not Thanksgiving without a morning KK. Christmas too - I mean what other food uses Kris Kringle's initials?

    The Wendy's Triple comes close, but I usually just shake it off. Cravings got to crave!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I just ate a freshly baked, warm, gooey and delicious chocolate chip cookie.

    And now I feel disgusting.

    What types of food (or drink) do you consume and later think ... " Why did I do that ?"

    The only time I would feel "disgusted" is if the food didn't taste good. Otherwise, I enjoy food, especially freshly-baked cookies.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    I ate a cookie yesterday and I liked it ;)

    I don't think you should be disgusted over eating a cookie. Now eat a box of cookies and we're talking lol.
  • lucasriggs
    -Any one item that's more than half my calories in one entire day.
    -Drinks that are above 100 calories.
    -Food that could be half fat or non sugar but isn't.
  • BBehnke84
    BBehnke84 Posts: 537 Member
    Krispy Kreme donuts... SO worth it!

    Fixed it for you.

    Haha well played! :drinker: :laugh: