Man bashing on MFP



  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    I'm raising three boys on my own, and man-bashing is not high up on my list of fun things to do. People are people, and while men and women may sometimes seem like different species, they both endure life's challenges and reap life's rewards. *shrugs*

    People can suck regardless of the junk they're sportin'. So I tend to hate equally. ;)

    Wait, wait! Aren't you supposed to dump all of your problems on your kids heads? I mean, not doing it just wouldn't be fair! You might actually raise happy and well adjusted ones and then we wouldn't have any need for life-long self loathing and counseling . . .
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    LMAO dude chill. Holy crap. Now every man is a rapist...nice

    No. Why are you feeling as if someone pointing out the topic of rape (in as broad a term as possible, in this case) pinpoints you and men as a whole as rapists? Seems an odd thing to be defensive about. It'd be like someone saying "Hey, we used to atomic bomb!" and someone going "Nice, now every superpower is using the atomic bomb."

  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member

    LMAO dude chill. Holy crap. Now every man is a rapist...nice

    No. Why are you feeling as if someone pointing out the topic of rape (in as broad a term as possible, in this case) pinpoints you and men as a whole as rapists? Seems an odd thing to be defensive about. It'd be like someone saying "Hey, we used to atomic bomb!" and someone going "Nice, now every superpower is using the atomic bomb."


    Exactly what I was thinking. Mentioning rape culture (which women perpetuate, as well, I might add) is not even REMOTELY the same thing as accusing all men, or even ANY man, of actual rape. Keep it together, people.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I agree OP. I think that society places so much pressure on us as is, to be good husbands, good fathers, and to look lean and muscular while fixing the appliances and generally being chivalrous.

    Then, after doing all those manly things I log into this site just to get some relief from the societal pressures and I'm continually pressured and ridiculed by the majority of MFP.

    This really needs to stop.

  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Nothing but <3 for that one ^^

    But seriously, these forums bash everyone. Sometimes males, sometimes females, sometimes overweight people, sometimes "skinny" people. I don't know if you know it, but there can only be 5 happy people in the forums, so I have to make a bunch of people feel crappy if I want a happy spot.

    ^ This.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member

    LMAO dude chill. Holy crap. Now every man is a rapist...nice

    No. Why are you feeling as if someone pointing out the topic of rape (in as broad a term as possible, in this case) pinpoints you and men as a whole as rapists? Seems an odd thing to be defensive about. It'd be like someone saying "Hey, we used to atomic bomb!" and someone going "Nice, now every superpower is using the atomic bomb."


    Don't think I'm being defensive. The topic was about man- bashing and rape got brought up out of the blue. You should be asking why rape was brought up out of nowhere. I mean... some men doing such things gives women the right to complain about men? Is that the defense?
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    It's not cool to bash men. It's not cool to bash women.
    Love to all of you. :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • Emma_Problema
    Emma_Problema Posts: 422 Member

    LMAO dude chill. Holy crap. Now every man is a rapist...nice

    No. Why are you feeling as if someone pointing out the topic of rape (in as broad a term as possible, in this case) pinpoints you and men as a whole as rapists? Seems an odd thing to be defensive about. It'd be like someone saying "Hey, we used to atomic bomb!" and someone going "Nice, now every superpower is using the atomic bomb."


    Don't think I'm being defensive. The topic was about man- bashing and rape got brought up out of the blue. You should be asking why rape was brought up out of nowhere. I mean... some men doing such things gives women the right to complain about men? Is that the defense?

    Man bashing brought up power inequality among the sexes which brought up rape culture, as sexual violence is about power and not about the sex itself. It's more than a little obvious. Herp derp derp.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    It's not cool to bash men. It's not cool to bash women.
    Love to all of you. :flowerforyou: :heart:
    Yes this
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    It's just a reflection of society. It's fashionable to bash men. It's sexist to bash women. Women have gained a lot of well deserved ground in the last few decades, but they have proven to be less than perfect with their new found power. Ironically, abuse of power was always their complaint about men. Women say some pretty horrible things and laugh about it; things that would get a man in a ton of trouble. I'm hoping to someday see the pendulum settle in the middle. I don't think women would much like a world without us, even though it sounds that way sometimes. We (men) wouldn't want a world without them either.

    Lolololol. I bet you use the term "Feminazi". Take a look at the current news in India right now and tell me the power pendulum has swung towards women. Oh, and if you think that's just them and not the Western world, I'd be happy to pull out some rape culture and pay gap stats for you. :flowerforyou:

    Sorry, I just needed to get it out. That being said, sexism is sexism is sexism and discriminating or bullying or stereotyping based on sex or gender is generally pretty vile.

    -Feminist killjoy

    LMAO dude chill. Holy crap. Now every man is a rapist...nice

    Not all of them, just the ones that look creepy.

    Whar about creepy yet awesome undead warlocks like me???

    When you're a cartoon (such as yourself) you can't help it if you're bad. You're just drawn that way.
  • Emma_Problema
    Emma_Problema Posts: 422 Member
    It's not cool to bash men. It's not cool to bash women.
    Love to all of you. :flowerforyou: :heart:
    Yes this

    I think if we don't want the thread to collapse into a debate on sexism we can all just end it like this. Simple and easy.

    Love everyone. Be nice to everyone. LET'S BE FRIENDS YAYYYYY!

  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    The girls just hate because I have such a small *kitten* and the maddest of dance skills.

    Jealousy drives them to hate, but I understand it. Tis Christmas - the season of forgiveness.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    It's not cool to bash men. It's not cool to bash women.
    Love to all of you. :flowerforyou: :heart:
    Yes this

    I think if we don't want the thread to collapse into a debate on sexism we can all just end it like this. Simple and easy.

    Love everyone. Be nice to everyone. LET'S BE FRIENDS YAYYYYY!


    Thanks for stepping back from that. :flowerforyou:

    (ETA: I do get your points - and I didn't go to an all woman liberal college :) )
  • ethieman
    ethieman Posts: 99 Member

    Hahaha. I'll try to keep that in mind. Pay gaps and rape culture are societal issues not reflections on how many men are actually rapists. Le sigh. Am I the only social scientist and/or liberal feminist around? I hate the real world. I miss going to a women's college. NO ONE UNDERSTANDS MEEEEE!:sad:

    I'm with you sister! I can quote wage gap stats by gender and race/ethnicity, rape stats, incarceration rates, stats regarding executive and CEO positions by gender and race/ethnicity, and so on. Not to mention the post you were responding to falsely indicates that women have over taken the power structure. Nerdy social scientist and multicultural/social justice educator here :)

    Haters gonna drink their haterade and hate...
  • edge_dragoncaller
    edge_dragoncaller Posts: 826 Member
    It's just a reflection of society. It's fashionable to bash men. It's sexist to bash women. Women have gained a lot of well deserved ground in the last few decades, but they have proven to be less than perfect with their new found power. Ironically, abuse of power was always their complaint about men. Women say some pretty horrible things and laugh about it; things that would get a man in a ton of trouble. I'm hoping to someday see the pendulum settle in the middle. I don't think women would much like a world without us, even though it sounds that way sometimes. We (men) wouldn't want a world without them either.

    Lolololol. I bet you use the term "Feminazi". Take a look at the current news in India right now and tell me the power pendulum has swung towards women. Oh, and if you think that's just them and not the Western world, I'd be happy to pull out some rape culture and pay gap stats for you. :flowerforyou:

    Sorry, I just needed to get it out. That being said, sexism is sexism is sexism and discriminating or bullying or stereotyping based on sex or gender is generally pretty vile.

    -Feminist killjoy

    LMAO dude chill. Holy crap. Now every man is a rapist...nice

    Not all of them, just the ones that look creepy.

  • edge_dragoncaller
    edge_dragoncaller Posts: 826 Member
    It's just a reflection of society. It's fashionable to bash men. It's sexist to bash women. Women have gained a lot of well deserved ground in the last few decades, but they have proven to be less than perfect with their new found power. Ironically, abuse of power was always their complaint about men. Women say some pretty horrible things and laugh about it; things that would get a man in a ton of trouble. I'm hoping to someday see the pendulum settle in the middle. I don't think women would much like a world without us, even though it sounds that way sometimes. We (men) wouldn't want a world without them either.

    Lolololol. I bet you use the term "Feminazi". Take a look at the current news in India right now and tell me the power pendulum has swung towards women. Oh, and if you think that's just them and not the Western world, I'd be happy to pull out some rape culture and pay gap stats for you. :flowerforyou:

    Sorry, I just needed to get it out. That being said, sexism is sexism is sexism and discriminating or bullying or stereotyping based on sex or gender is generally pretty vile.

    -Feminist killjoy

    LMAO dude chill. Holy crap. Now every man is a rapist...nice

    Not all of them, just the ones that look creepy.

    Whar about creepy yet awesome undead warlocks like me???

    When you're a cartoon (such as yourself) you can't help it if you're bad. You're just drawn that way.

  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    Haven't really noticed, everyone here is so nice
  • Ainar
    Ainar Posts: 858 Member
    It's internet. We bash left, we bash right then we hug and then we bash some more... like 3rd graders.
  • Stdavis53
    Stdavis53 Posts: 233 Member
    I'm fairly new to the site and love it however during this very short time I am seeing a bunch of threads where it seems to be a norm to pretty much bash men. Are most of the men on this site bad folks? I have seen more than a few posts where men have been nothing but helpful. Am I missing something? Do they say mean things via emails to you?

    Honestly, with all the forums and threads I have read, I really think its all about who can flame who the best. It seems like everyone on here seems to have a pretty loose sense of humor when it comes to that stuff. And the way I see it, if we can take turns making fun of eachother with no hard feeling or feelings hurt in the end, its just good old fun!