Man bashing on MFP



  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
  • LordByproduct
    they deserve to be bashed. these men not only eat babies, but they inaccurately input the nutritional info in the MFP database.

    thats me! i always forget to log the babies i eat.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    No worse than the majority of places of conversation, online or offline.
  • kms1320
    kms1320 Posts: 599 Member
    What did you think would happen when you put a bunch of hungry strangers on a forum with anonymity debating views about topics with mostly no true scientific facts to back them up?
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    I can assure you, MFP isn't a man-bashing site. If it seems that way, it might be selection bias on the threads you're reading. I can't even think of any examples that aren't 1) based on someone's relationship drama or 2) a joke. Now, women bashing other women is another story entirely...

    This. I see a lot more pandering to men and celebrating how awesome the men are here (not a bad thing, most of the men do seem nice) than any bashing. Not that no one here has ever bashed men in general, but I've never seen it not challenged. There seems to be a lot more vying by women to prove that they are not like "other women" in how much cooler they are than other women.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    It's just a reflection of society. It's fashionable to bash men. It's sexist to bash women. Women have gained a lot of well deserved ground in the last few decades, but they have proven to be less than perfect with their new found power. Ironically, abuse of power was always their complaint about men. Women say some pretty horrible things and laugh about it; things that would get a man in a ton of trouble. I'm hoping to someday see the pendulum settle in the middle. I don't think women would much like a world without us, even though it sounds that way sometimes. We (men) wouldn't want a world without them either.

  • supahstar71
    supahstar71 Posts: 926 Member
    I make a point to never bash men .....

    Unless they're into that sort of thing.

  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    It's prevalent here because of the male:female ratio heavily favoring women.

    Or, if you like: Girls be trippin'

    Edited to avoid misogynistic destruction.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I haven't noticed people bashing men. And judging from the majority of responses on this thread it appears the men are not feeling it either. Except a few men that misread things because they have their own personal hurt and issues to deal with (maybe they were hurt by women in relationships as I have read in some of their other posts). It seems to go both ways. The men that complain they are being bashed also bash women (just kind of a lack in self-reflection on that), but I don't take it personally because I can see there are issues there the person is dealing with, and I'm pretty secure with myself.

    Something to keep in mind is that if a woman has a bad experience with a man and talks about it, she does not mean all men. I have been harmed by men (when I was a child and there was a power imbalance), but I am also married to a really incredible man and have many male friends. I like men a lot. Sometimes difficult feelings from my past can get triggered and I can feel unheard (not that I usually even say anything because usually I try to be aware that it is not the time and place to bring that up). It's just the reality of life. There are good and harmful people of both genders. I don't see why people want to make it a gender bashing issue. Just because a women talks about a bad experience she had with a man it does not make all men suddenly victims. But, I understand that it is never easy to hear about bad things and it brings up difficult feelings for everyone. So, I'm just going to say it again. Just because a female was hurt by a man or men it does not mean she thinks all men are bad. Men have been some of my greatest allies.

    Also, there seems to be some misunderstanding about creepers. Sometimes a specific man can behave in a way that is creepy and uncomfortable. How anyone does not know this is mind blowing. But, that does not mean a woman thinks a man is creepy just because he spoke to her. My first response to all men is that they are a good guy with good intentions. I actually very rarely interpret any sexual component because I am married and not accustomed to interacting with other men in that way. But, when a man says something overtly sexual and/or actually touches me (maybe he is even drunk in a place that drunkenness is not appropriate) then I am definitely not going to be cool with that.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    It's just a reflection of society. It's fashionable to bash men. It's sexist to bash women. Women have gained a lot of well deserved ground in the last few decades, but they have proven to be less than perfect with their new found power. Ironically, abuse of power was always their complaint about men. Women say some pretty horrible things and laugh about it; things that would get a man in a ton of trouble. I'm hoping to someday see the pendulum settle in the middle. I don't think women would much like a world without us, even though it sounds that way sometimes. We (men) wouldn't want a world without them either.

    Lolololol. I bet you use the term "Feminazi". Take a look at the current news in India right now and tell me the power pendulum has swung towards women. Oh, and if you think that's just them and not the Western world, I'd be happy to pull out some rape culture and pay gap stats for you. :flowerforyou:

    -Feminist killjoy

    Better suited for groups not the main forums.


    Yeah. This is chit-chat. And the title of the post is about "man bashing". Don't tell me I need to post elsewhere just because you don't like what I have to say or are too lazy or inept to come up with an argument. :laugh:

    I didn't say you needed to do anything, I didn't say I didn't like what was posted and I am not looking foran argument. The posts above that I quoted are potiental troll baiting matieral and are likely to cause spiralling arguments.

    Oh hell..really people...look up the definition of TROLLING. *facedesks*

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    they deserve to be bashed. these men not only eat babies, but they inaccurately input the nutritional info in the MFP database.

    thats me! i always forget to log the babies i eat.

    *shakes a fist* Dammmmnnn yyyyoouuuu...hahahaha :P
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    The three B's: "Bashing, Bullying, and Body-shaming"

    I keep hearing about these things in terms of complaints. I've been accused of two of the three, but in reality of their definitions, it rarely ever actually happens. Some people are too sensitive, others just like to stir up crap.
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    I'm fairly new to the site and love it however during this very short time I am seeing a bunch of threads where it seems to be a norm to pretty much bash men. Are most of the men on this site bad folks? I have seen more than a few posts where men have been nothing but helpful. Am I missing something? Do they say mean things via emails to you?

    Cold hearted man haters.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    The three B's: "Bashing, Bullying, and Body-shaming"

    I keep hearing about these things in terms of complaints. I've been accused of two of the three, but in reality of their definitions, it rarely ever actually happens. Some people are too sensitive, others just like to stir up crap.

    Maybe they aren't pooping correctly....lmao! Just kidding. But I agree with you. I've found most people are just too sensitive.
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    Boys suck! Lets throw rocks at em!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    The three B's: "Bashing, Bullying, and Body-shaming"

    I keep hearing about these things in terms of complaints. I've been accused of two of the three, but in reality of their definitions, it rarely ever actually happens. Some people are too sensitive, others just like to stir up crap.

    Maybe they aren't pooping correctly....lmao! Just kidding. But I agree with you. I've found most people are just too sensitive.

    hahaha...that was a hilarious thread!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    The three B's: "Bashing, Bullying, and Body-shaming"

    I keep hearing about these things in terms of complaints. I've been accused of two of the three, but in reality of their definitions, it rarely ever actually happens. Some people are too sensitive, others just like to stir up crap.

    WendyTerry, You don't even know me. I am a lurker and I've seen people call you out on "Body Shaming" and I can assure you the people that called you out on it did not do so because they had hurt feelings.

    Sometimes people find certain behavior annoying, that does not mean they have hurt feelings. This statement is not directed at you, just a common misunderstanding. "Oh, someone didn't agree with what I said, they must have hurt feelings".
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    What did you think would happen when you put a bunch of hungry strangers on a forum with anonymity debating views about topics with mostly no true scientific facts to back them up?

    Yup! Emotions run high when people are going through a major lifestyle change, struggling with self-image, and missing their favorite comfort foods! The relative anonymity allows them to vent. I don't know about the man bashing, like someone else said, women may talk about issues with the men in their lives (probably more than men talk about the women in theirs), but what I have seen on the forums so far is pretty balanced.

    "Hungry Strangers" - if I were a musician, that's what I'd call my band. :laugh:
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    I haven't noticed much man-bashing, but the fact that this forum is mostly women would probably lead to more man-bashing than women-bashing. I'm on another forum that's mostly men and the women bashing on there is pretty bad.
  • mikey1976
    mikey1976 Posts: 1,005 Member
    theres man bashing man here just last week i was called a stupid canadian for my view on american gun laws haters gonna hate no matter what subject it is