skinny fat?



  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Seeing ribs is really not a healthy goal. I really think you want what is best for your body though and realize that you don't want to lose more weight. There are different ways to gain muscle and tone... I take it that you are still at home by your posts about your mom being vegan so you can't eat chicken like you would like. Pushups, sit ups, ... Your hiking actually can help your lower body ESPECIALLY if your hiking is in hilly terrain. Also, there are other exercises such as push ups off the side of a chair, crunches, etc may help. Of course weight training can help a lot if you have that option. Best wishes on your success.
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    I love carbs so much tho:(

    Don't we all??? :) That's the point! I'd talk to a nutritionist first, or a personal trainer- find out your BF %. Let them help you set realistic goals. You are still young- your body is 18, and could very well still be in developmental stages. I know image seems like everything, but your pictures show a very healthy looking young woman. I don't see fat- and believe me, I know what it looks like.
    I am not going to tell you go eat a bunch of protein and lift heavy and hard- cause if you aren't interested in that, you probably aren't going to do it right?
    I'd get professional opinion if you are really worried about your body fat %- but at this point in your life, you are allowed a lot of leeway in diet and exercise, with likely a mega metabolism. But I would incorporate weight training because we all need it- we need it for bone density as well as muscular development.

    You are young and beautiful- look in the mirror and see that- and focus on a life of healthy- because beauty fades a lot quicker than a healthy body :)
  • lilteeraw
    the mountain i climb is prob. 90% up hill... and then i run down it.
  • lilteeraw
    also now that i hike everyday its gotten way to easy,,
    maybe i need to do somthing harder and that will help my body?
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    also now that i hike everyday its gotten way to easy,,
    maybe i need to do somthing harder and that will help my body?
    Do your hike with a heavy pack. Then come home and squat and deadlift the heavy pack :P
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Are protein shakes good for incorporatig.more protein?
    And is it really how low of cals im eating that is affecting it?
    Im scared if i increase my cals... that ill gain a **** ton
    .idk lol

    You need to increase your calories to build muscle. You increase your calories, you will probably get enough protein. If not supplement with whey.

    I would suggest taking the benefit of 'newbie' gains by eating at maintenance and starting a good resistance training program like starting strength or stronglifts 5 x 5. After a while (say 3 - 4 months) you will need to eat at a surplus to gain more muscle mass so eat at about 250 -350 above maintenance. Using the time at maintenance will also be useful where you can work on form and get your muscles used to being used so that your muscle gains when eating at a surplus will be better as your lifting will be more effective for muscle growth. Don't forget however that lifting will increase the amount of calories you will need to maintain.

    ^^^this. Listen to Sara. Great advice
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    The answer is the same as your other threads. Eat enough. Lift heavy.
  • lilteeraw
  • nhradeuce
    nhradeuce Posts: 168 Member
    I think one of the things you really need to work on is ignoring your weight. Seriously, don't even step on the scale. What matters is how your body looks. Once you get over the whole gaining weight thing, it should be a lot easier. To get the body you want - slim with good muscle tone and no jiggly bits - you are going to gain weight. As you build more lean mass your weight is going to go up, but that is not a bad thing since your body will be firming up.

    As far as your current intake, I would increase total calories a few hundred daily for 4-6 weeks and see how it goes. You will eventually need to work up to a slight surplus to build muscle, but there is no need to do it overnight. Once you get the muscle tone you want, you can cut back your calories back to maintenance.
  • lilteeraw
    OKAY(: yes ive been consuming more calories all week & sorta feel sick.
    but with the new year coming i am setting up new & better goals for myself.
    so hopefully all will work out and im hoping by the end of 2013.. ill have the body I WANT.

  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    The answer is the same as your other threads. Eat enough. Lift heavy.

    Ugh, right? This girl starts a new thread at least once a day. Hopefully she'll get b& for spam.
  • lilteeraw
    dude atleast im asking for help...
    if you dont like my posts then ignore them ^^^^^^