P90X'ers Starting 2/22/2010



  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    Got a little off schedule. Started phase 2 today with Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. Wowza! That's a killer!
    Also joined an extreme karate gym last week and am taking some heavy bag classes, Krav Maga, and might give boxing a try. I want to wear tank tops this summer! Down about 12 pounds since starting P90X in February, even though I'm off schedule!
    Keep bringing it!
  • kamsue101
    kamsue101 Posts: 33 Member
    The plyo is pretty hard on my joints but I'm modifying and keeping my landings soft and I think I'll be ok. I did chest and back with abripper x today. I was bringing it today. Bringing it and loving it. It was a great workout. Can't wait for tomorrow.
  • bryan_yauger
    keep hitting play everyone.....not to much longer and it will be swim suit time....
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    I lost 6.5 inches through my stomach, waist and hips last month! I'm a believer!
  • kamsue101
    kamsue101 Posts: 33 Member
    I just started week 3 and I've already lost an inch off my waist. I can tell I am getting stronger and am able to get through Plyometrics without pushing pause. I'm proud of me.
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    I just started week 3 and I've already lost an inch off my waist. I can tell I am getting stronger and am able to get through Plyometrics without pushing pause. I'm proud of me.

    You should absolutely be proud of yourself for getting thru Plyometrics! :drinker: I am doing INSANITY and still struggle with getting thru P90X Plyometrics.
    I'm on week 2 of phase 2. I've started boxing and Krav Maga so I'm not sure if I will be able to stick the printed schedule, but I'm going to keep working thru the program, even if it takes extra time!
  • Claudina
    Claudina Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks so much. :) Sorry for the late reply (hadn't been online in a while).... Shortly after I wrote, I learned about the INSANITY workout (also from Beach Body) and started it on March 2nd. It's a 6 days/week workout, but I'm not totally following it, just using it to work out (my personal goal had been 3x/week), and modifying or replacing some exercises as needed to protect my back (1st week I didn't do that, and paid dearly). It's great, and I did 5 days the first 2 weeks, then 3. Unfortunately after that, same thing, life, work, then loss of stamina slowed me down to less than 2 days/week. Next week I will revamp. Later on down the road, I still plan to do some of the core P90x since P90 gets more sculpting done.

    Anyway, I did miss out on starting with you guys and tracking here, but wish you luck and will still check in now and again, if nothing else, for motivation. :)
  • bryan_yauger
    push play, push play, push play......almost summer, push play, push play, i am seeing my abs very slowly but its working, push play, push play stay motivated no matter what....lets go people.....

  • kamsue101
    kamsue101 Posts: 33 Member
    Today was my first day of week 5. I am really loving these workouts. I am still not crazy about the YogaX; it's the hardest one for me. But, I do what I can. Those salutations at the beginning are the worst. Once I get through those, it's all good. I did my workout this morning and this afternoon I felt like doing more. So, I added CardioX and it is an awesome workout. Aerobic exercises have always been my favorite. Since I started P90X I have had to add some calories so I don't run out of energy. The first 3 weeks I didn't lose any weight but lost inches. I'm sure I was building muscle and losing fat. The 4th week I dropped 2 lbs. and have dropped another 2 already this week. I am really enjoying the workouts. I'll just keep pressing play.
  • bryan_yauger
    If you don't like Yoga, try doing the Plyo again or just taking a real long run at a good pace and make sure you go for at least 45 minutes. If you have to walk at certain times then so be it...but just do something that can get about the same calories....
  • bryan_yauger
    2 weeks left... You should at least feel better than you did 90 days ago and maybe even changed some measurements or look just a little different...I will have before and after pics by June 3rd my birthday. that will give me two extra weeks to shed sme extra water weight and get the little cuts I've worked so hard for....I waont look like a bodybuilder but there is ahuge difference thatn when I started. Hope everyone tried there best and hope to hear other good news from you all...

    Ready to keep hitting play and never rewind back to the way I was...

  • kamsue101
    kamsue101 Posts: 33 Member
    My allergies have got me feeling a little droopy today. I'm not going to do doubles today. Just Back & Biceps w/AbripperX. I can't believe a I do all the abripper moves now. My form may not be as good as theirs and i do have to push pause a few times to take an extra stretch, but I'm doing all the moves and very proud of it.

    I keep pushing play!

  • bryan_yauger
    Great Job Kamsue.....Stay positive NO MATTER WHAT....No matter what happens in life, you have to stay positive even if everything around you feels like it is falling apart and you ask you ask yourself why me....It always gets better. Keep going and keep making changes for yourself and no one else. Eventually, the changes you make for yourself, end up helping people around you....

    Great job. It's almost Summer time!

  • kamsue101
    kamsue101 Posts: 33 Member
    core synergistics was really hard today. The first half was killing me. I had oatmeal for breakfast and it always gives me indigestion and I think that was a big part of my problem. I pushed through and after the bow to boats everything seemed to start flowing. Maybe my endorphines kicked in. My favorite move is the lunge/kickback/curl/press/reverse curl/ or whatever it's called. I did them today with 8 lbs. You really have to engage your core to get those done. This is a really sweaty workout. Even though it started out hard, I feel great now that it is finished. Tomorrow is KenpoX and I'll be ready.

    I hope everyone who started is still pushing play. If not, come on back people.
  • bryan_yauger
    So how did everyone do? I am will take about two weeks and tweek my diet and then take after pictures. Then I will rest about one extra week (total of 3 just doing small exercises) and then go for another round with some added weight training at the end of weight days to add some bulk. Hope everyone keeps pushing their own play button because that is what it is all about....

    Great job to all that kept active during our 3 month period and good luck to you all. I will be using myfitnesspal for a long time so just look my name up if you ever want to drop a line and tell me about your success and/or if you need help with any ideas....

  • kamsue101
    kamsue101 Posts: 33 Member
    Bryan, you've done a great job. I am still pushing play and will be using myfitnesspal for a long time as well. I am on day 2 of week 9. The plyometrics was great today. I am so much stronger than I was week one it amazes me. I haven't decided if I am going to do round 2 of P90X after week 13 or if I am going to try my hand at INSANITY. I have ordered insanity but haven't gotten it yet.

    I am going to do another round of P90X and Insanity, I just haven't decided which to do first. I still have quite a bit of body fat to lose. People tell me I look great, but they haven't seen me in a bathing suit yet. I am going to get bikini ready this year, even if it takes all summer and it probably will. My son is getting married in November and I am going to be in the best shape of my life.

    I will keep looking for you so keep posting.

  • bryan_yauger
    I thought about Insanity combined with P90X. I like the weights being used in the P90X and then on the normal P90X cardio, kenpo, plyo, yoga, throw in Insanity workouts? I might try 45-60 days doing it like that and see what happens. If the results are great then I will share and if it didn't work very well, then I guess I could still share... : ). The way I see it, is that if you are burning more calories than you take in, and for me, using weights then it still should work just as well and I think with higher intenisity cardio that Insanity has, P90X combined should help a person shed a lot of water weight as well as fat........

    See ya,

  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    I thought about Insanity combined with P90X. I like the weights being used in the P90X and then on the normal P90X cardio, kenpo, plyo, yoga, throw in Insanity workouts? I might try 45-60 days doing it like that and see what happens. If the results are great then I will share and if it didn't work very well, then I guess I could still share... : ). The way I see it, is that if you are burning more calories than you take in, and for me, using weights then it still should work just as well and I think with higher intenisity cardio that Insanity has, P90X combined should help a person shed a lot of water weight as well as fat........

    See ya,


    That is how Ive been using them both. I can't keep to the INSANITY schedule because I also run 20+ miles a week, but my running times are amazing since using INSANITY. I use it about 3x a week along with the P90X weight workouts. I know LOTS of people using the same hybrid and everyone is having amazing results...either in weight loss, body composition, or fitness improvements!
  • bryan_yauger
    I bet Insanity has helped with your running in lung capacity right? It seems like a workout that elevates the heart for a long duration which will probably help your per mile time. I have to get my mile down to about a 7:30 pace to maintain my employer's minimum standards. This time frame would be about a quarter under for the mile and a half test. Good to know that Insanity IS helping before purchasing it....

  • bryan_yauger
    Took my pictures of before and after. I did not start myfitnesspal when I first started working out at 235+ pounds. I am now at 195 and did not meet my "Ripped Look" by my birthday today but I can see my abs compared to my keg last July. I am going to the lake this July, and hope in another 6 weeks I can obtain the ripped look. Keep hitting play and never give up. Always use a mirror and not a scale. If I can be ripped at 195 instead of my current look, then the scale does not mean anything. The mirror never lies so long as we don't lie to ourselves. Don't ask others if you look good, or look fat or fit. Go ask the mirror. Good luck and if I could add my before and after photo here I would. Keep hitting play people.....
