P90X'ers Starting 2/22/2010



  • kamsue101
    kamsue101 Posts: 33 Member
    It sounds like you are doing great. I have decided that I am going to have to keep P90X in my calendar for as long as I am physically able to bring it. I took P90X with me on vacation last week. My sister did a few of the workouts with me and now she has ordered P90X to do at home. I am trying to get some others to join me for round 2.
  • bryan_yauger
    Got your comment on my page...Maybe after you are done with Insanity, I might do a third round of P90X along with Insanity, mayber doing one in the morning and then another one after work......Wouldn't that be Insanity? Could you imagine all the food you would have to eat just so that you don't burn muscle instead of fat? Maybe it could be called "The Insane 90"......Hmm, maybe after I get my personal trainers license, that might work at a gym where I hold classes 6 days a week and rotate different programs throughout the week....I almost have them memorized and could tweak a few of the exercises for each day just for legality purposes.

    Catch you later, good luck on all your races.....