Over 200 Club New Year New Body-Part 7



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    awestfall..i do love it.....i got from not doing it for a while but getting back on as of now.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Well I am feeling good this morning..i was very depressed at the scale this morning...i know i deserved it the way i have been eating and not exercising...up 7 1/2 lbs ouch...i am praying some of that is water weight and will come off...

    but i ahve done good today, good breakfast (even though i burnt it :( ), lunch on target, got on the wii at lunch for 30 min..wore my hr and burned 160 cals...was pretty excited since my wii fit board needs batteries so i just played wii sports resort, basketball and cycling..

    We have meals planned for the rest of the week and a new $$ budget that does not leave room for eating out every night..

    I am going to do this...i had lost 27 lbs(ok 20 as of today) but i can do it again...

    Jib - WTG on those size 16 jeans..I don't blame you the way you are melting off lbs.

    Hang in there! Having a set back from time to time will happen! As long as you learn from it and keep going. Don't give up! That weight will come off in no time!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    lildebbie: Do not get discouraged about the gain. It's temporary and since you've lost it before, you already know how to lose it again! It won't even take as long this time because you know exactly what you've done wrong and how to correct it. We're here for you!

    jlb: Awesome on the size 16 jeans! I love that you didn't buy them because I totally would have and wouldn't have thought about the fact that they won't fit in a few weeks. Way to save your money so you have more to spend when you're even smaller! I'm thinking about stopping by the store today (Maurice's, where I usually buy my jeans) to try on the next smaller size. I want to see just how far I am from being able to comfortably wear them. Such fun stuff, isn't it??

    Well, I'll be back tomorrow morning. I'm off to do chores at the barn since the owners won't be home from their weekend in Vegas until 1am. Poor horses need to eat!

    Have a wonderful evening!
  • tiger12gal
    tiger12gal Posts: 68 Member
    momma: I do wonderful on the weekdays and then the weekends I fail... I guess its bc my hubby is tall and skinny and doesnt see a problem with eating!

    Check in 2/21
    cals: under
    water: way under
    exercise: we walked the mall for about an hr... Not going in stores just walking up and down with the kids

    cals: under if I stick to what I have planned for dinner!
    water: on track
    exercise: none

    Tomorrow I take my oldest to get tested for kindergarten next year. Im excited and sad all at the same time. He is just getting to big!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Checking In For Today

    cals: UNDER! As long as I eat what I have planned for dinner!
    water: 12 glasses
    exercise: None today. Still extremley sore from yesterday. Back at it tomorrow!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hi all you wonderful gals!

    I am so behind. Thanks msthal for the new link. I will have to go back and catch up on the posts. So what a crazy busy few days. I took my 16 yo to a Elton John and Billy Joel concert and those old dudes still have it! It was a 3 1/2 hr concert and the time just flew by. We skied on Saturday and I was side swipe by a really old geezer and felt pretty yucky the rest of the day, I am very lucky that it wasn't worse. My ribs on my right side are so SORE and TENDER but I still got my Leslie Sansone 3 miles in, (without the extra weights). We had guests for dinner the past two weekends and it was big crowds, so I have really not had a routine for a bit.

    Over on calories yesterday, but the rest of the time I have been within goal. Keep up the good work. Take Care!
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    Checking in

    Calories-over (less than 200 if that makes a difference)
    Proud-that I am logging again and trying to get back on track

    Since I haven't been keeping up with the postings I'm not sure what we are suppose to be posting when we check in. Have a wonderful evening ladies!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I DID IT!! I DID IT!!!:drinker:

    Check in 2/22/10:
    calories- under by 150
    water- yes
    excercise- I DID IT I DID IT!!!:love::laugh: C2K5 W3D1!
    sodium- 1675
    proud- DUH! That I was able to run 3 minutes straight, may sound dumb but OMG I could barely do the 60 secs week 1! I am extremely proud of myself

    Thank you all for the pep talk! I am on cloud nine!

    Have a good night,

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I DID IT!! I DID IT!!!:drinker:

    Check in 2/22/10:
    calories- under by 150
    water- yes
    excercise- I DID IT I DID IT!!!:love::laugh: C2K5 W3D1!
    sodium- 1675
    proud- DUH! That I was able to run 3 minutes straight, may sound dumb but OMG I could barely do the 60 secs week 1! I am extremely proud of myself

    Thank you all for the pep talk! I am on cloud nine!

    Have a good night,


    That is so great! Congrats!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Oh Chris!!!! :love: LOVE that you DID IT!:love: You rock!

    Checking in -

    I stayed home sick/PTO today. I'm not sure I'm sick but seemed like I was this AM ...

    Calories - Under - I don't mind because I've been over for days now! One day under won't hurt a bit!
    Water - have I mentioned how much I suck at drinking water at home? I kinda feel bad when I drink bottled water (such a waste) and our tap water is stinky)
    Exercise - nope... (Hey - I'm home "sick":sick: )!

    Proud- I went shopping on an empty stomach - I did fine and made it to the car before I ripped open the bag of apples and ate one like I was a starving fool LOL!:laugh:

    Also - stopped at a Kohls by the grocery and picked up a pair of slacks and a skirt size 14. They are too tight to wear but I know they won't be for long :wink: Like jlb123 - why spend money on 16s if I can get a great deal on 14s ($8 each) that I'll fit soon! I gave a bunch of my summer capris to my house keeper for her daughter and gave her this site to give to her too! It's soooo nice to clean out the bigger sizes! I've been wearing a pair of size 18 hiking pants for the last two days and I'm so happy! They might SAY size 18 but they've been too tight to wear for years! Whoot!

    Oh - Positively_Me! I'm making my first batch of yogurt right now! I'm using 1% organic milk and I'm so excited - It looks like I'll be able to make yogurt, strain it so it's Greek style, using organic milk and STILL pay only about half what the good stuff costs!
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    I DID IT!! I DID IT!!!:drinker:

    Check in 2/22/10:
    calories- under by 150
    water- yes
    excercise- I DID IT I DID IT!!!:love::laugh: C2K5 W3D1!
    sodium- 1675
    proud- DUH! That I was able to run 3 minutes straight, may sound dumb but OMG I could barely do the 60 secs week 1! I am extremely proud of myself

    Thank you all for the pep talk! I am on cloud nine!

    Have a good night,


    GOOD JOB!!! and WAY TO GO!!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    check in for 2/22
    Calories - 1319 ( ate a little more than my exercise cals + regular)
    water -8
    exercise - a bit of walking + 8 flights of stairs all at once.

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    mstahl - WTG on getting those 14's...they will be fitting in no time at all.

    Check in -

    Cals - 1491
    Exercise - 30 min on wii
    Water - no where near goal, but got 1 cup..that is better than i have been
    Proud - I am back on track..and I am going to do this.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    good morning girls,

    I love that this thread is so active...it's what keeps me motivated..reading your posts.

    Jib, congrates on fitting a size 14...pretty soon you will be a size 12...keep it up :)

    Lideb, welcome back...I've missed you...by no time those 7 pounds will melt away..don't stress...stopping by shows your determination that you want to get fit...keep it up girl..don't give up :)

    heather, thanks girl! i have missed this thread so much! my weakness is not logging my calories over the weekend and by the time i do..i am over...all those mindless eating i have been doing this passed week. I found that snacking in the evening is taking over...this goes with the mindless eating...i have to stop before it takes over...i will be incontrol...i am in this to lose.

    mstahl, hey girl, i love reading your posts :). Let me know how your homemade yogurt went..i made a fresh batch Sunday evening so i can have yogurt, blueberries, and gronola mix for breakfast/lunch.
    With the yogurt I strain it in a cheese cloth for about thewhole day and it comes out very thick...sprinkle some salt (lightly) and the *yogurt* becomes a spread...spread on tosted whole wheat pita, thin slices cucumber on top, and cut into wedges...this is a great snack..and not a lot of calories...

    I was about to post w/o the relizing that i forgot to post my check in for monday.

    check-in: 2/22/10
    calories: under by 100, but over in fat...like 10 grams..ugh
    water: yup...made sure i did
    exercise: nope, i have to get 30 minutes everyday...since i didn't do Monday...tuesday will be 60 minutes..
    sodium: i ate too much cheese so i went over my 1700 mg..
    proud: i stayed on track...for the most part...but Tuesday will be even better.

    I will check back later Tuesday's check-in.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Sorry I have been hit and miss.. Life has had me running circles lately. I have not been keeping track of my food but, I think I have not done too bad the past few days. I have also managed to burn about 500 cal each day on the elliptical.. I love that thing! My water consumption has been down a bit so, I am working on that extra hard today. Proud.. I am not gaining.. even though I am not loosing like I want to.. I am at least not gaining. Hopefully in the near future I can get back on the downward part of the weight loss. :smile:

    Well.. I have about a million things to get done today so.. I am off and running.. TTYL
  • madgoth
    I finally did my little walk away the pounds after 2 weeks of excuses.

    Mari forgot to say she is down a size in her pants. yay mari!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Awesome Cris!

    Calories: 1408
    Exercise: 25 minutes stationary bike; 10 minutes walking; 21 minutes running working on speed (omg :sick:)
    Water: 13-14 cups I think
    Proud: I was a little overzealous with my running speed when I first started and I petered quickly. But I didn't let myself stop running after 10 minutes like I *really* wanted to -- Just slowed it down to catch my breath before I jacked the speed up again. I'm reading this kind of interval/sprint training and hills are the best way to build speed. It's an awesome workout. :bigsmile:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Not feeling too hot, so I stayed home today.

    pos_me - it's so good to see you! :flowerforyou:
    mstahl - congrats on the pants! That is so true - when you know you're losing, you hate to spend on a size that won't stay for long! What a great feeling, eh? :flowerforyou:
    mari - I'm glad your mom keeps us posted on your pants! LOL Seriously, I do! Congrats to you, too! :flowerforyou:
    madgoth - Success! You did it! Now keep doing it! Ride on that feeling of success! :flowerforyou:
    COGirl - at least your life circles are bringing you back here and to getting healthy! Sometimes we have to hold on to at least that much! :flowerforyou:
    lildeb - SO happy to see your mind in the right place after everything you've been dealing with. Way to go! :flowerforyou:
    meokk - wow, 8 flights of stairs! The last time I did 8 flights of stairs was....never! LOL :flowerforyou:
    cris - YAY! YOU DID IT! I can feel your joy! I am so proud of you! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    I tried to log in my food last night but it wouldn't let me - kept saying it was down for maintenance, so...

    check in for yesterday:
    cals: good
    water: just barely made it
    exercise: 40 bike plus 10 fast bike plus arms
    proud: That even though I was feeling sick, I still exercised.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Was pretty bummed when I got on the scale yesterday morning and had gained 2 pounds. Got on this morning and have lost 3 pounds since yesterday. Must of been too much sodium over the weekend! Great way to start the day! Hope everyone else has a great Tuesday!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Cris: You are awesome. I knew you could do it! It's amazing how fast the body can make progress, isn't it? Keep it up and you'll be running the 30 minutes soon!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories:117 calories over
    Sodium: Over by 1090
    Water: None (naughty, naughty)
    Exercise: I'm a lazy bum.

    I've realized that when I sit down at home, I can't seem to get up again except to go to bed. I really need to get the workout done before I sit down for anything, including dinner. I feel like a complete lazy lump lately and my back has been a bit sore from not moving around enough. Serves me right...

    Have a good day,