Over 200 Club New Year New Body-Part 7



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Raquel-Welcome! I'm fairly new to the group as well and so far they have been wonderful!

    Meokk-I have been doing the 30 Day Shred. The first day it kicked my ever loving butt! It is a wonderful DVD and it took a few weeks before I saw the scale move much but I have lost about 2 inches off my waist so far. I have also been doing the Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout, it is fantastic! I absolutely love it! Good luck with your new DVD's!

    check in for today 2/23/10:
    calories- under by 510 with my workout calories...does anybody know if it's really good to eat all your workout calories?
    water- For sure! 13 glasses so far! Better stop soon!
    sodium- 1074 today! YES!!
    excercise- Did my 30 Day Shred and did my sit up challenge test!
    proud- Dropped 3 pounds since yesterday! Did my exercise and started the sit up challenge!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Welcome Raquel !!!!

    It is funny the discussion today about flabby skin. I had this dream last night that i woke up and I had all this skin in my stomach like down to my feet...i was horrified.!!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Check in

    Cals - 1304..my dinner was way low in cals (320) so got lots extra today

    Water - still not real good...working on it though

    Exercise - did 10 min on eliptical..i know not too much but that thing was squeaking and felt like it was going to break with the combination my knee has been killing me...This dang cold weather is not liking my old bones.

    Proud - I am still on track ..and doing good.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Back to check in for the day!

    Calories - 1450 about 250 shy of my exercise calories :)
    Water - Good -it's so easy at work with the nice big water cooler!
    Exercise - 35 minutes on the elliptical machine and a FAST 45 minute walk at lunch!

    Proud - that I finally FINALLY made the damn beets! I roasted them with shallots, and made a reduction of chicken broth and balsamic vinegar and a little brown sugar, toasted some walnuts and sprinkled them over the beets with some goat cheese - it was actually VERY yummy! Maybe I'll try them again!

    For dinner tonight I made the beets for a warm salad, and "tuna boats" for our main dish. Basically tuna salad made with 1% cottage cheese instead of mayo, and baked in half a red bell pepper with a little low-fat mozzarella cheese on top :) I am stuffed!

    It's too late to start reading tonight but I'm sitting by the fire listening to some Handle on the stereo, accompanied by my mastiff girl (Mrs. Fig) snoring away on the fireplace rug:smile: I need to get to bed but it's soooo nice here by the fire!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hello Everyone and welcome Raquel!!!! We got our daughter on a plane this morning. She is in Washington DC. We were at San Fransico International airport this morning and I told my kids our challenge was to take stairs when ever you can. Well she held me to it, then dad came along and messed some of it up. But for the most part we used stairs. We got up at 2:30 a.m. this morning I am beat. We ate terribly alot of on the run eating. :grumble: I have been trying to get a hold of my daughter, to remind her that we are on the west coast and will be 3 hours behind her so she doesn't call me in the middle of the night and wake my exhausted butt up:sad: I am not even sure if I am making sense right now so I will talk to you all tomorrow.:flowerforyou:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Girls, I'm not in for the sit-up challenge just yet. Give me another 50. Right now, the only sit-up I do is getting out of bed! :tongue: And some days that takes a LOT of effort! :laugh:

    Momma - you make perfect sense. You're a mom who is both excited and nervous that her daughter is in DC and you're absolutely exhausted! :happy:
    Welcome, Raquel! What a pretty name. You will love it here! :flowerforyou:
    mstahl - I always look forward to you describing your food because it is always innovative and exciting! I must admit sometimes I try it myself! Like for instance I will be trying your tuna boats pretty soon! :tongue: And I love that you love cottage cheese as much as I do! Thanks for enticing me to eat healthy and fun!

    I stayed home from work today - starting to feel crappy. Ugh. I'll head to the doctor tomorrow. You'd think I'd go when I had loads of time today. Nope. I slept instead. :ohwell:

    check in:
    cals: good
    water: good
    exercise: my usual helping of 40 mins bike (hey, if it ain't broken, don't fix it, right? LOL) plus arm work
    proud: I did not binge today, even though I wanted to so that I could self-medicate my illness. Instead, I went back to bed!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: I'm sitting at 1245 right now. I maybe have 1/4 cup frozen yogurt before bed. We'll see (it's already after 11)
    Exercise: 30 minutes bike & got in 8 flights of stairs thanks to the challenge :smile:
    Water: 10+cups
    Proud: I had a pizza delivery to the 5th floor of a hotel. And I took the stairs!
    ...And I wasn't even huffing when I got to the top. And then I got an whole 48 cent tip. :explode: Fun fact, ladies: Food delivery drivers, like servers, are paid less than federal minimum wage (because we work for tips). It's good to know I wasted my gas and my tires and my oil to bring that jerk dinner. I was stiffed 33% of the time tonight. That's NOT okay. Fact: If you can't afford to tip, you really shouldn't be spending $20-$30 on one meal. Sorry about rant, it's just really irritating to give someone fantastic service only to be pooped on for it.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I agree, jlb. That sucks that a person would not tip or undertip a delivery person. But just out of personal curiosity (and wanting to know for future tips), how much should we give to the delivery person? A certain percentage? I've always wanted to know. Thanks. On the brighter side, way to go on those stairs!

    I have a lot of trouble with stairs, because my right knee is super bad (arthritis, torn tendon, torn meniscus, you name it - I got it!), So for this challenge I've been parking far away from the buildings I'm going in to get more leg work in. I've been parking down the hill at school every day and I don't even pant when I get in the school building anymore! It's a great feeling! :bigsmile: That's as close to stair climbing that I can get right now! :tongue:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jib - Sorry you got stiffed...but WTG on the stairs.

    I have no stairs (besides my house) so that is all I get to take.

    I am really tied of my daughter waking up sooooo early...Today it was a few minutes before 5..yes 5...that just isn't right..she must not get her sleeping patterns from me...She goes to bed about 7:30, but doesn't matter I can put her to bed at 10 she still gets up freaking early.
  • tiger12gal
    tiger12gal Posts: 68 Member
    lildebbie: My daughter just turned 3 and she NEVER sleeps in past 6. She normally gets up at 5 or 530 even if we put her to bed late.... AND if we put her to bed late then I have to put her down for a nap by 930 bc she is SOOO cranky!

    Raquel: Welcome!

    I think I am going to do the situp challenge! My tummy is very loose after having the baby... Can anyone tell me about the c25k? and the 30 day shed?

    check in for 2/23
    Calories: under
    water: way under
    exercise: nothing really but I did take the stairs!

    I changed my goals on here so my calorie intake is less... that is going to be a challenge for me but I think I can do it! I didnt know after you lose weight you had to physically go change your goals for your calorie intake to go down!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    lildebbie: My daughter just turned 3 and she NEVER sleeps in past 6. She normally gets up at 5 or 530 even if we put her to bed late.... AND if we put her to bed late then I have to put her down for a nap by 930 bc she is SOOO cranky!

    Yes same here...on sat night she didn't go to bed till like 10 and woke up at 5 and was sooo tired on sunday she crashed at like 8...maybe one day she will sleep. My older daughter who is 6 i have to pull out of bed at 6:30...maybe it is a 3 yo thing....don't know if she thinks she will miss something ....uggg
  • blackchick38
    good morning everyone,i will start posting my weigh in later on today because i want to read all the post.i see that you guys are very active and thats what i need.thank you all for the warm welcome.i have been trying to lose weight forever now and i know that i can do it,i just have to be consistent in what i do.my biggest problem is alcohol,when i have a few beers i tend not to eat at ALL.do any one have any ideas on the best way to keep away from the booze?
    off to hit the showers have work at 8am
  • blackchick38
    good morning everyone,i will start posting my weigh in later on today because i want to read all the post.i see that you guys are very active and thats what i need.thank you all for the warm welcome.i have been trying to lose weight forever now and i know that i can do it,i just have to be consistent in what i do.my biggest problem is alcohol,when i have a few beers i tend not to eat at ALL.do any one have any ideas on the best way to keep away from the booze?
    off to hit the showers have work at 8am
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hi Raquel!

    :drinker: I'm a little more of a wino than a beer drinker (but I do love a well crafted ale!) BUT same issue - alcohol adds to bad decisions! I went out with the girls last Friday and ate an EXTRA 2000 calories! I had food with my alcohol to be "responsible" but uhm... yeah.:embarassed:

    Beer is really a rough one because it goes right to belly fat - (ok:huh: not exactly 100% but it's bad that way) can you sub diet coke and rum/vodka? Also I found drinking a big BIG glass of water in between alcoholic beverages helps slow me down.

    Where do you drink? If it's at home can you keep it out of your refrigerator or only put the portion in you "budgeted" to drink? Warm beer is gross:sick: - that might help you control the amount?

    :heart: APPLES:heart: ! (I'm a little obsessed with them) eat a nice crunchy :love: green apple (the little Granny Smith's are only about 40 calories each) before each beer! Try to come up with a fun "not"-drinking game!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    lildebbie: My daughter just turned 3 and she NEVER sleeps in past 6. She normally gets up at 5 or 530 even if we put her to bed late.... AND if we put her to bed late then I have to put her down for a nap by 930 bc she is SOOO cranky!

    Yes same here...on sat night she didn't go to bed till like 10 and woke up at 5 and was sooo tired on sunday she crashed at like 8...maybe one day she will sleep. My older daughter who is 6 i have to pull out of bed at 6:30...maybe it is a 3 yo thing....don't know if she thinks she will miss something ....uggg

    I would have to say drinking beer was a big let go for me as well. I don't keep it in my house at all anymore. When I do go out to drink on rare occasion I have switches to either MGD 64 or Budweiser Select 55. Both low cal and low sodium beers. I try and throw an extra workout in there if I do and make sure I drink lots of water before and after!

    Tiger12gal-30 Day Shred is pretty awesome! It's only a 20 minute workout and there are different levels on which you can work up to. I tried to go to level 2 but it has lots of planks and I'm just not ready for that yet. I have also been doing the Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout. That is another fantastic DVD. If you have any other questions about 30 day Shred feel free to send me a message. I have been doing it for about 2-3 weeks now and have lost 6 pounds and 3 inches off my waist and 2 off my hips. Hope this helps!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I agree, jlb. That sucks that a person would not tip or undertip a delivery person. But just out of personal curiosity (and wanting to know for future tips), how much should we give to the delivery person? A certain percentage? I've always wanted to know.

    I mean -- I think it's a subjective thing and based on the quality of service to an extent. First, I feel the need to explain the *majority* of the time, if your food is "late," it's not the driver's fault. Most of the time the reason your food is "late" is because the time estimate you were given was incorrect (the oven can only cook so many pizzas at a time & the people on the phones sometimes don't think about it & quote "45 minutes to an hour" anyway :grumble:). Or it's because the kitchen messed up your order and it had to be remade. Or maybe it's because you and your neighbors don't have street numbers clearly marked on your houses/mailboxes in which case the driver is probably calling you over and over trying to get you to answer (people just don't answer their phones when they "don't recognize the number calling" anymore!) and wandering up and down your street because it's 1am and they don't want to knock on the door of a random house. :laugh:

    Anyway, if your driver is pleasant and is generally a customer-service oriented individual (makes haste, shows concern if there's a problem, etc), a decent tip is $3 or more, depending on the size of your order. With delivery, it's not so much about percentages (and it's not really with serving, either, that's just a general guideline. If you order the cheapest thing on the menu & a glass of water, did the server really do any less work?). So, for delivery $3.00 is decent -- it's about what I average per run when I include the stiffs, too. $2.00 is an "Eh, well I really can't complain" tip and $1.00 or less is pretty much a slap in the face. In my opinion, $4 and more is a good tip for an order under $30 (and decent for orders slightly larger). Anything over $10 for a normal sized order ($20-$30) and I start to get a little nervous (but very happy). :laugh: For bigger orders, $50 or more, (again strictly IMO) the percentage guideline starts to kick in -- I tend to think 10% is pretty good. Most of the time, our restaurant gives big discounts to big orders. If I bring you $200.00 in pizzas & make trip after trip to carry them up 3 flights of stairs for you in 100 degree heat, anything less than a $20 tip really really sucks because A) you made me do a whole lot of extra workand B) you probably got a whoooolllleee lot more than $200 worth of pizza with our restaurant's big order discount and C) your order took up a *lot* of my time that could've been spent delivering other orders.

    I personally normally tip $5-8 for a regular sized order. If I was rolling in cash, I'd tip more (trust me, you can't ever tip too much...). I don't expect everyone else to tip that much, but when they do, I get a little giddy. I don't mean to sound ungrateful for $2 tips, because I do appreciate anything. But I wish more people realized that I do make less than minimum wage ($4.35 per hour on runs) and I do pay for my own car, car maintenance, and gas and those things can't even been written off on my taxes because my employer pays me $1.00 per run (though they charge $2.00 for delivery -- explain that to me. :grumble:). Ack, I've rambled on.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning Girls!!!

    I AM SUPER PROUD OF ALL OF YOU FOR TAKING THE STAIRS!!!! :heart: :heart: I didnt really think anyone would do it but I am glad to see you are all making the effort!!! :happy:

    Welcome Raquel!

    I forget who asked about c25k (sorry it was a couple of posts ago), but I got into it thanks to JLB. Its a running program designed to get you off the couch and running a 5k in 9 weeks. I dont plan on finishing in 9 weeks and I repeat weeks if I have to, if I dont feel ready to move on. I just know that each week I complete makes me oh so proud and that I have increased the amount of weight Im losing per week. Here is the link to the program: http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml

    jlb- I used to tip $3 standard rate for all deliveries. I always tip a little more if the driver had to go trough heavy rain or snow to get to my house...during that one winter blast we had I tipped the driver $8!! I felt so bad he was driving in that crap! Anyways, ever since sub shops and pizza places implemented a delivery fee (usually $1-$2) I started giving out $2 instead of $3. I figured that extra delivery fee was going to the driver to make up for those crappy tippers. Thanks for explaining it to me, that no you dont get that full fee.

    Have a great day ladies,

  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Still no weight loss but I do believe I am starting to shed inches.My waist looks alot smaller to me so I know the pounds will follow soon.I have been doing the Ea Active for the Wii everyday and then doing the Wii Sports and I love it because I don't feel like I am working out but I am.I have the game Just Dance for the Wii and I know I burnt some major calories doing that last night because you have to follow there dance moves and I was really sweating.I can't reallyt follow the challenge this week except for walking up and down my stairs to do laundry but I am really proud of all of you gals who have been taking the stairs instead of the elevators.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay ladies I need a little advise here. I have my cousins wedding coming up at the begining of May in another state. Which I will be driving 22 hours to get there because it's across the country and eating not but fast food! I am going to need a dress or skirt or something to wear to this. Any suggestions on how to go about shopping for a dress when you plan onb eing 15-20 pounds lighter by then? My roommate seems to think a dress will be hard to find and I need to start shopping mid March for a dress. I really don't know what to do and I'm stressing a little. Anybody have any suggestions? Or know a good style of dress to buy that could be drastically alter if needed? :grumble:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Calories: I'm sitting at 1245 right now. I maybe have 1/4 cup frozen yogurt before bed. We'll see (it's already after 11)
    Exercise: 30 minutes bike & got in 8 flights of stairs thanks to the challenge :smile:
    Water: 10+cups
    Proud: I had a pizza delivery to the 5th floor of a hotel. And I took the stairs!
    ...And I wasn't even huffing when I got to the top. And then I got an whole 48 cent tip. :explode: Fun fact, ladies: Food delivery drivers, like servers, are paid less than federal minimum wage (because we work for tips). It's good to know I wasted my gas and my tires and my oil to bring that jerk dinner. I was stiffed 33% of the time tonight. That's NOT okay. Fact: If you can't afford to tip, you really shouldn't be spending $20-$30 on one meal. Sorry about rant, it's just really irritating to give someone fantastic service only to be pooped on for it.

    In California, our servers are paid state minimum wage $8 an hour( it may even be 8.25 now not sure). But you need to make a lot more than that just to afford to live here. But as a rule because I use to be a waitress, I always tip 20% of the meal. Being a server is a difficult job and I think it is unfair for any state to pay their servers less than the federal minimum wage because they may get a tip. There are a lot of selfish jerks out there who are not going to pay the tip. I think if you can afford to eat out you better be able to afford a tip!!!!!!!