Over 200 Club New Year New Body-Part 7



  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I just confirmed that I am indeed losing inches.I lost 1 inch in my waist .1/2 inch in my neck,1 inch in my thighs,1inch in my chest and 1/2 inch in my arms and I am HAPPY even though its not pounds its still something RIGHT?
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Okay ladies I need a little advise here. I have my cousins wedding coming up at the begining of May in another state. Which I will be driving 22 hours to get there because it's across the country and eating not but fast food! I am going to need a dress or skirt or something to wear to this. Any suggestions on how to go about shopping for a dress when you plan onb eing 15-20 pounds lighter by then? My roommate seems to think a dress will be hard to find and I need to start shopping mid March for a dress. I really don't know what to do and I'm stressing a little. Anybody have any suggestions? Or know a good style of dress to buy that could be drastically alter if needed? :grumble:

    That is a hard one. Maybe you get a dress that is tight but still wearable (if that is a word) But that would look fantastic if you lost a few pounds?
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Calories: I'm sitting at 1245 right now. I maybe have 1/4 cup frozen yogurt before bed. We'll see (it's already after 11)
    Exercise: 30 minutes bike & got in 8 flights of stairs thanks to the challenge :smile:
    Water: 10+cups
    Proud: I had a pizza delivery to the 5th floor of a hotel. And I took the stairs!
    ...And I wasn't even huffing when I got to the top. And then I got an whole 48 cent tip. :explode: Fun fact, ladies: Food delivery drivers, like servers, are paid less than federal minimum wage (because we work for tips). It's good to know I wasted my gas and my tires and my oil to bring that jerk dinner. I was stiffed 33% of the time tonight. That's NOT okay. Fact: If you can't afford to tip, you really shouldn't be spending $20-$30 on one meal. Sorry about rant, it's just really irritating to give someone fantastic service only to be pooped on for it.

    In California, our servers are paid state minimum wage $8 an hour( it may even be 8.25 now not sure). But you need to make a lot more than that just to afford to live here. But as a rule because I use to be a waitress, I always tip 20% of the meal. Being a server is a difficult job and I think it is unfair for any state to pay their servers less than the federal minimum wage because they may get a tip. There are a lot of selfish jerks out there who are not going to pay the tip. I think if you can afford to eat out you better be able to afford a tip!!!!!!!
    Well put Momma!!! I agree!! I always tip my servers well because I know how hard they work. I used to be a server/manager at a restaurant at a ski resort and I always got tips at least $50 even if the meal was way less.But I had alot of people with big time bucks coming in on a regular basis.Granted there were only 2 servers in the whole restaurant and I was one of them plus managing the place I had to be on top of my game lol.So I guess my customers felt I deserved it lol
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I just confirmed that I am indeed losing inches.I lost 1 inch in my waist .1/2 inch in my neck,1 inch in my thighs,1inch in my chest and 1/2 inch in my arms and I am HAPPY even though its not pounds its still something RIGHT?

    Good For you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Momma2four-I was thinking the same thing but I'm thinking 20 pounds might make quite a bit of difference. I'm not really sure. I thought about just buying a few different dresses at the begining-mid April in a few different sizes and then whatever fits the best when the time comes keep it and return the others.

    awestfall-Great jobon the inches! The pounds will start coming off soon! I had the same problem. Once I heard around 230 I plateaued (is that even a word!?) and have been bouncing around that number for what seems like FOREVER!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Momma2four-I was thinking the same thing but I'm thinking 20 pounds might make quite a bit of difference. I'm not really sure. I thought about just buying a few different dresses at the begining-mid April in a few different sizes and then whatever fits the best when the time comes keep it and return the others.

    awestfall-Great jobon the inches! The pounds will start coming off soon! I had the same problem. Once I heard around 230 I plateaued (is that even a word!?) and have been bouncing around that number for what seems like FOREVER!

    I agree I think20 pounds will make a big difference. I think I would only go 1 size smaller though. After losing 41 pounds I am down 3 pant sizes but the biggest size I was in was lose so I am really down like 2.5 sizes. Also I think it matters how you are built I am probably down 4 sizes in my waist but only 2.5 in my hips and thighs. Even when I was thin my pants were way too big in the waist but fit nice and snug in the butt and thighs.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Checking in for yesterday:
    calories: just barely over
    exercise: good - and hour of step in the am, and I added the extra risers again for 4 songs to push a little harder
    water: ok, but not great
    proud: that I'm still pushing to exercise every day this week, today is my hardest day because I can't go to the Y and am going out to dinner tonight, so I decided to come in late to work this morning so that I could do 40 minutes of a 30 day shred on demand (I rewound and repeated part of it to get in 40 minutes). My 9-yr old son joined me for the last 10 minutes and had fun being my 'coach'. I'm still taking the stairs at work too, although I always hit that elevator button out of habit and then remember to walk over to the stairs instead! Next time I have to do something at home I will have to try the Last Chance Workout since a couple of you recommended it.

    For those of you with early risers ... it gets easier when they are old enough to entertain themselves for awhile, or even go lay in bed. I have to tell my 9 yr old son what time is the earliest I will let him get out of bed... and he is pretty good about staying in his bed until his clock gets to that time. Of course at first I had him standing next to my bed asking me every 10 minutes if it was time yet ... that was absolutely NO HELP at all! Now my 16 year old is a different story, just TRY getting her out of bed before 9:00 on the weekends, although it sounds like some of her friends are much worse.
    Have a good day everyone!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Momma2four-I was thinking the same thing but I'm thinking 20 pounds might make quite a bit of difference. I'm not really sure. I thought about just buying a few different dresses at the begining-mid April in a few different sizes and then whatever fits the best when the time comes keep it and return the others.

    awestfall-Great jobon the inches! The pounds will start coming off soon! I had the same problem. Once I heard around 230 I plateaued (is that even a word!?) and have been bouncing around that number for what seems like FOREVER!

    I agree I think20 pounds will make a big difference. I think I would only go 1 size smaller though. After losing 41 pounds I am down 3 pant sizes but the biggest size I was in was lose so I am really down like 2.5 sizes. Also I think it matters how you are built I am probably down 4 sizes in my waist but only 2.5 in my hips and thighs. Even when I was thin my pants were way too big in the waist but fit nice and snug in the butt and thighs.

    That's a good idea. Maybe I will go and try on one that is snug right now and go down a size or two and just see how it works out. Save my recipet! Thanks for the advise!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    awestfall- GREAT JOB ON THOSE INCHES!!! Frankly I think thats more important than the lbs, hello! inches is what make the pretty outfits look nice on us!! So proud of you!! :drinker:

    Jess- I have heard that every 10lbs is supposed to be a dress size but like Momma said, I've lost almost 25lbs and only gone down 1 pant size. I know dresses are differnet because its free flowing so maybe you should get 2 dresses (maybe even the same dress) in one size smaller than u are now and another two size smaller so either way you are covered. The one that doesnt fit you can either keep for when you do (because you will keep going losing right?!) or you can return it and use the $ to buy a cuter dress when your smaller!

    One of my 'big' prizes is a new dress when I reach 200lbs. My goal is to get there by June 30th which is our 6 year anniversary. So I told BF he has to take me to a nice place for our anniversary so I can show off my pretty new dress. :love: :heart:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    In California, our servers are paid state minimum wage $8 an hour( it may even be 8.25 now not sure). But you need to make a lot more than that just to afford to live here. But as a rule because I use to be a waitress, I always tip 20% of the meal. Being a server is a difficult job and I think it is unfair for any state to pay their servers less than the federal minimum wage because they may get a tip. There are a lot of selfish jerks out there who are not going to pay the tip. I think if you can afford to eat out you better be able to afford a tip!!!!!!!

    When I was a server, I was paid $2.13 an hour. :indifferent: And then my tips were taxed out of that, too, so basically you don't get a paycheck at all.

    But like you said, the cost of living in Cali is a whole lot more than the cost of living in South Carolina -- even in the capital city.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Awestfall -- CONGRATULATIONS on the inches lost!! I agree with Cris -- losing inches is better than losing pounds. I lost weight like CRAZY in January and hardly lost any inches. I've only lost a total of maybe 4 pounds in the last 4 weeks but I've lost a crazy amount of inches. It's so weird how it happens like that. I didn't realize it until Heather pointed out that's what was happening for her and I looked back at my data & took my measurements and it was true for me as well.

    Jess- I agree with the rest. Buy a dress that is a little tight but wearable now. Some A-line kind of deal. 20 pounds is a lot and will make a difference, but generally it's not likely to drop you more than a size or so at most. If you get a dress that's tight, it will still fit in 20 pounds. I have lost 55-56 pounds and I've lost 3 dress sizes. I can easily still wear skirts that I could squeeze into 30 pounds ago and will probably be able to keep wearing them for 20 more pounds.
    20 pounds for someone who only has 30 pounds to lose is going to make a huge difference while 20 pounds for someone with 100 pounds to lose doesn't make as drastic of a difference.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-That's great that you are going to reward yourself with a dress at 200 pounds.You WILL get there! That's exactly why I'm doing this dress thing for my cousins wedding. In 26 pounds I will be at 200 pounds and most of my family last saw me 60 pounds heavier so it's kind of my way of showing off. And oddly enough my cousin encourages it and wants me to "steal her thunder" on her wedding day as she puts it. She hates being the center of attention so she has been pushing me through all of this! And I do plan on losing another 50 pounds after that, hoepfully by my sisters wedding in October. That will making shopping for a bridesmaid dress REAL fun! So many weddings this year to attend it's insane. But I definitely have to agree with y'all. Will probably buy a dress or two and one and two sizes smaller. So far my top half has shrank drastically quicker then my lower half! I'm ready for the bottom half to shrink!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    1 ounce of full fat Breakstone's sour cream (my love):
    Calories: 60
    Fat: 5g
    Carbs: 1g
    Protein: 1g
    Sodium: 10mg

    1 ounce of 2% fat greek yogurt (revelation was made with plain FAGE):
    Calories: 19
    Fat: 1g
    Carbs: 1g
    Protein: 3g
    Sodium: 8mg

    I only see good things coming from this revelation.
    I kid you not, 2% plain FAGE greek yogurt tastes JUST LIKE sour cream. And I'm a sour cream fanatic. I'm still in shock.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Yikes, busy day! I've been trying to hop on here all day!

    Jess: I would recommend buying a wrap dress because you can adjust the size so much to fit your body. I have one that I can wear now but looks SUPER fantastic when I'm about 20 lbs. lighter. I know I've seen them in the past few weeks at Kohl's, so I'm glad they're not out of style. Just a suggestion!

    Cris: I am interested in the situp challenge and will join the thread once I get a chance to do the initial test. Luckily, I can do quite a few situps. If you get to the pushups, that's where I'll really struggle!

    Awestfall: Congrats on the inches lost! Now you know that something is happening, so no more being discouraged!!

    JLB: Way to go on the stairs. I'm a good tipper and tend to give a minimum of $3 for pizza delivery, but more often $5. Servers get 15-20% from me routinely (based on their customer service skills). I even tip waitresses at buffets even when they only bring me a beverage because they still need the money; usually I give them $2-5 depending on how many times they stopped by my table and/or brought me refills.

    To all of you on the "wagon" to told me to eat a healthy snack: You're definitely right! I need to go get some protein bars or low calorie granola bars for my drive home so I'm not famished by the time I get home from work. Then I'll be able to fit a workout in before I make and/or eat dinner. Thanks for knocking some (common) sense into me!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over by 525
    Sodium: WAY over
    Water: 24 oz.
    Exercise: planks, stretching
    Proud: I went to bed early (9:24pm) when I started feeling tired instead of sitting up to watch TV.

    This morning showed a 1.2 lb. gain from yesterday morning, but I chalking it up to a combination of too much sodium yesterday and the upcoming arrival of TOM this week. I'm not discouraged, just know I REALLY need to up the water intake but always have a hard time with this because I'm apparently never thirsty.

    Hope you're all having a great day!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh Heather, it's good to tip servers at buffets. They also make $2.13 an hour and what people fail to realize is that in their case, they have about 20-30 tables to wait on and they have to do all the BUSSING themselves. At a regular dine-in restaurant, servers generally have 4 or 5 tables to tend to (IF that many) and they have bussers to clean their tables. :wink:
    I feel like one of those awful NBC public service announcements -- "The more you know."
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    1 ounce of 2% fat Greek yogurt (revelation was made with plain FAGE):
    Calories: 19
    Fat: 1g
    Carbs: 1g
    Protein: 3g
    Sodium: 8mg

    I only see good things coming from this revelation.
    I kid you not, 2% plain FAGE greek yogurt tastes JUST LIKE sour cream. And I'm a sour cream fanatic. I'm still in shock.
    jlb123- I made my own Greek yogurt! I used organic 1% milk, made yogurt, left it in the refrigerator overnight, then strained it last night! 1/3 the price of organic Greek yogurt and the satisfaction of having made it yourself!
    (THANKS Positively Me for the inspiration and help!)

    Edited to add - THINK POWERFUL THOUGHTS TONIGHT!!! I'm going to my favorite bar and grill with the in-laws. When folks are in their 90s they get to pick the restaurant. I'm hoping HOPING to keep ti at one beer.
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Hey guys. Quickly checking in for yesterday:

    Calories: Right on, had to eat extra to get there! But I made myself.
    Water: Good
    Exercise: none
    Proud: I dropped another pound this morning! Probably water or whatever but I'm feeling pumped I cant wait to get into the 230's! its like music to my ears.

    Tonight is gym night. I'm going to up my cardio by 5 minutes (or try too, we might be too hungry and i'm working late so that's no good.)

    Hey jlb, I think i'm going to pick up some of that fimring lotion. Nivia, right? So you say its working? I'm getting a little scared of having saggy skin when I get to my goal weight. I think i should start up a skin routine to get it in good shape and keep doing my strength training. Did you see nivea's cellulite serum and the other gell stuff for skin firming? I'm curious.

    Also I'll have to pick up some greek yogurt too. I noticed that it tasted like sour cream when I ate the vanila, which wasnt vanilla-y enough for my taste. Used as sour cream however, plain greek yogurt has such potential...Gosh so hungry.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Yikes, busy day! I've been trying to hop on here all day!

    Jess: I would recommend buying a wrap dress because you can adjust the size so much to fit your body. I have one that I can wear now but looks SUPER fantastic when I'm about 20 lbs. lighter. I know I've seen them in the past few weeks at Kohl's, so I'm glad they're not out of style. Just a suggestion!

    Cris: I am interested in the situp challenge and will join the thread once I get a chance to do the initial test. Luckily, I can do quite a few situps. If you get to the pushups, that's where I'll really struggle!

    Awestfall: Congrats on the inches lost! Now you know that something is happening, so no more being discouraged!!

    JLB: Way to go on the stairs. I'm a good tipper and tend to give a minimum of $3 for pizza delivery, but more often $5. Servers get 15-20% from me routinely (based on their customer service skills). I even tip waitresses at buffets even when they only bring me a beverage because they still need the money; usually I give them $2-5 depending on how many times they stopped by my table and/or brought me refills.

    To all of you on the "wagon" to told me to eat a healthy snack: You're definitely right! I need to go get some protein bars or low calorie granola bars for my drive home so I'm not famished by the time I get home from work. Then I'll be able to fit a workout in before I make and/or eat dinner. Thanks for knocking some (common) sense into me!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over by 525
    Sodium: WAY over
    Water: 24 oz.
    Exercise: planks, stretching
    Proud: I went to bed early (9:24pm) when I started feeling tired instead of sitting up to watch TV.

    This morning showed a 1.2 lb. gain from yesterday morning, but I chalking it up to a combination of too much sodium yesterday and the upcoming arrival of TOM this week. I'm not discouraged, just know I REALLY need to up the water intake but always have a hard time with this because I'm apparently never thirsty.

    Hope you're all having a great day!
    No I am no longer discouraged because something is happening with my body.I am finally starting to see a difference again.
    Thanks Cris and everyone else that gave me THUMBS UP for my inches lost.I :heart: You GALS!!!!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    awestfall - I'm thrilled at your inches lost! WAY more important than the scale! :heart:
    jlb - THANK YOU for the sour cream replacement. I LOVE sour cream! I'm going to go see if my store here carries the 2% greek yogurt. I don't think I'm quite ready to attempt to make it myself yet! :tongue:
    Wow, what an interesting discussion about tips! I've always been unsure and always go for a higher amount.

    I have another topic to discuss: What do you value most in your life? :smile:

    check in:
    calories: good
    water: good
    exercise: bike (not sure how long - not feeling very good. Have a fever.)
    proud: I got another compliment today at work from a colleague. :blushing:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    good evening!

    my check in 2/24/10:
    calories- under by 165
    water- will be at my goal by bedtime
    excercise- c25k w3d2 (I did it again!!!:drinker: :love: )
    sodium- 1470 I'll take that!
    proud- that I ran 3 minutes again, took the stairs at work

    What I value the most is my life right now. I used to have serious depression issues and attempted suicide several times as a teenager. Now seeing my son grow up and being there for his milestones is #1 priority to me. I want to be healthy so I can live long and even see his kids grow up. I want to be healthy so I can be happy with my self and have a good quality of life.