Over 200 Club New Year New Body-Part 7



  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    heather and jlb - thanks for the encouragement! Im slowly making progress.

    bluenote - haha, thanks! I think I mentioned it a couple weeks ago but now my 24's are saggin and baggin! Its actualy quite a wonderful feeling to have to keep pulling them up. And I finaly have room where my thighs are again!

    ColorodoGirl - just keep at it, I've been in that slump for a copule weeks and today 1.6 pounds just came off. I know its probably not fat but still! Its a great feeling anyway. Keep on working and plugging at it and take your time...momentum will build up.

    Mom - Great going on your exercise! I told you it wouldnt be that hard to do!

    lildeb - welcome back!

    Cris - AMAZING! KEEP IT UP! I'm totaly excited for you, when I'm smaller I'll be trying the C25K program too

    Everyone else - great job and keep it up!

    Check in for monday:

    Calories: Spot on, though I didnt eat my exercise ones
    Water: Great
    Exercise: 25 minutes eliptical. I'm upping my game.

    Proud: I ate healthy out at a restaurant! Applebees asiago peppercorn steak is suprisingly good for a 500 calorie meal! Yum! I'm also proud I stayed a little longer on the eliptical. I've got to start feeling the burn again!

    So girls, today I got on the scale and it said...243.8! Hooray! I'm sure it wont last but whenever I drop alot of weight it means I'm about to move down on the scale again. its great. I cant believe I'm doing it this time. Thank you all for being here for me, and most of all..thanks to myself for FINALY sticking to it! I'm completely determined this time and I'm going to do it. We all are! I'll check back later for today.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: good
    exercise: great! - got up early and did an hour of step (with an extra set of risers since it was an easier class than I'm used to) and also walked/ran a mile on the treadmill
    water: 32oz ... not enough
    challenge: pretty good ... I made a point of taking the stairs at work, even using a bathroom on another floor to get in more stairs ... but when I got to my daughter's sax lesson, I didn't do the 5 floors of stairs. Probably should have but I was pretty stiff from step yesterday morning.
    proud: I'm keeping up with my new goal for exercising every day and having 420 minutes of exercise this week. I KNOW I'm going to make that scale go down eventually!
    p.s. I got a compliment from a guy at the Y who knows I've been working on losing weight ... he was complaining about having gained himself but said that I'm getting smaller every week ... I haven't lost any pounds, but I think I have 'firmed up' more. I finally did my measurements last week, I'll have to check them again soon.

    Congrats everone seeing success on the scale, have a good day all!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Thank you guys so much for being excited for me!!! When I left the gym I raced home to tell ym BF that I was able to run 3 mins straight (twice!) on the treadmill. He wasnt overly excited for me so I logged on to tell you guys because I knew you'd understand what a feat it was for me, and sure enough you guys came through!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!:heart::heart: :heart:

    meokk- good job on the stairs!!
    mari- I am 231lbs right now, I think I was almost 240 when I started c25k! I never thought I could do it at this size, let me know when you start and I will be right there to cheer you on. ps- good job on the extra excercise
    heather- i am the same way, if i sit when i get home i dont do anything. i have made it a point to go from work straight to the gym then i get home and have to feed my son and put him to bed so i dont sit til almost 830...eh at least im moving.
    jess- glad the scale went in the right direction! keep it up!
    bluenote- feel better soon!

    PS- My bf finally understood why I was so excited to run the 3 mins when I told him to put his 8yrs old son on his back and try to run. His combined weight with his son is approx how much I weigh and he realized what a heavy load it was to carry while running 3 mins! hahaha :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: after that little example he was totally impressed:blushing:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    PS- My bf finally understood why I was so excited to run the 3 mins when I told him to put his 8yrs old son on his back and try to run. His combined weight with his son is approx how much I weigh and he realized what a heavy load it was to carry while running 3 mins! hahaha :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: after that little example he was totally impressed:blushing:

    That's such a good frame of reference. I think we've had this conversation before, but every single time I bring in groceries & I'm loaded up with like 20 pounds on each arm and I struggle up the steps to my front porch, it blows my mind that I weighed MORE than that before. No wonder my knees and ankles were always stiff and hurting.

    I have a hard time thinking back to then even though it was less than 6 months ago because it's so hard for me to believe I let myself get to that point. But when I do think back, it's easier to me to recognize how far I've come. So even though the scale hasn't been my best friend over the last month or so, I'm still making big strides in the direction of overall health. The weight will come off eventually. Agh, patience is such a virtue.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    :flowerforyou: WAY TO GO CRIS :flowerforyou: GREAT JOB :)

    Mari: isn't exciting to see the scale going the right direction..keep it up girl :)

    Jess: congrates on the 3 pound weight loss:flowerforyou:

    jib: i have been working on my speed...Saturday I finished w8d3 and today i did w9d1...i can only make it to 32 minutes running and that is about 2.75 the rest is walking ( until i get to 3 miles)...it is very hard trying to run 30 minutes and do 3 miles...that is what i will be working on...Good job on your great progress..keep it up girl:flowerforyou:

    Bluenote: I hope you feel better soon:heart:

    Have a wonderful day girls:heart:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Wow, looks like I need to get back on track with my C25K. I'm on week 7 but haven't done a C25K workout in a few weeks. I need to finish!! I know I can do it, but I have to will myself NOT to sit down when I get home. The biggest problem is that I'm starving when I get home and just want to eat. It all goes downhill from there. Ugh.

    Alright, tonight I'm going to get some sort of workout completed. I'm making the promise to all of you and to myself.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    heather and all those who want to join. Here is a link to the sit up challenge: http://www.twohundredsitups.com/

    I plan on doing it T-TH-Sat

    Heather- I have found that I am really hungry on my way home too so I have started eating protein bars on my way home and it gives me a good 30-40 mins to digest before I get to the gym. I've found that my energy level goes up and I def feel a lot more full. Give it a try?

    Hope some of you join me on the sit up challenge!!! There is also a push up challenge but I think Ill wait to do that one when I am done with c25k and the sit up challenge. (notice I said WHEN and not IF:happy: :drinker: )

    be back on to check in later!!

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Wow, looks like I need to get back on track with my C25K. I'm on week 7 but haven't done a C25K workout in a few weeks. I need to finish!! I know I can do it, but I have to will myself NOT to sit down when I get home. The biggest problem is that I'm starving when I get home and just want to eat. It all goes downhill from there. Ugh.

    Alright, tonight I'm going to get some sort of workout completed. I'm making the promise to all of you and to myself.

    I use to have the same exact problem! I would be starving on my way home from work and wanna go home and cook dinner right away but once I sat down it was all over. I have to agree with Cris. Give yourself a little snack like a protein bar to eat to hold you over and drink water. It will fill you up and once you push yourself to workout first you won't even notice you are hungry anymore. That's how it has worked for me. I workout at home so I usually throw something in the oven or whatever right before I start my workout so its finished when I am done. You can do it!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Cris: I am up for the sit-up challenge. Is today considered the first day? Or Next week, let me know.
    also, are you going to make a post/forum so we can log the results...i still have to take the test..to see what catigory i fall into.

    Thanks girl...maybe this challenge will flatten my abdominal.

    Good luck ot all!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Heather - I'm jumping on that bandwagon for a nice snack on your way home from work! A protein bar or even something as simple as a spoon full of peanut butter (I just brought a jar of 'Simply Jiffy' into work today) or an apple! I have apples on my table at home so when I come in the door I can eat one if I'm hungry (when they start to get soft the get fed to the horses).

    Chris- I'll look into the sit-up challenge! I've been doing crunches while I stretch after being on the elliptical or treadmill...

    jlb123- SPEED! You? Over do it? :huh: I can't wait till I start the c25K! I'm hoping I can afford to get some running shoes next pay day!

    I was reading one of my posts where I mentioned our house keeper - Ruthie comes over a couple times a month to clean our house - she cleans the kitchen, bathrooms and does laundry. We are totally broke and can NOT afford a maid - but Ruthie is MUCH cheaper than a divorce:ohwell: When Ken retired we thought he would take over for Ruthie but...:grumble: She's also a horse person so she checks in on the horses when we're out of town and she works part time at the kennel where we board our dogs when/ if we go on a trip! I just didn't want anyone thinking I'm wining about money and oblivious to the fact we have a maid :embarassed:

    :embarassed: I'm having challenges with my lower tummy. I think it might be extra skin?:huh: It's kinda like a roll but softer? My husband thought it was a problem with the pants I had on and I was like "no... that's ME!":angry: Think the skin will go back or is this going to be a new feature?:frown:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I checked out the situp challenge. I'm in as well! Sounds like it'll be great way to work the ab muscles a lot!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I wasnt really going to start a thread for the sit up challenge and I was kind of thinking that we could do it like the c25k where we are all on our own individual weeks. I plan on starting tonight, but that doesnt mean everyone else has to.

    I guess it would be nice to have a thread for it huh? Unfortunately I have no idea how to do that. Ill try to figure it out and Ill post the link here when I do, hehe.

    I guess we can have check ins on Fridays like we do here and just say what week and day we are on and how many sit ups we are up to? We can start with the result to the initial test.

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    The biggest problem is that I'm starving when I get home and just want to eat. It all goes downhill from there. Ugh.

    Heather I had the same problem. What I've done is added a high(ish) protein snack in the afternoon (greek yogurt has been my staple lately) around 3.30pm. Then, I eat something small either in the car on the way home (tsk tsk) or when I get home (around 5.30pm). Yesterday, for example, I ate half a banana and a tbs of peanut butter. Yesterday I got dinner on to cook & then I ran from 6.30-7 but sometimes I just run and then cook dinner. Then I ate dinner around 7.30. This way, I can run without feeling famished or too full.

    Edit: Oh, I see I just jumped on the same bandwagon mstahl did. But you know what? If all 4 of us suggest the same thing, we must be right, right? :wink:

    I think I'm down for the sit up challenge as well. I started the pushup challenge 5-6 months ago and failed miserably. I'd like to get back to that one, too. Maybe I'll do them both. :bigsmile:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Here is a linkto the sit up challenge thread! Hope to see you girls there, I felt weird starting a thread!

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    :embarassed: I'm having challenges with my lower tummy. I think it might be extra skin?:huh: It's kinda like a roll but softer? My husband thought it was a problem with the pants I had on and I was like "no... that's ME!":angry: Think the skin will go back or is this going to be a new feature?:frown:

    Mstahl -- it's hard to say. I hear a lot of skin resiliance is genetic. I've read that hydration is key (internally and externally -- water & lotion). I'm trying my best to avoid tons of loose saggy skin. I figure with losing 120 pounds a little bit is unavoidable, but I want to do everything I can to prevent it. I recently read a recommendation for Nivea skin firming lotion (was told *not* to get the generic). I bought some Saturday and have been using it on my lower tummy & upper thighs & then today started using it on my upper arms. It says give it 2 weeks to notice a difference.

    I think my upper arms are going to be the place you can tell the most. We'll see.

    edit for typos
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Thanks jbl123~

    I have flying squirrel arms at the moment... My husband thinks they're shrinking but I'm not so sure! I haven't started doing any upper body work aside from the arm part stuff on my elliptical (and occasionally on my treadmill).

    I'll pick up some of the lotion! I was thinking about getting a pair of compression sleeves to see if that would help but I would need a prescription and I'm not sure how much they would work?
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    When I was 273 and went down to 180 before I didnt work out at all and my skin was horrible. I am hoping that with strength training and all the other stuff I am doing it will tighten my skin up some. However, from multiple weight losses, and a pregnancy my skin is streched out and tired of rebuilding.:grumble: :explode:

    check in for today 2/23/10:
    calories- under by 195
    water- yes, will get there by end of the night
    sodium- 2180 ...a little higher than I wanted since its TOM Im trying to increase water and decrease sodium
    excercise- not yet but starting the sit up challenge tonight
    proud- that I stuck to my plans even though I was home and bored (baby sick again!!!:explode: )

    Alright going to go relax, will do sit ups after baby is asleep!


  • blackchick38
    hi there guys,i was reading some of your post and its a very interesting team.will like to know if i can join this team,im 39 and weigh 237lbs and nees to lose lots of it also.by the way my name is raquel
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hello Raquel! Welcome to our group! Every day we check in with our Calories, our Water and our Exercise, then we tell one thing we're proud of! On Friday's we weigh in and whoever loses the most weight gets to come up with the week's challenge. This week our challenge is to take the stairs!

    About once a week our fearless leader (Awestfall) starts a new thread so that we don't have to go through a ton of pages - but the next thread's link is at the end of the last one so it's not too hard to tag along :)
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    hi there guys,i was reading some of your post and its a very interesting team.will like to know if i can join this team,im 39 and weigh 237lbs and nees to lose lots of it also.by the way my name is raquel

    Welcome Raquel!
    I just joined this group a few weeks ago and they made me feel right at home. Everyone is so lovely and helpful.
    Come on in.:flowerforyou:

    Here is my check in for today
    Calories: 1276
    Water 8-9
    Exercise - 15 mins walking + 6 flights of stairs.
    I need to up the exercise so have ordered a pilates DVD and the 30 Day shred DVD. I'll start this weekend when they arrive I suppose. Not excited because I don't enjoy it one bit but I know it is necessary.

    Chris - Congrats on your 3 minute run, I don;t know what C25k is but it sounds hard
    I checked out your sit ups thread and I'm going to try the test later tonight.

    Mstahl, JLB, thanks for the skin info. I hadn't really thought much about it before but I suppose the older we all get, the less the skin cooperates. :grumble: I'm going to drink some more water right now!!