SAHM 2/22 - 2/28

Hi everyone! We are a great group of stay at home mom's that share our life experiences with each other through our weight loss journey. We don't have any official weigh in's or challenges, but are here to encourage and support each other. We welcome newcomers!


  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    I made my goals yesterday! I got 8 cups of water in, and I walked 1.5 miles. It was such a beautiful and warm day that we took the kids to one of the parks near us. Tony watched the kids on the playground while I walked the paved walking path. Whew!! That was a workout!! Major hills!! Trish, you are Wonder Woman!! I'm so impressed with how you are running up hills. I had problems keeping up my faster pace WALKING up the hills. I thought of you while I was walking up that hill. You helped keep me going!

    Got on the scale yesterday morning and gained a pound since Tuesday. My thinking is that since I tend to get somewhat dehydrated easily, that adding the water back into my body at the moment is increasing my weight. I probably just lost some water weight before. I got back on the scale this morning and had lost 0.4 of that pound. TOM is in about a week, so I just need to keep up the water!:drinker:

    My goals today:
    Walk 1.5 miles (on the treadmill today since it's raining here)
    Drink 9 cups of water
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    yay amy!! glad you were able to get that walk in too!

    i'm up too--can't blame the water tho :tongue:
    for me, i can see those 2.5 lbs--it's so obvious on my face/frame.

    goal from now thru end of march--get to 135!!! and maybe bust thru to 134!!
    i don't want to hang out at 137+-140! boo boo boo

    gotta run!
  • nikicoleman
    nikicoleman Posts: 55 Member
    Hi ladies- I have been with MFP for a little bit now but haven't gotten involved in the boards yet. I would imagine this is where I belong-as a SAHM to twin boys! :)

    I'm hoping to lose this weight so I can be active and fun and energetic with my boys and enjoy life! I have a good reason now. I am 12lbs down - after a melt down a week ago. I didn't see loss and just really wanted to give in and quit-but deep down that really wasn't true either. So, I kicked my own butt this past week and saw a big loss! Just about 4lbs! I know it was water weight-but it sure felt good and I'm feeling good. (My little baby steps!)

    Anyway-I'm going to read up on some work stuff for my husband before I get my sons from nap! :) Have a good Monday everyone!!!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Way to go, Amy! The hill by my house is a meanie, but I haven't run it in about a month. When I do, it darn near kills me. "Just keep going to that tree" "Just keep going to that lamp post". Surprisingly, that's usually when the jogging interval ends and I can walk for a bit. I much prefer the flat. So YOU are the superhero for conquering the hills!
    One of these days I'll have to take a picture of said hill and post it.

    Put 2 lbs on last night for some reason, according to wii board. I was like "HUH?!" The batteries were weak, so I thought maybe it was off. I tried home scale, just to see, and yup... up a pound & 1/2 at least. That's ok. No stress, it'll come off. Just relieved to be past 218. AF is supposed to be coming this week, but I'm shutting the door in her face because I can. By that I mean skipping it altogether in an effort to get caught up on my weight loss. It will probably backfire, but at least I tried. Thank you, BC!

    Today a run to grocery store is in order. Grace seems to be doing better. I haven't had to wipe a single bogie this morning so far. It's nice out, so maybe I will do some window shopping too. Hubby has agreed to watch her tonight so I can get my run in.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    GM! I don't have time to post...but I will later!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Welcome, nikicoleman, you're in the right place! Twin boys? That must be an adventure!

    I have a 19 mo old daughter. Being a mom is the best job in the world.
  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    Finally got my taxes done this morning except for 1 piece i am waiting on my husband for. hopefully i will send them tonight. i ahve to pay off some furniture for my older 2 girls so i need that return quickly. i should be okay though. we did not do as bad as i thought with me not working, it was the first year with just 1 income. welcome mom of twins, i have triplets who are almost 17 months old, plus 2.

    off to do a mile high pile of laundry

  • dolphin7
    dolphin7 Posts: 192 Member
    Happy Monday everyone, yep I said happy Monday, hopefully this week will be great for us all.

    Welcome newbies, this is a great support group, whether you need advice, need to vent, or just love reading about everyone.

    We had a busy weekend, and looks like the week is starting off busy as well, will be doing my kickboxing tape, some time on the Elliptical, after dropping off my kindergartener this afternoon, off to Old Navy for some jeans for the kids, then home in time for mother-in-law to come over and watch the kids so I can go to the orthodontist for an adjustment (can't wait to get these braces off), and then if the sun is still shining, I may stop at the rec center and time myself on a mile, have not done that since high school.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    dolphin--you make me head spin!! hehe

    welcome niki! and hiya nicole!
    trish--like the attitude. and it's very cool how you work out time with andy. glad he's so supportive!
    michelle--you and my dh are on the same page--he was doing taxes most of yesterday to bring to his accountant. (he owns his own business so the accntnt does business and personal). i'm just glad i don't have to do any of it!

    fyi--my thighs are screaming at me today! i am walking like a cowboy/woman who just had a baby. plan on drinking LOTs of water to flush out that lactic acid. hopefully get in a stretch dvd today too

    this week is busy for us. i really like to keep things quiet but dd2 has rehearsal for recital tonight and actual recital tomorrow night. and iep mtg for her wed. and we had to go in early this am for dd1 to re-take the test. (tchr saunters in around 8:20, test isn't even ready for her, student tchr goes out to copy it....)
    my dd at least knows the material at this point. hopefully the test will reflect that. altogether, she just needs more TIME--to learn material and to take an exam. so we'll see

    the latter part of the week is calm, but dh will not be around this weekend or next weekend. :( i know he has to work--i just don't always love being single mom. those of you--shera--whose dh's are "deployed"--i really feel for you and send you a heartfelt thank you!
    gotta go make those lunches and finish getting boy ready for yoccer (ie: soccer)! hope you all have a GREAT day!!
  • blessdmomof4
    Hello ladies,

    Amy- you are on a roll meeting those goals girl! Keep it up and don't let the scale discourage you.

    Welcome Niki you found a great group of ladies here.

    Trish - glad grace is finally feeling better and props for the great attitude.

    Stacy - enjoy the recital this week! it's always so much fun to see your little ones accomplish something they've been working for too.

    Got in a nice walk yesterday. I didn't think it was so cold! It's hard to work up a sweat when it's 28 degrees. My legs and face were numb after my brisk 1/2 hour walk but it certainly helped me keep my pace up!
    No gym this morning b/c my son Isaac was up most of the night w/ croup. Nothing like sitting in the steamy shower room and then outside i the 20 degree weather alternately all night...I just wasn't able to answer the 5:30 gym call today... We are all goign to go out and get some fresh air and stroll on one of the lakes nearby as it is a balmy 40 degrees and sunny today. That's the nicest weather we've seen in awhile!
    Might get to the gym when DH get's home. Wii says I stayed about the same over the weekend which is better than going up!
    I'm thinking I need to cut sugar out of my diet for awhile and possibly dairy too. I have cut back on both but they are often the culprit that makes me go over on fat and sugar...
    Delicious chicken tortilla soup yesterday and today for lunch! Very low cal/fat but high in sodium...better get going on that water!
    Have a blessed day everyone!
  • curliegirl
    GM all!

    Trish--glad little one is better.
    Welcome Nikicoleman--glad you are here!
    Melissa--I sympathize with the cold. I haven't been able to make myself walk outside in a LONG time. Spring is coming though.
    Dolphin--wow a crazy day! Good luck with the mile

    Several newbies around so I will recap life here! SAHM w/ 4 kids that I homeschool. Oldest DS will graduate this year & go on to college. Oldest DD is 13 & full of harmones-HA! Next DD is 11 going on 25--she keeps us all in line. Youngest DS is 7 and REALLY needs to spend sometime outside running or I may lock him in the closet today.

    Actually is has been a great morning. The kids are ready for spring & so am I but we are going to have to wait a bit. I am thinking of taking them skating on Wed just to get some physical activity for a couple of hours. We will see.

    I am off to paint some more in the bathroom & go get my 30 mintues of walk/running in. Then on to grading papers--my favorite part of HSing(NOT).

    Have you gotten your workout in yet--just go DO it! You will thank me and yourself when you are done! (I have been accused of being bossy before)

  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Niki ~ Welcome to the group!!

    Trish ~ Do you normally weigh in at night? I always do it right when I get up completely naked ;)

    Michelle ~ Wohoo for taxes being done...I'm still waiting for my husband to get me his paperwork so I can do ours...ugh, men!

    Melissa ~ I'm always over on sugar, but I can't tell if it's affecting me. Maybe once I stop losing weight I'll cut it out?? Most of it comes from fruit, so it can't be that bad, right?? LOL

    So I accomplished both the 30 day shred level 2 and a run today! Did 3.2 miles in 34:40, worked out a total of 60 minutes and burned 648 cals :) Feels good to have that done and over with by noon. Now to go work on that pesky bathroom remodel, I hate it!!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good afternoon!

    Niki - Welcome!

    Trish - I'm glad Grace is doing better!

    Stacey - Enjoy the recital! I know you'll enjoy it! I can understand the difficulties of the "single mom" when Tony works the Renaissance Festival in the fall. It's not easy. He's not gone during that time overnight, but he works 7 days a week (M-F at regular job & weekend in "Fairhaven".) sometimes coming home after dinnertime.

    Michelle - Yay to the taxes! My husband does the taxes for us. He's got them mostly done. He'll probably wait until the last minute as usual to finish them up.:laugh:

    Dolphin - Good luck at the orthodontist!

    Melissa - Good job on the exercise! :flowerforyou: I hope Issac is feeling better!

    Katie - Good job on the exercise! I have the Jillian Michaels DVD Burn Fat Boost Metabolism, but I can't get through the warm-up and Circuit 1 before I'm worn out!

    Kim - Took your advice and I'm thanking you! :wink: And have fun grading papers! I'm impressed with you HSing moms! I couldn't do it.

    Well, It was raining this morning (even had some thunder & lightning for a bit), so I thought I'd have to drive to pick up the kids even though I had made them walkers today. But it wasn't raining, just extremely overcast, when it came time to pick them up. So I walked. It's only 1.4 miles round trip, and I'm trying to get 1.5 miles each day, so I'm going to get on the treadmill in a little bit to walk a little more. And at this point, I have 5 of my 9 cups of water! :drinker:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Katie, no, I always weigh in in the morning, right after first bowel movements. I know that's when I'm at my lightest.

    So ended up splurging at Walmart. I got the stuff we needed for dinner, but I also bought naughty things. Grace got new spring jammies (cute pink zebra motif that says party animal), and I saw some PJs on clearance that I had been eyeing last month. One top is brown & has a hershey kiss on it (with "kiss me" all over the background), the other has sugar daddy candy, and also got matching bottoms for that. Guess what-- I bought larges. Not 2X, not XL... LARGE. I just tried the kisses shirt on a minute ago. It is very formfitting, but I look SMOKIN! Needless to say my gut got tired very quickly from being sucked in all of 2 mins I had the shirt on. LOL!
    So, even though I had to suck my gut in, at least you couldn't see any back rolls. I'm looking forward to wearing more of these clothes. They make me feel attractive.

    Okay, so the naughty stuff I bought: dark chocolate sugar free mousse by Jell-O, sugar free Kozy Shack tapioca (I was dying for some last night, but all out), capri sun juice for Grace & yoohoos. I don't know if the yoohoos are for me or Grace in all honesty. I'm hoping I can control myself & make them for her.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Welcome to Niki!

    I was out of sorts this weekend, but I am back full swing ladies! I am hoping to be back on track with this weight thing this week. I am so hungry today...not sure what that is all about! trying not to listen, because it's so hard to tell is it just cravings, or is my body really screaming for food?

    Kim, I feel like doing that with my son too! LOL!

    WTG Trish!!!!! Sooooooo....just to let you know that I used to live 30 minutes from Hershey....HAHA!:tongue:

    Melissa- I wouldn't have gotten up either!:wink:
    Stacey- I like the cowboy image you put in my head! LOL:laugh:

    Keep Chuggin Amy!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Nicole, LOVE your new avatar! Great pic! I've been to Hershey. The snow was made of white chocolate. You can't convince me otherwise.

    Try giving yourself a couple of days to tell if it's cravings or real hunger. It must be TOM for me, b/c every candy bar at Walmart wanted me to take it home. I've said it before & I'll say it again: "Food never stops calling your name. You just learn to stop listening."
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    I am not listening...I am not listening....I am not listening!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Mark me down for a noticeable improvement against my mortal enemy-- THE TREADMILL! I started week 3 of C25K. When my warm up walk got to about 4 mins, I noticed a feeling of anxiety and fear raising its ugly head. I took a deep breath, and at 5 mins began my 2 min running interval. I blew through it! I said "that wasn't so bad". The next one wasn't too bad either. It was the third & fourth one that kinda got to me. I tried pausing to stretch my ankles, but they were hard to move, and my left shin was bugging me. At that point, I just was running 1 min intervals, but it wasn't a complete failure. I think I'll stick with week 3 for a couple of weeks. I'm glad I did week 2 twice.

    Going to have Andy take pictures of me in my new jammies. He likes them, too ;)
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    good deal Trish!

    Can you believe I was over my cals by 8.....8 calories...all because i forgot to figure in my salad dressing! duh!

    I hope everyone has a great nite!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    LOL... Salad dressing. What's that?
    Oh well, tomorrow's a new day, and it's not like it's hard to burn off 8 cals. Those come off, in like, 8 seconds when you're running!

    Posted new jammie pics in profile. I have comparison shots, too.

    July 9:

    February 22:

    I guess I could afford to smile... mabye when I get to 50 lbs lost!