Eating right is impossible! I give up.

billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
How do you handle dealing with your personal chef? I am really at a loss. I'm at my parents during the holiday and its just a nightmare. I mean this guy is classically trained in French or something. Well I ask for a sandwich and I get this thing with sauces and mint sprigs on it. My son gets a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in the shape of a pirate ship with sails and radish carved cannons and grape.. grape shot. Great, I got a tooth pick chocking hazard on my hand wile I'm trying to scrape this orange gel off my ham if its even ham.
I try to go make my own stuff, but porky mcchef is all shushing me out of the kitchen and is all up in my face how its not my job to make food, I mean its just so frustrating. How do you handle the help? There is only one guy at night that doesn't seem to care much and just will give me some of the kids cheerios at least with out some side of toast and grapefruit menagerie.

So I just give up and going to eat this old cheese looking thing, ugh so frustrating.


  • sktllmdrhmzz
    sktllmdrhmzz Posts: 189 Member
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    I'm hoping this is a joke....
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I'm for once in my life at a loss for words.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    Rich people problems
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    WHY are you complaining???!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    you're only option is to become poor, lose the chef and eat out of the trash can.
    i'm sure you'd lots of weight like that
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Let them eat cake!

    (Which would be a problem in my case. I would eat the cake. And the cookies the chef was making for the next night. And probably guzzle of all of the delicious hollandaise sauces brewing for breakfast, too.)
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    you're only option is to become poor, lose the chef and eat out of the trash can.
    i'm sure you'd lots of weight like that

    I actually watched a show on TLC the other day about people that are stingy with money. There was a lady who ate out of other peoples trash to save money.

    She was a millionaire.
  • brickhouse76
    Rich People...SMH
  • Junken_Diraffe
    Junken_Diraffe Posts: 716 Member
    I feel bad for you. That must suck.
  • a_certain_shade_of_green
    can we keep him?
    BACONJOKESRSOFUNNY Posts: 666 Member
    You didn't bring your chef with you? Duuuuuh!
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    so pick the toothpicks out, eat your food and shudup. Either this is a bizzare joke or you are totally spoiled rotten. Either way I personaly would love to have a chef doing for me. Granted he would get to-the-letter dietary instuctions from me that he either follow or get fired.
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    you're only option is to become poor, lose the chef and eat out of the trash can.
    i'm sure you'd lots of weight like that

    I actually watched a show on TLC the other day about people that are stingy with money. There was a lady who ate out of other peoples trash to save money.

    She was a millionaire.

    This is actually an entire way of living. They frequent the expensive grocery stores and pick out the packaged items they get rid of a the end of the day. What is so idiotic is the stores have started locking the trash bins so people cant take what they threw about wasteful 1%er worldviews....
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I make him do a burpee for every calorie he serves me over my goal. It's in his contract. I don't let the help bully me!
  • SLRamirez2012
    This is a joke right? I can't even imagine...
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    That's disgraceful! The help is supposed to obey orders. Maybe you weren't specific enough.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    How do you handle dealing with your personal chef? I am really at a loss. I'm at my parents during the holiday and its just a nightmare. I mean this guy is classically trained in French or something. Well I ask for a sandwich and I get this thing with sauces and mint sprigs on it. My son gets a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in the shape of a pirate ship with sails and radish carved cannons and grape.. grape shot. Great, I got a tooth pick chocking hazard on my hand wile I'm trying to scrape this orange gel off my ham if its even ham.
    I try to go make my own stuff, but porky mcchef is all shushing me out of the kitchen and is all up in my face how its not my job to make food, I mean its just so frustrating. How do you handle the help? There is only one guy at night that doesn't seem to care much and just will give me some of the kids cheerios at least with out some side of toast and grapefruit menagerie.

    So I just give up and going to eat this old cheese looking thing, ugh so frustrating.

    pardon me, could you please pass the Grey Poupon.
    BACONJOKESRSOFUNNY Posts: 666 Member
    This is actually an entire way of living. They frequent the expensive grocery stores and pick out the packaged items they get rid of a the end of the day. What is so idiotic is the stores have started locking the trash bins so people cant take what they threw about wasteful 1%er worldviews....
    The fault falls upon government regulations preventing expired food from being donated to the hungry, and fear of our litigious society and their frivolous lawsuits. "The food in your dumpster made me sick!".