What is the worst comment you ever got about your weight?



  • brewji
    brewji Posts: 752 Member
    I don't think there's a way to pick just one.
  • kaylagaston13
    Actually none. When I was overweight, no one said anything to me about it. I knew I was bigger, but I didn't really realize how much bigger I actually was until I unintentionally started shedding pounds. I look back at pictures and wished someone had said something to me to open my eyes up sooner.
  • CatrinEluned
    Got told i looked preggo by some drunk dude in the student union...so i told him it was his and then walked out. (I wasn't pregnant btw!!)
  • xRay85Rayx
    "You cant get any smaller, you just wont look right."
  • Naina_Bug
    Naina_Bug Posts: 74 Member
    Someone said I looked like Precious

    And for those of you that haven't seen the movie or heard of the movie, here she is...


  • xRay85Rayx
    Someone said I looked like Precious

    And for those of you that haven't seen the movie or heard of the movie, here she is...



    What?! Omgosh... They were being mean. I dont see any resemblance whatsoever. Smh
  • fificrazy
    Being underweight, I often got the whole "go eat a cheeseburger" deal, but more disturbing to me was the amount of people who thought it was okay to just stop me in public and comment on my size, or straight-up ask me what size I was. I can't imagine doing that to someone! For no reason at all- but just to giggle or gawk at! Literally had an old woman stop me at work once to essentially show me off to her friend what a size 0 looked like. Are you kidding me?! That's not okay!
  • hurricanegirl13
    My dad was always the most critical of my weight. I remember one time he took me shopping for some new clothes before the school year started (I was in HS) and I found a jacket I really liked. It was tight, but it zipped. I remember coming out of the fitting room to show him, and he said, "Maybe if you lost some weight, it would fit better." as he patted my stomach. I didn't get the jacket.

    Other times, jean shopping, he'd ask what size I needed so that he could help me find jeans... His response was usually something like, "Maybe they'll have the big sizes in the back" or "Really? Wow."
  • the_summer_belle
    the_summer_belle Posts: 353 Member
    Someone said I looked like Precious

    And for those of you that haven't seen the movie or heard of the movie, here she is...



    you are slimmer and hotter than her!
  • louisedavies311
    louisedavies311 Posts: 110 Member
    I was pregnant, but still...
    I was going to get some pizza, and the pizza guy asked me when I was due. I told him, and he asked if it was just one. I laughed, and said, "Yeah, just one,"
    He gave me a look of disgust and disbelief as he handed me my pizza and said, "Wow. You look like you're carrying twins."
    I should have thrown the pizza at his face, but I didn't think about it until later.
    I walked away, could hardly eat the stupid pizza and cried when I got home.

    I relate to this. I came from a dysfunctional family with women who all had weight issues. Let's just say at 13 I started using dexatrim diet pills. So my self esteem was never very strong.

    But this post brought back a painful memory. I was pregnant with my first child. My mother in law sat me down and explained to me how important it was for me to lose weight. Men in her family did not like big women. I was nine months pregnant! She told me that if I didn't get myself in control I may end up like her neighbor who is overweight. Then she explained to me how my father in law would tell her when she was gaining too much weight, and she would become more conscientious of what she would eat. Now to put this in context, she smoked more than a pack a day and was afraid to quit because she may gain weight. She smoked after every meal. I'm sure that curbed her appetitive. So here I was hormonal, nine months pregnant, and being told my husbands family do not like big women. I just about fell apart. I never felt comfortable with them again. It's been 13 years and they still watch what's on my plate. Im sensitive to a comment here and there, they are passive aggressive people They are what I think of thin but unhealthy. None of them, including my husband has any muscle mass. What made it worse was that I gained 30lbs in a year and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and later with hashimotos disease. They, including my husband, don't understand the disease and think its an excuse to eat whatever I want, but it's e opposite. I eat less now than I ever did.
    Last year was a new year for me. A series of events caused me to regain my self esteem. Now with MFP I have a healthier lifestyle and what my in laws or my family feel towards me doesn't seem to matter anymore. This pisses a lot of the family off and they are less passive with their comments, but I still stay true to myself. I struggle with weight loss, always will. But I ran 3 5ks last year and am training for a half marathon. This boggles their mind. My own mother thinks it must be the pill I'm taking for my thyroid that has allowed me to lose 29lbs. I say no, I've been on the same dosage for five years, there is no magic pill. She doesn't believe it and wants to know my secret. My father in law gives me grief about how I'm going to hurt myself running (because I'm big), it's bad for my joints, and any more than one mile is too much. He lets me know his opinion every time he sees me, especially when others are present No mention of the weight I lost, but to be fair, I don't think it's obvious yet. Ive learned to start to let the comments go. Mostly because I've learned that people with low self esteem like to make themselves look better by putting others down and I'm an easy target.
    I believe to always be polite, remember the source, and just do what I need to do. I don't rely on support from anyone. I do my healthy lifestyle for my kids, but mostly for myself:flowerforyou:

    Omg this is so much like my husbands family when I was at my biggest after just having twins by c section my mother in law said to me you could do with losing a bit now and then my father inlaw said to her I would leave you if you put on weight so I have always felt so uncomfortable around them but now In just don't care what they think !
  • jeets888
    jeets888 Posts: 2,237 Member
    Told i was nothing but a piece of lard from someone very dear to me! Albeit they said it out of anger - it was the truth!
  • purplepink1992
    My mom has always been my biggest critic since I started kinda gaining at the end of grade 12. The one that sticks the most is when I found out through the grape vine (my 9 year old sister at the time) that my mom said I looked like a meatball in my prom dress back in 2010. I didn't even look big at prom! When I think of that time I wish I still looked the way I did then! If she thought it didn't look good why not tell me, and help me find a better one? Still hurts to this day, and she doesn't know that I know.

    And a second one I just thought of! I went for blood and an ECG last week, and the nurse doing it all asked for an approximate height and weight for ECG purposes. So I told her and she goes "It's a bit better to be bigger, because when you're thin you don't eat a lot and your heart has to work harder". So assuming because of my height/weight measurements that I eat a lot? HA! The complete opposite. I hate passive aggressive people. I wanted to slap her!
  • phuckingbadasscutie
    phuckingbadasscutie Posts: 1,619 Member
    Just the other day I got asked by a customer that comes in to my work when I was due. I told her that I'm not pregnant but I do have 4 kids so my stomch does stick out a little and I feel like I look pregnant. In her defense she did think I was another employee who is pregnant and the other girl and I always get told we look like sisters.
  • Rachelc1992
    Rachelc1992 Posts: 246 Member
    Your fat... Are you pregnant?... You've got a fat tummy... Oh yes, do some exercise you need to (from someone who doesn't exercise and I always have since 14 grrr!!!!!!!) ... Ohh wow, I'm surprised you can exercise so much being 'curvy' (and I ain't got big boobs!!)... She's lost weight and she was even bigger than you (it was not in a nice way)... Atleast I've had a child...

    And if I quoted my gran I'd be here forever!!!! I get a comment every time I see her, always have since childhood.
  • Rachelc1992
    Rachelc1992 Posts: 246 Member
    Ohhh and the word that just fills me with dread "pop" said by my dad and brother whenever I ate something, from atleast age 10! They still so it :(
  • MoosyGoosy
    "You're awful to hug, your hipbones stab me"

    Hugs are my favourite thing ever :(
  • katylil
    katylil Posts: 223 Member
    My ex-boyfriend once told me (whilst we were in bed together I'd like to point out) that if I just lost some weight I'd be hot and have all the guys after me.


    Needless to say he didn't last long after that.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Being underweight, I often got the whole "go eat a cheeseburger" deal, but more disturbing to me was the amount of people who thought it was okay to just stop me in public and comment on my size, or straight-up ask me what size I was. I can't imagine doing that to someone! For no reason at all- but just to giggle or gawk at! Literally had an old woman stop me at work once to essentially show me off to her friend what a size 0 looked like. Are you kidding me?! That's not okay!

    I completely see this - there's something about society that thinks it's ok to comment on a woman's body if she is thin. For the first time in my life I'm actually at a healthy weight for my height. I'm short and I take a size 0. I get comments now ALL THE TIME. Also, people whom I barely know seem to think it's ok to talk about how fat I was before I lost weight. That's not okay either... Just because I lost the weight, does not mean you can now mock me for being fat!
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    My ex-boyfriend once told me (whilst we were in bed together I'd like to point out) that if I just lost some weight I'd be hot and have all the guys after me.

    My uncle once said that to me... (except we weren't in bed together...but it's still creepy.)
  • happysummerrunner
    happysummerrunner Posts: 66 Member
    Here's a conversation with someone I consider a "nice acquaintance" that I COULDN'T BELIEVE while it was happening- (happened in front of a group of people I knew)

    Her: Are you pregnant?
    Me: No, but I did have a baby. (I try to help the person save face with this comment)
    Her: Your second baby?
    Me: No my first.
    Her: Wasn't that a long time ago.
    Me: Yes he's over a year old now!
    Her: Why haven't you lost the weight yet?
    Her: You're young, you should have bounced back by now! Is it hormonal-related?
    Me: No, I'm pretty sure it's just over eating.
    Her: Oh ok *stares

    I was proud of myself for not crying after that conversation.