200 Sit up Challenge 2010



  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I did week 1 day 3 push-ups

    Max at least 5 (did 6)

    Since I was able to do the 200 last week I just did sets between the push-ups

    But I did mix in some cross over and the ones where you have your legs elevated... so they hurt!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Belated check in for 3/6
    I did week 4 column 3 day 2
    In between I did 60 seconds of squats for a total of about 120 squats as well

    Something is definitely changing, this program works. There is NO WAY I could have done these sets the first week but I can now, it's not EASY but I can do it!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Whew. Done.
    30 ,38, 23, 23, 50

    14, 16, 12, 12, 20

    27, 34, 21, 21, 40

    So that was 164 sit-ups, 74 push-ups, and 143 squats.
    HRM said I burned 271 calories in 23 minutes doing these challenges! MFP tells me 129 for 23 minutes of calisthenics so I go with that (I always count the most conservative number).
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    checking in 3/9/10:

    Sit up challenge week 4 workout 3

    my sets were:
    max out- miniumum 30...I did 79!!:drinker: :love: I just couldnt bring myself to do one more so I could say 80! sheesh!:grumble:

    JK IM PROUD!!!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Question! When I do the push-ups, and I'm maxing out at like six, I'm doing them "girl" style and I'm kinda pealing myself up off the floor. I try really hard to keep my back and hips straight but my extremely heavy butt pulls my hips down. Is this OK? Will I get stronger and be able to hold my body rigid?

    My plan is to do week one over through all three columns and then try to start over at column one in week four with "boy" style push-ups and go from there. Granted this will add a month plus to my program but I want to do 100 push-ups "right".

    I used my arms on the elliptical machine (as usual) today so I'm sure that's part of it but I'm really hurting today from yesterday's push-ups! The back of my arms and across the front of my chest...

    jlb123 - do you do your squats by a mirror? How do you know you're keeping the right form? I feel like I get all unbalanced and I'm afraid I'm not going down far enough?
  • Tag :flowerforyou:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    jlb123 - do you do your squats by a mirror? How do you know you're keeping the right form? I feel like I get all unbalanced and I'm afraid I'm not going down far enough?

    I don't own a full length mirror. :embarassed:
    But I can definitely tell when I'm keeping the correct form. Feet just wider than shoulder width apart, straight back, tight core, eyes fixed on one point, don't let you knees go forward over your toes, get your thighs as close to parallel as possible without going past it, then back up keeping everything tense and straight. The most important things (to prevent injury) are to be sure you're keeping your back straight and to not drop your thighs below parallel or let your knees go past your toes.

    I also know I'm doing something correctly when my bf walks up and doesn't say anything to me. Bless him, no matter how much he knows it pisses me off (not so much being corrected, more how insensitive he is about the whole thing), he can NOT hold his tongue when I'm doing something wrong. :laugh: He's an expert on everything. As an example, I can't even tell you how many fights we got into during our first 2 years together over the way I freaking chop onions (Let's just say the phrase "Chop your own damn onions, then" has come out of my mouth more than once). :tongue: Apparently I do it just right now because I haven't heard anything about it in a couple of years (and I have to agree I really am much better :laugh: ).
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Week 3, Column 3, Day 3 complete

    Sit ups:
    at least 60 - I did 70

    Also did 4 sets of squats in between sit ups for a total of 120 squats.

    I'm now supposed to do another TEST withing the next 36 hours to see how many I can do in one turn.
    Hmmmm, maybe I should do this test before I start level 2 of the shred tonight
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hold on a minute, I just read back and saw Mstahls post saying she has completed 200 sit ups !!!
    I must have missed that before. WOW WOW WOW.
    Well done Mstahl :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    Cheers to you!
  • ReneDavidson
    ReneDavidson Posts: 86 Member
    Just finished! Arms are sore...but I feel good!!

    sit ups 30 38 30 30 (50)
    squats 27 34 27 27 (45)
    push ups 14 16 12 12 (23)

    Getting better!!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    thanks meokk! I'm not sure how I managed to get strong abs! I'm doing the program with a mix of bicycle and 'jack knife' style crunches now to help add to the standard target zone...

    OMG am I haveing a tough time with the push-ups! I don't think I'm doing them right but they're all I can do right now!?!?! I kinda explained this a post or two back but I end up going down on my stomach just keeping the top of my chest from touching before I peel myself back up - I can't keep my back/hips straight yet! And I'm only doing them girl style (from my knees!)

    Any ideas? Is this OK?
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Check in for today......
    I did the post 4th week test and managed to do 130 in a row. Getting there!
    SO I was so tired after that and the 30 day shred that I'll do my next sets on Saturday.

    Mstahl, I'm not really sure how to help you with the push ups but I'll describe what I do ad maybe you can try and copy.

    So, down on my hands and knees and then move my arms out wider than my shoulders.
    Fingers facing forward and palms flat on the ground. I lift my feet slightly off the ground and cross my ankles.
    Important part...... shift your upper body forward so that your shoulders are directly above your wrists.
    The down and up down and up never touching the floor with my chest or stomach and keeping my abs really tight.

    Good luck
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Checking in for today...

    Week 1 day 3 column 2 push-ups (girl style)
    max (at least 10 I did 7)

    Week 6 day 1 column 3 sit-ups (since I completed 200 I'm mixing in bicycle style and ones with my legs off the ground)
    70 Regular
    40 Reg/ 40 bicycle
    52 reg
    45 bicycle
    max (started bicycle for the first 45 then reg to a total of 162 when my arms couldn't support my head any more LOL!)

    thanks for the help - hopefully as I get stronger and my butt get's lighter I'll get a little better at the dang push-ups!

    I'm starting this tomorrow -> http://runningmate.podomatic.com/
    It starts out harder than the C25K but I like the extra coaching. I will NOT be able to run more than a few seconds so I'm assuming I'll be doing week one for awhile LOL!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I completed week 4 so I just did my exhaustion test and was able to do 101! Thats a long way from the 31 I did on the first exhaustion test, so I am proud of that number.

    I suppose Ill start week 5 tomorrow!

    Good luck to you all

  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Did my next sets today. Week 5 day 1 column 3
    60 I did 70
    feeling so much stronger than when I started this program.
    Thank you Chris for getting us all going.
  • ReneDavidson
    ReneDavidson Posts: 86 Member
    Just finished (should have done them yesterday, but....so I have to do a 3.5 run today on top of this.,,ugh, won't do that again...)

    situps 35 42 35 35 60
    squats 31 38 31 31 50
    pushups 16 17 14 14 25
  • iamalexa
    iamalexa Posts: 53
  • ReneDavidson
    ReneDavidson Posts: 86 Member
    Its fun to see how much I've improved in just two weeks. I am on my third week of the challenges now...

    (wk 4 col 3) Situps 32 38 32 32 55
    (wk 4 col 3) squats 29 34 29 29 50
    (wk 3 col 2) push ups 12 17 13 13 20

    pilates flexibility 10 minutes
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Its fun to see how much I've improved in just two weeks. I am on my third week of the challenges now...

    (wk 4 col 3) Situps 32 38 32 32 55
    (wk 4 col 3) squats 29 34 29 29 50
    (wk 3 col 2) push ups 12 17 13 13 20

    pilates flexibility 10 minutes

    You are doing awesome! good job!

    Im trying to get myself back on schedule so I back to C25K on M-W-F and Sit ups on T-TH-SAT

  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Tonight I did week 6 column 3 day 1 of the sit-up challenge. I mixed the sets - first half regular and second half bicycle - OMG it was hard today! I maxed at 132.

    I did week 1 day 1 column 3 "girl style" on the push-up challenge(10, 12, 7, 7 and couldn't do the minimum max of 9.) I can't go down low and back up without resting most of my stomach on the ground. I think I'm still not doing them right :explode: And they're totally kicking my *kitten*!!!
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