what do you call these people?



  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member

    but I have what Dexter has.


    Oh nvm..I get it now..*facedesk*
  • CarlieeBear
    CarlieeBear Posts: 325 Member
    Probably different reasons they do what they do. I don't always sweat like crazy when I work at my target heart rate, but I do sweat and I do breathe hard. I sweat even less if I have a fan on me. I lift what I can do 2 sets of 12 reps. That's what my gym manager taught me to do and he's a trainer with a kickin' body.

    No matter how little they're doing, they're burning calories. They may not realize how little they're doing. The manager at my gym is awesome. He has commented to me that some people complain that they're not losing weight and it's because they don't workout hard enough. They also may have physical limitations we don't know about.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    I agree with you, why go to the gym if not to drip sweat? The price of membership, gas to get there, and time devoted makes me want to put in effort.

    But then again I don't really bother myself with what others do, I am mostly there to push myself.

    It's just a pet peeve. The only occasional, practical downside is when they consume equipment that is in short supply. I'm patient, I am not rude and I wait my turn. But man, cmon. Geez. Fo real. WTF. He's just sitting there messing with his phone, and adjusting the seat back and forth. :sad:

    You could just ask how long he'll be so you can come back when he's done. He'll either move or get something done and then move. Unless he's a jerk and sits there just to make you angry.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I agree with you, why go to the gym if not to drip sweat? The price of membership, gas to get there, and time devoted makes me want to put in effort.

    But then again I don't really bother myself with what others do, I am mostly there to push myself.

    Edit: Unless of course they get in my way...lol
    There was a guy I knew in college that was part of a year long graduate student experiment where he lived in a self-sufficient yert, collected his own rainwater, grew his own food, etc. Except, he cheated by paying gym fees to watch tv on a bike and shower. Now, I'm not suggesting that the people you encounter are yert hobbits, but maybe they only watch their one show at the gym, or they're trying to get some minimal exercise done while listening to scholarly lectures (did you know information is actually absorbed slightly better if you're doing light mindless activity, like walking slowly on a treadmill, while learning?) whatever. My point is people pay their membership fees, and may have any number of motivations for why and how they use it. Maybe they just like the peaceful hour away from a stressful home situation, you never know. You would never have been able to pick out the yert guy if you didn't know.

    Edit: just discovered "yert" should be spelled "yurt", my bad. Not a word I see spelled out everyday!
  • VeganZombie13
    Those are the "in betweeners" if you will. They are ready to go to the gym, but not yet ready to sacrifice and get nasty. Some will in time, and some never will.

  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
    Either they are going to make themselves "feel good", meaning to make themselves feel less guilty. Or they need guidance in how to properly workout. Hopefully, it is the second :tongue:
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member

    but I have what Dexter has.

    Dark Passenger?
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Well, you really cannot let these folks bother you; you are there for YOU not THEM. That being said, yes, there are those who are like that... Different reasons really... some actually think that doing a set of everything in the gym is "working out"... Those folks actually believe that they are dong something. Others are trying to impress other folks by the fact that they were there. Possibly some may be trying to be able to say "I went to the gym and worked out" to their wives and then go off and have their fling with their thing.. Who knows what motivates some of these folks. The one type that may actually change by intervention is the one set wonders who are mis-informed and actually think they are 'working out' by doing that. I am glad that you realize that there are those of us who may be starting in a level that is way back from where you are at... (The obese guy)... I was one of those folks back about 6 months ago... Now, 117 lbs later, I am still there.. Not nearly as winded but still progressing (at least I hope so)... I was also the guy that went about the "Band Machines" and was exploring those... I did single rounds for a while then went back to the 3 sets of 10s then maxed those machines out... Then I went to the big boy room and started on the bar weight machines... still machines but none-the-less some level of progression... Now, I am exploring the free weights and smith machine... Yes, making some progress.... We all start at different levels. Yet, you are absolutely correct... I love the ones that come in, get their book out and casually pedal the exercise bike for 20 minutes while reading the book... Even more, I luv the one that comes in and TALKS to other friends for 45 minutes while SITTING on the machine that half the gym is trying to use while discussing their marital problems.. Yeah, I bet we have marital problems in that situation.... In the end though, if they don't bother me and take up my machine while doing NOTHING, I'll live with it.. We are very likely to be innundated with these guys next week as the new year resolutioneers hit the gym .... We are off like a herd of turtles... going nowhere fast.
  • chosengiver
    chosengiver Posts: 1,493
    These people drive me INSANE!
    Especially the group of 4 young--I stress YOUNG--men who came in Saturday night while I was lifting (arm routine).
    Chit-chatting, carrying on, and trying to "look" like they were doing a few bicep curls.
    Uhm, I'm NOT stopping my circuit while you giggle to your friends and look at my bench like you want it.

    BTW, my fave question to be asked by most of the guys is: "Are you a personal trainer?"
    When I'm at the gym, it's ALL business baby.
  • WeekndOVOXO
    WeekndOVOXO Posts: 779 Member
    Who the **** cares? Stop crying.
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    I am almost sorry I started this thread.

    Almost... but not quite. :laugh:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    People like that (if I even noticed them) might perplex me. But I their workout (or lack of) doesn't affect mine, so I don't care enough to be upset about it.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I am almost sorry I started this thread.

    Almost... but not quite. :laugh:

    you are new.........you need to lose a lot of weight

    you have recently discovered working out

    and within minutes, you have decided you are the only one "really" working out and the only one "serious" in your gym

    check back in 4 years
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    A lot of the guys just want time away from their family, you know, kind of like guys that golf. No one like ****!ng golf, give me a break. But, it's an entire day away from having to deal with the wife and kids. Yeah, it's like that for a lot if guys. Probably the same for women, although, women seem to be more responsible than that. Guys are douchy that way.

    That's my $.02
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    Speaking of crowded gyms, today something odd happened. There were 4 benches in a formation like this:

    I I
    I I

    Then a staff member asked me to please get up so he could move the bench. Then it looked like:

    I I
    x I

    (The x marks an empty spot. I just couldn't get the keys to line up correctly.)

    Keep in mind the dude next to me was on a rest break but he didn't move his. There was nothing obvious on my side that wasn't on the side of the person behind me. What gives?

    I'll take your weak sauce people any day if you can explain why the heck that happened.

    I'm sad because no one took my bait.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    I agree with you, why go to the gym if not to drip sweat? The price of membership, gas to get there, and time devoted makes me want to put in effort.

    But then again I don't really bother myself with what others do, I am mostly there to push myself.

    Edit: Unless of course they get in my way...lol

    I don't drip with sweat at the gym...does that mean I'm not working as hard as you because your a sweater?? lol The pain i'm in the day after says otherwise...but hey....I don't sweat so I don't count....:tongue:
  • thoseblueeyes
    thoseblueeyes Posts: 812 Member
    A lot of the guys just want time away from their family, you know, kind of like guys that golf. No one like ****!ng golf, give me a break. But, it's an entire day away from having to deal with the wife and kids. Yeah, it's like that for a lot if guys. Probably the same for women, although, women seem to be more responsible than that. Guys are douchy that way.

    That's my $.02

    Ummm I hope thats not why they are there to get away from wife and kids. That is sad...... I do think the gym is a meat market and people go there to pick up others. I agree with many they are there to look at others and to pick up others. This does piss me off since I go to the gym to workout and only to workout.....They need to find a different place to pick up people. hahah
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    A lot of the guys just want time away from their family, you know, kind of like guys that golf. No one like ****!ng golf, give me a break. But, it's an entire day away from having to deal with the wife and kids. Yeah, it's like that for a lot if guys. Probably the same for women, although, women seem to be more responsible than that. Guys are douchy that way.

    That's my $.02

    Ummm I hope thats not why they are there to get away from wife and kids. That is sad...... I do think the gym is a meat market and people go there to pick up others. I agree with many they are there to look at others and to pick up others. This does piss me off since I go to the gym to workout and only to workout.....They need to find a different place to pick up people. hahah

    Most married people are very unhappy. That's my view. Very unhappy. But, the alternative seems worse. There is a fine line where the alternative, for guys, of sleeping in your car, or whatever, becomes a better option than living with your SO. Lol.

    Many guys I know do things to get away from the family. Golfing, gym time, whatever. It's just time away. They don't care about the thing they are actually doing.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    I've never got that 'my gym is a meat market' thing. Maybe I walk around totally blind to it, or I just go to dull gym's lol. Obviously you notice if there's someone attractive near you working out I suppose, but even if I was single I wouldn't try talking to them in the gym. It just seems kinda creepy? :laugh: Just seems inappropriate for the gym? God I sound sooooo old hahaha
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    I do think the gym is a meat market and people go there to pick up others. I agree with many they are there to look at others and to pick up others. This does piss me off since I go to the gym to workout and only to workout.....They need to find a different place to pick up people. hahah

    Not even close in my experience. In the standard weight room environment, most women wear ear buds to avoid getting picked up. Fitness classes are a better option for picking up people because there are fewer ways to use technology to be anti social.

    I think your recommendation for people not to use the gym as a place to meet dates is misguided. I would agree that the gym is not the best option (the friend of friend network is, but not all people have dates they can arrange through friends/mutual acquaintances). There are worse options than the gym though. Online dating sites and random nights at bars are two of those worse options.