what do you call these people?



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I've never got that 'my gym is a meat market' thing. Maybe I walk around totally blind to it, or I just go to dull gym's lol. Obviously you notice if there's someone attractive near you working out I suppose, but even if I was single I wouldn't try talking to them in the gym. It just seems kinda creepy? :laugh: Just seems inappropriate for the gym? God I sound sooooo old hahaha
    I don't get that at mine, either. And I go to Gold's.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    I do think the gym is a meat market and people go there to pick up others. I agree with many they are there to look at others and to pick up others. This does piss me off since I go to the gym to workout and only to workout.....They need to find a different place to pick up people. hahah

    Not even close in my experience. In the standard weight room environment, most women wear ear buds to avoid getting picked up. Fitness classes are a better option for picking up people because there are fewer ways to use technology to be anti social.

    I think your recommendation for people not to use the gym as a place to meet dates is misguided. I would agree that the gym is not the best option (the friend of friend network is, but not all people have dates they can arrange through friends/mutual acquaintances). There are worse options than the gym though. Online dating sites and random nights at bars are two of those worse options.

    Oh good, it's not just the gym's I use then!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Then they can tell everyone on facebook they went to the gym, duh!
  • BigDnSW
    BigDnSW Posts: 641 Member
    This is a random thought, jerk of a topic. And if you're annoyed by smileys, look away. :tongue:

    When I go to the gym I see tons of people, the majority, just don't seem to be that serious about being there. They don't do sets, they do like 1 set of something and move on (trust me, they're not circuit training). They don't break a sweat. They fiddle with the equipment for 5 minutes, use it for 30 seconds and move on. They lift for about 10mins and leave, if I'm lucky.

    I dunno, I thought the point of going was to do something useful. When I'm done I'm drenched in sweat. Sometimes I'm near exhaustion or get nauseous (and not just at the people :laugh: ). I know what I can handle and I take it to that point.

    What are all these people doing? Some days I feel like yelling at the whole gym. :wink:

    To the ones that are there really doing work I am in awe of you. There was a morbidly obese guy on the treadmill today, he was doing a fast walk for at least 30mins if not longer. I almost thought that wasn't too hard, then I noticed the incline he had it cranked up to. Dude was sweatin to the oldies like Richard Simmons was behind him with a bullwhip. Hat's off to that guy. :drinker:

    But the amount of tomfoolery and pernicious sillyness going on at the gym is going to cause me to have a full on meltdown. :devil:

    What if they have been in a serious accident or 2 like me... would you still be such a arrogant *kitten*??? I go to the wellness center in my area that keep aholes like you out. I am in 11 years of rehab/PT/OT/etc. Careful watch you wish for and criticize... 12 years ago I was a world class athlete...now just glad to be able to walk. Anyone else???
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    What if they have been in a serious accident or 2 like me... would you still be such a arrogant *kitten*??? I go to the wellness center in my area that keep aholes like you out. I am in 11 years of rehab/PT/OT/etc. Careful watch you wish for and criticize... 12 years ago I was a world class athlete...now just glad to be able to walk. Anyone else???

    I agree. While I don't go to the gym, my workout would look like the silly 10 minute people he described. For whatever reason, unless the people are just sitting on a machine you're waiting for, what's it matter?
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    Maybe they are just beginners-and don't know how or what to do. Not everyone is at the same level-judging them doesn't seem fair. I say worry about yourself!
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    What if they have been in a serious accident or 2 like me... would you still be such a arrogant *kitten*??? I go to the wellness center in my area that keep aholes like you out. I am in 11 years of rehab/PT/OT/etc. Careful watch you wish for and criticize... 12 years ago I was a world class athlete...now just glad to be able to walk. Anyone else???

    I agree. While I don't go to the gym, my workout would look like the silly 10 minute people he described. For whatever reason, unless the people are just sitting on a machine you're waiting for, what's it matter?

    Yes, I always try to be cognizant that everyone is there for different reasons. Could be physical therapy, could be just a mental break. At my gym, we also have a pool. Some people come to the gym, change into their gym clothes, then go outside and go for a run. I know, lol. So, everyone is doing different things and there for different purposes. So, I think it's best to just get into what YOU are doing and don't worry about everyone else.

    As far as the picking up thing. You know, I'm there a lot. I typically go at the same time, and I see the same people. So, it pretty easy to say hi. After a while hi turns into a little more conversation. As time goes on, you just kind of get to know people. It's easy to then turn a conversation into setting up somewhere outside of the gym. We all live in the same area, we might have other common interests. It's not unusual to form group ski trips or hiking trips too, so you can get into something like that and meet people. Running is another way. I mean, just flat out hitting on someone in a gym is a little weird, I think. But, I can see how it can happen if two people are single and have common interests.
  • hooperkay
    hooperkay Posts: 463 Member
    dont judge people by their sweat content. I don't sweat alot. In fact I can play tennis for a few hours in 100 degree weather and barely be sweating. That's why I have to drink water constantly when I do activity so I don't overheat. I follow a workout program and sometimes I only do like 3 sets of 10. If it says to use light weights I may be doing that exercise for like a couple of minutes. I like having a set workout to follow because it keeps me focused and I know what to do. Maybe some are doing the same. May look like they are goofing off but not really.
  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,857 Member
    I like the ol' phrase: "You wouldn't worry about what people think of you if you knew how seldom they did". . .But now I'm not so sure. .It seems like there are a lot of people standing around judging everybody around them (people they know nothing about) as inferior to them in some way. .
  • cad39too
    cad39too Posts: 874 Member
    I always used to wonder at the chicks that come in in full make up, work out without sweating and leave the gym make up still intact.

    But at the end of the day, if their money and time being wasted.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    I always used to wonder at the chicks that come in in full make up, work out without sweating and leave the gym make up still intact.

    But at the end of the day, if their money and time being wasted.

    Some people really have a sweat fixation lol. So I also wear make up to the gym, and I don't sweat that much. I am obviously doing something wrong....who gives a sh@t what other people look like/do at the gym. Why don't you moaners just get on with your own workouts and stop worrying about what other people are up to.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I sometimes only do 15-20 mins of weights before I move on to cardio. I sure hope no-one is judging me for it!

    I also don't sweat that much, no matter how hard I work. My personal trainer is always amused by it. He makes me work damn hard, so I honestly don't think how much someone sweats is a measure of how hard they're working.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Some people (like me) have bad backs, arthritis, heart problems, etc.

    I don't think he is talking about you (or me for that matter. I have a fairly serious medical limitation, so I understand that).

    People who are clearly there to better themselves are, well, clearly there to better themselves. We don't come in looking like we're going on a date.

    People with perfect ponytails, perfect tans, perfect makeup, chewing gum and doing one set of something before heading off to the treadmill to talk to the person next to them about how doing skull crushers will firm up flabby man-boobs are the people he's talking about. These people are easy to spot. They're generally young, rarely over 27, and they usually travel in packs.

    Personally, I like that they pay their gym dues so that the rest of us who are there to better ourselves can workout without it being cost prohibitive.

    The makeup thing use to drive me up the wall but then someone lopped me upside the head with some sense. I met a girl who was always dripping makeup and then she made a good point. "I already got up had my shower, put on my makeup, spent the day or morning doing whatever I put on makeup for...I go to the gym to workout. Makeup can drip down my face, I don't care, I'm not there to be pretty. I have a busy schedule, I'm not going to spend time scrubbing all the makeup off of my face to be pretty for the gym, when I"m getting in the shower immediately after my workout".
  • xXxHBICxXx
    xXxHBICxXx Posts: 370 Member
    Those people piss me off simply because I would LOVE to be able to go to the gym everyday, but financially that is impossible for me. I'm ready to work my *kitten* off and can't :sad: But I guess some people just go to say they've been there that day? Idk people are stupid. :smile:
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Those people piss me off simply because I would LOVE to be able to go to the gym everyday, but financially that is impossible for me. I'm ready to work my *kitten* off and can't :sad:

    you do not need a gym to work your *kitten* off
  • Alyssa__Lauren
    Alyssa__Lauren Posts: 148 Member
    I know I should mind my own business but those people annoy me! Mostly because at my gym they do all that, plus use the machines as chairs/couches and just SIT THERE for like 20 minutes. I would say something to them but I get nervous about confronting strangers :frown:
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Those people piss me off simply because I would LOVE to be able to go to the gym everyday, but financially that is impossible for me. I'm ready to work my *kitten* off and can't :sad:

    you do not need a gym to work your *kitten* off


    And while I love the gym there is something perniciously preposterous about the thinking that this is the place one needs to go, to go hard. You put on your little gym shoes and you sweat. And perhaps you move around a few weights. You achieve a measure of your limits in minutes and move to PBs of moving heavy things around. In a room, and with form and technique. And yet for many, outside of the complacently narcissistic moment the actual improvements in overall fitness ("i can deadlift xxx but golf kills my back") are a dullard's reflexion. Or, in the case of hard wrought strength and power and fitness other than esthetic delights what is that strength used for? What are you figuratively building?

    Make sure your chiseled bodies have scars from the world and experience from interacting with others - for the blisters on my hands and the oly bar scrapes on my legs are a lullaby echo of that blatherly "go hard or go home" pasted up on the wall of some safe gym - an air conditioned Mecca of standard movements, sets and progressions without a healthy bit of chaos.

    Instead bring chaos. Go where it's hard and never home, otherwise how are you not just the pampered copy of the shadow of the gym rat going through the motion? If you are going to hit something hard, hit life. Hit life hard.
  • EmilyJackCO
    EmilyJackCO Posts: 621 Member
    I always used to wonder at the chicks that come in in full make up, work out without sweating and leave the gym make up still intact.

    But at the end of the day, if their money and time being wasted.

    I work out straight after work and don't bother taking my eye makeup off beforehand (Urban Decay doesn't come off without a lot of help, and therefore stays put through my workouts). But I also don't wear anything but that on workout work days, or when I go in after working at home, of course. It can be a bit smudgey when I'm done, though lately, I've been wearing waterproof everything due to spontaneous tears, and nothing budges.. On the weekends? HAH! I look like a wraith. I'm still drenched and my hair is trashed though, especially when it needs cut. :D
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    I love you all. Keep on truckin true believers. :drinker: