Anyone gonna be one of "those" gym people on Jan.1?



  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    Im going to be there like I am everyday. Was even there on Christmas day.
    This how I feel.
    It's just another day for me.
    And I usually go when the herd has thinned - 10am or at 1:30pm
    I am always relieved and saddened come March, because you know what happens.
    Most of these drones wash out and quit on themselves.
    Oh well.....

    I love going on holidays, EVERYTHING is freed up for me to use. No one is hogging up machines and such. So awesome.
  • Lancer97
    Lancer97 Posts: 39 Member
    I've been one of those gym people since October.. Actually dreading how busy its going to be for the next couple of weeks LOL January is the worst for finding a machine to use!
  • janf15
    janf15 Posts: 242 Member
    Just got back from the gym! Not one new face. Same 10 'usual suspects' at 5am - There is ample research to show that people who start exercising as a new years resolution ... don't do it for very long!

    Our health plan gives us a free gym membership (or no additional cost) but we have to check in 10 times per month and get weighed in every quarter to keep a record of progress ...
  • Jwilliams57
    Jwilliams57 Posts: 16 Member
    I was there bright and early on the 1st, at 5:30 AM...was a little suprised, no one was there. Maybe it was too

    I've been a member for 6 months now. :smile: