

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :smile: All the stories about parents, dad and mom, and the appreciation I sense from others my age, finally made me post this. Today would have been my dad's 91st birthday. So...yes, it always is - and will remain - a significant day. After all...I had the absolute kindest father in the whole wide world!:heart::heart:

    I called my mom today - as I often do of course. She is soooo many miles away across the ocean, turning 90 next month...spunky lil old lady that she is! My sisters (and sometimes my bro) are taking good care of her (in addition to the care home). Anyway, she decided that yes, she does want to celebrate her 90th after all. (sigh) okay then...my sisters and I (can't count on bro) are renting a little hall and will have a party organized. Now what...I was just there, because this old lady did NOT want to celebrate her 90th. Have to decide I can't attend, which will be just fine because she will barely remember :bigsmile: :bigsmile: any of it...anyway. Oh my, the joys of aging.

    Just thought I would share me and my heart. I just love my parents so much. While you have them, enjoy them:heart: time is short

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Lynn - I never add in my exercise calories. I've found thru trial and error that each and every time that I'd add in my exercise calories, I never lost anything, just gained. Also, there are days when I do go over on the calories and I figure that not adding in the exercise calories is a "buffer" for me. Now remember that I've been exercising for many years so my body is accustomed to this. If your not accustomed to it, you might start to feel faint. Then no matter what, I'd eat those exercise calories.

    Renny - WTG on all the walking!

    Linda - congrats on reaching your goal on the Wii!

    DeeDee - have a lovely day. The weather here is sunny but cold. Hope it's warmer by you.

    Did an hour of pilates today. Tomorrow I'll do some yoga and then take the extremepump class.

    Meg - I was watching the show "Not My Mamma's Recipes" and he made a chicken pot pie (this is Paula Deen's son who runs the show) and used phylo dough.

    Lin and LindaSunshine - glad it's you who has the cold and not me.....lol You can keep it, I just enjoy reading about it....lol

    Made these oat sunflower cookies. I was dying to try that recipe, and we're having a Newcomer board meeting at this one gal's house so I'll take those. Only I couldn't get over that even tho they're so healthy, the calories! Well, I won't be eating them again until the meeting. The pieces were pretty big, so I may have one big piece or even 1/2 of the big piece. For those who wonder how I can have just 1/2 cup of popcorn -- that's all I make. If more were in front of me, it would be in front of me in my stomach.

    Lila - awesome shopping trip! I love shopping.

    Sara - whenever I do stretching in the water, I am always so much more flexible. Working out in the water is great, you don't feel like you're working

    Lin in Iowa - You dad has never had a cavity!!!! Wow!!!!

    Glenda - that's so very interesting about the beans. I've lately just been getting the dried ones and soaking them. I learned that they can be frozen, so right now I have kidney beans and great northern beans in my freezer.

    Judy - sending good thoughts and best wishes to you for the job

    Wish I could take part in the Walk across America challenge, but right now I'm going to pass. I'm afraid it would be too hard on my achilles. It's getting better, just not as fast as I'd like (then again, it never is), so this time around I'm going to have to pass. It sounds so neat, tho. Hopefully, it'll come up again.

    ohiomomof2 0- did you make the kale and spinach turnovers? Can you post that recipe? Sounds great

    Lucy in DE - I'm so sorry about your FIL. I'm so glad your hubby's bro got to see his dad and I'm sure his dad was very happy

    There isn't a day that goes by when I don't wish my father was here. I honestly don't remember my mother very much, but I miss my father so much. And my grandparents.

    Well, hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Well..just wrote longest post I have in a while and I did something to make it evaporate:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: Rats!

    Well...hope you all had a good weekend. I guess I should give up & go to bed. But did want to say,

    Lucy, I am so sorry about your FIL and I hope you can reschedule your trip!

    Ronny- where is your Mom? Know you miss your Dad.

    Jb- you look great...love your Glam shot!

    Have a great week, all:heart: Kackie
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Sunshine – my son is doing great now, thanks for asking! He worked very hard, but there were so many miracles in his recovery. He went from blind with no motor / bodily control to restored sight and overall, about 99% recovery. We are very, very blessed!

    King vs. Queen bed – DH decided we should get a new king bed for our room and move ours, which is still in good shape, up to the guest room. In the meantime, we marked out the king size piece in the guest room and it is fine. When they deliver the new one they will move the one from our room up to the other room.

    Lucy – sorry to hear about your FIL. It is never easy. One spring both of DH’s sisters passed away within a 3 week period.

    I was a wanton woman calorie-wise this weekend, but will be back at it tomorrow though and back at the gym.

    Off to bed – work resumes tomorrow!

    Gail, metro Atlanta
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Linda C. we’ve never had a fence for our dogs…..for a long time I would take them to the off leash dog park and let them run while I walked around and kept an eye on them…..when we moved to this neighborhood I realized how much they liked the grassy areas and the trails so there was no reason to go to the dog park any more…..I love walking with them…..to me it is meditation, exercise, time with my loved ones, and a chance to be outdoors getting the Vitamin D that is so important to health….somebody said that the best exercise is the one you’ll do and this is what I love doing.

    :flowerforyou: Sunshine, what a great name for someone living in a place where the days are so short now…..I’ll have to think of you whenever I feel challenged by having to walk my dogs so much in the dark in the morning and late afternoon.

    :bigsmile: Jb, you never fail to explain things clearly

    :flowerforyou: Sundance, going to bed a little earlier every night is a great way to reset your sleep schedule….you can’t do it in one day……it takes time (like most significant changes)

    :flowerforyou: Meg, we had to get a king sized bed because the dogs were hogging the queen sized:laugh: …..now we have to move Sasha out of the middle so we can cuddle.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Renny, I think your challenge would be good even for vegetarians……there are a lot of meatless meals that include no fruits or veggies

    :flowerforyou: Sara, welcome, I’m sure your next vitamix creation will be awesome…only people who never cook, never make anything that has to go down the drain or in the garbage.

    :flowerforyou: Lin, I’m walking across America, too…..still in the same state LOL:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Glenda, your snowshoe walk in the mountains sounds awesome….we can see the mountains from here but all my walking is on flat land.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, I have a pedometer that lets me know how many miles I walk each day so it’s easy for me.

    :cry: cy, sorry about your FIL…..I hope you’ll be able to have your trip at another time.

    :bigsmile: Jake is feeling better today so he did some of the dog walking and we spent time watching the professional football games…..our team is out of the playoffs but we picked favorites in the two games and were right with one and wrong with the other.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    My word for 2013 is “Stretch” inspired by “The Happiness Project”….I will seek opportunities to stretch my body and stretch myself personally by improving skills and trying new things.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Bump so I can find my place tomorrow. I appreciate all of you!

    Katla from NW Oregon
  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member
    jb_2011 - when you say " I've read hundreds of posts from MFP members who have lost a considerable amount of weight by eating back SOME but not all of their calories" do you know how much is SOME? Do they eat half? Just a few? I HAVE to win this bet with my some so if eating more calories will do it, than I'll do it. It just seems kind of insane to me to eat more to lose more. I am almost always right at 1200 on the nose.

    SundanceB - Great job!! Norway can be cold during the winter but the good thing is it doesn't get hot during the summer (at least I think that is good!) .... we average in the high 60's low 70's during the summer.

    megblair1 - Thanks! That is the recipe I wanted. Sounds easy and yummy, I'll have to give it a try if I can find navy beans.

    LinCharpentie - yep you got me beat and that's ok. I don't think I ever want to break it. :tongue:

    Sasha4427 - what is "Renny's F&V challenge"? I'm guessing it is a fruits and vegetables challenge? If I have time I will try to read back through all the pages to find it, but usually I try not to back read threads once I join because I get sucked up into them and before you know it, I haven't moved from the computer all day. I WILL though keep up with a thread once I've joined it

    RebelRenny - thank you for the welcome!

    glendalight - my hubby is actually on a diet with me (he doesn't really have a choice as I cook all his meals and pack his lunch! :devil: ) He's lost 6 lbs and I've lost 8 so I'm actually quite happy about it. Of course, I'm exercising and he's not but I think I can maybe gauge my son's weight loss by my hubby's.

    PositivePower - good luck with the job! I hope you get it.

    linder4866 - Thank you for posting the info about the walking. I'm going to look into it today!

    lizmil79 - I LOVE using the slowcooker for dinner. I end up eating healthier because I throw it in in the morning when I have lots of energy and then by nighttime when I have none, my dinner is already done. I currently have a pork and apple stew in the crockpot and am going to serve it with mashed swede. :bigsmile:

    LucyT4dieting - I'm sorry for your loss. Both DH and I have lost our fathers in the last few years after illnesses so I know your pain. Big hugs. :brokenheart:

    suebw - My husband retired after 23 years. Now he works for NATO. :smile:

    gardengail - HOORAY!!!!! I :heart: reading that! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    barbiecat - yeah, winters suck but the summers are AMAZING! Just love all the sunshine then! We do quite a bit of traveling during the winter (leaving for 2 weeks in Rome - hubby is attending a school) so I can get my sunshine fix then.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou: !

    I am having a little temper tantrum:angry: right now, I finally got caught up on the posts and poof the gremlins ate it, and they got it before I had even hit the post buttom, I was just typing away and my post disappeared:huh: :noway: :explode: ! I do have notes and I`ll try to post later!

    Lucy:smile: So sorry to hear about your father in law!!!! I know too well about life being short...enjoy every minute with your loved ones!!!!

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!!

    DeeDee in NC
  • emtjab
    emtjab Posts: 26 Member
    Happy Monday (day off for many of us I suppose)....

    Did 15 mins on the treadmill and a bunch of exercises yesterday...sore, but good!

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Well didn't take notes this morning I haven't much time. I did read all the posts. Congrats to those who had a great weekend. For us that struggled thank god it's Monday.

    Barbie I have two little dogs but they are not allowed in our bedroom. I love them but i'm allergic to dogs not to bad but doctor told me when I told him I wouldn't get rid of my basset hound at the time. He said make sure to keep your bedroom dog free and dust free. I sit with them in my arms cough and cough teary eyes and all. But love my dogs and it's nothing that an allergy pill a day won't cure. LOL. -39 here this morning did they go far to pee down the steps and no further.

    Glenda good for you for getting snowshooing great exercise. My sister and niece are moving to Nelson BC is that in your vicinity.

    Lucy so sorry to hear of your father in law. But there's one good thing at least you weren't in Mexico trying to rush back.

    I have to go out to bank for my sister but I'm not looking forward to it but need to get out of the house. I'll get cabin fever for sure.
    Yesterday was a very poor day food wise and no exercise. But i'll flip the leaf today. One day is not going to ruin this journey.

    See all you wonders soon

    Linda C
  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Good morning, all! One more day off for me thanks to MLK day. I've done all my running around for the weekend but have a long list of things I'd like to get done here at the house. Good news is that means I won't be sitting around thinking about food!

    Lucy - so sorry to hear about your FIL. We lost my husband's dad 10 years ago in a pretty similar way and I know it's hard, even if everyone felt they were prepared. You just never are. My prayers are with you and your husband's family.

    Lin - I signed up for the walk across America and logged a couple of miles last night on the treadmill (who is it here that calls it the "dreadmill:"? So funny). Anyway, thanks for the info on the site. Not sure how the "partner' part of this works quite yet but my email inbox is full of messages telling me that people have added me. :smile:

    Renny - thanks for sharing what was in your heart yesterday. I'm lucky to still have both of my parents but they are 1,000 miles away so I appreciate the time that I do get to spend with them.

    Michele - here's the link to the spinach and kale turnovers. They were really pretty good but a little more labor-intensive than I like my dishes to be. :wink: That's one of the things I am working on, though. Now that both of my very active girls are off to college, I'm trying to push myself in different ways, including trying new things and making dishes more from scratch and less from a box. For many years, we have been just go,go,go and had become kind of a Hamburger Helper family but those days are hopefully gone. In case the link doesn't work, the recipe is on the Cooking Light website.

    I'm off to flip mattresses and scrub shower stalls. Have a wonderful day!
    Sandy in OH, where it's snowing again
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :bigsmile: I just finished my breakfast (an Isagenix chocolate shake with almond/coconut milk), I've logged my walks from yesterday on walk across America and two threads on MFP,, the dogs have each had their short "business" walk, and now I'm planning to bundle up extra because the temperature is below freezing, grab my flashlight because it's dark and foggy and head off for about two hours with the dogs......they don't mind that we walked the same roads and trails yesterday and I don't mind that I listened to the same music on my mp3 player yesterday......Jake is still asleep, but when I get home he'll have a cup of tea made for me and we'll plan our day.....life doesn't get any better than this:bigsmile:
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning all!

    I have an extra day to prepare for my week due to MLK day. I have a lot to do and am thankful for the extra time.

    Lucy- So sorry to hear about your FIL. I still miss my FIL. He passes away aver 30 years ago, but was a special person.

    Barbie- Your day does sound wonderful. I get a strong sense of peace and contentment coming from you every time I read one of your posts. I am so happy that you have achieved this. It is also my goal and I am definitely making progress in that direction. I am in the process of reading The Happiness Project. Great book!

    Lin C- -39 is very cold!! I don't mind going out in the cold. In fact I love to walk in it, but I think I would have to stay inside at -39!

    Have a great day all!

    Deb A in CNY
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Good morning!

    What a beautiful weekend we had here in Va... DH and I went to Charlottesville to visit DDs and go to a basketball game. We so love Cville... but it's always great to be home. We are starting to look for venues for our oldest daughter's wedding next year! Very fun but daunting as well. Yesterday was DH's 60th birthday. He was very introspective and quiet, but he's back to his old, delightful self today! :smile: We had a beautiful dinner at Ruth's Chris last night and I actually managed to stay on plan...
    That being said it is really frustrating seeing my 50+ body not respond to all the extra exercise and careful monitoring of intake... I've tried eating back some of those exercise calories, but not sure that it is helping to fuel the ol bod. I always hear you have to eat to lose, but it's not working very well.
    I'm staying with it because I know that it is really about good health, but I really, really want to lose some of the "middle aged woman look."
    Enough about me!

    :flowerforyou: Lucy--So sorry to hear you lost your father-in-law. Prayers to you and your family. Sounds like you were really lucky to have gotten to know him. I know your mother in law will really need you and your husband in the days ahead. We lost my FIL 13 years ago... my MIL is still with us, praise God and a delight to spend time with. She still misses her sweet husband though.

    :love: Everyone else! I've read your posts and you are an inspiration to me. Thanks for keeping the positive energy radiating and lifting the rest of us up.

    Have a great day!:happy:
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning, ladies,

    :heart: Thank you everyone for your condolences and prayers. Besides the stroke, my poor FIL also had altzheimer's, so he didn't even know what was happening. It must have been so scary for him! I'm sure he is now at peace.:cry:

    :grumble: I am bummed to be back at work on what they are predicting to be the coldest week we've had this year. I was SO ready to be on a beach! But of course, family comes first.:brokenheart: Oh well, there's always next year!:ohwell:

    Linda - You are so right! It could have been worse. We still will be able to use our tickets as long as we book before October of 2013. Of course, we are going to be charged an outrageous exchange fee ($150 each ticket!), but they said if we give them a death certificate, they MIGHT wave the fee.:huh:

    I was ready to pig out on vacation, but I am back on track today with MFP, although we ate out all weekend (we already had gotten rid of all perishable food). Guess we'll have to go shopping and get some healthy stuff in.:embarassed:

    Lucy from Delaware:smile:
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Went up town got my sister fixed up financialy. For those who wonder what this is about. I take care of my sister who is by polar. I receive all her checks pension and those little ones and when she needs money she calls me. Or I would never have went up town in this cold. But can't leave her stuck neither.

    While there bought 2 green peppers going to stuff them with sgaghetti squash mixed with bravo sauce beans and rice from last nights supper and grated cheese sounds like something no one would eat but I will. No meat but nothing but good carbs and cheese has some protein.

    Well going to check what's in the chat room in diabetic talk.

    See you all lighter
    Linda C
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, everyone – cold day for an inauguration but yesterday was pretty glorious here. DH and I got out for a walk in the morning and then spent the rest of the day prepping for pizza and football. I found a lite recipe for the German chocolate cake that I tried out – it came out pretty good. The cake wasn’t as tender as it might have been – a little too much flour I think – but the frosting was phenomenal. The best part: instead of eight egg yolks it had three eggs, and instead of three and a half sticks of butter it had six tablespoons total. I’ll probably tinker with it a little and keep it for when I need a birthday cake :laugh:.

    Tammytylerjon, I love Charlottesville. DH’s bff lives there, and they all went to school there. It’s a fabulous city with great wineries in the area. One of the wineries is on a large estate and is used for weddings a lot (although I think it’s been bought by the Donald). You have a really good attitude about the whole weight loss/health journey. You’re right, keep doing what’s healthy for your body and it will respond. Sometimes it just takes a little longer. So long as you’re exercising enough and eating right you’ll see changes. Have you been taking measurements? Sometimes the changes come in inches first.

    Barbie, you’re right, life is pretty sweet :smile:. I also agree that walking is so relaxing and meditative – and something I love too.

    Sandy, good for you for logging more miles. I’m going to sign up today and log the 4 miles I got in yesterday. I’m not sure when I’ll get out again – it’s going down to below freezing here as the hard frost hits us – at least no snow or rain. Ooh, cleaning – I got some in yesterday, so I’m hoping today I can just relax and watch movies.

    LindaC, we have some little people in the house who are allergic to cats and do the same thing – keep them out of the bedrooms. DSD is the same way in that she’ll insist on holding the cat, then she’s all puffy-faced and teary-eyed with allergies. She’ll figure it out. And you’re right – today’s a new day.

    Julie, good for getting that exercise in – keep it coming!

    DeeDee, I’m sorry about the temper tantrum. It’s why I almost never type a long post in the reply box but in a separate doc instead.

    Sunshine, depending on your size and age, you probably want to eat somewhere in the 1200 – 1500 range. If you have more to lose you may need to eat more calories, but you don’t look like you do. It may seem insane but as millions of people will attest, you do need to eat enough to fuel your body, and that’s at a minimum of 1200, not a maximum. Otherwise your body thinks it’s starving and hoards its calories, stops working properly and stalls any weight loss. It might take a little time for it to adjust to the new normal of enough calories, but it will, I promise. (hopefully I’m not repeating what JB told you :wink:.)

    Gail, that is terrific news about your son. You are blessed indeed. LOL at the wanton woman for the weekend :laugh:.

    Michele, I’ve found that a lot of recipes for desserts will be touted as healthy, and they probably are, but they are still high in calories. If I’m going to indulge I just am sure to include that as a snack and try to keep it within my snack allotment. How can you make a ½ cup of popcorn? Isn’t that like 12 kernels or something :smile:?

    Renny, I’m glad you have such fond memories of your dad. I’m also glad your mom will get to celebrate her big birthday.

    LizM, mom to the rescue! I would love to be close enough to do that for DD. I hope your DH feels better soon – and hope the game turned out the way he wanted it.

    Lynn, good luck with the scales.

    SueBDew, doesn’t the “fall” season seem to go on and on? :laugh: One thing about the exercise calories – unless you’re wearing a HRM or something that is measuring how much energy your body is actually expending and not just estimating I wouldn’t give yourself more than three hundred extra calories/hour when you’re working at an aerobic pace (breathing heavily, sweating). I find the calorie estimates in MFP are quite a bit higher than what my heart rate monitor shows – I have a slow heartbeat and low aerobic rate, so I just don’t burn that many calories. MFP is an estimate but it’s not true for everyone. Having said that, I’m with Michele in that I tend to know what I’ve burned on exercise and eat back some of the calories but usually not all of them, especially if I’m working out a lot.

    Lucy, I’m so very sorry to hear about your FIL. Peace and blessings to you and your family.

    OK, I’m off to find something to do. I have the day off today and hope to spend it doing relaxing things. I did get in my workout this morning and enjoyed it so much. I hope everyone has a wonderful week.


  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hi everyone, good morning. Thanks for the compliments on my pic. It's an old photo from 1995. Not sure where all of that hair went! The women in my father's family were decked with long, thick hair. And not just on their heads. :laugh:

    Sunshine, as far as I can recall, the MFP members who wrote about exercise calories were eating back between 10% and 50% of what they'd burned. However, I believe most of them were exercising like mad and burning 1000+ calories every day. I agree with what Meg said, that if you're only burning 200-300 then you probably won't need to eat back any or all of those calories. Bottom line is this: listen to your body. It will tell you when it needs fuel. I don't like having hunger pains, not at all. But if I wait to eat until I feel my insides slamming together, and eat very nutritious meals with plenty of beans, greens and protein, I feel satisfied with meals between 300-400 calories and my body reacts with weight loss. Of course this doesn't always happen and I don't always wait until I'm hungry to eat. There are several different schools of thought on this subject, I know. I might have to experiment again.

    Here are some things I always have to remind myself:
    -Be careful with carbohydrates and get them mostly from beans & vegetable sources instead of processed foods or flours.
    -Hold off on the sugar unless it's a small amount in a recipe, or a piece of fruit, or occasional piece of dark chocolate.
    -Eat beans or legumes daily. Go low on grains.
    -Heaps of salad greens & mixed vegs for lunches with added protein.
    -Get enough good oils every day from avocados, nuts and olive oil.
    -Limit dairy to milk in coffee, fat free yogurt, light sour cream, bite of cheese, reduced fat feta, maybe 1/2 c. of light ice cream.
    -Water, 8-10 glasses daily, always a glass or 2 before meals.
    -Very little added salt.
    -Keep your paws out of the chips!

    Oh goodness, time's flown by and I must go get started with my day!

    Wishing you all a great week of planning and eating! I'm going to giv'er heck this week follow my own advice.

    :smile: jb from still-frozen Portland

    Edited to add that M is absolutely correct, 1200 is a minimum, not a maximum. I know many people eat under 1200, and I've heard it's ok once in awhile as long as ALL of the calories are from good, nutritious foods. But it is not smart on a regular basis. You'll get too hungry and tend to binge.
  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member

    Sunshine, depending on your size and age, you probably want to eat somewhere in the 1200 – 1500 range. If you have more to lose you may need to eat more calories, but you don’t look like you do. It may seem insane but as millions of people will attest, you do need to eat enough to fuel your body, and that’s at a minimum of 1200, not a maximum. Otherwise your body thinks it’s starving and hoards its calories, stops working properly and stalls any weight loss. It might take a little time for it to adjust to the new normal of enough calories, but it will, I promise. (hopefully I’m not repeating what JB told you :wink:.)


    Thanks. I'm 5'6" and have quite a tummy roll .... in the picture the photographer had my put one on the grandkids on my lap so you can't see it. It's quite depressing. Oh well, working it off hopefully. And I have been making my "1200" a maximum, not a minimum so I will try to do better with that. The last thing I need is to get stalled right now. :grumble: I have a feeling though that since we are spending 2 weeks in Italy that it's going to be VERY difficult keeping it around 1200. :cry:
  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member

    Sunshine, as far as I can recall, the MFP members who wrote about exercise calories were eating back between 10% and 50% of what they'd burned. However, I believe most of them were exercising like mad and burning 1000+ calories every day. I agree with what Meg said, that if you're only burning 200-300 then you probably won't need to eat back any or all of those calories.
    :smile: jb from Portland

    Thank you for clearing that up for me! :bigsmile: