

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    Lila - last summer we had a bird's nest in one of the bushes right outside Vince's office window. The cats would line up by the window and go crazy whenever one of the baby birds would try to fly or the mother bird flew away to get food.

    dewest - don't give up!!! Sometimes it just takes our bodies a long time to catch up with what's happening.

    I did 15 min of yoga today and the 50 min of an extreme pump class. There was practically no one in the class today, it seems that there was a delayed opening which the schools called last night!!!! Honestly, it isn't doing anything at all outside, the roads are just fine. Tomorrow I'll do a rebounder DVD that I have

    After the extreme pump class I went to the bank, got Vince two donuts at Dunkin Donuts, got my bangs cut, then went food shopping. I think I'm going to return one item (really, it's 4) because the only reason I got it was because I thought I could use a $1 coupon (which they'd double) and the soda would be cheap. But it seems that you need to go to coupons.com to get the offer, and for the life of me I couldn't find it. So I'm just going to return the soda. It's not like we really need it. I hate when manufacturers do this. Then I went to the post office to mail the packages to Bryan, then stopped at Lynette's office to give her the cookies I made for her birthday, now I'm home. Vince's gout is acting up again, he went to the MD this a.m. I'd told him last night that if he couldn't go to the post office with me, then I'd take his car and mail them. Why he just didn't leave it outide but put it in the garage is beyond me. Then, when I asked him to at least get it out of the garage for me (there isn't that much room and I don't dare do anything to his car) he was complaining about how much pain he has. I'm sure he does have pain, but why didn't he think ahead and just leave his car out for me?

    Tammy - do I ever get frustrated!

    Nancy - we want a picture of your new haircut!!! How I wish Vince would let me get my hair cut!

    Tigress - hope you feel better soon and that it's not that bug

    Judy - I don't think I've ever seen frozen kale. I'm going to have to look for it Trader Joe, huh? Looks like something else to buy there!!! Where DO you find the time to do all that exercise????

    discipline - "bump" means "bring up my post" (I just found this out) so that it's on top of your list under "my topics". In Vitamin F, the "F" stands for "friends"

    Triying to get things ready for tomorrow. I'll go play mahjongg tonight.

    Laura - woohoo on the pants size. Feels good, pretty soon you'll be in that size all the time.

    Glenda - that's wonderful that you were able to go back to your hotel!

    Colleen in IL - I didn't realize you were a cancer survivor. That's just so wonderful! I hope you don't have to go back for a long, long time.

    Came home, took a shower, now will get ready for bed. Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • barbaraaloska
    barbaraaloska Posts: 22 Member
    Newbie Barbara Ann here.....could not remember how to get back here after day one?? Is there a way to bookmark it on my home page??:ohwell:

    I really am enjoying the food log, and everyone has been so welcoming and offering to be a pal, I think I have found a "happy place"

    Would love to share my favorite Kale recipe...... Clean the kale leaves, cut out the thick center spine, tear the leaves into chips size pieces, spray lightly with EVOO and a sprinkle of sea salt. Spread out on a baking sheet and put in a 325 degree oven for about 8 to 10 minutes.....crunchy yummy goodness...very healthy!!

    bump HEY!! It works and I found how to get back here!!! lol:bigsmile:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Megblair1: I’m curious about your textbook. What is the subject matter and level? Is this your first book?:smile:

    Laura: in CO: Huge NVS for you at DressBarn. Congratulations!:flowerforyou:

    Lin in Central Iowa: The Panty Bunch HAHAHAHA! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Shazzacass: Kale is a member of the cabbage family along with broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and collards. It is leafy, like collards, and quite malodorous in my opinion.:tongue: I know it is healthful but wonder how anybody can like it because of the smell. :noway: Obviously a lot of our friends here think it is great. Maybe it was the way my childhood neighbor prepared the stuff that made it smell so horrible, and not the fault of the kale itself. (I’m trying to be open minded here.)

    Colleen Illinois: Good luck with the oncologist and congratulations on the addition of a son-in-law you genuinely like.:bigsmile:

    Lori H: Congratulations on the weight loss. Your strategy for a Monday weigh in seems brilliant.:flowerforyou:

    Nonnice: Welcome!:flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:

    Lila: Everything else is flexible, but you need to log your food to be successful. I use my iphone app for this because I always have it with me, and I log my food as soon as I eat it. Some people even log it in advance and discipline themselves to eat only what they’ve entered. Good luck.:smile::smile:

    Barbaraaloska: Look for our thread under “My Topics.” One of the reasons I “bump” is to be sure I’ll find it there. BTW, I’m looking at your Kale recipe and wonder what is EVOO?:huh:

    Our dog groomer of the past eleven or twelve years retired as of today. :cry: She has been so good to our dogs over the years and such a wise adviser. We will miss her so much. :cry: Her business is still open with a couple of gals, but she is only taking a few dogs who are elderly and unable to deal with change. Our dog isn't in that group. In fairness, I retired, and she should also have that opportunity. :bigsmile:

    Have a great evening, everyone, and thanks for all the Vitamin F!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Oh Ladies - I need some Vitamin F today!

    Had a huge row with the young girl that works at the gallery. Now, when I say works, I mean that quite loosely as she is one of the laziest little monsters I've ever met! I normally just get on with things and leave her to it - easier that way. This morning she is in a niggly mood and insists on interrupting me constantly to talk about her boyfriend. I finally asked her to let me get on with my work and she started ranting at me. Sorry - I just find that inappropriate behaviour for the workplace and told her so.

    Grrr. I just want to do my work!!! I'm now drinking coffee and soaking up some vit F.

    Sorry to be a monalot, but I know you won't judge.

    Love to all.

    Amanda x
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Nancy:smile: Looking forward to seeing your "do"!

    Tigress:smile: Sure hope you`re feeling better:flowerforyou: !

    Allisonlane61:smile: Welcome! Come in often and chat! Glad you`re feeling better.

    JaneH:smile: Hope you get things worked out with hubby and son:cry: ! DGD made pita chips with a peanut butter honey sauce sprinkled with granny smith apples and banana slices, it was very good! congrats on getting in 11 glasses of water:drinker: !!!

    Lucy:smile: Waffle with baked apples sounds so good:love: ! Good for you only eating half of the brunch foods!!!

    Katla:smile: It`s important to have a good groomer for our fur babies! Our groomer comes to the house every 5 weeks, Noel loves her, of course Noel also loves to get a bath and have her hair dried with the blow dryer:laugh: . Lots of times she stands on my leg when I`m drying my hair and wants me to dry her too:noway: , and she`s not wet:laugh: !

    Teri:smile: Love the "Super Bowl"!!!!

    Judy:smile: Wow, you, Michele and Barbie and Nancy are the exercise Queens:bigsmile: !!!

    M:smile: You, too are an exercise Queen!!! The caramel pineapple sauce sounds delish!

    Meg:smile: Glad your weekend was fun!!! We all know you`ve been here longer than 5 day!!!

    Laura80111:smile: Congrats on the smaller pants:flowerforyou: !!!!

    Glenda:smile: Sounds like you had a lovely time at your conference!

    JaneM:smile: I`m glad you`re getting to spend time with the sweet girls!! Our weather is crazy too, today the high is for 66 degrees, tomorrow 70, and then it drops off again :frown: .

    Lin:smile: KALE:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ! I`d be worried about eating it again too!

    Barbie:smile: How sweet of Jake to get you something you wanted for Valentines Day, will he be able to top it this year?

    Colleen:smile: Congrats. on the 5 year mark:flowerforyou: ! Hope you get fabulous results from your Dr.!!!!

    LoriH:smile: That baby will be here by Wed.:love: !!!! Congrats on getting rid of another pound!!!

    I have so much more to say...but no more time this morning:cry: ! Hopefully I`ll get back sometime today and finish my posts! I`ve read all of them, but..the time just flies by!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    bump... until tonight!
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    Lin-I am now afraid of Kale! I have eaten up to two cups of it raw blended in a Smoothie, and didn't notice any intestinal anomalies, but yet I am now fearful, lol. I guess I will never eat it cooked.

    Tiarapants-I'm impressed you spoke your mind to her. Sometimes I have a tendency to keep my mouth shut in a situation where I should be more assertive. I'm lucky though, because if someone annoys me in work, I just shut my office door.

    DeeDee-thank you for the welcome. You have a beautiful smile.

    I can't remember who was talking about loving the food log: This is my favorite feature, but I'm discovering the user added data is not always so reliable. Before I pick which entry to use, I try to check it against a more accurate place if it seems out of whack. I've had a heck of a time figuring out homemade almond milk values, but I'm thinking I've got it pretty much narrowed down now.

    I am a bit not discouraged exactly, but slightly down at my running distance/pace. I got the plague that's been going around since November, and I went from running a 5k 6 days a week, to barely making two miles in 25 minutes (including a cool down). I'm simply amazed it's taking me this much time to get my speed/distance back. I think if I slowed my pace down, my distance would be okay, but for some reason my competitive nature holds me from doing that. I'm not so certain my Broad Street Run May goal is going to be within reach because of this sickness.

    On the other hand, I have a once a week personal trainer now to hold my fanny to the fire, but I found myself trying to cram in my strength training at the end of the week because I slacked off the beginning of the week (and he checks my food and exercise log here).

    I like reading the trials and tribulations of women my age here. I wish there were more people in my nonvirtual life like the ladies here.

    Enjoy your days and be well!
  • barbaraaloska
    barbaraaloska Posts: 22 Member
    Off for a busy day today...I still have not figured out why...:huh: but at this stage of my life, I decided to take up the violin...........I am a year + into my lessons, and learning to read music at the same time, (I liken it to learning a foreign language) and can actually play!! Not well, but well enough to be encouraged to continue!

    My lesson starts at noon, so I face driving past all my favorite fast food places to get there....:noway: I guess I am "verbalizing" this because I usually rush out of here and it occurs to me that I need to EAT before class....so must stop and grab a bite.....

    Not doing that today!!! I will pack a healthy snack to eat on the way!! I will not sabotage myself today! I will take control of my day!!

    thanks for listening...:blushing:

    Barbara Ann
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Amanda: I’m so sorry you have to deal with an immature coworker. I have sympathy. At least she won’t follow you home.:bigsmile: As a teacher, I didn’t have this problem other than at lunchtime. The conversations in the lunchroom could be anything from overly racy to dreadful b*tch sessions. :tongue: Men would flee if any childbirth related topics came up.:laugh: :laugh: I fled the b*itch sessions, especially those that targeted an absent coworker.:noway:

    DeeDee: Your pets are a hoot. Ours runs from a brush but he LOVES to be vacuumed!:love:

    Today I’m looking forward to dinner with three very dear friends. We all worked together for a turbulent time more than two and a half decades ago. We’ve fought and made up, and cheered each other on through the ages and stages of raising our children. (Three of us are now grandmothers.) We try to get together at least once a year.:flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Have a great day! Log your food and drink your water.:drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    @barbaraaloska -- How COOL taking up the violin.

    At 51, I decided to learn Russian, hahahahaha. Is this not the best age we've ever been?
  • emtjab
    emtjab Posts: 26 Member
    Morning friends...

    i have found that I really do love coming to this site and seeing all fo the wonderful things you women are up to! I love the motivation, the logging food, the exercise logging...it's awesome!

    Tigress - I hope you feel better! stomach bugs are just evil!

    Laura - WOOOO HOOO! congrats on the smaller size! can't wait till I can do that!

    Coconnor - Congrats on being a 5 year survivor! good for you! My ex MIL just found out she has breast cancer and is having surgery next week. Praying for her. She's 75 years old....but she's a tough old coot! :)

    Lori - those babies are just stubborn sometimes. Hopefully soon!

    Nonnicee - welcome! hope you enjoy the site as much as I do!

    Barbara Ann - WOW! the violin! that is incredible and simply amazing! what ever made you decide to learn the violin? I've never thought of learning to play a musical instrument, but maybe I will rethink that!

    Have a great day folks! I am staying with it...i feel great and the exercise is really paying off!

  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning all,

    Just heard from my girlfriend who is still in Mexico....the vacation we missed.:angry: She's been sending me pictures (at my request), and I am longing for some warmth and sun.:glasses: Our weather has been so erratic lately. Tomorrow they are predicting a high of 62 and Saturday will only reach the 30's if we're lucky. I feel so cold anymore that I am always huddled under a blanket at night while watching TV with my microwave heat "buddy" and microwave heat slippers. I am yearning for summer when I don't have to be bundled up all the time. I've always felt the cold, but it's been so much worse lately.:grumble:

    :laugh: Lin- I laughed out loud at your kale story. I am anxiously awaiting what comes next. It might help me make a decision whether to try it myself.

    :flowerforyou: Coleen - Such great news all around! Congrats on your new SIL and your continuing health.

    :smile: Lori - I am from North Delaware (Claymont), but originally from Philly. Still no grandbaby? Tick-tock....the countdown begins....

    :wink: Mary - Welcome and I look forward to knowing you better.

    :explode: Amamda - I feel your pain. Take a deep breath and know that we are all here for you. BTW, what is a monalot?

    :frown: Katla - Hope you find a new groomer you can trust soon. I know how important that is.

    :drinker: Barbara Ann - Just goes to show that it's never too late to start something new....even a healthy lifestyle!

    Enjoy your day and keep warm....

    Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Golly seens i've been here reading forever started when I got up at 6:45 It's now 11 am I took a break and went out to coffee:blushing:
    But still had a lot to read didn't take notes. Just to much.

    Well must of had a grand day yesterday the wii gave a big toothy smile with 1.5 lbs loss since yesterday that's the gain I had and was so down about. Well with that gone I might be ok at tops tomorrow night. Sure hope so.

    Well so far today didn't do a lot but did make a nice omelette for breakfast lunch type of deal. Just finished it was very good.

    So today will be a good food day. But need to get some exercise of some kind in but that will be after the nap i'm tired lol.

    Listen to the body:yawn:

    See you all lighter

    Linda C
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    @Katla - EVOO = extra virgin olive oil

    Just bumping in to this VERY busy spot.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy tues.Didn`t sleep well with Violet over.Very restless.
    Gonna bake some cookies and play at Mcdonald`s after the library.Busy day!
    Have a good one):
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Happy Tuesday! I'm just waiting for the handyman to arrive -- he has no concept of punctuality (now 55 minutes late), but will get my list done, so I'll have to forgive him. Nothing has changed on the son front. Eating has been going well the past few days. I'm having sushi with a young friend tonight, which should be fun. She just got married and is going to bring the photos.

    Judy PostivePower -- Thank you for telling me about your mother and your son. It helps to know that others have also been through the same rough patches. Good luck on the $$$$ negotiations for your new job!

    M -- I've never really liked V-8, but haven't tried their new fruit juice blends yet. We are responsible for our son's lease until the end of July, but hubby wants him to pay it, starting now. He is applying for jobs, but hasn't found one yet. My family doesn't think Iran is safe from a political point of view -- they think that a war will break out, and don't want me to be there if it does.

    Meg -- I really appreciate the information about cortizone! That is exactly what I wanted to know, and you are the only one who answered. Thank you so much. :flowerforyou:

    Lin -- Good luck with trying the kale again... you're a brave woman! I missed your post somehow, but saw someone else congratulate you on 100 lbs. lost. May I say wow! and you rock! and I stand in awe. Congratulations!!! :flowerforyou:

    Glenda -- Yes, I could get to Iran despite the State Dept. I know many people who go. Thank you for your kind words about my son, I appreciate your input.

    Colleen in Illinois -- Hooray for your 5 year mark as a cancer survivor!!!! Congrats on your daughter's upcoming wedding!!!

    Laura80111 -- I love smaller sizes! Good for you!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Amanda -- I'm sorry you had a fight at work, but it sounds like you handled it well and professionally. Hopefully, she won't bother you any more.

    DeeDee -- Your granddaughter's appetizer sounded great! So nice that she made it for you. My son used to invent recipes, write them down and present the final product to me when he was younger. Of course, we loved them all.

    Barbara Ann -- That's cool that you're learning the violin!

    Katia -- Long time friends who've been through the ups and downs with you are the best. Enjoy your dinner tonight!

    Jane in Colorado
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Goodness! So much information...! I LOVE it... I love what Amanda :smile: said... :

    I like reading the trials and tribulations of women my age here. I wish there were more people in my nonvirtual life like the ladies here.

    It is good to read about life with a food log... and exercise... and the encouragement to continue.
    Thank you everyone who shared my frustrations... I'm going on a golf holiday with my husband the end of April and I must reduce!!

    Lori -- I hope your grandbaby comes soon!

    Barbara Ann -- Welcome to the group... they are such a nice group of ladies, which I'm sure you've already found.

    Amanda, -- Good on you for telling your coworker to at least allow you to work... and better yet to have a place to vent here.

    We're off to Charlottesville(UVA) to go to a basketball game and see our favorite youngest daughter. I've already planned out what i"m going to eat, so hopefully I can stay within my goals and walk a bit!

    Have a happy day!:love:

  • DisciplineIsFreedom
    I am soooooooo tired today. I'm trying to talk myself into doing some Pilates. Ughhhh.....
  • barbaraaloska
    barbaraaloska Posts: 22 Member

    Off for my violin lesson with healthy lunch in hand...went on the KFC website and looked at nutritionals...scared myself good!!

    In answer to several questions, I was an Air Force Brat, my father was SAC and we moved ALOT.so he never wanted me to take up a musical instrument as one school district would have music and the next would not....so I sang, Honor Choir, A Cappella Choir, All School Choir, Swing Ensemble....

    I always wanted to learn an instrument ...made sure my kids did..piano..sax..clarinet...voice

    Now its MY turn!!:happy:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,174 Member
    Okay, I just lost 40 minutes worth of replies.:grumble: :grumble: There was no recovery and had been no save or anything :huh: .


    Anyway, hoping all is well with you lovely ladies and I seem to be just fine today.:wink: The kale did not get me this time!! Everyone eat up your veggies including kale. Have no fear!!!!:glasses:

    Lin in Central Iowa
