Seeking accoutability buddies who get it.....



  • jmessina205
    jmessina205 Posts: 190 Member
    Very well said!!! Love it. That really is what its all about :smile: :smile:
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    Thanks all- checking in with everyone- Yesterday no workout because the night before my stomach was acting up and yesterday I was washed out a bit- SO- i am back today :)
  • tara_612
    I don't believe in diets- I believe in healthy eating and exercise.
    I don't being in being skinny- I want to be fit and healthy- skinny people aren't always healthy
    I don't believe in beating myself up- No one ever guilted anyone into good health.
    I don't believe in losing weight for an event- Once that event is over, then what?
    I don't believe in fads or pills- If there was a magic pill- don't you think Oprah would be all over it?
    I don't believe in hating myself- Life is too short and I can only go forward
    I don't believe that being overweight is due to laziness- Most of us overweight people have to work on our minds too- it's not just about overeating.
    I don't believe in juding others- No matter what my weight is, there will always be someone smaller and bigger, it's about being the healthiest version of ME.
    I don't believe exercise is torture - I believe you find something you love and being grateful each morning you wake up that you have a body that can move.
    I don't believe in New Years Resolutions- MOst of them are broken by Feb. I do believe in making health and fitness a habit, a lifestyle that I can't live without.
    I don't believe in deprivation- I believe I will have a cookie again and if I have one unhealthy meal a week, I can jump back on the train.
    I don't believe in all or nothng- If I do eat something unhealthy, I can jump right back on the train THAT VERY MINUTE and move on.

    I am looking for friends- I don't care if you're young, old, white, black, hispanic, jewish, christian, gay, straight, trans, rich or poor.

    If you are looking for real accountability with someone who has many years of dealing with weight challenges , I am here!!! I am also looking for support.

    Thanks :)

    Well said! Feel free to add me everyone! Lets do this together!