so how crowded is your gym with newbies?



  • lorib75
    lorib75 Posts: 490 Member
    To be honest, I would be ashamed of myself if I wrote comments like this.

    No wonder humanity is going down the drain.

    Wow - I asked for an observation and I've been called discouraging, judgmental, the sole reason a few of you decided not to join a gym, a snob, a jerk, a complainer, in a bad mood (need more carbs?!), the reason that people are uncomfortable and fail, hypocritical, non-supportive, degrading to other people, intimidating, and an elitist. And now I'm one of the reasons that humanity is going down the drain.

    Pretty amazing.

    You kind of opened yourself up for it when you posted this topic. Sad how easy it is for you to criticize, but taking your own medicine is a little more difficult eh?
  • ACepero79
    ACepero79 Posts: 711 Member
    Well, on any given night, there are about 8-10 girls in my gym. So, 2 bewbies to each girl is about 16-20. So on average, no more than 20 bewbies in my gym.

    Wait, does the title read bewbies or newbies?

    I'm so embarrassed. I'm blushing.
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    Fortunately I prefer to work out in the mornings and most newbies like to wait until after work or the weekends to work out so I haven't had any problems getting on a machine or in a class. Hooray for 6 am workouts!! :)
  • Goldie_13
    Not too bad here on base. :)
  • Luvmesumkenny
    Luvmesumkenny Posts: 779 Member
    And you were NEVER new...right?

    I actually Like seeing the new faces come into the gym :smile:
  • toomuchbootyindapants
    I've not seen a single newb in my training hour...all us newbs started in November. :P

    And while I could see how annoying it could get being in a big commercial gym and having to wait for equipment - just gotta remember - we all started somewhere, some time, and while a lot of 'em will be a waste of breath....not everyone is. Encourage and respect...never know who you might be training with next month or year!
  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    I don't go to a gym but my local fresh produce market was incredibly packed the other day of people trying to eat healthier foods. I have never seen it like that before. Made me happy that people are both eating local produce and more veggies and fruits! Yay!
  • pohlcm08
    I've been working out at home and outside for almost a year and a half, and I was considering joining a gym to work with people. A lot of gyms have good deals for membership these first few weeks.

    Then I read this thread.

    This. I had been a member of a gym before but quit to workout at home and run outside because the cost of gym membership in the town I moved to was 4x the price. I rejoined this month because it was a great deal to join in January. I'm not a "newbie" just because I joined at the beginning of the year. I tend to think "good for that person" when I see a beginner, because at one point everyone was a beginner and we should encourage people to better themselves rather than be annoyed with them.
  • nebraskajoni
    I used to be on Weight Watchers and I belonged to a gym. My husband is currently laid off, so I found this free site, and I love walking with my friends or alone. I spend much more time outside and don't have to worry about stinky perfumes, wiping sfuff off, or bumping into "cell phone textaholics". I just wish people would get off their behinds and shovel their sidewalks! Maybe they are at the gym.
  • Angie__1MR
    Angie__1MR Posts: 388 Member
    Most new people at my gym don't use the free weight area, so I could care less.
  • mrsburghart
    mrsburghart Posts: 166 Member
    It's so terrible! I want to believe that these people are there to make life changes, and I support that! My thoughts are just that why wait until January 1st? Both times I have been on this journey I've started're more likely to get up and moving when the weather is nicer. I just don't get the girls that primp in front of the mirror in the free weights area. I understand looking at your form, but not doing your hair....smh
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Our company has two gyms we can join...the ritzy new $180 annual fee one with the pool, or the old $25 annual fee one that is as old as Methuselah. I go to the cheapo gym. I've seen two new people but I think it's guys that started on a different schedule.
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    It is busier than a one-legged man in an *kitten*-kicking contest....
  • heypurdy
    heypurdy Posts: 196 Member
    My first day back to my classes was last night. Soooo many more people in the class. I hated it!!
  • thekyleo
    thekyleo Posts: 632 Member
    saw a girl on the treadmill next to me try to run and text and the same time
  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    This is my least favorite thing about gyms, and also, kind of about humanity. Because you KNOW that in a month, it's going to clear out.

    I canceled my gym membership and take fitness classes at a place near my house so that I go every time and so that I know it won't be overcrowded, since you have to pre-register. I also belong to two yoga studios, so I can mix up times and go when I know it'll be less crowded.

    I can't stand the resolution crowd!

    We all had to start somewhere. Dont forget that we were like that once too. You should be encouraging, not discouraging, just saying

    Except most of us didn't start for New Years as we are still here, 99% of the new years crowd is dead weight by February....I can't wait. When I see newbies in May/June then I am happy, they are usually there for the long haul
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    This is my least favorite thing about gyms, and also, kind of about humanity. Because you KNOW that in a month, it's going to clear out.

    I canceled my gym membership and take fitness classes at a place near my house so that I go every time and so that I know it won't be overcrowded, since you have to pre-register. I also belong to two yoga studios, so I can mix up times and go when I know it'll be less crowded.

    I can't stand the resolution crowd!

    We all had to start somewhere. Dont forget that we were like that once too. You should be encouraging, not discouraging, just saying

    I think we can all be encouraging to those who sign up with a resolution to work. For those who join to sit around, hog things and have other rude behaviors, I feel its completely justified to complain about them!
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    I am one of those Resolutioners
    But i only took a month or two off from the gym as well I use to work there.
    But I was surprised that on Jan. 2-6 was not much of a change but then yesterday was packed...
    just found it weird that people waited a week to start...
    As well i was going at the same time everyday so it couldn't have been the time change.
    But otherwise props to them.. just wish they would respect the 20min limit posted on the machines.
  • heypurdy
    heypurdy Posts: 196 Member
    alot of you are complaining about the "newbies" crowding the gym because they use the machines wrong or longer than normal... well, guess what, im at the gym daily, and guess who i see clogging up the machines? i see the desperate houseives, who are also there everyday, sitting on machines, with thier pretty little hair-do's, perfect make-up, and nice matching gym outfits... batting thier eyes and chatting it up with every man that walks by... not using the machines, just "staging" themself in cute positions on them. this morning, these 2 cackling hens were literally sitting on the 2 machines that i use, having a very in depth conversation, never actually using the machine, for atleast 15 minutes. i went ahead and did my other workouts before i decided to go stand right in front of them as if i was listening in, only to let them know that IM WAITING IN LINE FOR "THIER SEAT"... then they got up and took thier conversation to another set of machines... these 2 are there every morning as well... its not the "newbies" who are crowding the gym, its people in gerneral who are not there to work hard, and obviously are there for other reasons...

    ^^ I call those the 'Barbie B****es' lol. And people like that are the main reason why I quit going to the gyms. If I wanted to go to a meat market with all the cliques, I would go to the bar where I could at least drink!

    After reading thru here and seeing that most people actually support us 'gym newbies', it does help me feel a little bit better that maybe the gym isn't as bad as I think :) And I do totally understand the etiquette issue. I personally don't know what it all entails, but I would think that courtesy is on the top of the list! Rude is rude, whether you're at the gym or the supermarket.

    I was running on one of the treadmills last week and the girl in front of me was reading a magazine and texting while on the stepper! she also wasn't in work out clothes. it was laughable.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    You all know that people aren't "complaining" about new people at the gym, right?

    It's stating a fact. The gym is insanely busy from January through Feb, sometimes March. It happens every year. I've seen it for a bout 18 years now at big gyms, small gyms, and in between.

    It happens.
