Quack Quack, Dr. Oz!



  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    This is only funny because without Tyrosine, the thyroid fails to function properly.

    That is all...
    Without it you would also be a pink-eyed albino since it's used to make melanin.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    "Green Coffee Diet By Oz"

    Free Botte - 800mg. As Seen on Oz. #1 Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract.


    and this ad is running at the bottom of this page :laugh:

    Does the fact that MFP has all these ads for green coffee bean extract, raspberry ketones, medifast, and weightloss surgery take away the credibility of this site? We all understand that they sell the ad space to the quacks so that this site can remain free for us to use. Dr Oz's show is the same way. They have to put on all the hype and miracle stuff to keep the viewers watching and the sponsors happy. I don't watch the numerous shows on the latest weight loss miracles, but that is what middle America wants to see. However, he is a well-respected cardio surgeon and has great advice on Diabetes and Heart Health, and promotes good eating and exercise habits.
    If you strip away all the hype, he has actually helped a whole lot of people in their fight for better health. Unfortunately, too many people still want the quick fixes and will never be willing to actually put in the work to change their health.

    But we shouldn't call him a quack and dismiss everything he stands for, just because he has to cow tow to the sponsors and the idiots that pay his salary and keep the show on the air.
    I wish his show was only once a week, then he wouldn't have to have so much filler fluff for the rest of the week.

    It was actually his show on Diabetes, when he was still on Oprah, that explains the disease so well and helped me understand how to help my mom. We had a few more years with her because of that.

    You are comparing a doctor, who is held to certain standards by his profession and the oath he took, to a free website that sells ad space that (I don't know how it works on MFP, but works on many places) which is generally through some sort of third-party hosting?

    Adsense and Google ads handle the ads based on what you, YOU specifically, have looked for... hence why there's the occasional guy going, "Why am I getting ads for women's lingerie?!" Right now, I have an ad for ModCloth above this post; it's not what MFP is promoting, it's what YOU are either talking about getting picked up by these services, or what you've searched for.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,634 Member
    Many people who watch his show will never interact with people who are "in the know" so they will just believe it because of affiliation with Oprah. Fortunately there is reputable information passed on here by knowlegdeable people here.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Unfortunately there is a lot of 'Bro Science' passed around on this site as well. As with anything, we have to do our own research and use some common sense.
    Don't believe everything you see on TV or on internet forums.
    Oh I know there is LOTS of broscience trying to be passed on here, but myself and many others will dispute it with actual links to peer reviewed clinical studies. Even then, though the ones who want to believe what they want will.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    :brokenheart: i watch dr. oz every now & then. one time i was watching he gave a tip for green tea. if you brew it yourself & drank a lot of it a day it would help you in losing weight with a sensible diet & moderate exercise. well, i followed that advice, i drink 1 gallon of green tea a day. i am happy to say that i did lose 90 pounds as a result but that included proper diet & exercise. i am sorry people do not like dr oz but he gave me correct advice. since i have been on mfp i have lost another 38 pounds!
    One time my arm kept hurting every time I did this. He told me to stop doing this, and drink a gallon of water a day. It worked! Must have been the water!

    Sargeant Chen, you're a genius! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fM_IQAhvnKQ)
  • JennyLisT
    JennyLisT Posts: 402 Member
    "Green Coffee Diet By Oz"

    Free Botte - 800mg. As Seen on Oz. #1 Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract.


    and this ad is running at the bottom of this page :laugh:

    Does the fact that MFP has all these ads for green coffee bean extract, raspberry ketones, medifast, and weightloss surgery take away the credibility of this site? We all understand that they sell the ad space to the quacks so that this site can remain free for us to use. Dr Oz's show is the same way. They have to put on all the hype and miracle stuff to keep the viewers watching and the sponsors happy. I don't watch the numerous shows on the latest weight loss miracles, but that is what middle America wants to see. However, he is a well-respected cardio surgeon and has great advice on Diabetes and Heart Health, and promotes good eating and exercise habits.
    If you strip away all the hype, he has actually helped a whole lot of people in their fight for better health. Unfortunately, too many people still want the quick fixes and will never be willing to actually put in the work to change their health.

    But we shouldn't call him a quack and dismiss everything he stands for, just because he has to cow tow to the sponsors and the idiots that pay his salary and keep the show on the air.
    I wish his show was only once a week, then he wouldn't have to have so much filler fluff for the rest of the week.

    It was actually his show on Diabetes, when he was still on Oprah, that explains the disease so well and helped me understand how to help my mom. We had a few more years with her because of that.

    Actually, MFP ads are probably through a third-party host. Your ads have more to do with you than with MFP.

    Also, last time I checked, MFP wasn't putting a stamp of approval on the ads and waving their non-existent credentials around.
  • DocMomKim
    DocMomKim Posts: 7 Member
    I am an Internal Medicine physician. What Dr. Oz did in the past may very well be well respected. What he does now has lost him respect and credibility. The person that stated earlier that he is held to a higher standard is correct. Too many people will believe whatever he says because he is a licensed physician. He has fallen into the trap that I have seen others do trying to make easy money with less work unfortunately like others he may have compromised his values. There are no miracle pills or cures. I share my struggles with food addiction with my patients. Why would I be obese if there was an "easy answer"? Doctors are not infallible. We are human. Obviously, most are not stupid because it is very hard to get through medical school and yes there are some geniuses out there but in the end they are just human. I have had some of my patients make some very dangerous decisions based on watching his show. He should be held accountable for the bad outcomes that people face following what he suggest.
  • suttercm
    suttercm Posts: 189 Member
    Dr Oz may have been respectable back when he was actually practicing medicine, but now he is just a slave to his sponsors. Everyday he has a new "miracle" supplement or diet. It irks me to no end when I see him spewing his "wisdom" on any outlet that will have him. Its bad enough that he has his own show, but to see so many others giving credance to his rubbish makes me cringe.
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    Oh no. Mom just walked in and gave me the latest edition of Prevention magazine with you-know-who on the cover touting foods that heal. Pasta cures, a chocolate prescription and the guide to eating pizza and not taking pills to cure yourself of your ails.

  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I don't watch his show, but I have caught a couple of short clips of him on the internet promoting some pretty out there stuff. Yesterday a friend of mine( I use the term friend loosely), called to tell me she had watched his show for the day, and that veggies are bad for you and cause inflammation. She was really upset, because I eat a plant based diet and she thought that I should know! Seriously??? I think I will keep eating my veggies and take my chances.
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    Conversations about Dr. Oz eventually seem to end up here:


    The longer I watch this the funnier it gets. Thank you... And now the world knows that I am easily amused.
  • Howl2013
    Howl2013 Posts: 32 Member
    {/quote] Adsense and Google ads handle the ads based on what you, YOU specifically, have looked for... hence why there's the occasional guy going, "Why am I getting ads for women's lingerie?!" Right now, I have an ad for ModCloth above this post; it's not what MFP is promoting, it's what YOU are either talking about getting picked up by these services, or what you've searched for.

    Lord - this is really true. I just finished looking for a printer and now I've got 3 Staples ads with printers all over my MFP pages. Yikes.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I wish the man would just stick with heart surgery....I hear that is what he does best. Why cant he be satisfied with that?
  • Lesalala
    Lesalala Posts: 7 Member
    In addition to the above... Dr Oz (though his "fat burning" stuff is mostly nonsensical) for the most part promotes naturopathic remedies... which many view as hoopla. Personally, it's my preference. If I can fix it with vitamins/minerals/herbal supplements... why bother with a prescription for something that's manufactured in a lab by companies making billions, paying kickbacks to doctors to prescribe it in mass quantities, and doing incomplete research to boot?

    (my daughter was born with a heart defect due to a medication deemed perfectly AOK for pregnancy even though they did NOT A SINGLE FLIPPING STUDY on it before deeming is safe. Those idiotic f*cktards had a hand in making my daughter get open heart surgeries for the rest of her life.... and I wish our cardiologists were as naturopathic minded, to be honest).

    Very sorry to hear about your daughter's struggles! I agree that they need to do extensive research before approving meds.

    However as to natruro/homeopathic remedies- just because things are natural or homepathic doesn't mean they are safe either. There have been a lot of things that people have loaded up on thinking "Hey, it's natural so it's safe, right?" only to suffer severe health problems from it (often because they were getting way too much of something). Best thing to do is find a family doctor you trust and run things by them before jumping into using any kind of new supplement that promises things like weight loss.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I wish the man would just stick with heart surgery....I hear that is what he does best. Why cant he be satisfied with that?

    He has made millions going on TV using his credentials to swindle people into fad diets and "alternative" unproven medicine.

    It's all about the $$$.
  • ladyrider55
    ladyrider55 Posts: 316 Member
    I never cared for him but when he joined up with Weight Watchers that was the final straw! How can he join in with and promote Weight Watchers and still continue to promote all those other ways to lose weight fast?!! He's such a FAKE!!!
  • Allison22451
    Allison22451 Posts: 686 Member
    What you dont believe The Great and Powerful Oz?
    He's got a tea for that!!
  • Lesalala
    Lesalala Posts: 7 Member
    In addition to the above... Dr Oz (though his "fat burning" stuff is mostly nonsensical) for the most part promotes naturopathic remedies... which many view as hoopla. Personally, it's my preference. If I can fix it with vitamins/minerals/herbal supplements... why bother with a prescription for something that's manufactured in a lab by companies making billions, paying kickbacks to doctors to prescribe it in mass quantities, and doing incomplete research to boot?

    (my daughter was born with a heart defect due to a medication deemed perfectly AOK for pregnancy even though they did NOT A SINGLE FLIPPING STUDY on it before deeming is safe. Those idiotic f*cktards had a hand in making my daughter get open heart surgeries for the rest of her life.... and I wish our cardiologists were as naturopathic minded, to be honest).

    Very sorry to hear about your daughter's struggles! I agree that they need to do extensive research before approving meds.

    However as to natruro/homeopathic remedies- just because things are natural or homepathic doesn't mean they are safe either. There have been a lot of things that people have loaded up on thinking "Hey, it's natural so it's safe, right?" only to suffer severe health problems from it (often because they were getting way too much of something). Best thing to do is find a family doctor you trust and run things by them before jumping into using any kind of new supplement that promises things like weight loss.
    People often assume because something says natural or homeopathic that equals safe and good for you. Heroine comes from the poppy flower and is there for natural...not safe! Homeopathic medication does not need to be studied or FDA approved at all. They can come from anywhere, be mixed with anything and slap any label on it and add any advertisement to it claiming whatever and people believe it. These medications (and they are medications...natural or not) often have blood thinners or interactive qualities contained in them and people make the mistake of not telling there doctor they're on them because they are "natural." Where do you think prescribed medications come from? They come from herbs, plants, and "natural" resources, only they are actually weighed and studied for years. Digoxin ( a heart medication) comes from the plant digitalis. When a medication is finally approved through the FDA, there is ac entire pamphlet on it's compounds, side effect, interactions, etc. Yes, mistakes happen, but the FDA is there to keep as little mistakes as possible from happening. There is NOTHING out there to protect you from homeopathic remedies. NO STUDIES! NO APPROVALS! But hay, it's Natural! It must be good for you!
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    He's a Dr. for crying out loud! This guy is a genius!

    You hardly need to be a genius (a useless marker of intelligence) to be a doctor...

    What do you call someone who graduated last in their medical class? DOCTOR :drinker:
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    You know who believes Dr Oz? The same people who are entertained by Honey Boo Boo
    The same people who goo and gaw over those two little English brats on Ellen.

    I am so often taken aback by what he Doesn't know. Info that's been out there for Ages!

    I watch his show EVERYDAY. I use him as my exercise program.
    It works by me rolling around on the floor kicking and screaming and LMBFAO. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • promiseofpam
    promiseofpam Posts: 28 Member
    ENOUGH! A lot of doctors don't like him because he forces them to be current. He has not sold out. Obviously you don't watch him. At the beginning of this year he said on his program I DO NOT RECOMMEND ANY BRAND. I GET NO MONEY FROM ANY SUPPLEMENT OR VITAMIN COMPANY. He went on to say that if he mentioned a brand in the past, he did so because people were having difficulty finding the supplement. He has asked any of us who see him shown as recommending any brand to get back to his show so that they can proceed with litigation.

    ANYONE expecting to find a magic pill to lose weight is delusional. It's hard work. Deal with it.

    Reading some of these responses makes me feel sad for the people who write them. They are really unhappy people who say mean, unsubstantiated things because they have anonymity. Dr. Oz brings state of the art thinking on health related issues. You have a brain, don't try things your doctor or you feel would not be good for you.