Why do we get annoyed by Resolutionists



  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    I don't hate them, and I encourage them to join in and get fit, but... I mostly swim. And since our gym changed hands (Bally's sold us out) the new owners who will remain nameless but are a large famous national chain, don't care what happens in the pool at all. They have a few rules posted, but they're all hygiene rules, not etiquette rules. (Hygiene is hyper important because they don't clean the pool every day, or even as far as I can tell, once a week).

    Newcomers often don't understand that they should 'mark' the lane they want with their towel or water bottle and wait for the swimmer using it to finish. Jump in and stretch out if you want, but don't just assume that someone wants or is able to lane share with you. If I ask you to wait ten minutes, hop in the hot tub and I'll alert you when I'm good to share. Don't just jump in and start swimming.
    I have left-side nerve damage, and I WILL run into you, bump you, etc, without even realizing I've done it. Get the HECK OUT OF MY LANE until I'm in cool-down laps at which point I'll invite you to share. Most pools don't allow lane sharing at all. Wish 24 Hour would clue into safety as a swimming issue, but they're more concerned with packing as many clients dollars into the lanes as possible.

    4' pool means NO DIVING. There are signs that say "No Diving", Don't dive in, rock the lap swimmers into the lane buoys and then laugh when everyone glares at you. Moron. Or do dive in and hit your head. Cuz then we all get to laugh.

    SHOWER! The signs all say SHOWER BEFORE ENTERING POOL AREA! Don't work out, throw on your swim trunks over your filthy sweaty body and then come jump in the pool or the spa. If you do, you are a disgusting pig. OR better yet, you come, go into the sauna, get even sweatier and nastier, then 'spin rinse' in the little cool-down shower, and dive into the pool. "I showered!"... no, ya didn't. You rinsed your shoulders and got your hair wet.

    Make-up in the hot tub? Seriously? You do know your sweating that slime into the water, right?

    I try to let newcomers know about lane etiquette when it's clear they don't know what's going on, but sometimes, I'll make my flip turn, come around, and there's someone in my lane coming straight at me.

    I hate sharing lanes and when I belonged to a gym with a pool looked at the pool schedule to get a sense of when I'd have my best shot at my own lane. However, lane sharing was expected when the pool was crowded.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    My 2 cents:

    This is my busy time of year at work and I'm a FT grad student. So far this month, I've been "working" 75-85 hours between paid work and class work. I'm political active (here in IA, we have the first in the nation caucuses on Feb. 1) and have been busy with that in my down time.

    Fortunately, this is a slightly slower week for me for both work and class. I didn't exercise much in the last half of Dec. due to an injury (which is 95% healed now). Anyway, I actually had some time last night and visited the gym for the first time in more than a month. It was busier than it was in Dec., but that didn't bother me because I was still able to get in on the equipment I needed with little or no wait (I sometimes have waits throughout the year, so no difference).

    The part that bothered me was #4 in the OP. Specifically, there is the etiquette about cleaning up after yourself. There was trash (used paper towels from wiping machines, disposable seal from powder, etc.) on the floor and items left out rather than wiped and put away (mats, jump rope). I did my part by picking up some of what was left by others, but it is annoying to feel like I have to do that.

    Aside from that, I started seriously trying to lose weight in 2014 as a resolutioner and have stuck with it this long (though I admit I had been thinking about it and wanting to do it for a long time prior to 1/1/14). I have no gripes with resolutioners specifically, it's just that I don't remember the gym being that messy last month. I would probably have a similar complaint during the year for the same thing - it is just easy right now to blame the new users for what seems like a new problem. For all I know, it is long-time users who just recently became slobs.

    My theory:

    Regulars get annoyed by resolutioners invading "their space". So regulars lash out by trashing the place and not clearing their weights.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member

    kshama2001 wrote: »
    How to Declare War on New Years Resolutioners


    Love this
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I've never noticed who is new to the gym and who is just someone I haven't seen before.
  • playmadcats
    playmadcats Posts: 199 Member
    As someone who has just changed gym (last one had three month cancellation period), the timing of joining a new gym really made me apprehensive. Luckily the members there has been fine, however getting any information out of staff is the tricky bit. There's plenty of things offered to help new members but half of it is hidden in small print on obscure pages of website.
  • myempire
    myempire Posts: 10 Member
    edited January 2016
    If you see some idiot giving you the stink eye because you're using "his" squat rack, just remember you paid your money and you have as much right to be there as he does.
    Here's the thing I wish Resoluters and gym neophytes would understand: I am not going to go up to you and offer you unsolicited advice even though I can clearly identify that you need help. We all know how well the lead balloon of unsolicited advice floats.

    I'm one of the few (if only) competitive powerlifters at the globo gym I'm train at, which means I'm the guy in back "hogging" the rack.

    But that is only ones perception. There's is nothing more I'd rather do than work out with someone and share that rack and talk shop as we do, or answering someone's questions as long as it doesn't interfere with my training. I don't even mind changing and lowering the plates.

    Lesson: Approach us. Be yourself and give us a chance.

  • Panda_brat
    Panda_brat Posts: 291 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    Fair enough.

    I would say that "gym etiquette" isn't on the new members though. I feel that it is the gym's responsibility that all members know and understand gym etiquette.
    Agreed. The gym I go to has an etiquette "policy" that is posted on their website, and is explained (and a copy provided) to every new member when they sign their contract. I agree with the rules and think they're a pretty good guide for etiquette for a newbie:

    * All cell phones must be on silent. Use of cell phones is restricted to the front lobby area!

    * Dropping weights and using loud, foul or slanderous language will not be tolerated!

    * Food and beverages other than bottled water are not allowed in the workout area.

    * Use of alcohol and/or tobacco products is prohibited.

    * Ask if you may “work in”, and always let others work in.

    * When working in with someone, return the seat and weight to the last user’s setup.

    * Wear proper athletic shoes and clothing. Bare feet, socks-only, sandals and work boots are prohibited.

    * Towels are required. Wipe off equipment when finished.

    * Limit perfume and cologne use.

    * Gym bags are not allowed in any workout area.

    * Ask for assistance if you do not know how to use equipment.

    * Work out at your own fitness level.

    * Do not remove weights, benches or equipment from their proper place.

    * Collars on weight bars are mandatory!

    * Always use a spotter when attempting to lift maximum weight.

    * Re-rack weights and return all other accessories to their proper locations.

    * Use of chalk is not permitted.

    * Misuse of equipment and disregard of this policy will result in immediate expulsion!

    I am glad my gym does not have a water only rule. spilled water can be slipped on just as much as any other liquid. I want something with some caffeine to get me going. I have not gotten one complaint in the last 2 years of me going regularly. And even in January, I have always been able to get my full routine in. I might have to switch things up a little, but it all gets done.
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    edited January 2016
    lithezebra wrote: »
    I've never noticed who is new to the gym and who is just someone I haven't seen before.

    I generally work out at 5am when there are only a handful of the same people there, so anyone new sticks out. This time frame seems to attract the more frantic resolutionists, the ones who think that it is not only a great idea to suddenly jump into a new fitness regime with both feet, but to do so at an ungodly hour of the morning. I think the combination is too much, and they either start working out later at some point or totally quit, probably the latter.
  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member
    edited January 2016

    Do you only take breaths on your right-side stroke? Maybe you're so angry because of oxygen deprivation?

    Seriously? You have nothing better to do than be rude and insulting? No, I'm actually used to pools that give a crap about the safety of their members. Our gym does not. I can't currently afford to go back to the swim club where it mattered.

    As to other pools; I can't speak for yours. I can only speak for the ones where I've swum before, and ALL of them have had differing lane-sharing etiquette, but they at least posted it and let people know what's expected.

    Yes, I lane share because it's expected, but it's rude to just assume that someone can and will lane share with you. Period. There are several members of the gym who have been going there since I have (back when it was still Ballys) We tend to swap lanes and share with each other during January when the newbies who have no clue about etiquette show up.
    Oh, here's how much the current gym cares about our safety- "Can I speak to a manager? There's four women in the pool, and one guy, and he's at the end of the far lane, masturbating into the pool while he watches us swim.:"'
    Manager: We don't have surveillance in the pool area and unless you have proof that's what he was doing, he'll just deny it. There's nothing we can do about it. You might want to wait until he leaves to swim."
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    edited January 2016
    Used to dread the first couple of months of the year at the gym, because of all the crowds. Nothing against the individuals, more a problem with the number of them. This year, my main exercise is swimming in an open pool and it has been a pleasant surprise. In late evening, it is me, and the kids of the local swim team. Apparently no one has as new year resolution to join an open pool in the middle of winter :)
    I am avoiding the weight room like the plague for the next weeks , but since I have been mainly doing bodyweight stuff lately, no big deal.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member

    Do you only take breaths on your right-side stroke? Maybe you're so angry because of oxygen deprivation?

    Seriously? You have nothing better to do than be rude and insulting? No, I'm actually used to pools that give a crap about the safety of their members. Our gym does not. I can't currently afford to go back to the swim club where it mattered.

    As to other pools; I can't speak for yours. I can only speak for the ones where I've swum before, and ALL of them have had differing lane-sharing etiquette, but they at least posted it and let people know what's expected.

    Yes, I lane share because it's expected, but it's rude to just assume that someone can and will lane share with you. Period. There are several members of the gym who have been going there since I have (back when it was still Ballys) We tend to swap lanes and share with each other during January when the newbies who have no clue about etiquette show up.
    Oh, here's how much the current gym cares about our safety- "Can I speak to a manager? There's four women in the pool, and one guy, and he's at the end of the far lane, masturbating into the pool while he watches us swim.:"'
    Manager: We don't have surveillance in the pool area and unless you have proof that's what he was doing, he'll just deny it. There's nothing we can do about it. You might want to wait until he leaves to swim."

    Lived in 6 countries, have used over 100 different pools - lane sharing is the standard expectation. It isn't rude. And obviously you know how to. You just think you own it.

    As to the guy wanking - that manager needs firing, but I don't see that it has to do with safety.

  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member

    Do you only take breaths on your right-side stroke? Maybe you're so angry because of oxygen deprivation?

    Seriously? You have nothing better to do than be rude and insulting? No, I'm actually used to pools that give a crap about the safety of their members. Our gym does not. I can't currently afford to go back to the swim club where it mattered.

    As to other pools; I can't speak for yours. I can only speak for the ones where I've swum before, and ALL of them have had differing lane-sharing etiquette, but they at least posted it and let people know what's expected.

    Yes, I lane share because it's expected, but it's rude to just assume that someone can and will lane share with you. Period. There are several members of the gym who have been going there since I have (back when it was still Ballys) We tend to swap lanes and share with each other during January when the newbies who have no clue about etiquette show up.
    Oh, here's how much the current gym cares about our safety- "Can I speak to a manager? There's four women in the pool, and one guy, and he's at the end of the far lane, masturbating into the pool while he watches us swim.:"'
    Manager: We don't have surveillance in the pool area and unless you have proof that's what he was doing, he'll just deny it. There's nothing we can do about it. You might want to wait until he leaves to swim."

    Why would you pay to use a pool where people are allowed to *kitten*? And why didn't you call the police the moment this happened? Sorry, but this is a story that makes no sense.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I usually don't mind the, "resolutioners," but sometimes they give uneducated advice for no reason.
    I was lifting at my gym last week, one of these resolutioners came up to me and said, "you're lifting way too heavy, especially for a girl. If you really want to get toned you should be lifting half that weight," I replied,
    "I want to tell you everything wrong with what you just said, but I would rather finish my workout."

    slow clap for @Asher_Ethan
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member

    Do you only take breaths on your right-side stroke? Maybe you're so angry because of oxygen deprivation?

    Seriously? You have nothing better to do than be rude and insulting? No, I'm actually used to pools that give a crap about the safety of their members. Our gym does not. I can't currently afford to go back to the swim club where it mattered.

    As to other pools; I can't speak for yours. I can only speak for the ones where I've swum before, and ALL of them have had differing lane-sharing etiquette, but they at least posted it and let people know what's expected.

    Yes, I lane share because it's expected, but it's rude to just assume that someone can and will lane share with you. Period. There are several members of the gym who have been going there since I have (back when it was still Ballys) We tend to swap lanes and share with each other during January when the newbies who have no clue about etiquette show up.
    Oh, here's how much the current gym cares about our safety- "Can I speak to a manager? There's four women in the pool, and one guy, and he's at the end of the far lane, masturbating into the pool while he watches us swim.:"'
    Manager: We don't have surveillance in the pool area and unless you have proof that's what he was doing, he'll just deny it. There's nothing we can do about it. You might want to wait until he leaves to swim."

    Lived in 6 countries, have used over 100 different pools - lane sharing is the standard expectation. It isn't rude. And obviously you know how to. You just think you own it.

    As to the guy wanking - that manager needs firing, but I don't see that it has to do with safety.


    I am still not sure what the safety issue with having a number of people sharing a lane. It is not uncommon in my swim club to have 3-4 in a lane. I have swam with 7 in a lane before (I was the slowest and some were very much faster than me) with no issue - we had to do that because people were not following etiquette and swimming up and down one side of the lane which limits the lane to two people per lane and makes it impossible for a 3rd to swim.

    I can't imagine the reaction you would get if you told people I regularly swim with to go sit in the hot tub for 10 minutes and you'll signal them when they can get in the lane. That is the most rude thing I have heard yet.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    Panda_brat wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    Fair enough.

    I would say that "gym etiquette" isn't on the new members though. I feel that it is the gym's responsibility that all members know and understand gym etiquette.
    Agreed. The gym I go to has an etiquette "policy" that is posted on their website, and is explained (and a copy provided) to every new member when they sign their contract. I agree with the rules and think they're a pretty good guide for etiquette for a newbie:

    * All cell phones must be on silent. Use of cell phones is restricted to the front lobby area!

    * Dropping weights and using loud, foul or slanderous language will not be tolerated!

    * Food and beverages other than bottled water are not allowed in the workout area.

    * Use of alcohol and/or tobacco products is prohibited.

    * Ask if you may “work in”, and always let others work in.

    * When working in with someone, return the seat and weight to the last user’s setup.

    * Wear proper athletic shoes and clothing. Bare feet, socks-only, sandals and work boots are prohibited.

    * Towels are required. Wipe off equipment when finished.

    * Limit perfume and cologne use.

    * Gym bags are not allowed in any workout area.

    * Ask for assistance if you do not know how to use equipment.

    * Work out at your own fitness level.

    * Do not remove weights, benches or equipment from their proper place.

    * Collars on weight bars are mandatory!

    * Always use a spotter when attempting to lift maximum weight.

    * Re-rack weights and return all other accessories to their proper locations.

    * Use of chalk is not permitted.

    * Misuse of equipment and disregard of this policy will result in immediate expulsion!

    I am glad my gym does not have a water only rule. spilled water can be slipped on just as much as any other liquid. I want something with some caffeine to get me going. I have not gotten one complaint in the last 2 years of me going regularly. And even in January, I have always been able to get my full routine in. I might have to switch things up a little, but it all gets done.

    Water isn't sticky and doesn't stain.
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    I don't hate them, and I encourage them to join in and get fit, but... I mostly swim. And since our gym changed hands (Bally's sold us out) the new owners who will remain nameless but are a large famous national chain, don't care what happens in the pool at all. They have a few rules posted, but they're all hygiene rules, not etiquette rules. (Hygiene is hyper important because they don't clean the pool every day, or even as far as I can tell, once a week).

    Newcomers often don't understand that they should 'mark' the lane they want with their towel or water bottle and wait for the swimmer using it to finish. Jump in and stretch out if you want, but don't just assume that someone wants or is able to lane share with you. If I ask you to wait ten minutes, hop in the hot tub and I'll alert you when I'm good to share. Don't just jump in and start swimming.
    I have left-side nerve damage, and I WILL run into you, bump you, etc, without even realizing I've done it. Get the HECK OUT OF MY LANE until I'm in cool-down laps at which point I'll invite you to share. Most pools don't allow lane sharing at all. Wish 24 Hour would clue into safety as a swimming issue, but they're more concerned with packing as many clients dollars into the lanes as possible.

    4' pool means NO DIVING. There are signs that say "No Diving", Don't dive in, rock the lap swimmers into the lane buoys and then laugh when everyone glares at you. Moron. Or do dive in and hit your head. Cuz then we all get to laugh.

    SHOWER! The signs all say SHOWER BEFORE ENTERING POOL AREA! Don't work out, throw on your swim trunks over your filthy sweaty body and then come jump in the pool or the spa. If you do, you are a disgusting pig. OR better yet, you come, go into the sauna, get even sweatier and nastier, then 'spin rinse' in the little cool-down shower, and dive into the pool. "I showered!"... no, ya didn't. You rinsed your shoulders and got your hair wet.

    Make-up in the hot tub? Seriously? You do know your sweating that slime into the water, right?

    I try to let newcomers know about lane etiquette when it's clear they don't know what's going on, but sometimes, I'll make my flip turn, come around, and there's someone in my lane coming straight at me.

    I started swimming recently because I'm nursing a foot injury and was exploring new cardio options, so this is good information! Luckily the pool is almost empty in the morning and I haven't violated any etiquette rules.

    As an aside, swimming is so much more difficult than I had imagined! I am a fair swimmer, as I have always been able to swim from point a to b without drowning, but trying to master the form and the breathing hasn't been easy, and I'm considering taking lessons.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    edited January 2016
    Bry_Lander wrote: »
    I don't hate them, and I encourage them to join in and get fit, but... I mostly swim. And since our gym changed hands (Bally's sold us out) the new owners who will remain nameless but are a large famous national chain, don't care what happens in the pool at all. They have a few rules posted, but they're all hygiene rules, not etiquette rules. (Hygiene is hyper important because they don't clean the pool every day, or even as far as I can tell, once a week).

    Newcomers often don't understand that they should 'mark' the lane they want with their towel or water bottle and wait for the swimmer using it to finish. Jump in and stretch out if you want, but don't just assume that someone wants or is able to lane share with you. If I ask you to wait ten minutes, hop in the hot tub and I'll alert you when I'm good to share. Don't just jump in and start swimming.
    I have left-side nerve damage, and I WILL run into you, bump you, etc, without even realizing I've done it. Get the HECK OUT OF MY LANE until I'm in cool-down laps at which point I'll invite you to share. Most pools don't allow lane sharing at all. Wish 24 Hour would clue into safety as a swimming issue, but they're more concerned with packing as many clients dollars into the lanes as possible.

    4' pool means NO DIVING. There are signs that say "No Diving", Don't dive in, rock the lap swimmers into the lane buoys and then laugh when everyone glares at you. Moron. Or do dive in and hit your head. Cuz then we all get to laugh.

    SHOWER! The signs all say SHOWER BEFORE ENTERING POOL AREA! Don't work out, throw on your swim trunks over your filthy sweaty body and then come jump in the pool or the spa. If you do, you are a disgusting pig. OR better yet, you come, go into the sauna, get even sweatier and nastier, then 'spin rinse' in the little cool-down shower, and dive into the pool. "I showered!"... no, ya didn't. You rinsed your shoulders and got your hair wet.

    Make-up in the hot tub? Seriously? You do know your sweating that slime into the water, right?

    I try to let newcomers know about lane etiquette when it's clear they don't know what's going on, but sometimes, I'll make my flip turn, come around, and there's someone in my lane coming straight at me.

    I started swimming recently because I'm nursing a foot injury and was exploring new cardio options, so this is good information! Luckily the pool is almost empty in the morning and I haven't violated any etiquette rules.

    As an aside, swimming is so much more difficult than I had imagined! I am a fair swimmer, as I have always been able to swim from point a to b without drowning, but trying to master the form and the breathing hasn't been easy, and I'm considering taking lessons.

    @Bry_Lander - keep reading. This is not typical pool etiquette.

    Or check out this article.
    http://web.jhu.edu/recreation/aquatics/Lap Swimming and Circle Swim Etiquette
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    I don't really give a dang about the resoluter influx -- heck I've been one myself. I train at 430am and if you are resoluter in at the gym with me at that time of the morning, more power to you. Chances are, the resoluter is more interested in cardio anyway -- neither breaks my leg nor picks my pocket -- as I am grinding out sets in the power rack.
  • TheBeachgod
    TheBeachgod Posts: 825 Member
    So the regulars who are so easily annoyed were never new?
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Bry_Lander wrote: »
    I don't hate them, and I encourage them to join in and get fit, but... I mostly swim. And since our gym changed hands (Bally's sold us out) the new owners who will remain nameless but are a large famous national chain, don't care what happens in the pool at all. They have a few rules posted, but they're all hygiene rules, not etiquette rules. (Hygiene is hyper important because they don't clean the pool every day, or even as far as I can tell, once a week).

    Newcomers often don't understand that they should 'mark' the lane they want with their towel or water bottle and wait for the swimmer using it to finish. Jump in and stretch out if you want, but don't just assume that someone wants or is able to lane share with you. If I ask you to wait ten minutes, hop in the hot tub and I'll alert you when I'm good to share. Don't just jump in and start swimming.
    I have left-side nerve damage, and I WILL run into you, bump you, etc, without even realizing I've done it. Get the HECK OUT OF MY LANE until I'm in cool-down laps at which point I'll invite you to share. Most pools don't allow lane sharing at all. Wish 24 Hour would clue into safety as a swimming issue, but they're more concerned with packing as many clients dollars into the lanes as possible.

    4' pool means NO DIVING. There are signs that say "No Diving", Don't dive in, rock the lap swimmers into the lane buoys and then laugh when everyone glares at you. Moron. Or do dive in and hit your head. Cuz then we all get to laugh.

    SHOWER! The signs all say SHOWER BEFORE ENTERING POOL AREA! Don't work out, throw on your swim trunks over your filthy sweaty body and then come jump in the pool or the spa. If you do, you are a disgusting pig. OR better yet, you come, go into the sauna, get even sweatier and nastier, then 'spin rinse' in the little cool-down shower, and dive into the pool. "I showered!"... no, ya didn't. You rinsed your shoulders and got your hair wet.

    Make-up in the hot tub? Seriously? You do know your sweating that slime into the water, right?

    I try to let newcomers know about lane etiquette when it's clear they don't know what's going on, but sometimes, I'll make my flip turn, come around, and there's someone in my lane coming straight at me.

    I started swimming recently because I'm nursing a foot injury and was exploring new cardio options, so this is good information! Luckily the pool is almost empty in the morning and I haven't violated any etiquette rules.

    As an aside, swimming is so much more difficult than I had imagined! I am a fair swimmer, as I have always been able to swim from point a to b without drowning, but trying to master the form and the breathing hasn't been easy, and I'm considering taking lessons.

    This is not pool etiquette anywhere but in this particular pool. Sharing lanes is usually the rule.