Wii Etc (Fit, Fit Plus, EA....) Team for March



  • MusicAngel415
    MusicAngel415 Posts: 5 Member
    I would like to be included if I am not too late. I have wii fit and wii fit plus.

    Never too late MusicAngel. I use the Wii it Plus myself.

    Sadly , this is the first time in a coupe months that i have not reached my weekly goal. Work has been just draining every ounce of energy out of me. Frustrating! I am determined next week to get back on track seriously, and this weekend get in some extra time to make up for the missed days.

    Here is to a refreshing weekend!

    Thank you. I understand about the frustration with your work schedule. I work twelve hour shifts and it is difficult to come home, fix/eat dinner, complete any tasks or errands, and then exercise before going to bed by 8 so I can get up at 4. I forced myself to take the time for ME last night even though I knew I was going to lose an hour of sleep because of the time change, I feel good about myself so I think it was worth it. Of course I say that while I am sipping on my second cup of coffee and trying to stay awake.

    I hope you have a successful weekend.
  • Cathyvil
    Cathyvil Posts: 230 Member
    I've already reached my mini-goal for this month. I'm so excited! Now I can go out and buy EASA More Workouts :happy: I'm off of work this week so I'm hoping the weather cooperates so I can go for a long walk each day. I didn't get to walk at all last week. I did do all of my workouts and did three days of free step for 30 minutes. Oh and as a bonus, I fit into some pants that I haven't been able to wear for a year. It's been a pretty good week for me.

    Hope everyone else is doing well with their wiis!
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Oh Nice Catyvil! Into some older pants, congrats! I am anxiously awaiting that day. Good for you for meeting your goals, sounds like it is paying off.

    And good for you MusicAngel for managing to find the time after a twelve hour work shift. Seriously, with all the other stuff that has to get taken care of in life, managing to find time to workout, is a huge accomplishment.

    I just got myself an HRM and used it for the first time last night. It told me I had burned a couple hundred more calories than the Wii told me. So... now I am a little nervous if it means I should be eating more.

    Trying to stretch this Sunday out as long as possible knowing my work week ahead is going to be worse than any I have seen yet. I just cannot allow it to keep me from taking care of myself, I refuse to let it!

    Enjoy your Sunday's everyone, and happy wii-ing!!
  • irismoon
    irismoon Posts: 83
    Did 20 minutes of my exercise yesterday with my Wii Fit Plus. Did the Free Step while waiting for food to cook and watching tv. My man doesn't mind it since it doesn't mess with his tv time. I also used my 3 inch attachment for the balance board so that it was 4 inches tall, making the workout harder. I really like the extra height when it is added. Makes me feel like I'm really burning up some calories.
  • jnikitow
    jnikitow Posts: 334
    I am half way through the 30 day challenge of the EA Sports Active.

    I have a question. When it says it is a Balance Board Day, I turn my board on, but then it doesn't use it in any of the exercises. I has worked a couple of times, but not always. Is there a certain point where I need to make sure I turn the board on?
  • jnikitow
    jnikitow Posts: 334
    I am half way through the 30 day challenge of the EA Sports Active.

    I have a question. When it says it is a Balance Board Day, I turn my board on, but then it doesn't use it in any of the exercises. I has worked a couple of times, but not always. Is there a certain point where I need to make sure I turn the board on?

    Can anyone answer this for me? Just trying to bump this up, so that someone might see it to answer for me. Thanks
  • Cathyvil
    Cathyvil Posts: 230 Member
    jnikitow: I've noticed in the weekly view, sometimes it says it's BB day and then it never uses it too. I don't know if it's a glitch in the system or what. When it has me turn the board on during the very beginning of the workout to do a system's check, it does always have at least 1 BB exercise for that day. For me, I don't really care if it uses the board because I don't think it enhances the workout that much. I'm hoping with the more workouts it's used better and more often.

    Thank you Jane :flowerforyou: You will definitely get there too! I would say keep testing it out and increasing the calories a bit at a time. See what works best for you :)
  • capturethemoments3
    I have had the wii fit in the past, but it never kept me motivated. I now own the wii fit plus, and I love it! I love that it counts calories for you (is it accurate?) and has a broader variety of activities. I usually combine a bunch of the pre-made workouts and aim for over 30 minutes. I have only been using fit plus for a couple of weeks, not sure how the motivation will continue. Anyone up for some sort of challenge to keep each other motivated? Along with the wii I take my dogs on walk/run a few times a week. I am working on being a better runner :smile:

    On a different note, sometimes I am not hungry enough to eat all of my calories, but I know I need to. What do you all do to get all of your calories + exercise calories in?
  • elysant
    elysant Posts: 139
    Okay... I've been MIA for a while but I am going to try and get back here more often! :o)

    We started the family challenge with the WII on Monday. It was sooooo much fun!! My stepdaughter did pretty well but my husband had a really hard time with the obstacle course! ;o) I have no sympathy though, he had a full week to practice the games that we are playing all he wanted but he chose to not take advantage of that time. :o) That's what he gets !! LOL

    It was fun and am I really looking forward to tonight!! :o)
  • irismoon
    irismoon Posts: 83
    I haven't been using my Wii as much as I would like on weekdays. I go to a Curves women's gym in the mornings and by the time I want to work out again, my bad leg is too sore. Think I need to find a better way to balance my exercise and pain management. :frown: Guess I need to set an alarm for daily Wii exercise time or something. Maybe that will help. I'm wanting to start the 30 day challenge on the EA Sports Active so really need to figure this one out. How do you guys make time?
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    I haven't been using my Wii as much as I would like on weekdays. I go to a Curves women's gym in the mornings and by the time I want to work out again, my bad leg is too sore. Think I need to find a better way to balance my exercise and pain management. :frown: Guess I need to set an alarm for daily Wii exercise time or something. Maybe that will help. I'm wanting to start the 30 day challenge on the EA Sports Active so really need to figure this one out. How do you guys make time?

    Making Time. Yeah, I know for me that is the biggest challenge of all! I work long stressful hours, am a single mother, and I have about a million other things that need doing besides exercise. Sleep being one of them!!

    Hey if you can get to the gym in the mornings that is most excellent. And to do it even with a sore leg, I gotta hand it to you!! I simply do not have the time, so what i do, is make the time. I get my Wii time in in the evenings, and tonight I really had to force myself, as I am so so so tired and my body is screaming at me to get some sleep. But I just do it. Sometimes i do question though whether it might be better for me to get a full night's sleep. I can't have it both ways though unfortunately, only so many hours in the day.

    It doesn't seem right that we can't find the time to take care of ourselves. In fact it isn't right, so yeah gotta make the time. I just commit myself to 45 min to an hour after dinner is digested, even if I am yawning and my eyes are burning tired. I only give myself one day off and once in awhile take two. I find that I need to set aside that slice of time for that purpose so it becomes part of my routine. Same as you do with your 30 minutes for your morning gym time.

    Just decide on a time of day that it will fit best into your schedule and stick with the plan. Weekends I love because I can get to it earlier in the day and be done with it and actually enjoy a relaxing evening. Also it allows me to spend a little longer time frame at it.

    Let us know how that 30 day challenge goes. I would love to hear how it starts and progresses myself to see if it'd be something that would work for me.

    Also I would love to hear how other busy people 'make time' . IMHO, nothing is more valuable than time. So how HOW do tyou make more of the stuff??? :huh:
  • capturethemoments3
    Making time can be tough. Luckily I work 2nd shift, so I can get up in the morning and have 5 hours before work! Next week I won't be so lucky as I will be working 1st shifts and 2nds, so I am not sure how I will fit in my wii time. Do any of you use wii fit plus? If you do, what combination of "exercises" do you do for a complete workout? I am looking to switch it up a little.
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Making time can be tough. Luckily I work 2nd shift, so I can get up in the morning and have 5 hours before work! Next week I won't be so lucky as I will be working 1st shifts and 2nds, so I am not sure how I will fit in my wii time. Do any of you use wii fit plus? If you do, what combination of "exercises" do you do for a complete workout? I am looking to switch it up a little.

    I am using the Wii Fit Plus, along with many others here. I do switch it up to keep from getting bored, but often I start by going into the routines, choosing a combination of all types and then let the Wii surprise me. If you choose one at a time, its about 20-25 minutes of different exercises, but lately I have gone ahead and selected two at a time, so it lasts about 40 minutes.
    After that I will just go choose some of my favorite activities like skateboarding and boxing, or choose types that I didn;t think I got enough of in the Wii routine. If I have the time, I will do the free step and watch some TV while I am doing that. Also, I have put together my own routine of combined yoga and strength training and will sometimes start with that.

    Hey Tara , keep us up to date on the competetion there, can't wai tto see who takes the prize!

    Hope everyone is sending good wishes JAM's way, her and her daughter need some positive energy to get through the surgery and recovery. We are thinking of you JAM!

    It has gotten a little quiet around here. I hope it means that you are all just so busy Wii-ing. :wink:

    Almost the weekend!! Yay!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member

    Also I would love to hear how other busy people 'make time' . IMHO, nothing is more valuable than time. So how HOW do tyou make more of the stuff??? :huh:

    We need to make time for our health, for exercise. Make an appointment with yourself, Stick that appointment time. If it's in the mornings for some people, or maybe in the evenings, and I know some people's life is hectic and they're busy.

    I now do my chores AROUND my exercise time. Previously I said that I would exercise after I do this or that, or after a tv show. most of the time IT DOESNT" HAPPEN. Just start exercising and, you'll feel better afterwards.

    I just wrote in my team thread about a pet peeve of mine.
    People who say they don't have time to exercise. But they manage to have time to logon here for 15-30 mins, reading, surfing the internet, and of course, they also get in 30 mins or 1 hour of tv time. It's the choices we make.

    irismoon - Until your leg gets stronger, I suggest you go into the Wii active CUSTOM routines, and pick out some exercises that won't work on your legs.
    Dancing, baseball, volleyball, basketball, tennis (maybe a few more). You can still get a workout, using the upperbody and burn calories, and hey it can be fun as well.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Just a quick post to say DD's surgery went well, but was longer and harder than expected. I should be able to start back in on Monday and I hope everyone is well.

  • lwebsmfp
    lwebsmfp Posts: 297 Member
    Hope everyone is having a great week. I've had to take a break for a little bit due to a sprained ankle. It happened while I was doing the jump squats on EA Active. I'll be glad when it's healed so I can get back to exercising more.
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Hope everyone is having a great week. I've had to take a break for a little bit due to a sprained ankle. It happened while I was doing the jump squats on EA Active. I'll be glad when it's healed so I can get back to exercising more.

    Oh no Lisa! Ouch :cry: . very sorry to hear you hurt yourself with the Wii-ing. A sprained ankle can take some time to heal and strengthen depending how bad it is. Please don't push it, and make sure it is strong again before you get back to it. I think I'd beware of jump squats for quite awhile after that. How frustrating I'm sure. Do take care of it.

    Glad you checked in JAM. Sorry your daughter had a harder time than anticipated, but glad it's over for you both.

    Made time for my Wii-ing tonight , even after a ten hour work shift. Earned plenty of calories for a decent snack. And yes Peter I am doing pretty good with the water. Actually starting to find myself thirsty for it often.

    Have a great Friday everybody!
  • Cathyvil
    Cathyvil Posts: 230 Member
    I'm so happy to hear your daughter came out of surgery ok JAM. I was thinking about you both yesterday. I'll be sending out positive thoughts for a speedy recovery :flowerforyou:

    I plan my workouts into my evenings. I have to start by 7. It's my date time with myself. That way I never miss, unless something unusual is happening that day. Then I can get my chores done afterward while I listen to any tv I want to see that night.

    I hope your ankle mends quickly Lisa but yes, definitely make sure you're properly healed before you start up again :)

    I went out yesterday and bought the EA More Workouts. Tonight's my upper body night, so if there's a workout on there I'm going to try that one out. Or I might skip it and start the 6 week challenge already. I only have 3 more days left of my 30 day EASA challenge so I can do both simultaneously. I wanted to be patient and wait until I was done with the 30 day challenge but every time I walk into the living room I swear that new game is looking at me!

    Have a great weekend everyone and happy wiiing :heart:
  • jnikitow
    jnikitow Posts: 334
    Just did another day of the EA Active. I am doing the 30 day challenge and am a little more than half way done. Today it had me doing holding squats. That was HARD! I could barely hold for 10 secs. at a time, and it wants you to hold for a minute. I hope I can build up my endurance with time.
  • irismoon
    irismoon Posts: 83

    irismoon - Until your leg gets stronger, I suggest you go into the Wii active CUSTOM routines, and pick out some exercises that won't work on your legs.
    Dancing, baseball, volleyball, basketball, tennis (maybe a few more). You can still get a workout, using the upperbody and burn calories, and hey it can be fun as well.

    I would wait until my leg is stronger, but that may never happen. Originally, I wasn't even supposed to walk again. Proved those doctors wrong! However, my leg is busted for the rest of my life and will most likely walk with a cane for life (And I'm only 23!). :frown: It bites. :grumble: Keeps me from doing a lot of exercising that I want to do. Hard to find things I can do when my right leg has a busted knee and ankle. I have to plan out custom workouts so I can stay on my leg throughout the days. The EA Active is very useful for this though as is the Wii Fit Plus. I like being able to pick workouts I can actually do.

    The sad thing about my time limits are that I don't work or go to school, and yet still can't find time. lol. I somehow get caught by someone and end up spending time with them or have chores around the house to do. After any exercise I have to take a break from it for several hours so my leg will stop hurting, so then I get caught up in something and forget to start exercising again. Guess I really just need to start a schedule and work around the exercise like you guys are saying. I know I need to exercise more and it is important to me. Guess I just need to adjust myself to that more.

    Thanks guys!