Wii Etc (Fit, Fit Plus, EA....) Team for March



  • Cathyvil
    Cathyvil Posts: 230 Member
    After my 30 day and 6 week challenges today, I did the 30 minute step aerobics on the More Workouts disc. Oh boy was it hard but sooooo much fun! I decided to start with medium since I've been doing an hour of free step every other day or so this last week and a half on Wii Fit Plus. I probably should have started with the easy for the first time but I did manage to just keep up. The step on the More Workouts is not just the basic step, but it has you doing kicks, high knees and leg curls too. In the 30 minutes I burned about 300 calories. Usually with the Wii Fit Plus free step my HRM tells me about 225-240 calories burned in a half an hour. The only downside to the More Workouts step is that you can't change the channel. You really do need watch what's happening. Next time I'm going to use my ipod since the music wasn't really to my liking, but otherwise I can totally see myself getting addicted to this workout.

    And as a side note on More Workouts, I think my abs are going into revolt after only two workouts with that game. I can already tell tomorrow I'm going to be hurting all over. I'm really liking it so far if anyone is thinking about picking it up.

    Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    After my 30 day and 6 week challenges today, I did the 30 minute step aerobics on the More Workouts disc. Oh boy was it hard but sooooo much fun! I decided to start with medium since I've been doing an hour of free step every other day or so this last week and a half on Wii Fit Plus. I probably should have started with the easy for the first time but I did manage to just keep up. The step on the More Workouts is not just the basic step, but it has you doing kicks, high knees and leg curls too. In the 30 minutes I burned about 300 calories. Usually with the Wii Fit Plus free step my HRM tells me about 225-240 calories burned in a half an hour. The only downside to the More Workouts step is that you can't change the channel. You really do need watch what's happening. Next time I'm going to use my ipod since the music wasn't really to my liking, but otherwise I can totally see myself getting addicted to this workout.

    And as a side note on More Workouts, I think my abs are going into revolt after only two workouts with that game. I can already tell tomorrow I'm going to be hurting all over. I'm really liking it so far if anyone is thinking about picking it up.

    Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

    Thanks. I was thinking that this will be the next one I buy. I get to get one when I reach 169.9 pounds. Hopefully it won't be too long.
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Hope everyone's week got off to a good start!

    The weekend was refreshing for me, recharged for the week ahead. With any luck it will carry me through the whole week.

    Just got done with over an hour of Wii-ing. I try to push it on Mondays because Tuesday is my planned rest day. I managed to beat my high score in boxing tonight . 1296 - Wooot! It absolutely cracks me up when it says "Fight the fat" LOL

    Now that I am using an HRM, the burn is way more according to it , than the Wii says. Wii told me i burned 300, and the HRM just over 500. A little nervous that it is actually that high though, so I don't dare eat all those calories back, just some.

    @irismoon - Good for you for proving doctor's wrong. They frequently are IMO. I think it's fantastic that you keep pushing yourself too. You go!!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Now that I am using an HRM, the burn is way more according to it , than the Wii says. Wii told me i burned 300, and the HRM just over 500. A little nervous that it is actually that high though, so I don't dare eat all those calories back, just some.

    Almost all the time the HRM is going to be more reliable. I had posted about this last month or so.
    The Wii does not know how hard you are working out.
    If the Wii stops for any reason, a break, change screens, load up a new player screen etc.
    The Wii is not calculating when "not playing" You are still burning calories and the HRM is still calculating.

    I burn over 600 cals in an hour doing a good workout. 300 is very low in an hour IMO, if you are working it.
    Split the difference for now if you want, but make sure your HRM's resting rate is set properly, and trust your HRM.

    What did I hear some water drinking? gulp gulp :drinker:

    Have a great day
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    It's great to be reading the posts with my morning coffee like I use to again. I'm going to get on the Wii Fit today after over a week off. I can hardly wait for it to scold me for being too busy to workout. ha, ha, ha. I hate that voice.

    Hopefully, I will actually be able to set workout goals again in April. For now I will just do what I can.

    Thanks for all the well wishes for DD and I.

    Happy Wiiing today!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I just completed my first 30 day challenge on the EA Active. Its feels good to complete something. (especially in a timely fashion):drinker:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I just completed my first 30 day challenge on the EA Active. Its feels good to complete something. (especially in a timely fashion):drinker:

    good job RJ.

    Nice dog picture too. btw

  • Ressy
    Ressy Posts: 19
    I just got my WII Fit last ngiht, I can;t wait to get home tonight and start it. Anyone have suggestions on where to start, I never exercise so I need to start slowly. Thanks!
  • kathymurphy
    we just got the wii but only the sports, is it worth it to get the FIT?
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    I just got my WII Fit last ngiht, I can;t wait to get home tonight and start it. Anyone have suggestions on where to start, I never exercise so I need to start slowly. Thanks!

    Congrats on getting the game! I needed to start slow myself and the Wii Fit Plus was perfect for that. Best start is just to play what looks fun to you. Nothing there is too intense at all until you start going into advanced levels. So have no fear, just dig and play!!
  • Cathyvil
    Cathyvil Posts: 230 Member
    Whoo hooo!! Gratz on finishing the challenge RJ! :drinker:

    I think it would depend on your fitness level Kathy if it was worth it to get the wii fit plus. For me too, I was just getting back into exercising after years of being a sloth. It was a great tool to get me moving again and 4 months later I'm still loving it even after moving on to other more intense things as well. If you're already pretty fit, it will probably be fun for you but not too much of a challenge.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    So for my Dad's 88th birthday he bought me a new game. So I got EA active more workouts and I bought myself just dance. (yep my dad would rather give me gifts on his birthday than get them. :laugh: works for me. So I am trying to decide wether to start a new 30 day challenge at hard level or do a medium level 60 day challenge. What do you all think?
  • Cathyvil
    Cathyvil Posts: 230 Member
    Happy birthday to you father! That was so sweet of him :) After my last 30 day challenge on medium, I started a medium 6 week challenge with more workouts. I figure I can go back and forth between the two now so I don't get bored of one or the other. I still love playing the original game though so I could have easily done another 30 day challenge on hard, but I was too antsy to try the new game and start the 6 week challenge. I have no patience lol
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome newcomers! Yes, I think the fit is worth it if you can afford it. As far as where to start goes it's best to start off easy and try for 15 minutes a day 3-4 days a week. If you aren't use to exercising that will be enough to get you going. You will know when it's time to increase the time or the number of days.

    I will start back on the Wii tomorrow for 15 minutes a day on weekdays. With everything else going on that is about as much as I can do.

    Good luck to all of you this last week of March.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I will not be using the Wii much until June due to my DD's surgery and rehab, so I will be dropping out of this forum. Any one that wants to please feel free to start the new thread for April.

    Good luck to all of you,

  • lcouterm
    lcouterm Posts: 138 Member
    I'm a huge Wii fit/plus fan (I now also have the biggest loser) I started this site about 3 weeks ago and have lost over 12 lbs so far. I'm on 9 weeks every day for at the very least 30 -- 2 hours on my wii fit plus. It's addictive once I start I can't seem to stop (espessally on the games) SO I"M IN TOO
  • Ressy
    Ressy Posts: 19
    I have Wii Fitness Plus along with Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum. My goal for April is to lose 10 pounds and lose inches off my waist and to run 3 miles. I am at 1 mile at the moment. 1st time working out and so far so good. Any tips, would greatly be appreciated:flowerforyou: !
  • Ressy
    Ressy Posts: 19
    WOW that's awesome, keep it up. Also, makes me feel good knowing you can lose weight doing the Wii Fit!
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    hey hey everybody -

    Looks like March is behind us. Everyone has done really great about sticking to their goals and shedding some poundage, Way to go!

    Welcome newcomers, it is great to see how this team has grown!

    Since JAM has to focus on her daughter these next months, I have started the April thread for us all here:

  • Cheryl89
    Cheryl89 Posts: 8 Member
    Can anyone tell me how many calories you can actually burn on the wii fit? Iv got one but i dont know how much im burning off and I want to use it more.