I shot the sheriff (smoking pot/fitness, can you do it?)



  • Yes in moderation. I never smoke before a work out. Did that once and busted my *kitten* on the treadmill. Occasionally I will burn one right before bed time. Then you really don't have to deal with the munchies. Certainly a better choice than a few beers!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Every acquainted person I know smokes weed has a major streak of loser.
    It could be isolated in this community.
    I suppose it can make a guy feel good and all, but again, all I ever had to do was look at a dope smoker, and that's all it took.
    Count me OUT!

    not every "dope" smoker is a loser. i know a lot of people who are upstanding citzens, hold down jobs, give back to society. they just like to relax at the end of the day. its better than drinking a few beers. weed doesnt do a lot of harm, and it does a lot of good. of the people i know, in my community, most use it for medicinal reasons. i use for medicinal reason, and i use to relax and have a good time. i'm not a loser.

    It's very boring and annoyiing to keep hearing people that smoke weed are losers, what a load of BS.
    What a relief this is.
    Toke up...and ENJOY!

    If I'm reading this correctly, I think what she's saying is, she doesn't like you expressing your actual life experiences, so you shouldn't.

    Fairly common point of view on these forums, actually.

    Edit: Ironically, to correct the wrong word "correction" and replace it with "correctly".
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    i smoke weed every day of my life. and as of today, i have lost 40 lbs in less than 3 months. :)
    You're a single mother smoking pot every day?

    Nice. Real nice. And I'm not saying that to be judgy. I know of what I speak. You need to cut it out.

    Judgy Judgersons are judging it up all over this post!
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    Depends on whether it is sativa or indica. Pot gives me anxiety an panic attacks, so I do not partake. You can eat it in food. If you understand infused butter/fat, it is easy to do. You can also get a vaporizor.
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    i smoke weed every day of my life. and as of today, i have lost 40 lbs in less than 3 months. :)
    You're a single mother smoking pot every day?

    Nice. Real nice. And I'm not saying that to be judgy. I know of what I speak. You need to cut it out.

    You "know of what you speak" but you also just said
    Doesn't it make you hungry and lazy?

    I don't know first-hand, but that's the rumor.

    Sure sounds like you know of what you speak...with no first hand knowledge of the drug and lots of unnecessary stereotypes. Jeez, lady. You're a real piece of work.
  • Weed > Alcohol for fitness. No calories!

    Learn to love some healthy munchies and you're fine.
  • chu04
    chu04 Posts: 6
    Smoking cigarettes can reduce appetite, however it also makes it hard for you to do cardio activities.
    Smoking the ol' natural pot is bad, personally, because I pig out for the munchies.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    i smoke weed every day of my life. and as of today, i have lost 40 lbs in less than 3 months. :)
    You're a single mother smoking pot every day?

    Nice. Real nice. And I'm not saying that to be judgy. I know of what I speak. You need to cut it out.

    You "know of what you speak" but you also just said
    Doesn't it make you hungry and lazy?

    I don't know first-hand, but that's the rumor.

    Sure sounds like you know of what you speak...with no first hand knowledge of the drug and lots of unnecessary stereotypes. Jeez, lady. You're a real piece of work.
    I mean I never smoked it myself.

    I'm not going to post things on here that shouldn't be aired so publicly, but I'll just say do whatever the hell you want until you have a child who depends on you. Smoking pot every day as a single mother is a terrible, horrible thing. Her child will be the one who pays for it in the end.

    As for the hungry and lazy thing, do you also take offense to Cheech and Chong movies? That '70s Show? Pretty much every pop culture reference, not to mention that people who do smoke it themselves will tell you this is the outcome of the experience?

    (And I'm glad you were not a role model to my teenage daughter.)
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    Every acquainted person I know smokes weed has a major streak of loser.
    It could be isolated in this community.
    I suppose it can make a guy feel good and all, but again, all I ever had to do was look at a dope smoker, and that's all it took.
    Count me OUT!

    not every "dope" smoker is a loser. i know a lot of people who are upstanding citzens, hold down jobs, give back to society. they just like to relax at the end of the day. its better than drinking a few beers. weed doesnt do a lot of harm, and it does a lot of good. of the people i know, in my community, most use it for medicinal reasons. i use for medicinal reason, and i use to relax and have a good time. i'm not a loser.

    It's very boring and annoyiing to keep hearing people that smoke weed are losers, what a load of BS.
    What a relief this is.
    Toke up...and ENJOY!

    If I'm reading this correction, I think what she's saying is, she doesn't like you expressing your actual life experiences, so you shouldn't.

    Fairly common point of view on these forums, actually.

    "She" isn't saying that at all, otherwise I would have written that!

    Try again.
  • TaminaShock
    TaminaShock Posts: 191 Member
    It does give me the munchies but i munch on a whole lot of veggies. It make everything take good.:laugh:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    i smoke weed every day of my life. and as of today, i have lost 40 lbs in less than 3 months. :)

    But it certainly isn't addictive, right? I mean, nothing addictive about it at all...at least that's what I've heard others say about it.

    That, and "dude, I think, like, yeah, it should totally be legalized and stuff, because, like, you know, totally for the medicinal properties and stuff, man." (A paraphrase, but disturbingly close to the actual quote, of one of many phone calls I heard on the radio where they were discussing legalization.)

    Well that's unnecessary. The question was about how well fitness and pot smoking work together, not your personal opinions on whether pot is addictive or your judgmental BS. Let's cut out the "pot smokers are losers" comments, please? Be civil, yes?

    I don't smoke green because I generally become a spaced out blob when I'm smoking. I can't do anything. And boy did I try (wake and baking my 8 am class was one of my worst decisions ever). Fitness and smoking wouldn't work out for me. But that's not to say that it doesn't work for other people.

    The lovely thing about drugs is that they have completely different effects for different people. Pot especially. Some get munchies, some don't. Some are anti-social weirdos (me) on pot and some are quite outgoing. It all depends. A person's ability to eat well and be fit also fall under this "depends on the person" umbrella.

    My apologies that my post didn't meet your requirements for an acceptable and meaningful contribution to this discussion...and that you determined that it was...judgmental.

    Really...let's all think that one all the way through.
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member

    , not to mention that people who do smoke it themselves will tell you this is the outcome of the experience?

    smoked regularly for....13 years. not lazy nor do i get the munchies. guess it affects people in different ways.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    i smoke weed every day of my life. and as of today, i have lost 40 lbs in less than 3 months. :)
    You're a single mother smoking pot every day?

    Nice. Real nice. And I'm not saying that to be judgy. I know of what I speak. You need to cut it out.

    Yes you are being 'judgy'. Who are you to tell her how to run her life? What's being a single mum got to do with anything?

    Go and sort yourself out, good luck.
    Did you grow up the child of someone who smoked pot daily?
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I never got the munchies from smokin' the reefer. I did, however, feel incredibly stupid and foggy, which was kinda annoying.

    Inhaling any smoke will cause damage to your lungs if you overdo it, but I don't see how it could be a major issue for fitness unless you're a habitual user.

    This post reminds me of this:


    Starts around 3:00 in for the drug testing thing....

    P.S. The stereotype of pot-smokers being "losers" was true for some of my college friends, but I also know plenty my age now (late-20's/early-30's) who smoke habitually that are upstanding smart good people. Stereotypes, generally, are a bad idea.
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    i love posts like this. it gives me a great idea of who i want to ignore. :)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Every acquainted person I know smokes weed has a major streak of loser.
    It could be isolated in this community.
    I suppose it can make a guy feel good and all, but again, all I ever had to do was look at a dope smoker, and that's all it took.
    Count me OUT!

    not every "dope" smoker is a loser. i know a lot of people who are upstanding citzens, hold down jobs, give back to society. they just like to relax at the end of the day. its better than drinking a few beers. weed doesnt do a lot of harm, and it does a lot of good. of the people i know, in my community, most use it for medicinal reasons. i use for medicinal reason, and i use to relax and have a good time. i'm not a loser.

    It's very boring and annoyiing to keep hearing people that smoke weed are losers, what a load of BS.
    What a relief this is.
    Toke up...and ENJOY!

    If I'm reading this correction, I think what she's saying is, she doesn't like you expressing your actual life experiences, so you shouldn't.

    Fairly common point of view on these forums, actually.

    "She" isn't saying that at all, otherwise I would have written that!

    Try again.

    Try again? Nah. I think everyone (or perhaps, everyone else) understands my point.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    i smoke weed every day of my life. and as of today, i have lost 40 lbs in less than 3 months. :)
    You're a single mother smoking pot every day?

    Nice. Real nice. And I'm not saying that to be judgy. I know of what I speak. You need to cut it out.

    You "know of what you speak" but you also just said
    Doesn't it make you hungry and lazy?

    I don't know first-hand, but that's the rumor.

    Sure sounds like you know of what you speak...with no first hand knowledge of the drug and lots of unnecessary stereotypes. Jeez, lady. You're a real piece of work.
    I mean I never smoked it myself.

    I'm not going to post things on here that shouldn't be aired so publicly, but I'll just say do whatever the hell you want until you have a child who depends on you. Smoking pot every day as a single mother is a terrible, horrible thing. Her child will be the one who pays for it in the end.

    As for the hungry and lazy thing, do you also take offense to Cheech and Chong movies? That '70s Show? Pretty much every pop culture reference, not to mention that people who do smoke it themselves will tell you this is the outcome of the experience?

    (And I'm glad you were not a role model to my teenage daughter.)

    You have zero experience of weed but you feel you have the right to be so horrible to this girl??!

    I smoke weed, I have done for 24 years....I run my own business, we own our home and we have wonderful, intelligent children. What you got to say to me now?
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    Every acquainted person I know smokes weed has a major streak of loser.
    It could be isolated in this community.
    I suppose it can make a guy feel good and all, but again, all I ever had to do was look at a dope smoker, and that's all it took.
    Count me OUT!

    not every "dope" smoker is a loser. i know a lot of people who are upstanding citzens, hold down jobs, give back to society. they just like to relax at the end of the day. its better than drinking a few beers. weed doesnt do a lot of harm, and it does a lot of good. of the people i know, in my community, most use it for medicinal reasons. i use for medicinal reason, and i use to relax and have a good time. i'm not a loser.

    It's very boring and annoyiing to keep hearing people that smoke weed are losers, what a load of BS.
    What a relief this is.
    Toke up...and ENJOY!

    If I'm reading this correction, I think what she's saying is, she doesn't like you expressing your actual life experiences, so you shouldn't.

    Fairly common point of view on these forums, actually.

    "She" isn't saying that at all, otherwise I would have written that!

    Try again.

    Try again? Nah. I think everyone (or perhaps, everyone else) understands my point.

    Really, have you done a survey?
  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member
    I ran the Chicago marathon in under 3:45 and I smoke EVERY day I trained. I used a bong so it was clean smoke. Munchies, laziness = cop out/lame stereotype
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member

    Did you grow up the child of someone who smoked pot daily?

    did you? i think we clarified that smoking weed and being a loser do not necessarily go hand in hand.
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