The most polite insult you've recieved? redone



  • emilykg12
    emilykg12 Posts: 119
    My least favorite thing: When I'm around a person who's very clearly smaller than I am and they call themselves fat. I'm not overweight, but things like that make me feel disgusting.
  • DiaryOfaThickFitWoman
    when i tried on my bridesmaid dress for the first time my dad said "wow it makes your head look small!"

    That's funny.
  • Fit_NYC_
    Fit_NYC_ Posts: 1,389 Member
    I got: "You're pretty cute for a Mexican..bc some Mexicans aren't that cute..but you are" :noway:

    wow... insulting and racist...
  • jazcndoit
    jazcndoit Posts: 79 Member
    My Aunt: you look really good, about time because you were going to waste! Lol ok...
  • losindood
    losindood Posts: 36 Member
    I get asked all the time by co-workers: "Are you losing weight?" Um, yeah 116 lbs. LOL!

    And when I tell them it's been 18 months I inevitably get, "Oh it's smart that you're doing it that slow." LOL

    And the classic, "Which surgery did you have?" LOL I didn't (not that it matters).
  • DiaryOfaThickFitWoman
    -My husbands friend called me "Big Ang". I was pissed for 3 reasons, one my name is Angel, and it irritates me when people say Angela or Angie, "Ang" really done it. (2) He was out of line, he knows damn well he never heard anyone else ever call me that. (3) He's big himself. I was very mad, I could have slapped him, lol

    -Are you pregnant? A neighbor asked me this about 2 weeks before I started my "lifestyle" :) change. I wasn't too mad at that point, because I had already been prepping myself to commit. If anything, it made me start faster. Thanks neighbor!

    -You have a really "cute shape" if only your stomach was flat. Lol, my sisters tell me that all the time. One of my sisters be like: Dang sis you look fine as heck from the back" lol. They always remind me how fine.........I was!

    Can't wait to complete this transformation.
  • cupcakesnomore
    This one has been my favorite. Someone asked how much weight I have lost. When I said 40 some odd lbs they said Oh, I couldn't tell because I see you almost every day. :/ Then why did you ask how much weight I've lost?
  • DiaryOfaThickFitWoman
    -My husbands friend called me "Big Ang". I was pissed for 3 reasons, one my name is Angel, and it irritates me when people say Angela or Angie, "Ang" really done it. (2) He was out of line, he knows damn well he never heard anyone else ever call me that. (3) He's big himself. I was very mad, I could have slapped him, lol

    -Are you pregnant? A neighbor asked me this about 2 weeks before I started my "lifestyle" :) change. I wasn't too mad at that point, because I had already been prepping myself to commit. If anything, it made me start faster. Thanks neighbor!

    -You have a really "cute shape" if only your stomach was flat. Lol, my sisters tell me that all the time. One of my sisters be like: Dang sis you look fine as heck from the back" lol. They always remind me how fine.........I was!

    Can't wait to complete this transformation.

    Oh can't forget: You carry your weight good for a big girl.
  • DiaryOfaThickFitWoman
    This one has been my favorite. Someone asked how much weight I have lost. When I said 40 some odd lbs they said Oh, I couldn't tell because I see you almost every day. :/ Then why did you ask how much weight I've lost?

    Butt hole, lol.
  • laineyluma
    laineyluma Posts: 358 Member
    someone asked to see a picture of me before I lost my weight

    *shows a picture*

    Wow, you looked pregnant and really bloated. I would be MISERABLE that big.

    :huh: Yeah, I was miserable. Thank you for pointing that out.
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    My least favorite thing: When I'm around a person who's very clearly smaller than I am and they call themselves fat. I'm not overweight, but things like that make me feel disgusting.

    I've always been over weight, but every thing girl in my high school would constantly call themselves fat
  • DiaryOfaThickFitWoman
    Visited some friends in India and one of the family members wife had recently had a baby. They wanted me to travel there to visit the baby and were so disapointed that I couldn't fit it in to my schedule because "... she's like you you will love her". When i saw a picture of one of the chubbiest babies I had seen. :tongue: They care very much for me it was said with the utmost affection but still. Heh

    Good one!
  • futurestarz
    About two years ago, when I was at my lowest weight, some guy who was at the bar with a friend of mine came up to me and said "You're pretty hot but you aren't like a ten or anything. You could never be in playboy" I was so caught off guard. All I said was, well thank you, because I have no intentions of ever being in playboy.

    Then, he tried to get my number! I wanted to slap him.
  • daniellek30
    daniellek30 Posts: 171 Member
    My favorite most polite insult I get all of the time is,

    "You are such a curvy woman."
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    For me, you carry your weight well. My mother in law keeps getting me clothes, even though I've asked her not to cause I get depressed about it, "These are too big for me, but they'll fit you."

    This and variations on it.
  • fletchbaby
    fletchbaby Posts: 62 Member
    "wow I can really notice your weight loss...mostly in your face" :P
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    That I carry my weight well. Everyone always says I dont look THAT big. Gee thanks, so I'm a petite hippo. Gotcha.
  • stormyinfinity
    "You carry your weight well...You're built!" and "You're a big, tall woman and there's nothing wrong with that."

    Both from doctors. The second was followed up with a comment about needing to see a dietician. Doctors give the worst back-handed compliments.
  • laineyluma
    laineyluma Posts: 358 Member
    Them:How much weight have you lost all together?

    Me:around 50 lbs

    Them:I cannot imagine you even bigger than you are now.

    Me: :sad:
  • FutureSkinnyMama03
    FutureSkinnyMama03 Posts: 250 Member
    Since this came from a kid, I tried not to be upset about it. But it did hurt.

    She was over with her parents one night & saw my wedding picture.

    Our conversation went a little like this:

    Her- "Is that you?"
    Me- "yes"
    Her- "Wow! I didn't even recognize you!"
    Me - [insert puzzled expression]
    Her- "You looked so pretty then!"
    Me- Speechless. I guess I'm ugly now? Um. Thank you?

    In her defense, she was maybe 12? It hurt though.