Tried and Tired I GIVE UP



  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I hit that point a couple of years ago. I decided that I was never going to be anything but fat. Then I woke up one day and realized that I didn't WANT to be fat. Over the next two years, I gradually lost 40 lbs. I did it slowly and I never felt deprived or starved. Once I got to a size I wanted to be, I got rid of all of my fat clothes because I refuse to go back into them.

    FWIW, I gained 11 lbs over the holidays (didn't even know it at first because, even though I weigh daily, my battery was dying in my scale, so it was weighing me the same weight every day. So I have to work to lose that weight again, and I will.

    You can do it, too!
  • Rssblade
    Rssblade Posts: 46 Member
    Know how you feel, seem to have hit a brick wall at the moment myself, tomorrow at seven am will reset mentally and push on, although in reality I start NOW...Good luck
  • Mslibb
    Mslibb Posts: 69 Member
    Oh, what a shame your family aren't telling you what a great job you've done, it is hard without support - so I'll do it! 14lb - way to go - woop woop! 14lb is what I've lost and I'm hella proud of myself - you should be too! I also know the effort that went into losing those pounds, it'd be a real shame to waste all that hard work :-)
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    Thats the attitude! Thats why I am on here at 65 years of age losing weight. You lost a couple of weeks, I lost decades....BUT I AM NOT GIVING UP, neither should you!! Jump right back on it as I am, you know you are worth it :wink:

    Jumping back in Mrs.Barbara.. sprained ankle and all
  • Iceman420
    Iceman420 Posts: 195
    I've tried and I'm so tired

    I know exactly how you feel. I've tried almost every diet in the book over the years. Nothing worked for long. It's so easy to gain weight, and so hard to lose it. Eventually I gave up too. Now I get to start over this year.

    I'm glad you are trying this again. It's hard as heck, but plenty of people have proven that it can be done. Good luck :)
  • WrenStory
    WrenStory Posts: 103
    One of the hardest things to do is to stick to a set goal in the very beginning when there's no end in sight. It's during this time that it matters most that you adhere to it.

    Also, when you get to a point and things are sailing along smoothly... it's easy to let things slide. So, in my opinion... those are the two hardest times to persevere.

    It's fine to let your friends and family motivate you to some extent... we all do. Some more than others. But if I were you, I'd realize that this is all YOU :) Only you can establish this kind of goal and only you can stick with it and make it happen... so that means you can not be dependent upon the praise or attention of others to prod you along. That just won't work.

    So, reach down deep and figure out (1) how bad you really want this, (2) what steps it will take to get there, (3) the first step to take NOW, and most importantly, and (4) REPEATing the steps it takes every day until you get there.

    > A little secret: All it takes is eating slightly less than you burn in a given day... use one of the online TDEE calculators to estimate your calorie burn based on your age, gender, activity level, weight, etc. and then eat about 200-500 cals LESS than your TDEE. That's really all there is to weight loss, so don't let all the other crap on here get in your way! Good luck.
  • sbodi88
    sbodi88 Posts: 18
    Dont give up!!! you need to do this not for anyone else but yourself! God love us how we are but he wants whats best for us which is definately a healthy body! good luck with everything and keep your head up!
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    Oh, what a shame your family aren't telling you what a great job you've done, it is hard without support - so I'll do it! 14lb - way to go - woop woop! 14lb is what I've lost and I'm hella proud of myself - you should be too! I also know the effort that went into losing those pounds, it'd be a real shame to waste all that hard work :-)

    Now this made me teary eyes but also made me SMILE! Thanks
  • MadamX18
    MadamX18 Posts: 7 Member
    hey there.... dont give up... dont feel like you are alone... you are NOT... we are all in this together and all here to help one another... find out why you keep giving up.. do people knock you for your ability to lose weight... do you yourself deep down think o this is never goin to work??????....

    If you give up everything you have worked hard for will be for nothing... Be that person who makes a change a positive change to better their life once and for all...

    Everyone has bad days.. you just had mark it as a bad day its a lesson learned and now you get back on that horse and keep going....

    I have every faith in you that you can do this
  • sphomphak
    sphomphak Posts: 94 Member
    Nerver give it. It happens. Two weeks before the end of the year in had less then 4 pds to go to get to my goal. Holidays happen and I got sick. I missed my goal due to I gained some of the weight. . It is still my goal and I will make it. I am feeling better and u know what. There will always be holidays and special occasions and I will always have to deal with this. So will everyone. Don't be so hard on yourself. Today is a new day. What is stopping u for getting back on track?? You can and will do this!!! I can't be support. Add me if u like!! :happy:
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Imaybe this is how God wants me to be.

    as good an excuse as any other
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    I was doing so well..but then the holidays came and I stop logging. This party and that party kept telling myself ""I 'll start over tomorrow " tomorrow always came and went. I've lost my way,lost my will and my drive with not a one single soul to say Hey mom stay focused or hey hunni you're looking great. I've tried and I'm so tired, maybe this is how God wants me to be.

    Sorry to hear you are discouraged. However, the fact that you are still here to make your posts tells me you are not ready to give up. If you are lacking the real life support system to help you continue your success (congratulations on the 14 pounds!) then stay active in the MFP community to find your support. You can also start taking fitness classes or participating in other local activities in your area to meet others who share your goals. Your success will continue. Believe in yourself!
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    i feel like that too sometimes..i have been on this journey for almost 2 years, and only lost 40 pounds..why ?? because of holidays, birthdays, general f**k ups..if i had a dollar every time i felt like this, i would have had enough to get lipo, AND retire now..dont give of luck:drinker:
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Maybe you need to take a different approach to get your head back in the right space. Instead of looking at this as a way to lose weight, look at it as a way to make yourself healthier, so that when you're in your retirement years, you aren't spending all of your cash on medications and all of your time shuttling from doctor appointment to doctor appointment. To be a healthy senior, you need to start taking care of yourself now. That means eating better and increasing your activity level - even if that only means parking a few extra spaces away from the grocery store door. Every little thing you do counts. This is about the long term, not what the scale says tomorrow.
  • Debtappe
    Debtappe Posts: 164 Member
    Non - diet suggestions: talk to your doctor and get your thyroid and iron level checked, also, ask about whether vitamins will help you feel less tired. I recently purchased a small, portable happy light and I sit in front of it every day for 15 minutes to a half an hour. I have been feeling a bit happier since I got it. When I am happier it is easier to stick to my plan.
  • tribemom12
    Forgive youself. Today is a new day - learn from the past and use it to prepare for future "holidays."
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    Non - diet suggestions: talk to your doctor and get your thyroid and iron level checked
    EXACTLY WHAT I HAD PLANNED ON DOING..actually for awhile now procrastination and not enough time in the day seems to always keep me from getting to the doctor.
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    . Every little thing you do counts. This is about the long term, not what the scale says tomorrow.
    Yes I agree, !!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I was doing so well..but then the holidays came and I stop logging. This party and that party kept telling myself ""I 'll start over tomorrow " tomorrow always came and went. I've lost my way,lost my will and my drive with not a one single soul to say Hey mom stay focused or hey hunni you're looking great. I've tried and I'm so tired, maybe this is how God wants me to be.

    Last year I came to a conclusion....

    I cannot rely on anyone else to keep me accountable or push me. When I started my journey, a friend was on it with me...then the excuses started as to why she couldn't make it to the gym. I thought about not going unless she was with me, then I realized that if I let my friend dictate how often I went to the gym, I was giving HER the power to keep ME fat! So I went...and went ...and went. Sometimes my friend went with me, many times she did not. I felt kinda bad when she would compliment my weight loss knowing that she had not lost a single pound...

    Husbands are not always very good at stroking our egos when it comes to weight loss. I was absolutely FUMING when my husband was commenting to me about the weight loss of a woman he sees several times a year, but I had lost 15lbs and he hadn't noticed at ALL. I told him too! Within a week or so we were laying in bed and he discovered my newly uncovered hip bones :D and commented on them. Now he knows that I want him to say something if he sees a new muscle or something.

    Your excuses about the holidays etc are invalid. Am I always the best about logging? no. Am I a BEAST about going to the gym? yes! Unless there is some reason that I REALLY physically cannot be at the gym ( like an appointment on the other side of town) I am there. Even when I sprained my calf on my rest day, I went in ON CRUTCHES the next day and did an upper body workout.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I was doing so well..but then the holidays came and I stop logging. This party and that party kept telling myself ""I 'll start over tomorrow " tomorrow always came and went. I've lost my way,lost my will and my drive with not a one single soul to say Hey mom stay focused or hey hunni you're looking great. I've tried and I'm so tired, maybe this is how God wants me to be.

    Don't give up! I noticed that you just joined in October 2012. That's barely more than two months of trying!

    I've logged in every day since April of 2011. That's 635+ days and counting! I've lost 66 pounds and exceeded my goal weight. I did it with consistency and the ongoing support of my MFP buddies. Weight loss (and maintaining that weight loss) takes daily effort, endless perseverance and dedication. Instead of thinking about being on a diet, think of today as the first day of the rest of your new life where you've made a commitment to being healthy.

    You can do this!