fast food



  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,017 Member
    I'm pretty sure people that have mentioned the salad thing is because your equating calories to health, which is not true in the least. People can add healthier calories, like chicken, egg, and god forbid, mayo and it may be a high calorie salad but it's not unhealthy if it's in the context of total calories. Hope that helps.
    What makes a 500 calorie salad unhealthy? That's the point right? you just don't know.. I just ate an entire salad serving bowl full of salad with dressing on it and it was less then that.. I read the labels on those thing..Lots of unnecessary additions. It really doesn't take much effort to choose healthy foods. I just don't get it.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
  • fizzletto
    fizzletto Posts: 252 Member
    Would you like some help getting down off that horse of yours? It's pretty high.
  • eyeliner128
    eyeliner128 Posts: 19 Member
    Weird, you had Pizza Hut Sausage and Pepperoni a few days ago. They have a drive through - so isn't that fast food? Get over yourself.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Man, I could go for some french fries. On a salad.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I eat it and I make no apologies about it. I enjoy it and I'm not going to stop. Although I eat McDonald's burgers about once a year and Burger King hardly ever (I like BK burgers better than McDonald's but McDonald's fries better than BK). I eat Wendy's all the time and Chick-Fil-A a whole lot. I'm at Chipotle once a week at the very least.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I've never liked fast food to be honest, even as a teenager. My parents never let us go to places like Mcdonalds so I never did! As an adult I don't go, and my young children have never eaten at a fast food place.

    Each to their own though. I'm sure it's fine in moderation. It's the taste that doesn't appeal to me, and I don't find it particularly healthy.

    I live in England so I can't comment on Taco Bell.

    The only fast food I've had in the past couple of years is Dominoes, and that was when my daughter was a newborn and it was easy to eat and we were too exhausted to cook!

    I don't see what's wrong with a salad that's 500 calories, or are you referring to a salad from a fast food place? If you make your own salad with chicken and potatoes and coleslaw for example it'd be close to 500 calories.
  • niki87lewis
    niki87lewis Posts: 147 Member
    Weird, you had Pizza Hut Sausage and Pepperoni a few days ago. They have a drive through - so isn't that fast food? Get over yourself.

    Hahaha!! This! Hypocrite much
  • barbaramitchell101
    barbaramitchell101 Posts: 360 Member
    whenever I travel to the valley, I do stop into "In and Out Burger" they cut their own fries, use healthy fats to cook and everything is as clean as you can get, nutritionally in a burger and fries...and is really DYNOMITE....check them out if you get a chance...OH, I don't eat hamburgers or frys otherwise anymore...but I do love these... and I am still loosing....:smile:
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Weird, you had Pizza Hut Sausage and Pepperoni a few days ago. They have a drive through - so isn't that fast food? Get over yourself.

  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Weird, you had Pizza Hut Sausage and Pepperoni a few days ago. They have a drive through - so isn't that fast food? Get over yourself.

    Hahaha!! This! Hypocrite much

    Hahaha I had a look too. I consider chinese take-out to be junk food. And all that MSG is not good for you either!
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    Hehehehehe! The Pizza Hut is a couple times in the last few days, and the Chinese take-out seems like a norm to you as well! LMAO
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Of course I have something. i drink too much and I don't track it.. lol. I'm far from perfect. But I don't drink and then go complain that I had too many carbs and too much sugar or that i can't lose weight or whatever.

    lol.. I didn't have pizza hut. I did have pizza. Pizza hut is gross. i used it because it has a high calories and i wanted to make sure it got counted right. and it was covered in veggies. lol. I also had qudoba a few weeks ago.. for the first and most likely last time. Pretty yucky and tasteless.

    There is healthy fast food out there. I like noodles and co. it's healthy and you can see what's in the food you're eating it's all on their website.

    No msg in the Chinese food. I can't eat it if it did.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,017 Member
    Man, I could go for some french fries. On a salad.
    I could go for a salad on poutine. :happy:
  • BrenWOW
    BrenWOW Posts: 95
    I don't understand how people can eat fast food! Taco Bell can't even call their meat beef because it contains so little actual meat and then they stuff it with chemical and flavoring. Mcdonalds and burger king never molds. How is that possible! You tell people this and they still go and order a big mac! So gross. At least KFC uses real chicken, although they fry the health benefits right out of it and Wendy's uses real American raised beef. still tastes gross.. I also tried explaining to one of my friends that if a salad has 500 calories in it, then it's not healthy... they just don't get it.

    I haven't eaten it in years.
    Actually, that isn't true about Taco Bell.

    No, not true.My friend was a general manager at Taco Bell.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,017 Member
    Pizza is classified as a your gold.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    OP, with all due respect... you know Pizza Hug, TGIFridays... those places are virtually no different than fast food. It's prepackaged , processed food thrown together for order... just not as fast as fast food, and it's more expensive. Noodles & Co is, essentially, fast food, and Chinese Takeout is notorious for not being quite what it's advertised as, with some of the highest sodium and MSG content of any takeout.

    If you're losing weight and making it work, great. I don't like diary shaming, so I don't think it's necessarily great or effective to go, "Lol, hypocrite!" to you. BUT, your initial post did have something of a holier than thou, how can people eat there mentality.

    People are going to bristle, because you eat the same **** under a different name... and hell, if you made it work, great; other people make fast food work into their calorie allotments and lose weight, keep cholesterol and BP great, etc.

    But, er... you're fooling yourself if you think someone in the back of an Applebee's is delicately preparing fresh chicken breast they picked up from a local butcher to cook for you.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    *sigh* some people on this thread/site are ridiculous.

    fast food is bad for you. across the board. no matter WHAT you order. all fast food places use the lowest quality ingredients they possibly can so it can be as cheap as possible and make THEM as much money as possible.

    however, if you wanna eat it, go for it. that's your prerogative.

    Chipotle is actually really good for you if you get the right stuff - but that's because they use local ingredients, grass fed beef, free range chicken, etc. But if you'll notice, their prices are also higher than most fast food. Coincidence? Nope.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    OP, with all due respect... you know Pizza Hug, TGIFridays... those places are virtually no different than fast food. It's prepackaged , processed food thrown together for order... just not as fast as fast food, and it's more expensive. Noodles & Co is, essentially, fast food, and Chinese Takeout is notorious for not being quite what it's advertised as, with some of the highest sodium and MSG content of any takeout.

    But, er... you're fooling yourself if you think someone in the back of an Applebee's is delicately preparing fresh chicken breast they picked up from a local butcher to cook for you.

  • BrenWOW
    BrenWOW Posts: 95
    Maybe it wasn't your intention to offend anyone but it is the way you came off. Like everyone who eats there is dumb and you're too smart.

    I personally love Taco Bell even though I don't eat it as much. I make my own tacos at home almost once a week. And living in Queens, NYC I can just drive 5 minutes and get truly authentic Mexican tacos on Roosevelt Ave and no its not from chipotles, those are tacos but no its not Mexican food.

    My feeling towards your post is......Tacos rule!!!! Please respect the taco.

    LOL Yes. tacos rule!