Focused on Fitness: Daily Check-In Group



  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    hi everyone,

    I met my Wed goal, I did 15 min of insanity, then went for a 25 min bike ride. It is supose to be nice in the morning so i plan to bike to work.

    I am still tired from the cold. I might go take a nap.

    Hope everyone is doing well.
  • ldarter
    ldarter Posts: 131 Member
    Today I walked for 30 minutes to complete Day 2, Week 2 of the RW 8-Week Beginning Runner's Program and then I free hiked across country another half hour. I have really enjoyed my discovery of some good hiking trails in a greenbelt area close to home. The hiking is much more enjoyable than just walking on the track and it burns more calories too. I am pretty proud of the fact that even though I have been so sedementary the past two years I have had no trouble sticking with my exercise program. I actually look forward to it each day and feel so good afterwards.
  • ldarter
    ldarter Posts: 131 Member
    hi everyone,

    I met my Wed goal, I did 15 min of insanity, then went for a 25 min bike ride. It is supose to be nice in the morning so i plan to bike to work.

    I am still tired from the cold. I might go take a nap.

    Hope everyone is doing well.

    Great job meeting your exercise goals! I can imagine it is tough while recovering from the cold. Keep it up!
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Larry, I'm getting kind of jealous!

    I started having a craving to run a few months back. When I was out walking I would throw in a few sprints, which felt good in the moment but the next day my feet and knees were screaming. I know a big part of that is not wearing the right shoes and maybe not stretching and warming up.

    What about that injury component - do you think if I got really good running shoes and did a runner's warm up ahead of time I could do this? I need to do something, I notice that I haven't been working out consistently the past few weeks. I tried to do Wii, but those little animated characters started to really annoy me.

    Thanks, Karin
  • ldarter
    ldarter Posts: 131 Member
    Larry, I'm getting kind of jealous!

    I started having a craving to run a few months back. When I was out walking I would throw in a few sprints, which felt good in the moment but the next day my feet and knees were screaming. I know a big part of that is not wearing the right shoes and maybe not stretching and warming up.

    What about that injury component - do you think if I got really good running shoes and did a runner's warm up ahead of time I could do this? I need to do something, I notice that I haven't been working out consistently the past few weeks. I tried to do Wii, but those little animated characters started to really annoy me.

    Thanks, Karin

    Hi Karin,

    Yes, definitely you could do it. I know shoes cost more at a running store but with more than 20 years as a runner I have seen a million people get shoe related injuries because they saved a few bucks getting shoes other places. Well maybe not a million, but a lot!!! Lol. My daughter was one of them. When she started running a few years ago she was always having knee problems until I drug her to a running store and got her fitted in the right kind of shoes. So definitely getting the right shoes is critical. Okay, off my shoe soap box.

    I have had a problem with my feet too since I started the beginner's run/walk program. I know the type of running shoe that works for me but probably because of the extra weight, the tops of my feet were killing me for the first week or so but already with the weight I have lost it is becoming less of an issue.

    My advice is to either start the C25K or the RW 8-Week Beginning Runner's Program that I am doing. Both are effective because they are actually "interval" programs. Runners typically think of interval running as speedwork, but slow paced intervals are just as effective for beginning a running program. For the first couple of weeks try to stay off hard surfaces like concrete. I run at a nearby park that has a cement all-purpose fitness track but I run just off the track on the grass to save my knees and ankles from the pounding you get from cement. Asphalt or school running tracks are also good and more cushioned than cement.

    As far as a warm-up, just walk at a moderate pace for 3 minutes before you do the first running segment. Never stretch before running but afterwards when the muscles are warmed up to avoid injuries. Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any more questions and good luck!

  • ldarter
    ldarter Posts: 131 Member
    My daily check-in:

    Today I completed Day 3, Week 2 of the RW 8-Week Beginning Runner's Program. The prescription for today was alternating running 3 minutes with 1 minute of walking, seven times. I modified the requirements by doing 10 repeats instead of 7 to get more running in, so I managed 30 total minutes of running and 10 total minutes of walking for my base program.

    Wisely or unwisely, I accepted a 3,500 caloried exercise burn challenge from another thread and so in addition to my base program I also did an extra 45 minutes of walking today to boost my exercise calorie expenditure so for the day I burned 638 calories from exercise.

    Today was my weekly weigh-in and I weighed this morning after getting up and before exercising and was down another 3 Lbs. from last week. :)
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Thanks for the info Larry. Should I go to an actual runner's shoe store or is Foot Locker okay. Actually as I wrote that I realized, no, Foot Locker is probably not okay.

    Also, where do I get hold of the Runner's World program? I think I really want to do this. I
  • ldarter
    ldarter Posts: 131 Member
    Thanks for the info Larry. Should I go to an actual runner's shoe store or is Foot Locker okay. Actually as I wrote that I realized, no, Foot Locker is probably not okay.

    Also, where do I get hold of the Runner's World program? I think I really want to do this. I

    No, I wouldn't recommend Foot Locker. Speciality running retail stores employ experienced runners who know how to help people find the right kind of shoe. Almost all running shoes today have built in orthodonics which is why it important to know whether you need a neutral shoe, a stability shoe, a motion control shoe, a cushioned shoe, etc. Running in the wrong shoe can actually cause injuries.

    Here is the link to the RW program:,7120,s6-380-381-386-9397-0,00.html#

    If you haven't checked out the site, there is a ton of good training and nutrition info on the site for beginners as well as veteran runners.
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Okay, I'm on it!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Oooh, Karin and Larry - exciting! You might have another "runner" on your hands. :) I did the Cto5K program starting in July and have maintained an every other day schedule until 3 weeks ago. I'm ready to get started again....

    Karin, you might want to look into Cto5K = there are some podcasts that make it very do-able. Looking forward to hearing the story unfold....

    As for me - I'm easing back into working out - after a time out from being sick. Started Jillian's 30 day slimdown (it's a combination of 3 of her DVDs). I did 30 Day Shred, Level 1, and took my dog for a walk. Was a great day. :)
  • ldarter
    ldarter Posts: 131 Member
    Good job smiles! Glad you are feeling better. Yep, before long Karin will probably be looking at a marathon. :)
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Smiles, glad you're on the mend.

    Larry, I forgot to say Congrats!!! on your 3 pound loss.

    I went on the Runner's World site last night - it's really informative. I'm going to see about getting shoes today.
  • ldarter
    ldarter Posts: 131 Member
    Thank you Karin. I've actually been doing better than I ever expected. Yes, I thought you might like the site. RW the magazine is what got me hooked on running years ago and I really love the website. Most of the articles from the print magazine get posted there within a few days of publication. Great about the shoes! I love buying new running shoes and guess I'll be buying more myself soon. :)
  • ldarter
    ldarter Posts: 131 Member
    My daily check-in:

    Today I completed Day 4, Week 2 of the RW 8-Week Beginning Runner's Program with a 30-minute walk during my lunch hour at work.
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Okay! I got my shoes.

    And then I got sick:grumble:

    Some annoying bug. I should have it beat by Monday so I'm going to start then.

    The shoe store people were wonderful, they are all runners. They had me walking back and forth and trying the shoes outside, and if they don't feel okay, I can take them back. That's wonderful service.

    Thanks again Larry.
  • ldarter
    ldarter Posts: 131 Member
    That's awesome Karin! About the shoes I mean....sorry to hear you caught a bug. I'm glad you found a great running store and it sounds like you're all fixed up once you get well. :)
  • ldarter
    ldarter Posts: 131 Member
    My daily check-in:

    Today I completed Day 5, Week 2 of the RW 8-Week Beginning Runner's Program with a 30-minute run/walk session during my lunch hour at work. I am up to running 4 minutes/walking 1 minute, 6 times. The program was very easy at the beginning but is now getting more challenging but it is manageable and I am starting to feel like a runner again.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I walked the dog this morning and did P90X Cardio X. I am feeling better, the cough still hasn't gone away and I have some congestion yet. I feel like I can do moderate execise, not Insanity yet. I did do part of an insanity workout on saterday, had to stop and catch my breath a couple of times.

    Congrates everyone on doing a great job. One of these days I will get back to running agian, I will have to start from the begining again.

    Have a great day
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member

    I got the podcast, but I don't have any music to play behind it, so I'll steal my husband's play list - it's gotta be better than either of my teen's music (one is goth and listens to Ozzie Ozborn, the other is autistic and listens to the same instrumental over and over - not a great choice!)

    So I'll have to put up with a little Pink Floyd, but I can handle it.

    Good going Larry. Smiles I saw you have a Couch25K thread, I'll look for it again when I get started. Robyn, glad you're on the mend.
  • ldarter
    ldarter Posts: 131 Member
    My daily check-in:

    Today I completed Day 6, Week 2 of the RW 8-Week Beginning Runner's Program with a 30-minute run/walk session during my lunch hour at work. Today was the same as yesterday's running 4 minutes/walking 1 minute x 6 times. Felt a bit easier today than yesterday . For the program, tomorrow is a rest day so today completed Week 2 for me.