Over 200 Club New Year New Body-Part 8



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm going to attempt the "shocking your metabolisim" today! And then tomorrow I am back to my diet! Wish me luck!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I agree to eating at least some of the exercise calories. I know when I was eating too few calories, I also saw weight gains even when I was exercising daily. When I upped my calories, I started seeing a loss again.

    Have a great weekend, everyone! I will try really hard to behave this weekend.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    awestfall: -1.2 = 0.51%
    bluenote: -1 = 0.23%
    madgoth: -1 = 0.40%
    meokk 0 -1 = 0.49%
    jlb123: -2.4 = 1.12%
    Cris20056 -1.6= 0.7%
    Solandra: 0
    snowflakes: -2.6 = 0.98%
    Positively: NO weight loss i gained 2 pounds
    MariSama: -2.2 = 0.91%
    momma -2.8 = 1.10%
    ColoradoGirl - no lookie!
    Mstahl -1 = .96%

    I had a huge drop last weekend and then went way back up and now down from last week but nowhere near that beautiful 183 I saw Monday morning. It was so pretty! So at the moment I have a liar ticker!

    I'll be out of internet range this weekend but don't think I won't be wishing I could check in! Lets hope I get outside and spend lots of time stomping up and down the hills and burning up lots and lots of calories!
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    down two pounds today...yippie.

    CW: 206.5
    gotta keep on going down!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Pos -- take my advice for what it's worth (I dunno). I think you should start eating some of your exercise calories. Because eating LESS certainly isn't an option and what you're doing isn't working. So why not slowly increase them (add about 50 calories every few days) until you're eating 25% of them and give that a few weeks. If in 3-4 weeks, you're still not seeing results, increase them slowly again to 50% and see how that works for a few weeks, etc. At some point you'll find what makes your body comfortable to start dropping fat again.

    Thanks girl :heart:

    I will eat a fatty meal tomorrow and starting sunday i will gradually add calories..if i exercise i will eat half my ex. calories...i hope this works...or am i doing too much at one time...i don't want to mess up.. should i just eat a fatty meal...wait a couple days and then start increasing my calories slowly?

    Sorry if i am annoying the mess out of you but i am tried of seeing NO loss...

    Thanks so much for all your help. I really, really, really, did i mention, really do appreciate all you have done.:flowerforyou:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I'm going to attempt the "shocking your metabolisim" today! And then tomorrow I am back to my diet! Wish me luck!

    Jess, enjoy every bit of your meal...lol

    Have a nice weekend!!

    it's suppose to be nice this weekend..temp. are going to be around the 50 range...my son hasn't seen the park in quite a while...we ( the family) might spend the day at the park..
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Pos -- take my advice for what it's worth (I dunno). I think you should start eating some of your exercise calories. Because eating LESS certainly isn't an option and what you're doing isn't working. So why not slowly increase them (add about 50 calories every few days) until you're eating 25% of them and give that a few weeks. If in 3-4 weeks, you're still not seeing results, increase them slowly again to 50% and see how that works for a few weeks, etc. At some point you'll find what makes your body comfortable to start dropping fat again.

    Thanks girl :heart:

    I will eat a fatty meal tomorrow and starting sunday i will gradually add calories..if i exercise i will eat half my ex. calories...i hope this works...or am i doing too much at one time...i don't want to mess up.. should i just eat a fatty meal...wait a couple days and then start increasing my calories slowly?

    Sorry if i am annoying the mess out of you but i am tried of seeing NO loss...

    Thanks so much for all your help. I really, really, really, did i mention, really do appreciate all you have done.:flowerforyou:

    I'd say go ahead and eat your fatty meal and then start adding in some of your exercise calories slowly like JLB said. Maybe start with 50 or 100. I'm going to enjoy the heck out of my fatty meal tonight! Roommately bonding time! But I did workout this morning and I might try and do the 30 day shred tonight. Who knows. We will see! We will both see that scale starting to move. I just know it. Try taking your measurements and see if you lose inches before you lose pounds. That happens to me. Just my little 2 cents.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    pos_me - I had the exact problem, and I started increasing my calories until I got to all of my alloted cals plus half of my exercise cals. It took my body about 3 full weeks to adjust, but once it did, I stared losing steadily again.

    Somehow we lost Heather and cds during the pastes, so I put them in.

    awestfall: -1.2 = 0.51%
    bluenote: -1 = 0.23%
    madgoth: -1 = 0.40%
    meokk 0 -1 = 0.49%
    jlb123: -2.4 = 1.12%
    Cris20056 -1.6= 0.7%
    Solandra: 0
    snowflakes: -2.6 = 0.98%
    Positively: NO weight loss i gained 2 pounds
    MariSama: -2.2 = 0.91%
    momma -2.8 = 1.10%
    ColoradoGirl - no lookie!
    Mstahl -1 = .96%
    hajohnson: 0
    cds2327: -2 = .95%
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Well, it finally happened. The kids at school are noticing my weight loss. :bigsmile:
    Today a fourth grader kept looking at me. I asked her what was wrong. She said, "You look different." I said, "I do? How?" She said, "I dunno....you look smaller." I felt great! Then a sixth grader complimented me in the next class and said I look "skinny". LOL Well, 'skinny' was not the exact descriptor for ME, but I knew what she meant! :laugh: It lifted my spirits - I've been sort of down this week.

    check in:
    cals: OK
    water: OK
    exercise: 40 bike + 10 fast bike + arms
    proud: see above! :happy:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Well, it finally happened. The kids at school are noticing my weight loss. :bigsmile:
    Today a fourth grader kept looking at me. I asked her what was wrong. She said, "You look different." I said, "I do? How?" She said, "I dunno....you look smaller." I felt great! Then a sixth grader complimented me in the next class and said I look "skinny". LOL Well, 'skinny' was not the exact descriptor for ME, but I knew what she meant! :laugh: It lifted my spirits - I've been sort of down this week.

    That's so awesome!!!

    Well, my check in for today is pitiful
    Calories: I was at 700 and then there was Mexican food. And I ate ALL of it. :embarassed: I'm talking stuffed poblano, cheese enchilada, beans, rice, and guacamole. :noway: I didn't know I could fit that much in my stomach anymore. :laugh:
    Exercise: nada except cleaning. Which I need to get back to doing.
    Water: I'm around 80oz for now
    Proud: Umm... :tongue: Proud I planned a splurge and had a splurge and it's not a big deal. That's called lifestyle change, not diet. :wink:
    In all reality though, I'm pretty sure I ate under my maintenance calories even with the humongous amount of Mexican food. Because I'd be supremely impressed if my dinner was really over 1600 calories. It was probably along the lines of 1000-1200 so I'm actually still in the weight loss zone. Realizations like that make me wonder how in the world I got out of control enough to ever weigh as much as I did. :huh:

    My best friend is coming down for a visit next weekend! I'm so excited. I've lost 40 pounds since the last time she saw me at the beginning of November. I'm a smaller size than I've pretty much ever been since we've been friends (for 10 years). I told her my size 16s were getting big on me (I own 2 pairs and I can now get out of both of them without unbuttoning them -- I haven't had the gumption to try any 14s yet other than my skirts which do fit). She said "OMG -- you're only a size bigger than me now -- that's INSANE!" She always told me she never thought of me as a big fat fatty (did I mention she's my *best* friend? :laugh:) and she would always use words like "solid" to describe me saying she thought I was more muscular than most people and that she never ever would be able to guess how much I weighed. :tongue: I still weigh a good 30-40 pounds more than her and she's 3-4" taller than me, so if we're only a size apart, that really is kind of insane. Makes me think my 150 goal may actually be too low, but I'll adjust it later if I need to. Hard to guess a realistic goal when you don't know your body fat percentage and you've never been smaller than you are now.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm right there with you JLB. I enjoyed the heck out of my Mexican food tonight! It was FANTASTIC! LOL I have no idea where my calories are because there is no nutrition for Cantina laredo. I did share dinner with my roommate so hopefully it's not THAT bad but I will check in for the rest

    Water-14 glasses
    Exercise-Biggest Lower Last Chance Workout Upper and Lower Body Sculpt
    Proud-My roommate asked me if I bought new jeans because I looked skinner in them. Told her no they just fit better! YAY!! We may be roommates but we hardly ever see each other.

    That's so great JLB That you get to see your best friend. I'm sure she will be shocked when she sees you! Its funny how they can be so kind to you when you are bigger. That's what friends are for. My best friend look back at pictures of us and ask why we let each other get so fat. We laugh about it now. I've always been bigger then her as well. Before you know it you will be in those size 14's! Congrats! :drinker:

    Bluenote-It's always great to hear from other people that you look smaller. Especially kids. They usually aren't so kind! Great job!
  • tiger12gal
    tiger12gal Posts: 68 Member
    awestfall: -1.2 = 0.51%
    bluenote: -1 = 0.23%
    madgoth: -1 = 0.40%
    meokk 0 -1 = 0.49%
    jlb123: -2.4 = 1.12%
    Cris20056 -1.6= 0.7%
    Solandra: 0
    snowflakes: -2.6 = 0.98%
    Positively: NO weight loss i gained 2 pounds
    MariSama: -2.2 = 0.91%
    momma -2.8 = 1.10%
    ColoradoGirl - no lookie!
    Mstahl -1 = .96%
    hajohnson: 0
    cds2327: -2 = .95%
    Tiger12gal: -1.2 = .60%

    Hey everyone! I kinda missed this whole week with posts.. :ohwell: It has been crazy at home. William turned 5 on Wednesday! :happy: Im not sure when he got so big.. it kinda makes me sad. I can still remember when I got him when he was 2.5. His party is this Sunday! Im hoping the majority of his cake will be gone at the party.. the less I bring home.. the less I will eat! I have been having sinus problems which means I am doped up and still getting no sleep, I finally feel better this evening so I hope it goes away soon.

    I am really surprised that I have lost this week. My water intake has really been crappy. I have done ok on my calorie intake but still no exercise. I totally forgot about the sit-up challenge.. I guess I will start that this Monday.

    The wedding stuff is about done. We have everything to make the table decorations.. which me and the girls in my office will be doing that this coming week. The bouquets are getting put together. Food and Cake is ordered. Im taking my boys to get fitted for the tux tomorrow. Pictures are set up.. and I will be doing bridal pics soon if the weather allows us to. The only thing that is not completely figured out is the music... I am either getting an old friend from high school to do it or his uncle is going to do it...

    I hope everyone had a wonderful week. Im sorry I missed a whole weeks worth of posts but I promise I will try to keep up next week!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    check in for today
    calories - a little under, eating most of my exercise cals
    exercise - 30 day shred
    water - 12 - I'm getting used to being hydrated now.
    proud that I ate dinner early tonight, finished by 7pm
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Holy freakin' moly -- Am I the biggest loser this week? From plateau to biggest loser? :bigsmile:

    I'll think of a brilliant challenge (ha) and post tomorrow. I'm dead tired and have a photoshoot at 7am (yeah, that's 6 hours from now that I have to be on location 30 minutes away... :grumble:).
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    hi girls- so I've been in bed since Friday...I still feel awful. My thorat hurts so bad I havent eaten much. Not in a good way! I am starving but it hurts so much to swallow :embarassed:

    So congrats to JLB our biggest loser and I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I went to buy new running shoes and Old Navy was next door so I went to browse the clearance racks for pants that fit. I found nothing on clearance, but decided to try on a couple pairs of pants. I have 2 pairs of 16s that I've been wearing that have gotten pretty big on me so I wanted to try on a 14 & I also took a 12 into the fitting room just for.. um.. fun (torture?).

    14s fit -- I almost bought them until I realized they were $30 and I'd be too small for them in a couple months. So, I dared to try on the 12s. Now, keep in mind that 6 months ago, I couldn't get my fat butt into the pair of size 20 pants I took into the dressing room (yes -- total emotional breakdown in the fitting room that day). Like, they were not even CLOSE to fitting. I couldn't even come close to buttoning them or even getting them all the way up over my hips. It was *bad.*

    Today, for the first time in my life at this height, I pulled on a pair of size 12s. I got them over my thighs, then over my hips, then I zipped them... THEN I BUTTONED THEM! :noway: Don't get me wrong, they were absolutely grotesque and I in no way would claim to be a size 12, I'm still happily claiming size 14/16 right now, but I could not believe that I got them on at all. Seriously. I'm still in shock!
    They were so tight that this picture is nearly disturbing, I'm warning you:

    But still -- SIZE FREAKING 12!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    hi girls- so I've been in bed since Friday...I still feel awful. My thorat hurts so bad I havent eaten much. Not in a good way! I am starving but it hurts so much to swallow :embarassed:

    So congrats to JLB our biggest loser and I hope everyone is having a great weekend.


    Hope you get to feeling better girl! Rest up!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I went to buy new running shoes and Old Navy was next door so I went to browse the clearance racks for pants that fit. I found nothing on clearance, but decided to try on a couple pairs of pants. I have 2 pairs of 16s that I've been wearing that have gotten pretty big on me so I wanted to try on a 14 & I also took a 12 into the fitting room just for.. um.. fun (torture?).

    14s fit -- I almost bought them until I realized they were $30 and I'd be too small for them in a couple months. So, I dared to try on the 12s. Now, keep in mind that 6 months ago, I couldn't get my fat butt into the pair of size 20 pants I took into the dressing room (yes -- total emotional breakdown in the fitting room that day). Like, they were not even CLOSE to fitting. I couldn't even come close to buttoning them or even getting them all the way up over my hips. It was *bad.*

    Today, for the first time in my life at this height, I pulled on a pair of size 12s. I got them over my thighs, then over my hips, then I zipped them... THEN I BUTTONED THEM! :noway: Don't get me wrong, they were absolutely grotesque and I in no way would claim to be a size 12, I'm still happily claiming size 14/16 right now, but I could not believe that I got them on at all. Seriously. I'm still in shock!
    They were so tight that this picture is nearly disturbing, I'm warning you:

    But still -- SIZE FREAKING 12!!!

    That is so awesome!!! Congrats!! You have worked your butt off for that! They will fit in no time!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    cris - I am praying for your recovery. I started with the sore throat and ended up with strep. I hope you don't go that route! :flowerforyou:
    Julie, Julie, Julie!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO on those pants! They will be perfect in no time! You have come so far and are such an inspiration to me!!! Way to go! And wow, you have beautiful long hair! LOL (oh I had to say your name three times because I think Julie is such a pretty name!)

    I had a very long rehearsal and performance with my 5th graders today. It started at 8am and ended at 4:30pm. Ooofta. NO ONE in their right mind should spend an entire Saturday with that many 11-yr-olds!!! I am exhausted!

    check in:
    calories: still need protein and carbs. I am always low on those, but always go over sodium so I never know what to eat! Another post suggested eggs and raw almonds. Any other suggestions?
    water: way over! LONG, dry day!!!
    exercise: I did a LOT of walking at the rehearsal/performance, plus I am about to do 40 on the bike (if my muscles can handle it - I am sore!)
    proud: every year we have this concert at the high school, and every year I dread walking to the hub because it is soooo far from where I park and up a billion stairs. I normally have always found little resting points along the way. The first resting point is by the picnic tables. I always sit and catch my breath there. The next stop is after the major stair climb. I stop at the top and act like I am talking on my cell phone just to catch my breath and try to get air! Well.......... today........... I DIDN'T STOP ONCE!!! I just kept climbing and walking, and I didn't really realize it until I got to the picnic benches and this weird panic came over me. I passed them by and realized, WOW, I don't need to sit. Then after the billion stairs I kept going to the hub! Now, I was a little winded when I got to the hub, but NOTHING LIKE MY CORONARY I've had the last nine years I've walked that path! I am so excited!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Cris -- I hope you feel better soon! Being sick is the pits.

    Bluenote -- you're right, noone should spend that much time with that many kids! :laugh: I spent 7am-1pm with them today and even that was way way way too long (especially on 4 hours of sleep... on that note, I just woke up from a 4 hour "nap" ready to go... unfortunately it's 1am :laugh:). I am SO EXCITED for you that you were able to walk so far and up so many stairs! That's amazing! You have come so far and I'm so proud of you. :smile:

    I *think* I've found the source of my hives. I bought a new blanket a little over a month ago. I never washed it, just put it on the bed. I pulled it off the bed and took it to the couch for my nap and woke up with hives. So, it's either something on the blanket or it's the heat created by the blanket triggering them but the cause is actually different. I will wash the blanket & we'll find out, I guess. I'm glad because I had thought it was the skin firming lotion I started using 2 weeks ago. I stopped using it a couple days ago and didn't get any hives last night. But I didn't use it today and got them today so looks like it's unrelated.

    Calories: 1382
    Exercise: Way too tired. I worked outside with kids all morning (pretty physical job) and walked around stores & went to 3 stores in a strip mall without driving around and finding different parking spaces like I TOTALLY would've done before.
    Water: pitiful. Though I did discover I like plain carbonated water and I think one day I'll be able to replace like 90% of my soda with it!
    Proud: Well, squeezing (yes, squeezing) myself into size 12s. 12 is an insane size. Best friend is a size 12 and I would never ever consider her fat. I'm only 1 size bigger, so, can I really continue to consider myself so ridiculously fat? I hope my brain catches up with my body one day.