Good Book series?



  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    Pillars of the Earth series by Ken Follett

    Pillars of the Earth (1989)
    World Without End (2007)
    3rd book hasn't been released yet

    Don't do 50 Shades... I'm on book 2 now and it's ridiculously boring.

    Is he writing a 3rd book in the Pillars series? I would be so excited, those are two of my favorite books of all time!
  • MarthaAnn8186
    MarthaAnn8186 Posts: 84 Member
    Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris. Lots of fun.
  • Ifly4free
    Ifly4free Posts: 203 Member
    I'm reading a free book written by Stephanie Bond called "stop the wedding". It's free for Amazon Prime members. Her books are similar to Janet Evanovich and I've read all of hers. Romantic comedies, easy read for a vacation in the sun!
    Have a great Trip!!!
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    Millenium Trilogy by Stieg Larsson
    The Dark Tower Series by Stephen King
    Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins
    The Passage Trilogy by Justin Cronin (2 of 3 released)
    Otherland by Tad Williams
    The Talisman and Black House by Stephen King and Peter Straub

    I was just about to say, "I can't BELIEVE no one mentioned Stephen King's Dark Tower series!!!" I'm reading the seventh one right now. And planning a sleeve based on the books (can you say HUUUGE King fan?). The Talisman is also one of my ultimate favorites by him. <3

    Another fantastic series is the Odd Thomas books by Dean Koontz. I've only read up to about halfway through the second book, but they're great. About a young guy who can see ghosts and tries to help them n stuffs.

    Also....50 Shades of for people who hate literature. The "author" wrote part of it on her Blackberry, for Jim's sake!! Repetitive descriptions and hollow substance do not make for a good book, in my humble opinion...

    It was mentioned twice before that. First thing I thought of when I read te topic. :)

    I am downloading Songs of Susannah tonight. I read the first 5 over the years and just re-read them. Love it. Also a huge King fan.
    And totally agree on the comments on 50 Shades.

    ETA - it's funny everyone is suggesting the Percy book. I bought it for my nephew for Christmas. Guess I'll have to check it out. Although, when I bought my niece The Chronicles of Narnia I read them as well.

    I normally like young adult books but the Percy books were just too young for me. I couldn't get into them. I loved Harry Potter, The divergent series, and Hunger Games though.

    I'm going to have to check out the Dark Tower books.
  • carolemack
    carolemack Posts: 1,276 Member
    Some of my favourites:

    Lee Child - Reacher series (I've got my whole family hooked on these right now)

    James Patterson - Alex Cross series

    Patricia Cornwell - Scarpetta series

    Also, for very light, fluffy reading I enjoy anything by Danielle Steel.
  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
    alot of ppl will tell you not to read 50 shades and some will tell you to read it. i feel that you should decide for yourself if you want to or not. i read all 3 in 5 days and loved them. i got to the point where i just skipped over all the smut as i came across it.

    here are a few others i have read (after reading twilight i read alot to do with vampires, the supernatural in one form or another)

    Rachel Caine: Morganville vampire series
    Daniel Waters: generation dead
    PC and Kristin Cast: House of night
    Melissa De La Cruz: Blue Bloods series
    Heather Brewer: the Chronicles of Vladimir Tod
    Marlene Perez: Dead is series
    Stacet Kade: A ghost and the goth series
    Emma Knight: Vampire legends series
    Kami Garcia: Beautiful Creatures (this one is going to be a movie released in february)
    Jessica Sorensen: fallen star and fallen souls series

    hope some of these will help
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member

    It was mentioned twice before that. First thing I thought of when I read te topic. :)

    I am downloading Songs of Susannah tonight. I read the first 5 over the years and just re-read them. Love it. Also a huge King fan.
    And totally agree on the comments on 50 Shades.

    ETA - it's funny everyone is suggesting the Percy book. I bought it for my nephew for Christmas. Guess I'll have to check it out. Although, when I bought my niece The Chronicles of Narnia I read them as well.

    I normally like young adult books but the Percy books were just too young for me. I couldn't get into them. I loved Harry Potter, The divergent series, and Hunger Games though.

    I'm going to have to check out the Dark Tower books.

    Lol, I bought the first book on the Divergence series for my cousin, but she already read it so left it here. I just have a few books to read before I start it. Long reading list between finishing DT series, Song of Fire and Ice and now I feel I have to read (or re-read, I'm sure I've read it but can't remember) 'Salem's Lot (it played into DT V)

    Yes, I like giving books as gifts. :)
    Every child's present I give has a book with it. Then I buy for people I know like to read.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    The Hunger Games


    The Dark Tower - Stephen King (7 books, I believe, and is not horror, but rather fantasy/western)


    Harry Potter (if you have not read them and are not put off by the fact they were meant to be childrens books).

    Trudy Canavan are also good series, if you like fantasy.

    Edit- Just saw someone else mentioned the Dark Tower series. Cool.
  • Nana920
    Nana920 Posts: 51 Member
    Bump....lots of good books listed here. Gonna load on my kindle!
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    Ohh Thanks for the suggestions everyone! Got my Kindle last night in the mail, and am loving it! I am actually starting with Harry Potter because I somehow made it these past 10 years or however long it's been popular without ever reading the books or seeing the movies? Plus it was free with my free trial of Amazon Prime, which was the real reason. lol. But I think I'll definately put the "one for the money" and "outlander" series on next since they seemed to be recommended several times!

    I already read the 50 shades, hunger games, twilight, Chronicles of Narnia, and Left Behind series... I thought 50 shades was Meh... Twilight books were pretty good... LOVED Hunger Games, in fact I'm now slightly obsessed with Josh Hutcherson. lol. Loved Chronicles of Narnia and Left Behind too!
  • blytheandbonnie
    blytheandbonnie Posts: 3,275 Member
    If you like fantasy, the Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson is really good. Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini is good so far. I'm reading Inheritance next. Or maybe I'll read them all again from the beginning.... it's been a long wait since I finished Brisingr, with many books in between.
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    Pillars of the Earth series by Ken Follett

    Pillars of the Earth (1989)
    World Without End (2007)
    3rd book hasn't been released yet

    Don't do 50 Shades... I'm on book 2 now and it's ridiculously boring.

    Is he writing a 3rd book in the Pillars series? I would be so excited, those are two of my favorite books of all time!

    That's what his website says... although since it took nearly 20 years between the first two, I wouldn't hold your breath.
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    alot of ppl will tell you not to read 50 shades and some will tell you to read it. i feel that you should decide for yourself if you want to or not. i read all 3 in 5 days and loved them. i got to the point where i just skipped over all the smut as i came across it.

    here are a few others i have read (after reading twilight i read alot to do with vampires, the supernatural in one form or another)

    Rachel Caine: Morganville vampire series
    Daniel Waters: generation dead
    PC and Kristin Cast: House of night
    Melissa De La Cruz: Blue Bloods series
    Heather Brewer: the Chronicles of Vladimir Tod
    Marlene Perez: Dead is series
    Stacet Kade: A ghost and the goth series
    Emma Knight: Vampire legends series
    Kami Garcia: Beautiful Creatures (this one is going to be a movie released in february)
    Jessica Sorensen: fallen star and fallen souls series

    hope some of these will help

    So you read all 10 pages in each 50 Shades book that wasn't smutty fluff? :laugh:

    I'm in the 2nd book now and was literally stunned into disbelief when the author took more time to describe an iTunes playlist than the pinnacle of emotion for one of the main characters. I had to stop reading I was so angry about it. :mad: :grumble:
  • Muldactus
    Muldactus Posts: 6,972 Member
    alot of ppl will tell you not to read 50 shades and some will tell you to read it. i feel that you should decide for yourself if you want to or not. i read all 3 in 5 days and loved them. i got to the point where i just skipped over all the smut as i came across it.

    here are a few others i have read (after reading twilight i read alot to do with vampires, the supernatural in one form or another)

    Rachel Caine: Morganville vampire series
    Daniel Waters: generation dead
    PC and Kristin Cast: House of night
    Melissa De La Cruz: Blue Bloods series
    Heather Brewer: the Chronicles of Vladimir Tod
    Marlene Perez: Dead is series
    Stacet Kade: A ghost and the goth series
    Emma Knight: Vampire legends series
    Kami Garcia: Beautiful Creatures (this one is going to be a movie released in february)
    Jessica Sorensen: fallen star and fallen souls series

    hope some of these will help

    So you read all 10 pages in each 50 Shades book that wasn't smutty fluff? :laugh:

    I'm in the 2nd book now and was literally stunned into disbelief when the author took more time to describe an iTunes playlist than the pinnacle of emotion for one of the main characters. I had to stop reading I was so angry about it. :mad: :grumble:

    Angry or disappointed? ;)
  • committed120
    any books by Julie James. They are fun and kept me laughing.

    Just the Sexiest Man Alive
    Practice Makes Perfect
    Something About You
    A Lot Like Love
    About That Night

    Also, Sweet Talk by Julie Garwood.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    50 Shades of Grey.
    AHHHHH...If I'd read this on a cruise, my nook would be at the bottom of the ocean!

    I second the Janet Evanovich Stephanie Plum series...they're fun and light reads...perfect for vacation.

    I also really like Michael Connelly (the Lincoln Lawyer ones are good, but if you go back to the beginning with his Harry Bosch character, they're all really good reads).

    OH...and its not a series, but if you like biographies, get "I am Ozzy" (Ozzy Osbourne)...its the funniest damned book I ever read, and everyone who borrowed it from me since then has said the same thing!
  • katrwal
    katrwal Posts: 336 Member
    alot of ppl will tell you not to read 50 shades and some will tell you to read it. i feel that you should decide for yourself if you want to or not. i read all 3 in 5 days and loved them. i got to the point where i just skipped over all the smut as i came across it.

    here are a few others i have read (after reading twilight i read alot to do with vampires, the supernatural in one form or another)

    Rachel Caine: Morganville vampire series
    Daniel Waters: generation dead
    PC and Kristin Cast: House of night
    Melissa De La Cruz: Blue Bloods series
    Heather Brewer: the Chronicles of Vladimir Tod
    Marlene Perez: Dead is series
    Stacet Kade: A ghost and the goth series
    Emma Knight: Vampire legends series
    Kami Garcia: Beautiful Creatures (this one is going to be a movie released in february)
    Jessica Sorensen: fallen star and fallen souls series

    hope some of these will help

    So you read all 10 pages in each 50 Shades book that wasn't smutty fluff? :laugh:

    I'm in the 2nd book now and was literally stunned into disbelief when the author took more time to describe an iTunes playlist than the pinnacle of emotion for one of the main characters. I had to stop reading I was so angry about it. :mad: :grumble:

    Mel - how many calories can i burn for doing the "told-you-so" dance at you? :drinker:
  • cornicob99
    harry potter
    anne of green gables
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    alot of ppl will tell you not to read 50 shades and some will tell you to read it. i feel that you should decide for yourself if you want to or not. i read all 3 in 5 days and loved them. i got to the point where i just skipped over all the smut as i came across it.

    here are a few others i have read (after reading twilight i read alot to do with vampires, the supernatural in one form or another)

    Rachel Caine: Morganville vampire series
    Daniel Waters: generation dead
    PC and Kristin Cast: House of night
    Melissa De La Cruz: Blue Bloods series
    Heather Brewer: the Chronicles of Vladimir Tod
    Marlene Perez: Dead is series
    Stacet Kade: A ghost and the goth series
    Emma Knight: Vampire legends series
    Kami Garcia: Beautiful Creatures (this one is going to be a movie released in february)
    Jessica Sorensen: fallen star and fallen souls series

    hope some of these will help

    So you read all 10 pages in each 50 Shades book that wasn't smutty fluff? :laugh:

    I'm in the 2nd book now and was literally stunned into disbelief when the author took more time to describe an iTunes playlist than the pinnacle of emotion for one of the main characters. I had to stop reading I was so angry about it. :mad: :grumble:

    Angry or disappointed? ;)

    Angry. I literally had to stop myself from throwing the book across the room. I had already come to expect the book to be disappointing on many other levels.
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    alot of ppl will tell you not to read 50 shades and some will tell you to read it. i feel that you should decide for yourself if you want to or not. i read all 3 in 5 days and loved them. i got to the point where i just skipped over all the smut as i came across it.

    here are a few others i have read (after reading twilight i read alot to do with vampires, the supernatural in one form or another)

    Rachel Caine: Morganville vampire series
    Daniel Waters: generation dead
    PC and Kristin Cast: House of night
    Melissa De La Cruz: Blue Bloods series
    Heather Brewer: the Chronicles of Vladimir Tod
    Marlene Perez: Dead is series
    Stacet Kade: A ghost and the goth series
    Emma Knight: Vampire legends series
    Kami Garcia: Beautiful Creatures (this one is going to be a movie released in february)
    Jessica Sorensen: fallen star and fallen souls series

    hope some of these will help

    So you read all 10 pages in each 50 Shades book that wasn't smutty fluff? :laugh:

    I'm in the 2nd book now and was literally stunned into disbelief when the author took more time to describe an iTunes playlist than the pinnacle of emotion for one of the main characters. I had to stop reading I was so angry about it. :mad: :grumble:

    Mel - how many calories can i burn for doing the "told-you-so" dance at you? :drinker:

    :laugh: I think the "told-you-so" dance probably burns 2x the calories of regular dancing. :wink: