What annoys you about others at the gym?



  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Now that I've switched gyms, my pet peeves have gone down a bit.. but the one that gets me at my new gym, is people on the track upstairs.

    There is a sign that clearly says slower traffic stay to the inside while faster traffic stay to the outside.While I'm running around the track I have all these people walking in the outside lanes and messing up my stride because I constantly have to speed up/slow down and go around them.

    Also had one speed walker following me around the track today and no matter which lane I was in, he was right behind me.. Creeped me out a bit!
  • jujulamb
    jujulamb Posts: 195
    Now that I've switched gyms, my pet peeves have gone down a bit.. but the one that gets me at my new gym, is people on the track upstairs.

    There is a sign that clearly says slower traffic stay to the inside while faster traffic stay to the outside.While I'm running around the track I have all these people walking in the outside lanes and messing up my stride because I constantly have to speed up/slow down and go around them.

    Also had one speed walker following me around the track today and no matter which lane I was in, he was right behind me.. Creeped me out a bit!
  • reasnableblonde
    reasnableblonde Posts: 212 Member
    When i was going to the gym this group of teenage girls(13-15)would come and talk to my trainer(40) WHILE he was training me, it wasnt just a "hello" or "talk to you later" they would get in conversation with him, i mean come on, im here lifting my *kitten* off and they are chatting away, other than that i hated when guys would lifts heavy stuff and then just let them fall hard on the ground, i understand those are very heavy and they get tired, but i just hate very loud noises.

    An older gentleman does that to my trainer. I swear, he has a old-man-crush on my 27 year old trainer. He's always seeking us out, watching me lift, then starting conversations with my trainer while I'm on the clock. My trainer does a nice job of being polite and trying to brush the guy off, but he doesn't get the point. I'm sure eventually I'll snap and tell the guy to go away. Especially when I'm knee-deep in deadlifts and hating life.
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    People who post on websites complaining about me blowdrying my balls in the locker room.

    I dont have a big problem with that; what gets me is when you do your ^zz and it whistles like a fog horn! Geez man, pucker up a little, huh?
  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505
    My pet peeve is getting in my way while I am working out. Men are usually the guilty ones. The gym is not a pickup zone for me.

    Also, people who leave the TV on, and don't wipe down equipment.

    Otherwise, I simply don't care what others are doing, I don't care how much makeup they wear, how they dress, etc. Just stay out of my way and let me do my thing while you do yours.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    Well, we got fed up with the increase in fees every year and the increased number of memberships and going in and never being able to get a machine or get into a class, so we have an awesome in home gym...so I no longer have to worry about it.

    That being said, when I DID go to the gym, there were always the gym barbies, that came all dressed up, hair perfect, make up perfect and they would take up machines, but not actually work out on them...they would just preen at themselves in the mirrors and take up space...mostly get in peoples ways while posing for themselves in the mirrors....very annoying.

    My husband said he disliked mostly, the naked men (young, old, fat, skinny...you name it) who would go to the water fountain and sink naked and let their neck and giblets into the fountain and on the counter. I think that was really what spurred the, "we're not renewing our membership".
  • KSwatek
    KSwatek Posts: 222 Member
    You ready for this?

    I have a guy who smells like...rotten ketchup as he sweats. And when I say he sweats, I actually mean that he has a built in sprinkler system underneath his hoodie. So, not only does he smell like rotting ketchup as he sweats, but because he layers at the gym, it festers.

    Festering, rotten ketchup. All up on my treadmills.

    Yep. Chew on that for a hot second, my friends.
    lmao ew
    Right? And his is there EVERY damn time I go in there. I've even switched times. No avail.
  • jujulamb
    jujulamb Posts: 195
    When i was going to the gym this group of teenage girls(13-15)would come and talk to my trainer(40) WHILE he was training me, it wasnt just a "hello" or "talk to you later" they would get in conversation with him, i mean come on, im here lifting my *kitten* off and they are chatting away, other than that i hated when guys would lifts heavy stuff and then just let them fall hard on the ground, i understand those are very heavy and they get tired, but i just hate very loud noises.

    An older gentleman does that to my trainer. I swear, he has a old-man-crush on my 27 year old trainer. He's always seeking us out, watching me lift, then starting conversations with my trainer while I'm on the clock. My trainer does a nice job of being polite and trying to brush the guy off, but he doesn't get the point. I'm sure eventually I'll snap and tell the guy to go away. Especially when I'm knee-deep in deadlifts and hating life.
    Yes thats definately annoying
  • jujulamb
    jujulamb Posts: 195
    You ready for this?

    I have a guy who smells like...rotten ketchup as he sweats. And when I say he sweats, I actually mean that he has a built in sprinkler system underneath his hoodie. So, not only does he smell like rotting ketchup as he sweats, but because he layers at the gym, it festers.

    Festering, rotten ketchup. All up on my treadmills.

    Yep. Chew on that for a hot second, my friends.
    lmao ew
    Right? And his is there EVERY damn time I go in there. I've even switched times. No avail.
    Makes you never want ketsup again
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    Not enough women showing more skin around the elliptical........Yeh yeh....I'm happily married but, here is my point. I want my heart rate increased quicker when I start so I know I'm burning optimal calories. I'm thinking more women showing more skin around the elliptical could improve that. :smokin:
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Curls in the squat rack.
  • whitneyps7
    whitneyps7 Posts: 409 Member
    When chicks spend their workouts on their cellphones. It's different if it's also your mp3 player and it's just sitting there. But theres a group of girls at my gym who flock around each other to take pictures on the ellipticals and near the weights.... -_-

    how annoying!!! like hey look at me im gna pick this 100lb weight up.....hahah ya right!
  • ACepero79
    ACepero79 Posts: 711 Member
    I'm annoyed by the lack of yoga pants at my gym!

    More yoga pants! Preferably worn without intimates.
  • abrahamsitososa
    abrahamsitososa Posts: 716 Member
    People that are just there to chit chat like its a hangout spot.
  • gym_king_carlie
    gym_king_carlie Posts: 528 Member
    Just people in the way really, I dislike when I see 'fitter' people mocking any newbies, we all started the gym for the first time and likely for the same reasons at one point.
  • Mama_Mila
    Mama_Mila Posts: 511 Member
    When people leave their nasty sweat on everything :grumble: it's just NAST
  • userpaul
    userpaul Posts: 8 Member
    Overweight people...it's so gross
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    There is a guy at my gym that goes hell for leather on the bike and sweats like no one else. I don't care that he sweats, but I do care that he leave a visible puddle of sweat around the bike and doesn't clean up after himself.

    Also, this wasn't annoying but odd. There was a girl in the locker room today drying her hair wearing a see through baby doll nightie over her underwear - why?
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
    Overweight people...it's so gross

  • adockins1
    The moms who don't use the daycare at the gym, but instead think it its OK to let their children run and scream around, on, under the cardio machines... without ever once effectively fixing the situation.
    I had a situation where a boy of about 5-ish was on a treadmill next to me, screaming "MOM, MOM, MOM...Look MOM!" and jumping, running, etc. on, off, around, back on the running treadmill... his mother was on the elliptical machine behind him and said nothing for 20 minutes before I finally said, "Kid, use it right!"
    Well, he quieted for a minute before starting up again, thankfully, his mother (5 minutes later) finally got off the elliptical and left. Got the stink-eye from her for over a year after that, but I'm OK with it. Seriously, it is not my job at the gym to parent your children when you are too selfish to keep them safe and be courteous to others there.

    Leaving your nasty body fluids on the machine is a bother too. Honestly, NO ONE wants your sloppy seconds!