What annoys you about others at the gym?



  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    I'm so annoyed when these two hot women are doing squats at the rack with good form. One of them has exceptional legs and butt, you can tell she really works on it and takes the workout seriously. Then she has the nerve to parade around wearing skin tight leotards to show off her curves. She looks to be about 25 I would guess!

    * Replace the word 'annoyed' with 'grateful'. :happy:
  • kblu0816
    kblu0816 Posts: 1,627 Member
    I'm loving my new gym but there are a few people who annoy me:

    1. The person who doesn't wipe their sweat off the machine.

    2. The person who has no clue how to use the machine and won't take the advice of someone else. I tried telling this lady she was doing it all wrong and was going to injure herself, she just ignored me. Oh well. I know I'm not an employee but that move is going to end badly for you.

    3. One word...deodorant!!!
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    There is a guy at my gym that goes hell for leather on the bike and sweats like no one else. I don't care that he sweats, but I do care that he leave a visible puddle of sweat around the bike and doesn't clean up after himself.

    Also, this wasn't annoying but odd. There was a girl in the locker room today drying her hair wearing a see through baby doll nightie over her underwear - why?

    ^^^ see...this is what I'm talking about. baby doll nightie over underwear....that will definitely jump start my heart rate on the elliptical....just sayin
  • kblu0816
    kblu0816 Posts: 1,627 Member
    The moms who don't use the daycare at the gym, but instead think it its OK to let their children run and scream around, on, under the cardio machines... without ever once effectively fixing the situation.
    I had a situation where a boy of about 5-ish was on a treadmill next to me, screaming "MOM, MOM, MOM...Look MOM!" and jumping, running, etc. on, off, around, back on the running treadmill... his mother was on the elliptical machine behind him and said nothing for 20 minutes before I finally said, "Kid, use it right!"
    Well, he quieted for a minute before starting up again, thankfully, his mother (5 minutes later) finally got off the elliptical and left. Got the stink-eye from her for over a year after that, but I'm OK with it. Seriously, it is not my job at the gym to parent your children when you are too selfish to keep them safe and be courteous to others there.

    Leaving your nasty body fluids on the machine is a bother too. Honestly, NO ONE wants your sloppy seconds!

    ^This times 10 at my old gym. GRanted it was an apartment complex gym so anyone could go in as long as they had the code. So these kids would come in and just goof off. I finally said something to management but man it was annoying for them to be breaking and sometimes stealing equipment while I'm trying to actually workout
  • BeautifulArtemis
    BeautifulArtemis Posts: 641 Member
    When the old guys are standing at the sink, drying their balls with the gym supplied hair dryers...

    ^^^ This or banging their balls against the scale post ...eww

    True story! Lifetime gym girls locker room. Woman in mid-fifty's blow drying her cooter while sitting in a chair. She wasn't hot either. GAG!
  • islandbeauty81
    islandbeauty81 Posts: 133 Member
    When someone stops me during my workout and ask me to take a picture of them on a machine.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    girls that wear makeup

    Seriously?? Why the hell would that bother YOU? It doesn't affect your work out in any way whatsoever. People come to the gym straight from work etc etc, places that require you to look presentable. Should they make sure they remove all their makeup before working out so not to annoy people like you. Hmphhhhh.

    lol it bothers me. I didnt say id go over and scream at them. ps whats the title of this thread again?

    Tip: Work harder, notice less.

    Tip: Don't be so self-righteous

    Lol I'm not the one whining about girls wearing makeup to the gym!! I can honestly understand not racking weights, smelly people etc but make up. It's just kinda wierd. Sorry I don't agree with your dislike but it hardly makes me self-righteous. I just think if you worked out and ignored other people you might be less annoyed by make up wearing girls! Just a though.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    girls that wear makeup

    Seriously?? Why the hell would that bother YOU? It doesn't affect your work out in any way whatsoever. People come to the gym straight from work etc etc, places that require you to look presentable. Should they make sure they remove all their makeup before working out so not to annoy people like you. Hmphhhhh.

    lol it bothers me. I didnt say id go over and scream at them. ps whats the title of this thread again?

    Tip: Work harder, notice less.

    Tip: Don't be so self-righteous

    This is the second time in this thread you've used that term. I don't think it means what you think it does.
  • Lambeze
    Lambeze Posts: 237
    I dont like Booty Gazers. They like to sit on the stuff I need to use and look mad while staring at a chick hoping not to get caught. Looser get your *kitten* up before I make you move.
  • AmyBecky74
    AmyBecky74 Posts: 437 Member
    When people are on their cell phones. To say I hate it is an understatement.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    All the old guys in the locker room do this. They walk around naked, and stop and talk to someone they know, they put one leg up on the bench and just stand there and chat for a while. It's just so ew!
  • ohh_myy_quad
    ohh_myy_quad Posts: 43 Member
    Haven't been to one recently because I have my equipment to lift at home. But in response to the comment about hating girls who wear makeup...pfft, that's kinda silly. I wear makeup whilst working out, not because I apply it specifically before doing so, but because it is already on from "my day." If I choose to wear makeup before going to the pharmacy, gas station, or wherever, it has nothing to do with my self-esteem nor health or fitness...it simply means I put it on because I WANT TO. I can understand getting irritated with dirty/sweaty machines, people hogging the equipment, or simply at the gym to take up space and nothing more....but don't hate on a chick simply because she wants to wear cosmetics. Some things shouldn't be "read into" too deeply. Happy 2013, everyone!
  • shrekk218
    The people that say don't curl in the squat rack.
  • ACepero79
    ACepero79 Posts: 711 Member
    I don't like the dudes that come into the locker room, collecting pubes from the floor, and making hair dolls out of them. And then they have the audacity to try and sell the dolls to you!
  • FitbeTMF
    FitbeTMF Posts: 251
    I love to hate at the gym. Cute fit girls push me to work harder. That said, I hate the Creepy Stare-ers. Ugly guys who, even if I was single, wouldn't have a chance.
  • aszwarc
    aszwarc Posts: 200 Member
    The person who parks themself on the one bench in the section of the locker room where my locker is, taking up the entire bench with their stuff, and they're just sitting there tapping away on their cell phone. Phone use is better there than on the gym floor (unless I catch you taking a picture, then all bets are off), but must you take up the ENTIRE bench, so nobody else can set their stuff out or sit to remove shoes?
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    girls that wear makeup

    I go to the gym straight from work, so I have my makeup on. I don't feel the need to wash my face before working out. It's not like I get dolled up to go to the gym. Maybe the other girl's you are seeing are in a similar situation? (Sidenote, I don't wear a ton of makeup but do have concealer, eyeliner and mascara on).
  • jujulamb
    jujulamb Posts: 195
    Overweight people...it's so gross

    Yeah the overweight people was a mean comment
  • FitbeTMF
    FitbeTMF Posts: 251
    girls that wear makeup

    I go to the gym straight from work, so I have my makeup on. I don't feel the need to wash my face before working out. It's not like I get dolled up to go to the gym. Maybe the other girl's you are seeing are in a similar situation? (Sidenote, I don't wear a ton of makeup but do have concealer, eyeliner and mascara on).

    Samesies. I apply makeup as part of my morning routine. I go to the gym later in the day. Ergo, I show up to the gym with makeup on
  • brett1117
    brett1117 Posts: 208
    People who carry a GALLON jug of water!!! OMG you don't need 128 ounces of frickin water!! SO ANNOYING