Does anyone else loath running?



  • Reeny1_8
    Reeny1_8 Posts: 277
    Don't like it and my knees at this point can't take it. I do like getting on my bike though :)
  • funsiiz
    funsiiz Posts: 246 Member
    There is an elliptical at my gym that has the same motion as running but no impact on back, neck and knees...high calories burner with no pain on joints.Why run if you don't have to :tongue:
  • lorcart
    lorcart Posts: 406 Member
    Yep! Hate it with a passion! I've tried to like it, I've done the C25K, tried to get past it..HATE IT!!!! I have no use for it unless I'm being chased by something scary. Running is a survival move, not something to do for fun! lol Even when I was much younger and in fantastic shape..I HATED IT! At some point in my wise old age I realized "hey, you don't HAVE to do it!" now I've given up trying to like it and work hard at things I do like.
  • deedah1216
    deedah1216 Posts: 16 Member
    I used to hate running. I've always said the only time you would ever see me run is if my family were in a burning building and I was running in to rescue them. One day I got a wild hair to start tunning on the treadmill and found that I actually liked it. Months later I received an email from my gym (the YMCA) about training and running a 5K, 10K or half marathon. I chose to train for the 5K. Much to my surprise, I've now run in two 5K's and I'm training for an 8K in March. My next step will be a 10K. I fractured my ankle in August and couldn't wait to get the cast off so I could start running again. Give running a chance, you just might find that you like it.
  • Tabi1113
    I hate it! But loves what it does for me and how I feel after I push myself. The hardest part is starting :P
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    I used to hate it, running was just so hard. But, like others have said, I did the C25K program. After pushing through the first month, I was totally hooked. I've been sidelined for a few weeks with a foot injury (unrelated) and every time I see someone jogging it makes me pine for a nice long run.

    Trail running is my thing, I detest the treadmill.
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    years ago i used to run a lot. but these days my joints are really torn up & achey. i recently tried to get back into it but i realize now that it's not gonna happen. not without injury and pain anyway, so i guess i don't like running anymore
  • azwen
    azwen Posts: 237 Member
    I hate it! I always have. My husband runs; he has done 5k's and half-marathons. I have zero interest. I love hiking, walking on the treadmill at an incline (I'll jog for a minute or two here and there), swimming, Zumba, yoga, horseback riding. . . but not running.

    I had tendonitis in my Achilles tendon a couple of years ago. That gives me an extra reason to avoid high-impact stuff, I guess.

    Anyway, yes, I would rather get my heart rate up a dozen other ways than run.
  • marine71
    I see you like to hike. I love to hike, I wanted something more challenging than hiking so I started to trail run which did not feel like running at I love it. I warm up with a high elevation hike then I trail run on. As soon as you take the running outside it becomes more fun and enjoyable.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Not a big fan, so yeah, don't do it
  • Car0lynnM
    Car0lynnM Posts: 332 Member
    I used to hate it, and then I really tried it. Now I'm addicted.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Heh, I forgot about treadmills. I think for me it would be a tough choice between running on a treadmill and being waterboarded.
  • danimal5867
    I live to run. I love to run. I have determined that people don't quit running when they get old, they get old when they quit running. 20 years ago the sight of a beautiful woman jogging down the street inspired lust, now it just causes jealousy. Yep, I'm definitely hooked on running.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    their are two people in this world; those that hate running, and ****ing liars.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I hate long distance running, or running for a long time. I do, however, rather enjoy interval spinting/jogging (HIIT). I get a quick workout in, 20 minutes or less, and it goes by fast.
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    I continued running because I was too timid to enter the swimming pool centre and I had to do something for cardio, right?

    Then I discovered kettlebells and somehow working out with those regularly gave me the confidence from somewhere to actually go for a swim, now I swim regularly.

    Funny how our (my) brains work!
  • TheBoyEnigma
    TheBoyEnigma Posts: 39 Member
    I hate running because I'm useless at it and it's one thing that I've never seen myself improve in, and for all the pain it doesn't seem worth it. I can do other exercise like cycling, hiking, strength training, and not be nearly as exhausted or in pain as if I run for even half the time.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    yeah. that's why i sprint, walk or lift weights.
  • DeeDel32
    DeeDel32 Posts: 542 Member
    Absolutely love it. Love the simplicity of it, the sense of freedom when running outside, the ability to get into the zone and either blank everything out or focus and gain perspective. It hurts like a mother while doing it, but, as someone previously said, the dividends are so worth it.

    I hated it in the beginning but wouldn't trade it for anything now. I've finally become one of those people; a happy runner.
  • KrysGettinFit
    KrysGettinFit Posts: 131 Member
    I actually don't mind running. I used to hate it before I started and couldn't figure out why anyone would run, then I started C25K and slowly I've grown to enjoy it. It's a great release after a stressful day at work. :)