i dont get it



  • nwon87
    nwon87 Posts: 29
    the Sun can cause cancer so i hope you spend every moment outside in one of these.


    OMG....I think I peed a little!
  • adbohls
    adbohls Posts: 156 Member
    Why?? Because this journey is not easy. We can't just expect to wake up one day and never have another bite of all the food we have eaten so carelessly everyday for so many years.

    Why? Because we have to start somewhere. I have fallen off the wagon several times because I get discouraged, but I have to remember also to not give up. Today is a new day.

    Why? Because we don't have the support we need from our family. We come here for support, not ridicule.

    Why? Because it's a learning process. We have to learn what works for us to stick with it for a lifetime, not just while we are losing weight. The only way to learn is to mess up and start again.

    Jesus stood up and said to them, "The one without sin among you should be the first to throw a stone at her" John 8:7 Some of the wisest words I have ever heard.
  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 379 Member
    Doesn't bother me any whatever. Ill just continue to talk to my friends, none of who have any type of ed, who feel the same. So just curious, what's their problem then?

    Most likely....You.

    See, if they voice an opinion contrary to what you believe, I would imagine that you would start in with them like you have with the people here. So they agree with you so as not to deal with your bs.
  • lovejulez03
    lovejulez03 Posts: 139 Member
    Then why the diet coke yesterday in your diary?

    I think any change made to the positive is great and drink my sweet n low tea with great relish. It's much better than the 2 to 3 soft drinks a day I used to drink.

  • amili045
    Doesn't bother me any whatever. Ill just continue to talk to my friends, none of who have any type of ed, who feel the same. So just curious, what's their problem then?

    noooo no moooore
  • Danielle_Style
    Danielle_Style Posts: 90 Member
    Now admittedly I didn't read the entire 13 pages of this post, but to reply to the original message...who are you to judge? People are trying to find balance in their lives. Not everybody is a clean eating purist.

    What's more...we live in a culture where 'unclean' foods are thrown in our faces from early childhood. Many of us have developed habits over years and years which are incredibly difficult to break. Even something as simple as liking sugar in our coffee. So we want to find a way to manage our waistlines and still enjoy life. How wrong is that?!

    And you started by saying that you assumed everybody here was committed to the same goals. Well, everybody's here on some level because they want to be healthier...but that can vary widely from one person to the next.

    PLEASE...get off your high horse.
  • ironmonkeystyle
    ironmonkeystyle Posts: 834 Member

    Rather stupid and irresponsible image to post, given the Op has an eating disorder, don't you think?

    Good call. I feel horribly. You totally put me in my place. FYI-- your calling me stupid and irresponsible has worsened my deep depression, and now I'm going to have a serious complex. Do you feel good about that?
  • wannadance
    I'm just going to sit here and eat some popcorn that could kill me...carry on :drinker:

    Oh I want some! Pass the killer popcorn please. Buttered?

    ooooooh butter popcorn??!!! yes please!! :love:

    I mean seriously I get what you're saying really I do - anything ingestible created in a test tube or modified beyond recognition does make you wonder / cause some concern - but honestly, compared to the direction i was headed a few years ago, the occasional ingestion of something considered bad choice is ultimately MY choice.. it's my body, my decision, my money and ultimately MY life....
  • Patti2Good
    Patti2Good Posts: 14 Member
    you had to just go there !! geeezzzz , did your mother not teach you to leave well enough alone
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Doesn't bother me any whatever. Ill just continue to talk to my friends, none of who have any type of ed, who feel the same. So just curious, what's their problem then?

    Just when the thread was losing steam *facepalm*

    And if you can't see where you are wrong..then there is no helping you until you stop being so rigid with your thinking and understand that you don't know everything and that judging others in such a way that you did is wrong...especially when you aren't perfect either.

    Tolerance goes a long way, as does "walking a mile in another's shoes."

    One last thing - don't look down on the success of others just because they didn't do it "your way."
  • mamacita721
    mamacita721 Posts: 194 Member
  • peaceloveweedandveggies
    Doesn't bother me any whatever. Ill just continue to talk to my friends, none of who have any type of ed, who feel the same. So just curious, what's their problem then?

    They probably, LIKE YOU, spend too much time worrying about everyone else.
    That's weird I said friends and you assume I mean here. I have a very large group of friends, I'm talking a out real life, which it looks like some people need. Honestly what does my having stretched ears have to do with anything?
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    someone try shedding a little bit of light because ive been trying to understand this and i just cant.

    OP, I don't believe that your post came from a bad place. Lots of work goes into studying the psychology of motivation, because humans don't always make those logical choices. (My post refers to those who do believe that Splenda may not be good for them but eat it anyway, not for those who don't have concerns about different foods being bad, because this wouldn't apply to them.) But I think you can answer your own question. You may be aware, after 14 pages, that you had a Diet Coke yesterday. :laugh: Why did you, with your beliefs on its dangers?

    My guesses would all center around short-term gratification of something (caffeine, taste, thirst.) Every time I eat a grain product, I do so knowing it's going to make me feel less well and also make me crave more sugar and more grains, which my body doesn't respond well. Every time I eat a grain product, it's because I want to satisfy some craving in the short-term and say to heck with the long-term. I succeed in resisting temptation often, but not all the time. I don't think anyone does.
  • Patti2Good
    Patti2Good Posts: 14 Member
    well said!!!!!!!
  • mamacita721
    mamacita721 Posts: 194 Member
    I'm just going to sit here and eat some popcorn that could kill me...carry on :drinker:

    Oh I want some! Pass the killer popcorn please. Buttered?

    ooooooh butter popcorn??!!! yes please!! :love:

    Here you go:

  • amili045
    Doesn't bother me any whatever. Ill just continue to talk to my friends, none of who have any type of ed, who feel the same. So just curious, what's their problem then?

    They probably, LIKE YOU, spend too much time worrying about everyone else.
    That's weird I said friends and you assume I mean here. I have a very large group of friends, I'm talking a out real life, which it looks like some people need. Honestly what does my having stretched ears have to do with anything?

    you arent listening lol
  • 3RachaelFaith3
    3RachaelFaith3 Posts: 283 Member
    Doesn't bother me any whatever. Ill just continue to talk to my friends, none of who have any type of ed, who feel the same. So just curious, what's their problem then?

    They probably, LIKE YOU, spend too much time worrying about everyone else.
    That's weird I said friends and you assume I mean here. I have a very large group of friends, I'm talking a out real life, which it looks like some people need. Honestly what does my having stretched ears have to do with anything?

    No, actually I didn't assume "here," but if they think everyone eats poison yadda yadda yadda, then they are very worried about others...
  • amili045
    Doesn't bother me any whatever. Ill just continue to talk to my friends, none of who have any type of ed, who feel the same. So just curious, what's their problem then?

    They probably, LIKE YOU, spend too much time worrying about everyone else.
    That's weird I said friends and you assume I mean here. I have a very large group of friends, I'm talking a out real life, which it looks like some people need. Honestly what does my having stretched ears have to do with anything?

    you arent listening lol

    I think you just like the attention and to argue. I'm out
  • lovejulez03
    lovejulez03 Posts: 139 Member
    More healthy =/= perfectly healthy. In a perfect world, all our food would be organic and pure and lovely, but the majority of us live in an imperfect reality where we make compromises every day to try to meet our nutritional needs while staying within a budget, cooperating with friends and family, meeting the demands of a busy schedule, etc. For many people, an all-or-nothing mentality is an invitation to failure: "Well, I had a Twinkie, so now everything is ruined and I might as well just eat a whole bucket of fried chicken." For a lot of folks, being able to be more healthy without expecting 100% perfection is the only way to make a lifestyle change that will stick.

    well thats because im recovering from an eating disorder but thats not the point. that is a mental illness.
    so id i said in moderation i should drink because thats better then doing meth is that okay too?

    Honestly if youre recovering from an eating disorder then you should think about what you say before you say it. Overeating for some is an addiction that is coupled with lack of motivation and laziness. Any disorder or addiction usually has a comorbid disorderassociated . Now that doesn't mean it gives anyone the excuse to be unhealthy but I'm just making a point. You have the right to ask questions but be empathetic and mindful. Don't judge when you obviously are far from perfect. And as others have pointed out there are many unhealthy things that are in day to day life. Sun without sunscreen, unprotected sex, obese pregnancy, abortions, unhealthy relationships. Study psychology before you ask dumb questions that don't have one definite answer or use common sense . I could go on and on but I wont. Thats me on my soap box
  • sstephanrodriguez
    sstephanrodriguez Posts: 36 Member
This discussion has been closed.