Fifty plus (or so) support group



  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Morning everyone :) Thanks for the daily exercises Peg! I'm keeping up :)

    Congrats Standenvernet!!!!! I moved into my last belt hole so I'm happy with my shrinking waist too! It's great satisfaction for sure!

    We had such a fun weekend celebrating my son's birthday..... I kinda pooped out at the water park, but my oldest son is a GREAT big brother and kept him busy on the water slides, diving off the diving boards and braving the wave pool for about a half hour. His big thing was to try rock climbing, so fast forward..... 12' and about 45 seconds and he was done HAHAHA. Turns out he doesn't like heights :)

    Isn't that always the way when our reality doesn't quite measure up to our expectations ?? For instance with this lifestyle change..... Do I really think the day I reach my goal weight balloons and confetti are going to fall from the sky?? Or is a parade in my honor going to magically appear in front of my house? Probably not, so as I'm adjusting my calorie intake this week to head up the remaining long winding road for these final 12 pounds or so, I'm also going to focus on adjusting (or trying to :s) some of my thinking and expectations for the weeks and months and quite honestly the YEARS still ahead...... For me that's going to include removing the safety net for regaining and purging ALL of the clothes that won't fit.... Too big or still too small.... Because I'm going to work on being satisfied with my new self, stop battling that last 8~10 pounds I'll still be over what I weighed the day I got married... And unlike the past remain vigilant that I don't let those sneaky pounds pile back on :D What changes are you planning when you hit maintenance?

    Have a GREAT Monday everyone <3

  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    SbetaK wrote: »
    If anyone looks at MFP's blog, here is a link I have found really useful- MFP's round-up of the 10 best free workout videos on Youtube. I work out at home quite a bit as I live 15 miles from town. I'm going through them all.

    Nice find! I'm going to take a peek too! Thanks for sharing :D

  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    Morning everyone :) Thanks for the daily exercises Peg! I'm keeping up :)

    Congrats Standenvernet!!!!! I moved into my last belt hole so I'm happy with my shrinking waist too! It's great satisfaction for sure!

    We had such a fun weekend celebrating my son's birthday..... I kinda pooped out at the water park, but my oldest son is a GREAT big brother and kept him busy on the water slides, diving off the diving boards and braving the wave pool for about a half hour. His big thing was to try rock climbing, so fast forward..... 12' and about 45 seconds and he was done HAHAHA. Turns out he doesn't like heights :)

    Isn't that always the way when our reality doesn't quite measure up to our expectations ?? For instance with this lifestyle change..... Do I really think the day I reach my goal weight balloons and confetti are going to fall from the sky?? Or is a parade in my honor going to magically appear in front of my house? Probably not, so as I'm adjusting my calorie intake this week to head up the remaining long winding road for these final 12 pounds or so, I'm also going to focus on adjusting (or trying to :s) some of my thinking and expectations for the weeks and months and quite honestly the YEARS still ahead...... For me that's going to include removing the safety net for regaining and purging ALL of the clothes that won't fit.... Too big or still too small.... Because I'm going to work on being satisfied with my new self, stop battling that last 8~10 pounds I'll still be over what I weighed the day I got married... And unlike the past remain vigilant that I don't let those sneaky pounds pile back on :D What changes are you planning when you hit maintenance?

    Have a GREAT Monday everyone <3


    Sounds like a fun filled weekend. Glad you enjoyed family time.

    I am so away from maintenance that I can't even make plans. Lol. So I will continue to be like the turtle, slow and steady.
  • SuzyH
    SuzyH Posts: 196 Member
    Tami, your comments about reaching your weight goal are so true! Sometimes, reaching your goal and maintaining it, is harder than the road we are taking to lose the weight. (Been there.
  • SuzyH
    SuzyH Posts: 196 Member
    What happened? Lost most of my post! Well, here we go again! (Probably a lot shorter this time!). Anyways, what I was saying is that I have to be of the mindset that once I reach my goal weight, that the journey does not end. For me it never will. I will always have to mindful of what I am putting into my mouth because my body is not like others, it is unique! What some people can eat and not gain an ounce, may cause pounds to pile up on me or create a vicious food eating cycle that is just not worth it. Lysa Terheurst said in her book "Made to Crave" 'how will I feel in the morning if I eat this now?' (Not a word-for-word quote). Although there may not be an actual parade when we reach our journey, your MFP friends will be cheering for you and celebrating your victory. This is a great place to be accountable and get the support you need because (for me) "the journey" is never over! Thanks for your support! I have been reading the posts and you are all fantastic!
  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    Haven't seen much posting on here. Everyone Check in. Let us know how you're doing. Good, bad, or just doing. :)
  • taco_inspector
    taco_inspector Posts: 7,223 Member
    ... Check in. Let us know how you're doing. Good, bad, or just doing. :)
    It'll be an interesting week for me (we'll see what happens at my Friday weight check-in, I guess). As I mention in my profile, I'm making incremental changes. My first (baby) step was to get a grip on how much fuel I was eating; I've progressed a little there (~24lbs and 2-belt holes). Since beginning MFP, I've tried to NOT restock my food supplies with junk, but this week it's getting a bit more serious in that I'm trying to focus not only on "how much" but also on consuming the "right stuff".

    I'm not going at this next step terribly formally, more of a 'review' of my food logging to find and repeat particularly 'successful' meals, and the addition of a few more fresh foods at home. I did adjust my 'macro-nutrient' levels here on MFP to raise my goal for proteins (now that I'm actually looking at those values), to assure that my "right stuff" challenge actually gets me to where I would like to be heading. prior to my little tweak my protein target was ~80g, which I've discovered is low for a guy my size (74"@254lbs; 188cm@115kg) with a down-range target of slight muscle-hypertrophy.

    I'll be haunting other folks food diaries to find fun/successful food thoughts, as I do lack comfort and creativity in that area, but that's my own demon... (I'm shopping for basic cooking classes to kinda help me there; thoughts are welcome!)

    How're the rest of you doing?
  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    I do most of my cooking after church on Sunday. I have a George Foreman and I grill a lot of chicken, add different spices when I pack my lunch, during the week. I also grill some burgers to have during the week. I buy steamable veggies. Dollar Tree has bags of these for a buck. Best deal ever! I cut raw veggies up and keep in separate containers, so when I make a salad I just grab and put together. I usually make hummus once a week too.

    I buy the egg whites in the container. Then for breakfast, a few times a week, I grease the inside of a coffee cup with coconut oil, add mushroom, green peppers, turkey sausage crumbles and nuke for a minute and thirty sec. Sprinkle some cheese on top and run out the door. Easy, fast breakfast.

    Just some ideas
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Nice ideas Butbygrace :) I usually precook at least a batch of chicken breasts but didn't have time last weekend. I use my crockpot a lot too for pork loin, or salsa chicken which I shred.... I recently found a recipe for hummus without tahini that I'm definitely going to try soon. Yum
  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    I love, love hummus. I try different flavors, however, my favorite so far is adding a little light soy sauce. Yummy!
    I need to use my crock pot more. I do use the outdoor grill a bunch but we have had a ton of snow, and our deck is buried :)
  • PegJens
    PegJens Posts: 59 Member
    PegJens wrote: »
    PegJens wrote: »
    PegJens wrote: »
    PegJens wrote: »
    It's difficult becoming the caregivers as we age, our roles change by circumstances... But there comes a time when we have to take ourselves back :) I'm grateful to have each of you here to support me on this journey, because we deserve it and we owe it to everyone we love <3

    And I definitely did the leg raises this morning Peg :) Don't forget tomorrow's post!

    All my very best to you all on your journey,


    You have definitely had a long struggle but have come so far in your journey. Don't turn back now, keep the faith!

    Day 2 of my exercise postings:
    25 side leg raises
    25 knee raises

    Happy legs!

    Day 3
    25 side leg raises
    25 knee raises
    25 seat belts! Touch your opposite shoulder and with a slight twist come across the body to the waist. Both sides as sometimes we aren't the driver!

    Day 4
    25 side leg raises
    25 knee raises
    25 seat belts
    25 side stretches

    Day 6 no 5
    Okay do Day 4 plus add a minute walk before and after exercises.

    Oh my I don't even know what day I'm on! Sorry!

    We need to do day 6 and then do it again! Yep 2 sets!

    So we should be
    walking for 1 minute
    25 side legs, 25 knee raises,25 seat belts, and 25 side stretches
    1 minute walking
    Take a 30 second break and do it all again
  • PegJens
    PegJens Posts: 59 Member
    I have had a very stressful week! My mom who is 87 has some dementia issues and she has just had a lumpectomy done yesterday! My sister, bless her heart, came and stayed with her for the week so I could stay home this week for work. I normally make the 75 mile trip every 3 days if not more often and spend the night with her, she is not ready to move to a health care facility. But my sister is also trying to lose weight and is a very good cook so we shared a couple good meals and I still was able to have a 1 lb weight loss.
    Wishing everyone a successful March! Here's to less stress!
  • cossmoss15
    cossmoss15 Posts: 509 Member
    Peg, your week does sound stressful! Awesome you were able to manage it and have a weight loss. You are an inspiration!
  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    PegJens wrote: »
    I have had a very stressful week! My mom who is 87 has some dementia issues and she has just had a lumpectomy done yesterday! My sister, bless her heart, came and stayed with her for the week so I could stay home this week for work. I normally make the 75 mile trip every 3 days if not more often and spend the night with her, she is not ready to move to a health care facility. But my sister is also trying to lose weight and is a very good cook so we shared a couple good meals and I still was able to have a 1 lb weight loss.
    Wishing everyone a successful March! Here's to less stress!

    Awww. Hugs to you! Thank you for taking the time to post exercises even though you've had a stressful week. Kudos to you !!
  • SuzyH
    SuzyH Posts: 196 Member
    PegJens wrote: »
    I have had a very stressful week! My mom who is 87 has some dementia issues and she has just had a lumpectomy done yesterday! My sister, bless her heart, came and stayed with her for the week so I could stay home this week for work. I normally make the 75 mile trip every 3 days if not more often and spend the night with her, she is not ready to move to a health care facility. But my sister is also trying to lose weight and is a very good cook so we shared a couple good meals and I still was able to have a 1 lb weight loss.
    Wishing everyone a successful March! Here's to less stress!

    Thinking of you today and praying that you feel better too. Your post was timely for me as I am feeling REALLY stressed out too (too much work, not enough time). I'm so glad that you and your sister are doing this together. It's great to be able to lean on each other. My problem at the moment is lack of sleep because my mind is always working work even when I sleep. Then I wake up and .... So my goal today is to enjoy the moments as they come, work out this morning (short swim and then water aerobics) and go to work. No matter what, there are always great things that happen during the day. I need to be aware of them! Praying for less stress! Blessings! Suzy.
  • ColeyBear1104
    ColeyBear1104 Posts: 91 Member
    edited March 2015
    I have 83.5 pounds I'd LIKE to lose. It's a daunting number, but I know I can do it. I would love to support everyone with goals as lofty and big as mine, because I know for a fact that you can achieve anything you want, as long as you want it bad enough.
  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    I have 83.5 pounds I'd LIKE to lose. It's a daunting number, but I know I can do it. I would love to support everyone with goals as lofty and big as mine, because I know for a fact that you can achieve anything you want, as long as you want it bad enough.

    You are correct, you can do it. I've read so many success stories on here that it's mind blowing. However, if you want it you can do it. Once the mind is set the rest falls into place. Will it be an easy journey? Nope, but a more beautiful person , inside and out , will be at the end of the journey.
    Log every bite of food that goes in your mouth, even gum. Once your aware of the calories some foods are, then plan your meals and snacks accordingly.
    I too, have a large amount of weight to lose. So come join the ride :)
  • taco_inspector
    taco_inspector Posts: 7,223 Member
    OK, as we're all kinda on the same path working at long-term changes and sometimes slow progress, this weekend's time change here in the US (and a bunch of other locales) will undoubtedly toss a little curve-ball into the new routines and habits that we're all working on...

    Yep, many of us will turn the clocks FORWARD tomorrow night and lose an hour of our precious daytime.

    My typical approach to this is to stay active (not eating) late tonight, then wake early Saturday and begin the day with an apple, some caffeine, and some sort of "get my body moving" activity. this'll make me "pre-tired" so I can get to sleep earlier on Saturday evening to wake earlier on Sunday (after the clock adjustment) where I'll repeat the apple/caffeine/activity strategy.

    How do all of you address the lost hour this time of year??
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I usually address the lost hour by complaining and walking around in a zombie like state for weeks. My husband has been going to bed earlier for the last week to prepare. My sleep schedule is so messed up anyway that it doesn't seem to help me at all. If I tried going to bed earlier, I'd just lay there for an hour trying to get to sleep! I will have to set an alarm to make sure I'm getting to work on time, something that I haven't had to do for the last several months.

    I must say that I am way too excited that it will be getting dark later now! (After work bicycle rides, here I come!)
  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    OK, as we're all kinda on the same path working at long-term changes and sometimes slow progress, this weekend's time change here in the US (and a bunch of other locales) will undoubtedly toss a little curve-ball into the new routines and habits that we're all working on...

    Yep, many of us will turn the clocks FORWARD tomorrow night and lose an hour of our precious daytime.

    My typical approach to this is to stay active (not eating) late tonight, then wake early Saturday and begin the day with an apple, some caffeine, and some sort of "get my body moving" activity. this'll make me "pre-tired" so I can get to sleep earlier on Saturday evening to wake earlier on Sunday (after the clock adjustment) where I'll repeat the apple/caffeine/activity strategy.

    How do all of you address the lost hour this time of year??

    Well, hadn't thought about it. I do know I do the happy dance in the fall when I get another hours sleep :)

    Usually by bed time I'm so tired I barly get the blankets pulled up before I'm asleep. So if it's the same Saturday, I won't have a problem :)

    Others ??