


  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    Cut down how many nights or days you go out drinking. Months apart wouldn't do anything but water weight. Just be careful of the food or other drinks involved. I like to much on veggies or some fruit and the occasional chocolate treat or whole wheat tortilla chips. And drink a lot of water during and after.
  • tootoop224
    tootoop224 Posts: 281 Member
    "Beer: the cause and solution to every problem I've ever had."-H.J. Simpson

    'nuff said.
  • jdooks
    jdooks Posts: 91 Member
    Is it safe to say that giving up alchol is a must do?

    It depends on what your goals are. If its strictly trying to lose weight, the eating that goes along with drinking probably accounts for getting hefty from drinking.

    If it is just for general health, yeah, it's a good idea to cut alcohol out of your diet or limit intake of alcohol since alcohol is essentially a toxin and doesn't really have any place in the body. Even the idea that wine helps with blood flow, it does but not that critical, if anything, being able to unwind and un-stress using alcohol accounts for any health benefits if any (the mind is a powerful thing).
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Is it safe to say that giving up alchol is a must do?

    It depends on what your goals are. If its strictly trying to lose weight, the eating that goes along with drinking probably accounts for getting hefty from drinking.

    If it is just for general health, yeah, it's a good idea to cut alcohol out of your diet or limit intake of alcohol since alcohol is essentially a toxin and doesn't really have any place in the body. Even the idea that wine helps with blood flow, it does but not that critical, if anything, being able to unwind and un-stress using alcohol accounts for any health benefits if any (the mind is a powerful thing).

    Er, the idea that certain red wines helps prevent strokes isn't, well, an "idea." It's actual science, to the point that several studies kept trying to see if grape juice had the same benefits of wine, and it just didn't have quite the same impact. It's "not critical" in that you don't necessarily need to run 30 minutes a day 3x a week for stroke prevention... but it sure helps.
  • rlinaresv
    rlinaresv Posts: 108
    Pretty interesting. Alcohol it's my biggest issue I believe. I have been on a rigourous diet twice. In both I menaged to lose around 20 Kg and in both I stopped alcohol. Shame on me I got the 40 Kg back but I'm hoping to lose them again and keep my weight. So it is not a must but I believe it helps tremendously.
  • jdooks
    jdooks Posts: 91 Member
    Is it safe to say that giving up alchol is a must do?

    It depends on what your goals are. If its strictly trying to lose weight, the eating that goes along with drinking probably accounts for getting hefty from drinking.

    If it is just for general health, yeah, it's a good idea to cut alcohol out of your diet or limit intake of alcohol since alcohol is essentially a toxin and doesn't really have any place in the body. Even the idea that wine helps with blood flow, it does but not that critical, if anything, being able to unwind and un-stress using alcohol accounts for any health benefits if any (the mind is a powerful thing).

    Er, the idea that certain red wines helps prevent strokes isn't, well, an "idea." It's actual science, to the point that several studies kept trying to see if grape juice had the same benefits of wine, and it just didn't have quite the same impact. It's "not critical" in that you don't necessarily need to run 30 minutes a day 3x a week for stroke prevention... but it sure helps.

    In healthy people, it's also shown that the blood flow benefits from wine intake is ultimately pretty negligible. If anything, it thins out your blood a little but so does drinking alcohol in general. There have been studies, recent ones at that, showing how moderate intake of alcohol has the same effect as the previously found effects of wine intake. However, does this provide long term benefits? It hasn't been proven to do so thus I said its not critical and much of the benefits if any in the long term could really be just how one is more relaxed when a little intoxicated. A less stressed person is a healthier person.

    I'm not condemning drinking alcohol here, I'm just pointing out that scientifically, it's a toxin to the human body. It won't kill you but it is a toxin at the end of day. So unlike regular exercise which has short term and long term effects which are positive for the human body, wine and alcohol have yet to have proven long term health benefits.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
  • S_U_M_M_E_R
    S_U_M_M_E_R Posts: 220 Member
    It's extremely bad for you, bc your body stops burning fat and will only burn alcohol first. It will burn it until all the booze is gone and then burn fat. In the meantime if you're eating, what you eat is being stored as fat, bc your body stopped burning the food to work on burning the poison (booze).

    Which type of booze you drink might make a difference. I usually gain 3 lbs when I drink beer. I will be good all week and then lose 3 lbs. I drink Fri and Sat. Sunday I am still down the 3 lbs (probably dehydration) and then by Tuesday, I have gained the 3 I lost and am even with what I was at a week ago. So I just break even and maintain when I drink. However, if I don't lose 3 lbs that week and then drink, I will have gained three lbs. I don't give it up, but I am trying to cut back. I learned I gain less from wine than from beer. They act differently in your body. There was one diet I did once and lost 8 lbs in one week "it was called, lose 20 lbs of fat in a month without exercise". It was a pretty healthy eating plan (clean eating) but it allowed a glass or two of wine every night. I ate as they said (chicken, greens, fish, beans, and wine) and lost weight. There has to be something to that. Drink wine vs beer if you can. Or drink Vodka or whiskey (something carb free) but count the calories. I once lost 2o lbs in six weeks by cutting carbs but drank whiskey most every night (i was going through a break up and drank a lot for a bit to drown the sorrows from the a-hole, lol). But the 20 lbs lost made me feel really happy so I didn't need to drink sorrows away any longer as guys were checking out my new body. So was the ex. He said, "how come you didn't look like that when I dated you?" Best revenge ever, haha! Just say No to beer!!!!!!!
  • tootoop224
    tootoop224 Posts: 281 Member
    Is it safe to say that giving up alchol is a must do?

    Not around me it's not!!!