I see myself as thinner than I really am!



  • lorcart
    lorcart Posts: 406 Member
    My problem is when I'm NOT looking in the mirror I think I'm fit as hell!! lol Then I look in the mirror and Waa Wahh.....then I have the opposite problem as in yes, I'm fat, but I'm probably NOT the complete oompa loompa that stares back at me in the mirror. My body can't win with my mind basically.
  • kalibsmom
    kalibsmom Posts: 58 Member
    Maybe you wake up every day in a fun house. You may have bigger problems than dress size

    This was not a necessary comment! Really why take the time to comment on something if you are going to be rude?!?!

    I have the same issue. I never had a weight issue until after my children and in my mind I tend to see myself as I was before...that is until I look at a picture!!
  • Jenbru
    Jenbru Posts: 6 Member
    I agree! I feel like that especialy after I'be been working out hard. I feel so good in my head that I'm shocked to see it hasn't shown up on my body yet!
  • NewMnky1
    NewMnky1 Posts: 264
    I did the same thing, when I was bigger I knew I was overweight, but when I looked at myself I didn't think I looked as big as I actually was.
    Now that I have lost a lot of weight and am a lot smaller I think I look bigger than I actually am. There is no winning!!!
  • Colombianchick29
    Colombianchick29 Posts: 298 Member
    i used to see myself like that. then i'd see pictures. i was in denial. i mean how else can you pack on 50-60lbs and think you're still healthy and don't need to change anything?

    this is true!
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    I have the same problem!
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Yeah, I went through the same thing when I was bigger, early this year I was feeling pretty good about myself, had been on my new healthy journey for just over a month and went out with a group of friends, when I saw the pictures from our outing I was devastated...I was huge (the photos are now my before pics). Now that I'm smaller, I have a hard time seeing me as a thinner person. Recently I went shopping for new eyeglasses, the frames I picked, the associate helping me insisted they were too big, and recommended frames that I felt were way too small for my face. Finally we took photos of me wearing the various frames, and I could see that she was right and I got the smaller frames.
  • LizardQueen4PointOh
    LizardQueen4PointOh Posts: 245 Member
    Ditto. I love that quote floating around FB and Pinterest that says something along the lines of: "I wish I was as thin as I was when I thought I was fat." :laugh:
  • jburks3606
    Honestly, I've always thought myself "thinner" than pictures portray. Although pictures keep me humble...I have no problem with "thinking thin" and I actually think this has helped me lose weight over the past year. Now that people are starting to notice, I just use that as my motivation to keep going. Pictures really help you see how far you have come. So, even though I look MUCH better in pictures now than I did a year ago, I am still trying to get that "picture" image where I'm comfortable with it! Good luck!
  • heypurdy
    heypurdy Posts: 196 Member
    that's funny because I have the exact OPPOSITE problem...
  • GLady1980
    GLady1980 Posts: 50 Member
    I do it all the time...I always think I am still a small person until I see that photo then reality kicks in :(
  • rob0619
    I hear you, I always look in the mirror and I look like a relatively buff guy with a couple extra pounds. Look at my photos and I have a swollen face and look chubby instead of buff -.-
  • Colombianchick29
    Colombianchick29 Posts: 298 Member
    I agree! I feel like that especialy after I'be been working out hard. I feel so good in my head that I'm shocked to see it hasn't shown up on my body yet!

    same here, I feel embarrased to even say im working out-or eating better-bcus you sure wouldnt think it by seeing me LOL
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    I think some people are photogenic and others aren't so I don't go by pictures. I go by my clothes and the scale. Hopefully, my husband would tell me if I was gaining a lot of weight.
    I have the exact same problem! I used to weigh 115lbs, was a size 3-4. Now I am 228 lbs at 5' 4". I too am always surprised when I see pictures of myself and wonder what the hell happened. We have "thin" brain. I took lots of pictures of my self in my swim suit so I can see what I REALLY look like and use this as a reference point to help me out.
  • xoalynnxo
    xoalynnxo Posts: 200 Member
    i feel this way too! like i look in the mirror and dont think i look that bad and then i catch a glimpse of myself somewhere else and realize i still have a LONG way to go! It's depressing!
  • 2pupsmama
    I've done it too. It was probably denial on my part. I wouldn't admit in my head that I was as big as I was and then I would catch a reflection in a store window or see a picture on FB and think "Is that really me?" Or worse yet, I would see a woman that is really big and think, "Am I as big as her?"

    Self sabotage is the way easier then thinking positive.

    Maybe that is why we all weigh more than we should. We have deceived ourselves into thinking that we are "fine" just the way we are. Granted, there are big people who are healthy, but in my case--- I am just plain old fat right now. I had chosen to deny the fact that the extra weight was KILLING me! Thanks to a healthy lifestyle change, I hope to gain control of my life and my weight.

    Could not have put these ideas better. I'm sure thats how lots of us put on those extra and sometimes dangerous pounds(by thinking that we are smaller than we actually are). Last night I watched a few minutes of biggest loser and there is a contestant about the smae weight as me and my only thought was "OMG do I look as big as her"
  • ravenchick
    ravenchick Posts: 345 Member
    I used to feel the same way. Now i have a hard time realizing I'm as small as I am. I still see myself as that 300+ pound person. The mental aspect is sometimes very challenging.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
  • trishgrace
    I don't FEEL as big as I am, most of the time. I am 5' 3" and I weight 262. I am down from 330. I never FELT like I was 330. I look in the mirror and at pictures and say, that can't be me...I'm not that big. I see it, but I don't feel it in my mind. I don't know how else to explain it, but I know what you are saying.