If God gave you naturally large thighs listen up



  • serapi
    serapi Posts: 197 Member
    This is all personal preference. I disagree with your statements in regards to ditching lower body strength training.

    You should not give out bad advice! And this....this is bad advice!

    Oh, FYI- the elliptical is NOT weight lifting.

    I agree with this hottie

    good for you. I"m married anyway and I have 2 kids :wink:

    RINGS DONT PLUG HOLES, just sayin

    sorry? I'm not sure I got the humor in that and if I did, I'm not sure how to react :)
  • serapi
    serapi Posts: 197 Member
    thanks for your posting. Makes sense, and I will consider your advice when exercising.

    Hopefully not the OP's advice as it is terrible advice.

    See? This is why we argue with posts like this. We don't won't people taking bad advice. OP can do what she wants but we hope to prevent misinformation from spreading.

    I am living proof. I have sexy long lean legs. You guys are not proving anything.

    And neither are you.

    yes I am. I have great legs. I am living proof that my strategy worked for me.

    I am not saying you do not have nice legs that you are not happy with them - as obviously you are very much in love with your legs, but your approach is not the best approach for many women who want to get some definition and/or firm strong legs. You are not proving anything other than you used to do lower body workouts, stopped, lost more fat and are maintaining.

    for the record, your tone is rude and condescending. You disagree with me and I respect that...but you keep on with this tone. let it go

    There is no tone - you are imagining things or making drama where there is none.

    well all righty then!
  • nack_23
    nack_23 Posts: 154
    This is all personal preference. I disagree with your statements in regards to ditching lower body strength training.

    You should not give out bad advice! And this....this is bad advice!

    Oh, FYI- the elliptical is NOT weight lifting.

    I agree with this hottie

    good for you. I"m married anyway and I have 2 kids :wink:

    RINGS DONT PLUG HOLES, just sayin

    sorry? I'm not sure I got the humor in that and if I did, I'm not sure how to react :)

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    For anybody actually following. Strength training the lower legs will not bulk them up, especially at a deficit. Doing compound lifts, especially ones that focus on the lower body, has a very good metabolic impact and will help maintain LBM as you lose body fat. It also will help gain strength and has a bunch of other benefits, including with regard to bone density, which is a very important consideration, especially for women.
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    Serapi and Sarauk2sf please have your personal disagreement in a private forum (i.e the messaging system they set up for MFP members) Thanks for your consideration!!
  • DCpaleochick
    DCpaleochick Posts: 211 Member
    I remember it as if it were only yesterday... I was in Heaven waiting in the Thigh Gap line, which was as long as the line for the ladies room on nickel beer night and I really just wanted to get the being born part over already so I said, "Screw it, I'm moving over to Thicker Thighs and Big Booty... it was a ghost town over there and God was like, "Here you go. You'll thank me later." He was so right, that God! I call his name sometimes when I'm busy enjoying them.

    This was funny ^^^^ well said babes.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    You're right. I went on a diet for 3 months last year (Jan to March) and then began my diet again about 5 weeks ago. During my diet phase, I was eating 1900 calories a day and lost about .75 pounds a week.

    To clarify, when I first returned to the gym in 2010, I concentrated on building muscle and gained 7 pounds (142 lbs) over 12 months. Then last year 2012 (Jan to March) I began cutting and went down to 129 lbs.

    I'm cutting again now (since beginning of December). Since I began my deficit again, I've lost another .25 inches on my thighs...very negligible. I've also lost 2 lbs b/c I didn't lose over Christmas. So in the last 5 weeks, I've lost 2 lbs.

    Edited to correct: "Then last year 2012..." from 2011
    In the above time frame, when did you "develop" muscle gains in your thighs which prompted your trainer to have you stop lower body strength training?

    I grew muscle all over in 2011 during my muscle building efforts. In 2012 after my weight loss, my thighs still looked disproportionate to me. I continued with the lunges, deadlifts and squats. After an hour long verbal consultation (he's awesome) my trainer told me that not all women want overly muscular legs and to lay off on the leg exercises and see what I think. I lost 2 inches on each thigh. I was much happier. My thighs are still very firm and my legs look great.

    He told me that I have achieved a great over-all fitness level and look and to just keep doing what I'm doing to maintain.

    I am very happy with my fitness achievements now.
    Not to be overly picky about your timeline, but you gained 7 lbs between Jan 2010, when you returned to the gym, up to Jan 2011 (twelve months). Then you went on to edit and state you began cutting Jan 2011. So if you "grew muscle all over", it was in 2010, not 2011 since you edited that you began cutting during this time. Thus, from Jan 2011 to now, you have either been in a deficit or maintaining from the above statement.
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    Have you checked your trainer's credentials? I saw where you said he has a degree in Kinesiology but is he certified in training? Through a legit place? Just because he graduated doesn't mean he was an awesome student there.... I'm just about done with my degree but I would never suggest anybody stop working a body part with weights all together...
    I understand if you don't want muscular legs, but telling women that if they have big thighs in general to lay off the weights isn't cool... The odds are that you were seeing the fat which is something that can be fixed through diet or adding in cardio in addition to weights. Now...if you are some genetic miracle.....don't give this advice out to all the normal women. XP
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Serapi and Sarauk2sf please have your personal disagreement in a private forum (i.e the messaging system they set up for MFP members) Thanks for your consideration!!

    I don't see anything personal from Saruak....the OP....she has said a few personal frustrations, but overall, don't think this is a cat fight aiming for their personal lives..and the point of a forum is to voice opinions - including disagreements. Not just to say.."Good job" and "Yes, I agree..you are so great"
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    For anybody actually following. Strength training the lower legs will not bulk them up, especially at a deficit. Doing compound lifts, especially ones that focus on the lower body, has a very good metabolic impact and will help maintain LBM as you lose body fat. It also will help gain strength and has a bunch of other benefits, including with regard to bone density, which is a very important consideration, especially for women.

    Especially for older women. If you are over 40+ and you want to be upright, mobile, and able to get right back up after a fall instead of breaking a hip when you're 80+, you'd better start lifting with your legs now. Lifting not only helps your muscle strength; it also helps you build bone density. I for one don't want to have to use a walker and/or be all bent over when I'm elderly, and I don't want be frail with low density bones that break easily. I plan to be like Ernestine Shepherd when I'm an old woman! Google her if you want to be inspired!

    Don't be afraid to do strength training for your legs, ladies! It can only help you :smile:
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    I remember it as if it were only yesterday... I was in Heaven waiting in the Thigh Gap line, which was as long as the line for the ladies room on nickel beer night and I really just wanted to get the being born part over already so I said, "Screw it, I'm moving over to Thicker Thighs and Big Booty... it was a ghost town over there and God was like, "Here you go. You'll thank me later." He was so right, that God! I call his name sometimes when I'm busy enjoying them.

    This was funny ^^^^ well said babes.

    Thanks! Thanks for bringing it back up. A little humor can go a long way. :wink:
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Bump. This thread make me sad. I thank god that I am not a newbie and actually know what to do in order to have the body I want.

    (It include squats and deadlifts)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Serapi and Sarauk2sf please have your personal disagreement in a private forum (i.e the messaging system they set up for MFP members) Thanks for your consideration!!

    If someone is indicating that people should be doing something that I do not believe is correct, then I will response in the thread. And in Serapi's defense - she is the OP.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Bump. This thread make me sad. I thank god that I am not a newbie and actually know what to do in order to have the body I want.

    (It include squats and deadlifts)


    besides that this stuff isn't all or nothing. it's not like you can change your mind midway during a process if you don't like the results you are doing and try something else.

    i never understand why threads have to descend into arguments over *the best way* to do xyz. there is no best way since everyone else determining their own best.

    the best way for me to get the results i want are from squatting and deadlifting AND running. the best way for the OP seems to be from running.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Serapi and Sarauk2sf please have your personal disagreement in a private forum (i.e the messaging system they set up for MFP members) Thanks for your consideration!!

    If someone is indicating that people should be doing something that I do not believe is correct, then I will response in the thread. And in Serapi's defense - she is the OP.

    but the OP says that she's happy with her results. shouldnt her happiness determine the correctness. since it's her legs on her body rather than whether or not you agree with her methods?

    am i missing something here? :laugh:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Serapi and Sarauk2sf please have your personal disagreement in a private forum (i.e the messaging system they set up for MFP members) Thanks for your consideration!!

    If someone is indicating that people should be doing something that I do not believe is correct, then I will response in the thread. And in Serapi's defense - she is the OP.

    but the OP says that she's happy with her results. shouldnt her happiness determine the correctness. since it's her legs on her body rather than whether or not you agree with her methods?

    am i missing something here? :laugh:

    That point is not in dispute/discussion. :smile:
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    "god" didn't give me my big legs. Genetics did. I have BOTH muscle and fat on my legs, so I need to burn off the fat.....maybe just sticking to pilates and letting the fat burn through walking.......
  • ShiloughCoy
    I love my thick, muscled thighs! Girls, stop being so hard on yourselves. :noway:
  • Zumaria1
    Zumaria1 Posts: 225 Member
    Well, I read all the posts and comments. I have to say, I agree with the OP. I have big thighs and hips, which I absolutely LOVE. I have done weight training in the past, and I noticed that I too can get really buff really quickly. From what I read, it seems that she was not saying its wrong to dead lift or do squats, I think she was just saying that if you are going for a certain look, you do not NEED to do squats and dead lifts to attain that look. For example, if you want a longer, leaner look. I can personally say I've done lifts, bench press, etc. I've also lost weight walking and doing Pilates.

    I noticed that I too, preferred how my thighs looked with walking and Pilates. They were slimmer and smaller than when I did weights. Both were good, but I preferred that look. Honestly, I've seen some of the pics of the women here, and for me, I do not want thighs that look that hard, or muscular. I want to be strong and fit, and I like my thighs. Just noticed how different activities can make them look different.

    Nothing wrong with her stating that, and nothing wrong with those who love to lift!!!