Post weight losses. Hold me accountable (Thanks!)



  • grammy2007
    Hi all,
    I've only ever posted to suggestions, (aren't they great about resonding?)
    never to a support group. There's a first time for everything. Started September 19, 2007
    beginning weight 181.2, current weight 179.2, not too bad for a week. i have serious
    trouble staying motivated. my weight ranges between 180 - 185 and feel like if i can ever
    get to 175 i'll be on my way (even though i'm under 180 now, it's still too close,
    i get discouraged really easily, especially when i don't eat hardly anything, staying
    within my 1200 and still loose so slowly. i know i didn't put it on overnight and shouldn't
    expect to take it off overnight, but i'm soooooo impatient HELP!!
  • brentb1216
    Started Sept 6th weighed in at 339
    Now Sept 25 and weighed in a 322
  • cwalbrj
    Started on 9/11 weighing in at 157 lbs. (I weighed 162 when I gave birth to a 7.5 lb baby)! Knowing I HAVE to do something, I got lucky and found this site and have been doing pretty good.
    Today I weigh 152 lbs. So I've lost 5 lbs in two weeks - not bad..
    My goal is 135. (I weighed 122 when I got pregnant, but that's just not going to happen again, I've given up the dream).. : )
    Good luck to everyone. And Weight Watchers makes a pretty good fudge bar, that helps with those sweet ice-cream cravings...
  • annmarie
    hey, good idea. i don't mind posting my weight. just started at 197.2 lbs on sept 23rd. I want to lose 52 lbs.
    I have lost and gained 50 lbs about 6 times in the last 29 years (not including the 4 children that I carried) Here I go again. Maybe this time will be the last
  • arothermel
    arothermel Posts: 19 Member
    I just found this sight and just started today. My weight today is 260. My goal is to be at 220 by January. It is very helpful to know I am not alone in this battle.
  • MiaEllie
    I started using this site on 9/16 weighing 191 lbs.
    I'm hoping to lose 50 lbs. at a rate of 2 lbs per week.
    I weighed myself yesterday and I weighed 186 lbs.
    So I guess I lost 5 lbs over a period of nine days!
    Not a bad start! I've been sticking to the 1,200 calorie a day limit and walking (very briskly) 45 minutes a day.
    When I need to snack at night I have some raw veggies like a red pepper or a carrot. And then a cup of herbal tea with a tsp of honey to get me throught the night until I go to bed.
    It all seems to be working!
  • tessa681
    tessa681 Posts: 49 Member
    Doing good! We all have to realize that depriving ourselves of the occassional buffet is not the best idea but once we do indulge we just need to get back on the wagon and keep going! We can all do this together!!!

    GOOD JOB!!!

    PS did the buffet thing myself last night and having to give up free pizza at work to get back on my wagon, lol......
  • Skinnier_Me
    Skinnier_Me Posts: 341 Member
    Ok.... I weighed myself today and I have lost the pound that I gained plus one more so 5 pounds to go!
  • gbertsch
    First post for me...feels a little strange.
    Started 9/18 @ 209.8
    9/25 @ 208.4
    -I have noticed weight fluctuates a lot from day to day, so maybe I will only get on the scale once per week...
    i.e. weight today was 211.0 & over the last 2 days I had done about 200 minutes of cardio AND lifted weights one of those 2 days, so I know the caloric deficit was still there...thanks to this ridiculously amazing website!
    Any thoughts???
  • bmayfield
    Hi all, I started in late August at 200. Today I'm at 188. That's 12 pounds in a month! My goal is 150ish. I hope to be close to that by next summer! I'll be happy if I can be at 180 by my next weigh-in at the dr's office on Oct 25!

    Hubby started just after I did and he's at 12 pounds now too! It's great doing it together. His willpower is awsome and he keeps me motivated!

    Good luck to everyone!

  • tanyafuller

    GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL, I KNOW I NEED ALOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • NTBoard
    NTBoard Posts: 363 Member
    I started using this site 2 weeks ago and am doing so well with it. And, I'm not looking at this as a diet at all - just a way of life. I just make whatever I eat work within the 1200 + exercise calories... Haven't been hungry at all and am definitely getting stronger. Started with 65 lbs to lose, now down to 55lbs to go! :)

    9/14/07 194
    9/28/07 184
    Goal of 158 by Christmas.
    Final goal of 129 by my 15th Anniversary in May.

    My Christmas goal gets me out of the 'obese' range which I haven't been at since college (maybe) plus my husbands family who are all stick thin are doing a big family picture over the holidays so I'd like to fit in at least a little better...

    For my 15th Anniversary I'd love to be at my final goal weight as we are planning a cruise. I'm pretty sure hubby has never seen me at that low of a weight - maybe I weighed that in high school?!

    Anyway, check ins are always helpful for me. I really dislike having to tell others that I gained so it's a real motivater for me to keep going...

    +++POSITIVE THOUGHTS+++ Everyone!!!

  • EHBRown28
    EHBRown28 Posts: 33 Member
    Started MFP on 8/22 at 5'5" and 147 lbs. Today, 140.5 lbs, still 5'5". Goal is 130 lbs. hopefully by 12/29 when we set sail on a cruise! I'll take 6.5 pound weight loss while still enjoying almost any food, but tiny portions and not every day like before. :-) LOL Nothing is forbidden, which is KEY for me to succeed.
  • dublover
    Hello everyone! I am new here but I wanted to post my stats.

    9/20/07 131.6lbs
    9/27/07 127.2lbs
    Goal 115lbs by 10/31/07- have to fit in that costume!

    I watch what I eat and exercise and weight train daily. I just started using a pedometer, so I can see just how active/lazy I really am! Good Luck to everyone!
  • cltimes2
    Ok, my turn...

    I'm a working mom w/ 4 kids. 2 are twins. Oldest is 11, the twins are now 7, the youngest 5, and I am still holding on to the pregnancy weight! Imagine that!

    I joined MFP on 8/26 with my hubby. We're taking a trip to Jamaica in December and that was a motivating goal :)

    8/26 started @ 204
    9/26 checked in @ 192.6

    I don't have a final goal but my initial goal was to make it under 190 by mid-October for my b-day. Would LOVE to make it to a size 14 by the beginning of December. So far, so good. Major adjustment to portion sizes but with that and added exercise, been working so far!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,058 Member
    The Pressure! >>wink<<

    I started this thread, so I feel I need to really step up and cheer for you all ! ! Stay with me!

    "MFP Weekly Loss"
    Started MFP Aug 22 @ 195 lbs (5'8")
    (Goal loss 37 lbs)
    Start week 0/ Aug 22 ___________ 195 lbs
    Week 4 / Sept 22 ______________ 186.5 = 8.5 lbs loss in first four weeks
    Week 5 / Sept 29______________ 183.5 = 3 lbs loss / 11.5 total loss

    WOW !
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    Well I began 8/20 at 280, 9/20 I was at 262 and today 9/30 I am still hovering at about 260/259. I have refocused what I am doing. However I have had a set back. So I will be continuing with my eating but I am afraid my excercise will be severely limited for awhile.

  • arothermel
    arothermel Posts: 19 Member
    weigh in day----257. thats 3 pounds in 6 days.
  • rtmazyck
    rtmazyck Posts: 7 Member
    OK....., here's my stats;

    8-21-07 = 342
    9-25-07 = 306

    But let me explain...,

    I could never have done even this small amount of lost without the support of folks like you. I've played/lied/double-crossed every diet out there. Well that is OVER! I'm sick & tired, of being sick & tired.

    I have so much to gain when I finish losing this 2 0 0 P O U N D S!!!!! I was very concerned about my declining health.

    Now I eat 650 to 900 calories per day under professional nutritionist's, doctor, & support groups' care. i religiously watch what i eat. I eat 5-6 meals a day. i weigh/measure ALL - ALL-ALL of my food. It ain't been easy. But this effort has been necessary.

    I eat for not-more-than 20 mins at any single meal - in this STRICT order: protein first, then veggie/fruit, carbs. (Eating more than 20 mins is called grazing.) I can have fat & starch but it's limited. I eat almost no sugar, starch, fat.

    Most importantly, this website is critical for me so that I can measure my protein. I keep my food diary to be sure I get at least 99 protein grams each day, taking a protein supplement if I don't get enough in my food.

    I am actually walking! I've been sedentary for the last few years since I retired from Federal gov. My morbid weight causes serious back pain & I can't walk more than 2 blocks in 15 minutes. BUT everytime I go out walking, I'm getting better!

    I tell you this dear friend, because I had gastric bypass on 8-21-07. Alot of you will balk & say, "Well of course, she's losing weight - it's so easy with the weight lost surgery (WLS)."

    And yet, let me assure you, WLS, it just ain't magic!

    I still have to manage my life - start over again. I must learn how to eat WELL, chew my food, exercise, and live like a normal person. I still get hungry, but I have to learn how to deal with it/manage it/understand it.

    The WLS surgery is ONLY a tool (granted, a very strong one).

    Even with the WLS surgery, it's still possible to "BLOW IT" . I've already met people who have not lost weight (or re-gained weight) after WLS.

    I want to look and act like a normal person again. I want to blend in a crowd. I want to sit in ANY chair, see my toes again, cross my legs, play with the grandchildren, etc. etc. I want to live.

    I'll pray for you. Remember me in your prayers too. Taking care of yourself is very serious business. I know, you all will do your best.

    God can!
  • Skinnier_Me
    Skinnier_Me Posts: 341 Member
    Awesome, awesome... A-W-E-S-OM-E job everyone!

    We will all achieve our goals.
    We are here for eachother.
    We are each others motivation & support.

    Here's to a much healthier us!!

    Keep up the incredible job!

    Tons of hugs!
