Black Team Week 9!!!!

Hey Black Team!

Sorry about the delay this week. busy busy. Anyhoo, 15 pounds down as a team this week and we have combined to lose over 150 lbs in 8 weeks!!!!! Well done! I've been so busy I have been neglecting my check ins so this weeks challenge is the daily check in challenge. Check in with us at least once a day. Have a great week friends!

Results Below-



  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    Thanks Andrew!

    E has strep. Took her to the E.R. early this morning with a 104.2 temperature. We live 8 blocks from our small hospital. I was too scared of the high temp to wait for the doctors office to open. So it's been disinfect, disinfect, disinfect today. Had to use 2 of my remaining 6 vacation days. Has not been a vacation as it should be. I sure hope she's doing better tomorrow and that no one else gets it.
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Thanks Andrew - this will be a hard one for me - I have been nonexistent (as you know).

    Sorry you missed my weigh in - it was attached to the friend request. I actually lost a couple this week - woot, woot me.. - is OK, I'll catch up on the table for next week.

    Kati - sorry to hear about your poor spud - hope she is feeling better soon - high temps are very scary and upsetting - hang in there.

  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Tag for tomorrow. Good night all:yawn:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hey guys-- thanks, Andrew! To give you a head's up, my weight this morning, even though I'm not sending it in, is 169.5. I'm up and down a couple here and there. Not bad. My last reported weight is 168, so it's all good.

    Big day here in the Brown house. My son has come home. We worked out terms of his return, and fingers crossed that he can keep his end of the bargain, keep his nose clean, remain respectful while here and work hard to save money for college.

    Biggest news..... I can tell you after all....... The sponsor that Sarah and hubs met with today is "Just Born, Inc." in Bethlehem, PA.

    They are an international candy manufacturer, best known for.......get ready my friends..........




    Last year, during the Lehigh Valley Amateur, a big, local golf event, Sarah was popping Mike and Ike's in her mouth like crazy. A sportscaster from Fox1470 radio, who loves her, saw it and the idea popped into his head to approach the company about a potential sponsorship when Sarah turned pro.

    So, this man indeed arranged the meeting. Sarah and her dad, and the sports guy, met with the bigwigs of Just Born, and got a 2 hour personally guided tour of the candy factory. They saw the Halloween Peeps being made today on the assembly line. They had to wear white lab coats, hair nets, even beard nets for my husband.

    DH said they had a huge screen TV on the wall with a PowerPoint slide show/marquee thingamajig, with photos of Sarah in competition since she was age 5. (don't ask me where they got them-- they must have done some research on the 'net) and a big welcome, to "Sarah Brown, future golfing legend, and her father-- blah, blah, blah."

    It was thrilling. She came home with a HUGE bag of candy......Peeps, Mike and Ike's, Hot Tamales, Peanut Chews...oh my gosh. The kids are pigs in poop. ( FYI-- the new "chocolate covered Peeps...." TO. DIE. FOR. Just sayin''. )

    Nothing discussed financially. However, she has been guaranteed Mike and Ike's for life.....ha.

    Initial meeting done, we wait for word of any financial sponsorship.

    Fearful of being hopeful, but could it be that the tides may be turning for my family? Two good things happened today-- that's the most that's happened to our family in 5 years....seriously. Very thankful tonight.

    Later....must run....send love to all.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    I did 1000+ calories at the gym today. I'm headed to the gym for spinning in the AM gotta get there at 5:50am YUCK!!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Hey guys-- thanks, Andrew! To give you a head's up, my weight this morning, even though I'm not sending it in, is 169.5. I'm up and down a couple here and there. Not bad. My last reported weight is 168, so it's all good.

    Big day here in the Brown house. My son has come home. We worked out terms of his return, and fingers crossed that he can keep his end of the bargain, keep his nose clean, remain respectful while here and work hard to save money for college.

    Biggest news..... I can tell you after all....... The sponsor that Sarah and hubs met with today is "Just Born, Inc." in Bethlehem, PA.

    They are an international candy manufacturer, best known for.......get ready my friends..........




    Last year, during the Lehigh Valley Amateur, a big, local golf event, Sarah was popping Mike and Ike's in her mouth like crazy. A sportscaster from Fox1470 radio, who loves her, saw it and the idea popped into his head to approach the company about a potential sponsorship when Sarah turned pro.

    So, this man indeed arranged the meeting. Sarah and her dad, and the sports guy, met with the bigwigs of Just Born, and got a 2 hour personally guided tour of the candy factory. They saw the Halloween Peeps being made today on the assembly line. They had to wear white lab coats, hair nets, even beard nets for my husband.

    DH said they had a huge screen TV on the wall with a PowerPoint slide show/marquee thingamajig, with photos of Sarah in competition since she was age 5. (don't ask me where they got them-- they must have done some research on the 'net) and a big welcome, to "Sarah Brown, future golfing legend, and her father-- blah, blah, blah."

    It was thrilling. She came home with a HUGE bag of candy......Peeps, Mike and Ike's, Hot Tamales, Peanut Chews...oh my gosh. The kids are pigs in poop. ( FYI-- the new "chocolate covered Peeps...." TO. DIE. FOR. Just sayin''. )

    Nothing discussed financially. However, she has been guaranteed Mike and Ike's for life.....ha.

    Initial meeting done, we wait for word of any financial sponsorship.

    Fearful of being hopeful, but could it be that the tides may be turning for my family? Two good things happened today-- that's the most that's happened to our family in 5 years....seriously. Very thankful tonight.

    Later....must run....send love to all.

    YAY!! SO happy for her! I bet she is LOVIN the mike and ikes for life! I think those are one of my favorite candies too. Peeps not so much. I'm also happy to hear that your son is willing to return on your terms! I hope it all works out!
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member


    Uh, I mean smiley-happy080.gif Go Sarah!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member


    Uh, I mean smiley-happy080.gif Go Sarah!

    Lori, I couldn't wait to tell YOU personally....I remember the discussion last Easter.

    And my kids now roast their Peeps because of you and Beans.
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member


    Uh, I mean smiley-happy080.gif Go Sarah!

    Lori, I couldn't wait to tell YOU personally....I remember the discussion last Easter.

    And my kids now roast their Peeps because of you and Beans.

    Before I even read your post, I saw the picture and thought "Mmm, Peeps!" :laugh:

    Heating Peeps up is morbid but oh so delicious. :bigsmile:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member


    Uh, I mean smiley-happy080.gif Go Sarah!

    Lori, I couldn't wait to tell YOU personally....I remember the discussion last Easter.

    And my kids now roast their Peeps because of you and Beans.

    Before I even read your post, I saw the picture and thought "Mmm, Peeps!" :laugh:

    Heating Peeps up is morbid but oh so delicious. :bigsmile:

    Sarah tasted them fresh off the line today. It was wild.
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Marla - awesome news for both your son and daughter.

    BTW - if you have too many PEEPS hanging around, I'd be happy to take them off your hands.

    Biggest PEEPS fan ever!!!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Marla- awesome news! I really hope it all works out well, both with daughter and son.

    Tanya- your poor little son! I hope he heals fast. A broken nose can't be fun.

    Andrew- check in every day? Puhlease! Easy peasy. Like I don't. :wink:

    Digging done. Next step- concrete slab. I will assist on that one. Hubs hates digging, he managed to get out of all of it.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Thank you, all, my friends for your kindness-- it's been a good day. Just had a great 3.4 mile run. Hubs bought me some new foot pads, so it helped my piggies a bit more. Beautiful night. I think I worked off my chocolate covered Peeps. :wink:

    Aaron's missing, but here's the fam after the freebie bag was opened upon Sarah's return-- just before dinner. Whaddyagonnado?


    Happy mommy today-- heading to type.

  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :laugh: 159.4 this morning ...........big family weekend here. All the grandchildren.....two wonderful sons and their wives. Lots of down home cooking:smile: I will watch those portions and do the right thing! It is supposed to get up above freezing so a great weekend to play outside. :flowerforyou: Have a good one Black team Richie
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Hey guys-- thanks, Andrew! To give you a head's up, my weight this morning, even though I'm not sending it in, is 169.5. I'm up and down a couple here and there. Not bad. My last reported weight is 168, so it's all good.

    Big day here in the Brown house. My son has come home. We worked out terms of his return, and fingers crossed that he can keep his end of the bargain, keep his nose clean, remain respectful while here and work hard to save money for college.

    Biggest news..... I can tell you after all....... The sponsor that Sarah and hubs met with today is "Just Born, Inc." in Bethlehem, PA.

    They are an international candy manufacturer, best known for.......get ready my friends..........




    Last year, during the Lehigh Valley Amateur, a big, local golf event, Sarah was popping Mike and Ike's in her mouth like crazy. A sportscaster from Fox1470 radio, who loves her, saw it and the idea popped into his head to approach the company about a potential sponsorship when Sarah turned pro.

    So, this man indeed arranged the meeting. Sarah and her dad, and the sports guy, met with the bigwigs of Just Born, and got a 2 hour personally guided tour of the candy factory. They saw the Halloween Peeps being made today on the assembly line. They had to wear white lab coats, hair nets, even beard nets for my husband.

    DH said they had a huge screen TV on the wall with a PowerPoint slide show/marquee thingamajig, with photos of Sarah in competition since she was age 5. (don't ask me where they got them-- they must have done some research on the 'net) and a big welcome, to "Sarah Brown, future golfing legend, and her father-- blah, blah, blah."

    It was thrilling. She came home with a HUGE bag of candy......Peeps, Mike and Ike's, Hot Tamales, Peanut Chews...oh my gosh. The kids are pigs in poop. ( FYI-- the new "chocolate covered Peeps...." TO. DIE. FOR. Just sayin''. )

    Nothing discussed financially. However, she has been guaranteed Mike and Ike's for life.....ha.

    Initial meeting done, we wait for word of any financial sponsorship.

    Fearful of being hopeful, but could it be that the tides may be turning for my family? Two good things happened today-- that's the most that's happened to our family in 5 years....seriously. Very thankful tonight.

    Later....must run....send love to all.

    Marla - How Awesome! Congrats to Sarah. I'm sooo jealous to have unlimited supply of PEEPS!!!!! I hate I mean LOVE the season when I see those yellow peeps I buy them...leave them out to get that nice stale taste then..hhhhhmmmmmmm good! Glad to hear your son is home too.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member


    Uh, I mean smiley-happy080.gif Go Sarah!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: HILARIOUS, Lori! I was thinking the same thing! The distribution center where my husband works got in trucks & trucks of peeps a couple weeks ago in prep for Easter & they all came to Doug's department. He hates Peeps even more than before. I, however, asked if he could bring some home. :laugh:

    SOOOOOO exciting, Marla! What great news on both fronts. *hugs* I hope financial sponsorship comes through for her. This could be it!!!! :heart:
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    hey black team! this is a challenge i think i can actually stick to! :wink: there's been a lot of stuff going on around here lately. last week aiden had a bad ear infection so took him to the doctor's, and got prescribed antibiotics. after 4 days of taking them, he wakes up with a head to toe blotchy, super itchy rash. so that was another day of school missed, another trip to the doctor, and another antibiotic on the list that he's allergic to. ugh. so far he's only allergic to 2, but the doc says if it happens again, he'll have to see an allergist. the rash wasn't even as bad as all the scratches he gave himself. his back looked like he was attacked by a tiger! poor baby, he's feeling fine now, but we stopped the antibiotics, so hopefully the infection doesn't come back. we're finally winding down from inventory month which is an awesome thing! dh has been away lately more than he's been home. last week was the last for inventory, but this week he's had to be in all the furthest stores, so doesn't get home till the kids are ready for bed. hopefully it slows down a little next week, and today he's working in his home store, 2 miles from the house, so i can definitely deal with that. i'm super excited, too cause tonight we are going out for dinner a movie! woohoo!!!:love: i love my kids, but mommy needs some daddy time! have a great day everyone! i'll check back in tomorrow (and of course be stalking till then :wink:)
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Thanks Andrew!

    Wow Marla...that is amazing news!! What a wonderful day, Im so thrilled for you and your family:flowerforyou: I hope all goes well with your sons' return:heart:

    Tanya & Kati-- Hope the little ones are on the mend:heart:

    Lori-- So glad the digging is done:smile:

    Have a beautiful Friday my friends!:flowerforyou:
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,068 Member
    Marla - that is amazing news, and your family looks beautiful in the picture you posted. I will have to plead ignorance - I have no idea what peeps are ( they look like cuddlely bunnies, but assume not as your all talking about eating them LOL)?

    Lori - good luck with the concrete

    Beth and Andrew - I hope that you have a nice time at the movies tonight

    Kati - hope that your little one gets better soon. Little Chris is allergic to penecillin and I am allergic to 2 anti-biotics so it makes for fun when we get really ill!

    Roni and Lori - thank you for your thoughts for little John. His little face is swollen and colouring up nicely, but it only seemsto be efecting one side of his face, so hopefully he hasn't broken it as badly as feared!

    To everyone else morning (or afternoon from the UK), have managed to walk to 2 hours and enjoy a coffee and cake with a friend, and now that Chris has gone to sleep I am going to go out on the bike.