Black Team Week 9!!!!



  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good morning all...Off to type some before hubby and I go to lunch. Still hanging in there, no weight lost. I am really trying to limit my tea and drink more water or Crystal Light but it is so hard for me. I will try harder. I had a wonderful day yesterday with food and exercise and then I sat down to watch CSI and The Mentalist. I ate almost a whole tin of Lays Stax by myself. I think there are 7 left. Uugghh! I was so disgusted (and a little sick). Needless to say, no weight loss today either. I kinda just spun my wheels the whole month of February so it is time to get moving. My oldest plays in a soccer tournament this weekend and youngest has bowling and then straight to the Pinewood Derby. Busy, busy, busy.

    Andrew & Beth...Thanks for the chart. Hope everyone is well soon.

    Marla...How exciting! Good luck!

    Tanya & Kati...Hope everyone is well soon.

    Lori...Lots of hard work but it is looking good. It will be worth it.

    Hello to anyone I missed. Hope you all have a great weekend.
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Marla - that is amazing news, and your family looks beautiful in the picture you posted. I will have to plead ignorance - I have no idea what peeps are ( they look like cuddlely bunnies, but assume not as your all talking about eating them LOL)?

    They are marshmallow fabulous-ness with crunchy sugar-y crystal stuff on them. (That's the technical term. :laugh: ) They are the best when you leave them out unwrapped and they get stale and all kinds of crunchy. :love:
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    P.S. Is it bad that for the past 2 days I've checked in on here but only to talk about the awesomeness of Peeps? :blushing: :laugh:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    P.S. Is it bad that for the past 2 days I've checked in on here but only to talk about the awesomeness of Peeps? :blushing: :laugh:

    Personally, I see nothing wrong with it. :laugh:
  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
    Happy Friday Team,

    Thanks Andrew for the chart.

    Beth- Hope all is well I can relate having 2 sick little ones home with me now.

    Shuntae- Love the hair, too cute!

    Hubby and I were supposed to go off for the weekend (my Valentine's gift) but we had to reschedule for next week, because the little ones are sick. So, I'm going to try to work hard this week to play hard next week.:bigsmile:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member


    Uh, I mean smiley-happy080.gif Go Sarah!

    Mmm.........AMA recommends you eat a variety of colors

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I am maintaining my weight, but KNOW it is more about the health of exericse. Started out taking a break due to pain, then got extremely sick, then had the procedure and couldnt exercise.

    So now it is like day one.......I HAVE to get back to exercise 4x week.........period-no excuses.

    Any suggestions?

    I have a 50th bday party on 3/19
    friends in Daytona 3/26
    and then my NOT 50th on 5/5 (49 lol)

    So I am thinking of goals to acheive by these dates. The first has to be to get back on a exercise schedule!
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Marla...Wow Amazing news on both the daughter and the son. God does answer our prayers, maybe not when or exactly how we want, but He does.

    Lori...I am so happy for you that the digging is done. Wear gloves around the wet concrete, the lime will mess with your skin.

    Mr and Mrs Batman...Enjoy !

    Kati...I hope you son is feeling better soon.

    Tammy...March will be better.

    Tanya...All we can do is hug them and let them know we are there. Hope his poor little nose is back to normal fast. I'm sure we can send some peeps you way. PM me your address and they are yours.

    Lori...Hehe on the posting only about the peeps.

    Jeannie....ROFL Variety of colors and shapes !!

    Well allergies are full blown right now. Watery eyes, itchy, watery nose, sneezing...I am definitely going to have to move around today or the meds will have me asleep.

    Have a good one !!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Maintaining is not a bad thing Miss Jeannie. You've done Day 1 before, you can do it again. Plus, you are how many pounds lighter, so it's not really day 1. You will be shocked at how fast you bounce back. You are right, getting back to exercise is #1 priority. The number on the scale should not be part of your goal. Set a goal for miles walked or times to the gym or calories burned. You can do it girl. I will be anxiously awaiting to hear your goals.

    Tanya- for real, you don't know what Peeps are? You mean they are not a world wide thing? So if I move to another country the candy will not be the same? :noway:

    Just to let my team know, I have been hovering weight wise, about a pound over my ok weight range. Oddly I haven't been stressing over that fact. I've been eating decent, working like a dog, but not tracking my food, which is more than likely my problem. I'm still hanging on to a little of what I found last weekend when I did (aka: ate) what I wanted, but not all of it, so that's good.

    I've been thinking for weeks that I need to re-establish my goals and exercise routines. Guess I should take my advice to Jeannie and do it for myself.

    Alright, gonna do some cleaning before I head outside to do any work. It's hard to keep up with the inside of the house when I am working on other projects.
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    P.S. Is it bad that for the past 2 days I've checked in on here but only to talk about the awesomeness of Peeps? :blushing: :laugh:

    Personally, I see nothing wrong with it. :laugh:

    Seems perfectly normal to me too...

    PEEPS *sigh*
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    Happy Friday! My friend and co-worker is back today after her pancreas transplant. God is great my friends!

    Marla - So happy for you and your family!

    Tanya - Hope Thomas gets feeling well soon. When Emerson was two she had a sledding accident and lost her battle with the picnic table. We're pretty sure she broke her nose. Poor baby was battered and bruised for weeks.

    Gotta post and run friends!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Kati-- a pancreas transplant?? Was it for diabetes?

    Hey everyone-- just checking in. Did our bi-weekly mega grocery shopping excursion. David (eldest son) went with us. Trying to make sure he knows he is loved, and help him work through his issues.

    Like many teens, I guess, he's rebellious for the sake of rebelling, to get a rise out of us. Kids-- gotta love it. However, Lord willing, he's taken this time seriously. Being kicked out and "excommunicated" for a full three months was very hard to take for him. I hope he has a deeper apprecation for how much he needs and loves his family, and the reverse, and will do more to protect the relationships and clean up his act/life. I'm hopeful, but skeptical-- we'll see. Told my little girls to be thankful that he's home, and enjoy the time, but to always be prepared for him to have to leave again. Parenting is not for cowards they say, yes?

    Having dinner out with the hubs tonight, so heading to run now.

    Have a lovely evening...... you raise me up, people.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good evening everyone I am having a party tonight with friends and family...gonna have a great time,..then off to play with kids tomorrow so will be Mia tomorrow!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hey my friends--

    Didn't run-- too flippin' cold and windy-- when did I become such a weenie? But, I did head downstairs for 40 minutes of aerobics and some free weights before dinner. Had a lovely eggplant parm dinner at a little local place. Very large portions, so I only ate 1/2 of was light and lovely. Fresh, light flavors....wowee. Really yummy.

    Best part, even with generous estimates, it seems I'm still under calories, which pleases me. Either way, my food is done for the day. Heading to type-- coming down the home stretch on some Food Network stuff....too cool. This morning's typing was about hookers, replete with video, for a television show-- blech.


    Later, my friends-- have a great night.
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good morning all!

    Well, I had a blech kind of day yesterday. Got up yesterday morning feeling fine, 2 hours later the tummy was cramping and rolling and giving me fits. Decided it would be a smart move to hold off on the gym, hoping I would feel better as the day went on. Got kids to school, ran a coupe of short had-to-do errands, came home and went to bed. Never did make it to the gym, tummy was to "raw" feeling. I did however manage to eat 1,000 calories OVER yesterday:sick: I just dont get it. How did I manage to lay in bed all day sick and eat 1,000 calories more than I was supposed to? Looking back...Im guessing it was the oreos:ohwell: :laugh:

    So far this morning Im feeling better so Im going to try to get to the gym later this morning.

    Btw...Did anyone go see the new Alice In Wonderland last night? A good friend of mine did and he said it was the best movie he's seen in a very long time!:smile: But then again, he does get into those deranged, acid-trippy kind of movies!:laugh: :laugh: I do have to admit that I love Johnny Depp and Im intrigued enough to want to see it myself:blushing:

    Have a wonderful Saturday Black Team!:flowerforyou:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Good morning all!

    Well, I had a blech kind of day yesterday. Got up yesterday morning feeling fine, 2 hours later the tummy was cramping and rolling and giving me fits. Decided it would be a smart move to hold off on the gym, hoping I would feel better as the day went on. Got kids to school, ran a coupe of short had-to-do errands, came home and went to bed. Never did make it to the gym, tummy was to "raw" feeling. I did however manage to eat 1,000 calories OVER yesterday:sick: I just dont get it. How did I manage to lay in bed all day sick and eat 1,000 calories more than I was supposed to? Looking back...Im guessing it was the oreos:ohwell: :laugh:

    So far this morning Im feeling better so Im going to try to get to the gym later this morning.

    Btw...Did anyone go see the new Alice In Wonderland last night? A good friend of mine did and he said it was the best movie he's seen in a very long time!:smile: But then again, he does get into those deranged, acid-trippy kind of movies!:laugh: :laugh: I do have to admit that I love Johnny Depp and Im intrigued enough to want to see it myself:blushing:

    Have a wonderful Saturday Black Team!:flowerforyou:

    LOL Roni! Yep, Oreo's. That'll do it. Glad you are feeling better today.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Roni - I hope you feel better today! I...LOVE...OREOS! Even more than Peeps! :laugh:

    Kati - Pancreas transplant! Wowzers! That's some kind of surgery!

    Marla - WOOT on all fronts! Under cals, a son that is home, turbojamming. You rock, woman!

    Lori FL - I'm glad you've got the first step of Operation Hot Tub done! Yay!

    Jan - I am jealous! A whole weekend away sans kids! That's worth working your tail off for for the next week! Woohoo!

    Hi & bye to everyone else! :heart:

    I hit 155.0 this goal for April 1. I'm so happy! :bigsmile:
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    I hit 155.0 this goal for April 1. I'm so happy! :bigsmile:

    Wow! Congrats to you!!:drinker: Boy oh boy, 155 seems sooo out of reach for me:ohwell:

    Off to the gym now:blushing:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Beansy- 155. You go girl! You have been kicking a$s since you came back. So proud of ya.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    Hi & bye to everyone else! :heart:

    I hit 155.0 this goal for April 1. I'm so happy! :bigsmile:

    Awesome! Love you hair too Sara :love: