Black Team Week 9!!!!



  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Beautiful sunny Sunday here in Ohio today. I knew the sun was up there somewhere waiting to come out. Took a lovely 3 mile walk and it felt so good. Going back out to enjoy the sun, hope you all have a great day .

    Our favorite canine, Blizzard talked us into a walk. Two miles later all three of us called it a day. 5 miles today..good good. Now its bed time.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    well, good news, bad news...... Bad news is that I wanted all day to run, it was gorgeous. And I planned all morning and afternoon that as soon as my brother-in-law left with my mother-in-law for their scheduled visit that we were absolutely dreading, that I'd be able to run.

    Good news, the visit was lovely. All parties played nice for 82 year old mother-in-law, in failing health, who was a pig in poop to have her family together, and they stayed all freakin' day.

    Now I have a marathon typing session ahead of me, but my heart is full. (not to mention my belly from that last stupid doughnut I shouldn't have had....dammit)

    How many more glad tidings can I handle this week, Lord? Sheesh-- ha.

    Full of praise and joy for an incredible four days.

    Fingers crossed for a run tomorrow. And I can't wait for daylight savings!!!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    well, good news, bad news...... Bad news is that I wanted all day to run, it was gorgeous. And I planned all morning and afternoon that as soon as my brother-in-law left with my mother-in-law for their scheduled visit that we were absolutely dreading, that I'd be able to run.

    Good news, the visit was lovely. All parties played nice for 82 year old mother-in-law, in failing health, who was a pig in poop to have her family together, and they stayed all freakin' day.

    Now I have a marathon typing session ahead of me, but my heart is full. (not to mention my belly from that last stupid doughnut I shouldn't have had....dammit)

    How many more glad tidings can I handle this week, Lord? Sheesh-- ha.

    Full of praise and joy for an incredible four days.

    Fingers crossed for a run tomorrow. And I can't wait for daylight savings!!!

    Marla, I can't even begin to say how happy it makes me to read your posts these past few days. You deserve some goodness my friend. It makes my heart warm to hear how happy you are and how things are looking up for you. Let the good times keep rolling in the Brown household.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    well, good news, bad news...... Bad news is that I wanted all day to run, it was gorgeous. And I planned all morning and afternoon that as soon as my brother-in-law left with my mother-in-law for their scheduled visit that we were absolutely dreading, that I'd be able to run.

    Good news, the visit was lovely. All parties played nice for 82 year old mother-in-law, in failing health, who was a pig in poop to have her family together, and they stayed all freakin' day.

    Now I have a marathon typing session ahead of me, but my heart is full. (not to mention my belly from that last stupid doughnut I shouldn't have had....dammit)

    How many more glad tidings can I handle this week, Lord? Sheesh-- ha.

    Full of praise and joy for an incredible four days.

    Fingers crossed for a run tomorrow. And I can't wait for daylight savings!!!

    Marla, I can't even begin to say how happy it makes me to read your posts these past few days. You deserve some goodness my friend. It makes my heart warm to hear how happy you are and how things are looking up for you. Let the good times keep rolling in the Brown household.

    Thank you, my friend-- who knows what tomorrow shall bring, but wow, what a nice breather these past 4 days have been. Rejuvenated my soul.
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,068 Member
    Morning from a sunny but chilly england.

    Going to do as much walking today as possible, and am aiming at restating the 30 day shred - had to stop as bruised the palm of my hand quite badly and couldn't put any pressure on it - so I am going to wear the gloves I brought for when I use the rowing machine and see if they help???

    It is really nice to read everyones posts, and to feel part of a larger 'virtual' family.

    Hope that everyone has had a brillient weekend, the calories haven't really mattered this weekend for me - I have still exercised and tried to make good choices but have still had a great birthday weekend, and to top it all I didn't feel the need to get on the scales once - I will leave that until wednesday :laugh:. Will pop back later, need to get 4 ready for a walk to school :huh:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    I think I can I think I can I think I all I am saying this morning...

    Just ate my french toast drinking my coffee and heading out...Really didnt want to get up this morning but since I did I am almost out the door, I will check back in when I get off work tonight....then off tomorrow!!!
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good morning!

    I hope everyone had a beautiful weekend! My "nice day" yesterday turned out to be rain all day:ohwell: It was not bad temperature wise, but no letting up on the rain the entire day. So much for my plans to take a nice walk in the park:grumble: I ended up in a stuffy gym sweating on the elliptical:laugh:

    Well, have a great Monday Team!!:flowerforyou:
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    good morning! yesterday was a beautiful day in maine, it must've gotten up to the mid 50's. took the kids outside to play at 11, brought out a picnic lunch, lounged on the grass and watched them play until about 2:30. we need more days like that. i cannot WAIT till spring!! today's the big news day, i'm probably gonna be freaking all day, worrying about every little thing. i'm sure i'll cringe when i see myself on that big screen (i hope they didn't film us in HD lol) i'll try to get it posted on here later if i can, if i can't i'll definitely post the link. have a great monday everyone!!:heart:
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Morning all...Off to work. Will try to catch up later. Had a good weekend, beautiful in SC. See y'all later.
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Lori-ok..........was that for shock value or did you REALLY eat a McFlurry AND take down Christmas lights in March>>> :noway: :laugh:

    Yesterday I was 23 weeks pregnant and I've gained exactly 20 pounds since I found out I was pregnant. "They" recommend 25-35 pounds so as long as I don't gain more than 15 pounds in the next 17-ish weeks, I'll be good.

    I didn't check in yesterday because we drove 4 hours to Virginia for our niece's 4th b-day party. We left here around 7am and got home around 8pm. That's a lot of time in the car in one day. Luckily Harley was a real trooper.

    I just got caught up on reading the last 2 pages here and now I need to go get ready. But I just wanted to make sure to check in today. Laters! :flowerforyou:
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Good Monday afternoon BT ! Getting ready to go outside and enjoy the weather. Hmmm time to start C25K. With my luck I'll make it snow again. Oh well here goes nothing but fat.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Checking in because I have failed miserably so far on the challenge. And, while I was out...I let stress, nerves and laziness get the better of me to the tune of a 5 pound weight gain. Yummy food, but too many bad choices. Should have done better, but it's the past and I'm moving on. At least I kept in at least 19 miles for the week, so I am happy about that. Hope you're all well. Love to all. :heart:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Checking in!

    Got up and out the door by 5:50 am burned 1000 calories at my spin class and happy about that cause M is sick and I can't take them to the kids room tonight. Not giving my wait because weigh in was yesterday and I was up 6 pounds. I'm fitting better in my size 12 jeans though so I am ok with it for now. I better start losing again though or I might go crazy. :blushing:
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    not sure what kind of damage I did this week end but I am hoping by weigh in I will have undone the cake and icecream, I am going walking today.
  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
    Hi everbody,

    I have not had a chance to read everybodies post, but I hope all is well. Just checking in. I'm not doing to great had a horrible weekend, 2 kids sick and had to take hubby to ER. He's alive, praise!!! So anyway I have to keep reminding myself it's OK to take things slowly.

    I hope you all had a better weekend then me and thank goodness for the weather...spring is in the air!
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    Jan - I hope your DH is okay.

    Marla - I'm so happy things are going well for you right now. Soak it up friend! You and your family deserve it!

    Lori B - Our yard decorations are down, but we still have Christmas lights up on the house and roof. They won't come down for another month probably.

    Lori L - Can't wait to see the finished project!

    Andrew and Beth - I'm so excited to see your clip. I hope they get a link soon.

    Tamara, Tanya, Tammy, Roni, Bobbi, Janie, Richie, Shuntae, Sam, Sara, Sara, Amanda and everyone else who I've forgotten to mention by name.....HELLLLLOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Checking in! Hi All! Another beautiful day here....and I'm stuck inside at work:grumble: :grumble:
    Looking forward to day light we can enjoy the day when we are done working inside!

    Hey Marla- How does the Pro-sponsor thing work with tournaments? I was talking about you, my virtual friend, to my brother. He was telling me that they are back with their tournament....the Shop Rite Classic LPGA in June. He's in upper management with ShopRite and gets to play in the practice rounds with the pros. Will Sarah be in that? He said the timing stinks because it is scheduled the same time as the US Open for the men, so coverage will be taken away.

    Great day to all!

    Can't wait to see the news clip!!
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    not sure what kind of damage I did this week end but I am hoping by weigh in I will have undone the cake and icecream, I am going walking today.

    Richie - I love the picture! too cute
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Checking in! Hi All! Another beautiful day here....and I'm stuck inside at work:grumble: :grumble:
    Looking forward to day light we can enjoy the day when we are done working inside!

    Hey Marla- How does the Pro-sponsor thing work with tournaments? I was talking about you, my virtual friend, to my brother. He was telling me that they are back with their tournament....the Shop Rite Classic LPGA in June. He's in upper management with ShopRite and gets to play in the practice rounds with the pros. Will Sarah be in that? He said the timing stinks because it is scheduled the same time as the US Open for the men, so coverage will be taken away.

    Great day to all!

    Can't wait to see the news clip!!

    Donna-- she'd have to hope for a sponsor's exemption into that if your hubs has any pull, tell 'em to P-U-L-L!!

    Corporate sponsorships, as far as I know, helps to pay for upcoming events. They give us mula, we enter into events, et cetera, and in return they get to use her likeness, she wears their logo, blah, blah, blah-- at least that's my understanding. She is fully exempt on the LPGA's developmental tour, the "Duramed Future's Tour," and can enter and play into any event she wishes. She can also enter and play as a professional in any USGA events this year....U.S. Women's Open.

    But, she has to hope for an invitation and/or sponsor's exemption into any other events. Where is the Shop-Rite this year? Sarah tried to qualify two years in a row, and missed by a shot or two both times.

    As far as coverage...oh my ....timing couldn't be worse this year...yipes.

    Fingers crossed!

    Richie.... Adorable baby!

    Shuntae-- nice to catch the gain at 5 pounds, not 50-- take the positive and press on.

    Beth-- can't wait to check the website tonight-- I already have it bookmarked.

    Andrew-- hugs my ironman friend.

    Need to scoot-- trying to get my house in order from all the furniture moving and clutter associated with getting my son his "own personal space." Clutter and I don't get along.

  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    The video is online!!!!! it came out nice, although i look a little orange, i guess i should've worn less makeup lol