Lost the weight, but get criticized for what I eat.



  • BigBigBertha
    BigBigBertha Posts: 208 Member
    I know how you feel, there's nothing worse than people commenting on what you eat!

    I get it both ways, I got critisized recently for having a McDonald's Happy Meal, not a splurge I just really fancied it and fitted it into my calorie goal, and I get rolled eyes from other friends when I go for the 'light' choice in a restaurant. It's annoying but I just try and ignore it, some people just don't understand balance and sustainability.
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    Even my fiance is guilty of this and he tries really hard to be supportive. I've had to tell him "If I'm eating it, it's in my calorie limit OR it's not and I'm eating it because I'm having an off day. I don't want to be told I'm having an off day. I know I am. I know I'll get fat. I'm already hating myself and ANY little mention from you will send me into a tailspin. Love me, hug me and then take me on a walk. DO NOT say anything.

    Luckily, I was about to convince my "advice givers" to lay off by saying "Oh my gosh I'm so excited about X food. I haven't had it in a long time and I've been saving up calories all week so I can have it as a treat to myself AND still be in my diet!"

    Suddenly, everybody is patting me on the back and treating me like a hero because "I worked so hard".

    However, all that aside it's none of their buissness and if you're up for some putting people in their place I find the following work.

    1. "It's not a single item that will make people gain weight but a lifestyle. Luckily, the healthy active life style I lead allows me to eat things that aren't included in starvation and fad diets. After all, how can I make a lifestyle change if I never get to do things I enjoy?"

    2. "Oh my gosh I'm so excited about X food. I haven't had it in a long time and I've been saving up calories all week so I can have it as a treat to myself AND still be in my diet!"

    Burn that bridge with gasoline
    1. "Is that your medical advice? I didn't realize you were an MD with a specialty in nutrition!"

    2. "Wow! I never knew cake could be fattening. Maybe it's good then that this is the first piece I've had in 6 months."

    3. "I know the problems in your life are really tough to solve and mine must be much easier, but I really think you really deserve to spend a little more time on YOUR faults after helping SOOOO many people."

    4. "You know, you're right. My experience with gaining weight is so far behind me that I almost forgot! I'm glad you're still living that experience every day!"

    5. "I couldn't hear you over the sound of my 6 pack."
  • RVfrog
    RVfrog Posts: 213 Member
    one word......jealous......that says it all.
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    I think its a whooooole lot of jealousy!
  • buildingdreams
    buildingdreams Posts: 173 Member
    jealosy is correct. It a sad shame that people always have to bring people down. I have a co worker who does the oppisite. SHe spend humdreds on HCG drops. Lost 50 lbs in 3 months eating 500 calories and I have lost 25lb and she has yet to congratulate me or even take notice. BTW, her weight is slowly going up altho ugh shewil only tell you she gained 2lbs during the holidays, What do you say to someone like this who is always looking for her pat on the back!!
  • JustLindaLou
    JustLindaLou Posts: 376 Member
    Just tell them it's OK, then lean in, and say in a hushed whisper, "it goes straight into my colostomy bag"

    bwahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! I want to succeed on my journey JUST so I can use this line in the future!!!!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Tell them "it's okay, I can fix fat, but you can't fix ugly!"
  • kfrickle
    kfrickle Posts: 2 Member
    people who haven't lost a lot of weight don't really understand. they could be/probably are jealous of your success and are passive aggressively criticizing you. I had friends chastise me for not eating pizza after 10 p.m. funny how they were all overweight and/or alcoholics. try not to let it get to you and realize it's their issue with food that makes them comment on your habits. you're doing great! nice work :)
  • Butterfiemorning
    Butterfiemorning Posts: 7 Member
    I have bookmarked this page because it has helped me in what I will say to people when they start pulling me down....My lowest weight has been 118 lbs....and then they seem to start in..I was dressed really spiffy in some overalls and shirt with tennies and all they could say was how thin my face was looking.."When you lose to much weight it makes you look old"...they would say...so I went back to eating up to 130 lbs again. This time armed with your pages of posts I can move on down with my goal weight of 110..maybe even 100 eventually. THANKS FOR THESE POSTS!!!
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member

    I have people at work who will stop at my desk........overlook the food/snacks sitting on it and ask "you gonna eat ALL that?"......or "should you be eating that...arent you diabetic"...then there's the "I thought you couldnt eat _____ and lost weight?"

    "ALL that" consisted of an apple or two, maybe a couple "cuties"...a hard boiled egg....cheese sticks....some kinda nuts......and sometimes a sugar free chocolate.

    My favorite is when they positively INSIST that I HAVE TO HAVE something someone brought on treat day ...usually something sweet or loaded with carbs.........both of which I limit pretty extensively if I can ('cept for the fruit)

  • hmuh
    hmuh Posts: 379 Member
    Tell them to "Watch and learn!"
    Ha! Love this
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    Thanks all for your funny and insightful comments. I could relate to so many of your stories. I also had people criticize me when I was sticking to a strict meal plan for not having a little cake now and then so now being told I shouldn't be having cake is kind of funny. But I think maybe perhaps I was also a little hyper-sensitive to the comments. I'm hardest on myself and I know this week I have not been as good as I should have been.

    When I first started this whole weight loss journey, I thought that once I'd lost the weight then that would sort of be that, but I'm now realising that this journey never ends. I knew that I'd have to watch my nutrition even after reaching my goal weight so as not to gain it back, but now I'm seeing that now others use me as an example. I will forever be "the fat chick that got thin" and people will be watching me to make sure I don't gain it back as is sadly so typical.

    I've actually had a lot of people ask me what I did to lose the weight. When I started on MFP, no one I knew had heard of it and now almost everyone at my office and a lot of my friends and their family are using the app. I'm choosing to focus on the positive I'm bringing and it feels great to inspire others who need to get into shape, but thought, like me, that they would never be able to do it because they weren't disciplined enough.

    I'm hoping for the best for all of you and hope that we all get a healthy body and mind.
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    Most people that comment on my food choices are overweight.
    Most of these people have complained about their weight to me at one point or another.
    I just point out the obvious....
    "Didn't you just whine to me about your weight, and want to get in shape? Yes you did......why are you talking crap to me then?"
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Even my fiance is guilty of this and he tries really hard to be supportive. I've had to tell him "If I'm eating it, it's in my calorie limit OR it's not and I'm eating it because I'm having an off day. I don't want to be told I'm having an off day. I know I am. I know I'll get fat. I'm already hating myself and ANY little mention from you will send me into a tailspin. Love me, hug me and then take me on a walk. DO NOT say anything.

    Luckily, I was about to convince my "advice givers" to lay off by saying "Oh my gosh I'm so excited about X food. I haven't had it in a long time and I've been saving up calories all week so I can have it as a treat to myself AND still be in my diet!"

    Suddenly, everybody is patting me on the back and treating me like a hero because "I worked so hard".

    However, all that aside it's none of their buissness and if you're up for some putting people in their place I find the following work.

    1. "It's not a single item that will make people gain weight but a lifestyle. Luckily, the healthy active life style I lead allows me to eat things that aren't included in starvation and fad diets. After all, how can I make a lifestyle change if I never get to do things I enjoy?"

    2. "Oh my gosh I'm so excited about X food. I haven't had it in a long time and I've been saving up calories all week so I can have it as a treat to myself AND still be in my diet!"

    Burn that bridge with gasoline
    1. "Is that your medical advice? I didn't realize you were an MD with a specialty in nutrition!"

    2. "Wow! I never knew cake could be fattening. Maybe it's good then that this is the first piece I've had in 6 months."

    3. "I know the problems in your life are really tough to solve and mine must be much easier, but I really think you really deserve to spend a little more time on YOUR faults after helping SOOOO many people."

    4. "You know, you're right. My experience with gaining weight is so far behind me that I almost forgot! I'm glad you're still living that experience every day!"

    5. "I couldn't hear you over the sound of my 6 pack."

    That is so awesome!
  • sweetsarahv
    sweetsarahv Posts: 180 Member
    This is YOUR journey. Sadly, people don't always like seeing others succeed. Ignore them if you can. Enjoy the cake days of your life and be so proud of what you have done!!!!
  • irjeffb
    irjeffb Posts: 274 Member
    As some others have said, it's jealousy. Be proud and do what you know is right!
  • amandapye78
    amandapye78 Posts: 820 Member
    oh yeah I get that too from my mom and sister. I was always really skinny and then a combination of things led me to gain a lot of weight very quickly and I thought i would never hear the end of that. Now that I've lost a lot of weight they say things like "oh you'll gain it right back" or theres no way you can keep up that lifestyle".. My mother in law even said " your prettier fat" OMG>. They are all obese. My husband is bad in the opposite way with "oh one piece of cake wont hurt you" or "dont you want some yummy cheescake", He is also overweight. UGH